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I'm not too bright when it comes to this kind of thing. I'm in CM and all of a sudden, my home page or even when I type in www.msn.com, I get redirected to www.th.msn.com/default.....

I've tried to reset, and other things, but cannot get the US version of msn. I've changed my home page to yahoo and have no problems there.

Any replies please go in to detail. I've talked to a couple people and they seem to think somehow/someway I'm be redicted by my service provider.

Thanks for any help.


This is a guess but probably when you use a MSN service, such as hotmail, it detects you locale and then sets a cookie so that thereafter, to be 'helpful' it redirects msn.com calls to the localised version. You would need to remove the cookie. What browser are you using?


PS There's an entry in the MSN cookie called culture which is set to th-th, if you remove this cookie then msn.com reverts to US

I'm not too bright when it comes to this kind of thing. I'm in CM and all of a sudden, my home page or even when I type in www.msn.com, I get redirected to www.th.msn.com/default.....

I've tried to reset, and other things, but cannot get the US version of msn. I've changed my home page to yahoo and have no problems there.

Any replies please go in to detail. I've talked to a couple people and they seem to think somehow/someway I'm be redicted by my service provider.

Thanks for any help.

Try this:

Use the link MSN Worldwide and select your country........


I don't use MSN, but just got someone to clear cookies, select US-English from link above and then log into their hotmail account. maybe because her email has Thailand as locale when she exited, despite selecting MSN US {and selecting don't remember me at hotmail login} she was presented with MSN Thailand.

Anyone with a US locale account want to try.



Thanks for replies so far.

Yes, I have gone to MSN Worldwide. Every country I choose works perfectly, except the US.

I also went to internet options and deleted files, cookies,history. But that doesn't work either. Also went in and "reset" everything on windows explorer (my friend help me do this over the phone) and still nothing is working with redirect problem.

Still need help.


Problem may be that the PC's locale is set to Thailand, and this is being picked up. MS has a very bad habit of being helpful, by looking at settings within the OS and reflecting those as 'choices'. At one time if you want to MS update the system would review the locale and present the data in the 'appropriate' language, e.g. Arabic!

If you delete all cookies, history etc. close the browser, reopen, and then go direct to msn.com does it default to Thai? If so then you may want to download Firefox and try with that browser. Does it only happen after you use a MS service {hotmail for example}?


PS It's odd there isn't, as in Yahoo and others, a set my location option. have you tried setting the weather to a US location for example?

PPS Probably the system treats US English as default, and therefore this may account for why it doesn't 'select' from the Worldwide link.



My XP operating system is set to Swiss.

Somehow I could create this "Redirected" INDEX>TXT do not ask me how. Subsequently it made a entry somewhere.

If that is the case, you will always get MSN Thai, even if you type in www.msn.com.

Once you click the "Back to US MSN" button far up on the left as shown in my attachment, then you should be fine.

Edit: I changed the the file to an text version of the original INDEX.PHP. For those who want to get the original, just rename the file to INDEX.PHP from INDEX.TXT




Traveller - I tried everything you mentioned so far except download firefox. Even after deleting everything, I start up and goes right to th.msn.com, but first you see msn.com come up for a second then redirects.

88bv - I understand what you said, but I cannot create what you did, "Thai Redirect...." and get the window that has "Back to US MSN.

I'm still playing around and searching for an answer, but nothing fixes it so far.


One last shot as shown for IE7 (Swiss setting).

In the Internet Explorer go to Extras_Internetoptions.pdf or whatever it is in English.

Just underneath “Browserverlauf” you see 2 buttons “Löschen” and “Einstellungen”.

When you click on “Löschen” you get what is shown here Delete_Cache.pdf on the left side. and could delete each category. When you click on “Einstellungen” and "Dateien anzeigen" however, you will get what is shown in the same attachment on the right hand side.

In case you clicked "Löschen", all the items now shown on that right hand side should no longer appear. Now, for any unknown reason, you may still have that MSN Thai entry there. If that is the case make a right-mouse-click onto that entry and just delete it.

If that does not help, I do not know what else could help……


......and go from time to time to the drive where your operating system is installed and delete within "Documents and Settings" for All User, Default User, Administrator and yourself the garbage of the "Temp" Directories.


Thanks 88bv, but still cannot figure this out. I tried finding that terminology going to the internet options, but it still comes up in English even though I'm on the swiss msn. And in English it doesn't give me those options you list.

A friend told me that probably my service provider was redirecting me, don't know what I can do about that.

Looks like I'll have to change my homepage to yahoo and go to the UK Msn site to get my news stories in English.

Appreciate all your time for your responses.

As I've said, I'm not too knowledgeable about this computer lingo, so will just have to live with this. If by chance I figure it out, I'll post again.

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