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A 'virgin'


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I have no "bottom draw" attitude, if you are referring to me. I just tend not to believe the numerous B.S. stories woven together, by the local lovelies, such as the OP has so extensively described. The truth usually bubbles to the surface eventually, if one is astute enough to recognize it.

Didn't you catch one girl hiding a guy under her bed?

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It's amazing what some guys will do at the thought of getting some long term hot totty.

Idiots never listen to advice or use common sense, they only learn by experience.

Actually, idiots don't usually learn by experience - that is part of what makes them idiots (look at the OP's continual ridiculous posts).

Probably a troll, but an interesting topic nonetheless.

The OP talks about women as interchangeable objects - I did not see any place where he said he actually liked this one (out of the other 'candidates').

You want lots of sex without emotion? Go play with bar-girls. Pay them. Don't abuse them. Don't give them a dose (and don't get one yourself). Maybe not the most romantic situation - but honest, and given that the OP only seems interested in a personal sex toy, and has no sense of romance at all, then that should be his route (IF it weren't illegal!!! lol ).

OK - I have changed my mind in the middle of my posting this!

Marry a lying woman who has taken you for a financial ride, and does not even want to sleep with you? Really?

Good idea! Do it. You deserve it

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Agree that C section scars run vertical.


They haven't been vertical for over 200 years in the west and any hospital here will do the same. Heck, I have never seen or heard or vertical cuts still being used. It's much worse for heeling and after-birth complications of the wound.

Ps. My wife had a normal, horisontal, one with our son. Ds.

C-section scars are usually horizontal.

Vertical scars (in Thailand) may be from illegal abortions done by quacks.

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Here in Bangkok, most of the hospitals perform these hymen-restoration surgery for women from different nationalities and for different reasons (even for western married women) ,it is a growing trend now. see this link:

Like a virgin...........Times Online

Many (working) young gals here do that (repair) frequently to raise their (opening) selling price to a falang (who might conisder it as a unique exciting topic for few falang-men to brag about).

The operation now is far more easy and the hymen tissue can be replaced with (artificial) tissue which looks like skin.

This operation costs in an international Hospital 300$ only , and it is 5k bhat only to the local (gals) :o ,so it is not a very expensive price and not even a burden for the aim of scamming a wealthy (......) man :D .

you can meet many virgin (mothers) here if you have declared your personal preference in this issue. :D

But to the OP :D ,feel happy to catch her lies in an early stage :D ; Lucky you :D ! some people got fooled and cheated till the point of no return , they would be caught in unbreakable circles and web of lies, that even make them stay and help those damned liars by denying their own suspicious and common senses,technically they help their abusers to abuse them more and consume their emotions and dignity ,this is a common mental-problem called Stockholm Syndrome (love-type), most of the abused spouses who suffer from living with liars (lovers) had been diagnosed with it in modern psychological research .

In return, those liars will go to extremes by showing more (love) and making up tragic or (child-abuse) history to domain the guilty-feelings in their own spouses if they would consider breaking up with them, while,at the same time they keep abusing them.All these practices are aiming to hide their lies each time a truth got (uncovered) .

zaza - your last paragraph here explains to me exactly how i now can understand some people i know. the nice guy doesn't win anymore , no need to be nasty, just keep your confidence. Regards

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Here in Bangkok, most of the hospitals perform these hymen-restoration surgery for women from different nationalities and for different reasons (even for western married women) ,it is a growing trend now. see this link:

Like a virgin...........Times Online

Many (working) young gals here do that (repair) frequently to raise their (opening) selling price to a falang (who might conisder it as a unique exciting topic for few falang-men to brag about).

The operation now is far more easy and the hymen tissue can be replaced with (artificial) tissue which looks like skin.

This operation costs in an international Hospital 300$ only , and it is 5k bhat only to the local (gals) :o ,so it is not a very expensive price and not even a burden for the aim of scamming a wealthy (......) man :D .

you can meet many virgin (mothers) here if you have declared your personal preference in this issue. :D

But to the OP :D ,feel happy to catch her lies in an early stage :D ; Lucky you :D ! some people got fooled and cheated till the point of no return , they would be caught in unbreakable circles and web of lies, that even make them stay and help those damned liars by denying their own suspicious and common senses,technically they help their abusers to abuse them more and consume their emotions and dignity ,this is a common mental-problem called Stockholm Syndrome (love-type), most of the abused spouses who suffer from living with liars (lovers) had been diagnosed with it in modern psychological research .

In return, those liars will go to extremes by showing more (love) and making up tragic or (child-abuse) history to domain the guilty-feelings in their own spouses if they would consider breaking up with them, while,at the same time they keep abusing them.All these practices are aiming to hide their lies each time a truth got (uncovered) .

zaza - your last paragraph here explains to me exactly how i now can understand some people i know. the nice guy doesn't win anymore , no need to be nasty, just keep your confidence. Regards

zaza Good read artical, is this you and your counselling resourses??? I learnt alot from the read.


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Just a tip to the O/P,

Next time you meet a fine inexperienced virgin who is happy to leap into your bed at the drop of a hat you might like to go look in the mirror and be honest with yourself and ask yourself these questions:

1. Have I have become so attractive to the ladies of late that attractive virgins cannot resist throwing hemselves at me.

2. Did my good looks and charm result in ladies throwing themseves at me from the age of 16 me in my previous life in the west?

3. Is it reasonable for a woman to save herself for so many years and then leap into bed with a guy she hardly knows?

4. Is this the behaviour of a "good girl"?

5. Did dishing out printed cards with my details result in you having to beat off the ladies in the west with a stick?

If you have answered yes to anyone of these questions ask yourself one final question " why are you kidding yourself?

Dont mean to be too harsh but if you offer yourself as bait you are going to attract the sharks, you have been very lucky so far, learn from it quickly or get back to familiar surroundings for a while.


Or perhaps your having us on? You wouldnt be Bill Clinton by any chance?

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My gf gets rather conniving whenever she hangs around her friends the same way yours seems to get around family. One friend in particular seems to have a big influence on her actions. I haven't caught her in a lie yet which is usually very easy for me to see. I'm starting to understand why thai men often have mia.

I think the op should take this as a learning experience. In thailand the majority of women that go with farangs are liars. One I talk to occasionally on msn for example says she is a university student. When I ask what she is taking she says she is learning to become a tour guide. I let her hold that delusion because she is otherwise a nice person to talk to and I might use her pleasure eventually. Thats really what you'll get from the majority of women in thailand. I wouldn't expect to find a soulmate rather a trade of companionship for some sort of security.

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My gf gets rather conniving whenever she hangs around her friends the same way yours seems to get around family. One friend in particular seems to have a big influence on her actions. I haven't caught her in a lie yet which is usually very easy for me to see. I'm starting to understand why thai men often have mia.

I think the op should take this as a learning experience. In thailand the majority of women that go with farangs are liars. One I talk to occasionally on msn for example says she is a university student. When I ask what she is taking she says she is learning to become a tour guide. I let her hold that delusion because she is otherwise a nice person to talk to and I might use her pleasure eventually. Thats really what you'll get from the majority of women in thailand. I wouldn't expect to find a soulmate rather a trade of companionship for some sort of security.

Negative stereotyping of Thai women in your first post. Whats number 2 going to be? The majority of Thai men are all feckless drunken wasters?

Welcome to ThaiVisa :o

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