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Ok, as a regular poster in the Pub I should put in my thoughts.

For context, I love the geography based games: Whats the City/Place, and occassionally, if feeling a bit witty (?), throw in a line or two on the continuing stories threads.

I can see both sides of the debate. There is certainly a profusion of the word games of late, and they have pretty well taken over the sub forum. They would fit in to the "Fun" category I suppose. I am aware a lot of people use these types of threads to get their post counts up and there will always be a demand for something of this type on TV. But a seperate section?

At the same time, there are very few new threads dealing with "Pub, Entertainment & Expat Life". Part of the reason would be the very strict rules about exactly what can be discussed about night life in LOS. (Perhaps an easing of these rules could liven up the forum :o, but that's another subject again :D ) Or it could be that the place is overwhealmed by the "Fun" games and people don't want to wade through them to get to what interests them. A clearing out could get things moving again.

What about threads that encompass both categories? The classic "What Luscious Liquids..." could be one of those. :D:D

Would the two types of threads survive and thrive if seperated into their own sub-categories? I don't know the best solution for all punters. Perhaps a couple of the more inane word games could be closed down occassionally to tidy things up a bit. (But don't touch the ones I like! :D)

There you go, I've come down firmly on the fence, and unfortunately "fun and Entertainment" might be out for a couple of days. :D

Those picket fences can be painful croc. :D

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Can we banish a certain member beginning with A to her own forum - bad jokes r us


Never know - you might need them when you need to empty out a party quick...

Posts such as the one quoted above are an excellent example of how not to go about soliciting changes and is probably the reason no response from Admin has been forthcoming.

I doubt it, the politely worded OP and thread title were up for a week with no response from admin at all before that more abrupt post was made.

These requests may get a better response if they are accompanied by a sound argument as to why such a change would be beneficial to the Forum.

There have been several posts explaining at length the reasons why it would be beneficial to the forum. In fact, non-one has posted a sound argument for leaving it as it is: the posts in favour of leaving it have mainly been the likes of "orf with ya whinging"; in fact along similar lines to the post which got Reimar's knickers in a twist earlier.

In fact a distinct lack of interest all round.

Not really, there are no other threads on the three pages of the Forum Support desk which have had as many replies as this one - you have to go back as far as February the 17th before you reach another Forum Support desk topic which has generated as much interest as this thread.

I am only suggesting a proper content for the relevant Forum.

Getting back to the OP, this quote from Moss sums it up quite nicely. The main point is, why the pubs and entertainment forum? Why has that become the place to post word game topics? The occasional one or two wouldn't matter, but now there are far more of those types of topics than the ones which actually relate to the forum as its described.

To me, it doesn't make any sense to have these threads in the place that they are. I would be interested if anyone can explain why these topics are relevant to pubs, entertainment, etc. in Thailand.

Posts such as the one quoted above are an excellent example of how not to go about soliciting changes and is probably the reason no response from Admin has been forthcoming.

I doubt it, the politely worded OP and thread title were up for a week with no response from admin at all before that more abrupt post was made.

These requests may get a better response if they are accompanied by a sound argument as to why such a change would be beneficial to the Forum.

There have been several posts explaining at length the reasons why it would be beneficial to the forum. In fact, non-one has posted a sound argument for leaving it as it is: the posts in favour of leaving it have mainly been the likes of "orf with ya whinging"; in fact along similar lines to the post which got Reimar's knickers in a twist earlier.

In fact a distinct lack of interest all round.

Not really, there are no other threads on the three pages of the Forum Support desk which have had as many replies as this one - you have to go back as far as February the 17th before you reach another Forum Support desk topic which has generated as much interest as this thread.

I am only suggesting a proper content for the relevant Forum.

Getting back to the OP, this quote from Moss sums it up quite nicely. The main point is, why the pubs and entertainment forum? Why has that become the place to post word game topics? The occasional one or two wouldn't matter, but now there are far more of those types of topics than the ones which actually relate to the forum as its described.

To me, it doesn't make any sense to have these threads in the place that they are. I would be interested if anyone can explain why these topics are relevant to pubs, entertainment, etc. in Thailand.

Not really, there are no other threads on the three pages of the Forum Support desk which have had as many replies as this one - you have to go back as far as February the 17th before you reach another Forum Support desk topic which has generated as much interest as this thread.


Your quite correct Dan,and all the posts are from 4 members (well 5 if you count "aye" as a post) not exactly a quorum .

The description of this Forum clearly states that is for discussion of music,movies,concerts, ex-pat life, fun and plain old chat. as well as pubs and entertainment. So it would appear that the forum was devised as a home for threads that dont fit elsewhere.

The first page of Pubs,entertainment forum only has 4 threads pertaining to pubs or liquor,out of 29 threads this is not a great argument for a forum dedicated solely to pubs and entertainment.

Most threads of this nature are in the locality forums which is their proper place, the same argument raised about having to wade through threads to find one of interest to you could also apply if all pub ,bar, and entertainment threads were lumped into one forum.

Members would then find it a chore to "wade" through threads about pubs in Udon or Trat or Sakhon Nakhon when they are only interested in Pattaya for instance.

If ya dun like pub as it is, pzzzzzzz orf with ya whinging

Pub is fun and entertaining, who needs sour grapes like you wannabe movers.

If ya dun like pub as it is, pzzzzzzz orf with ya whinging

Pub is fun and entertaining, who needs sour grapes like you wannabe movers.

well said young man :D

Moss, In the eight days since the OP started this thread there has only been 3 or 4 members advocating such a change and about the same number saying leave as is.

Not exactly an overwhelming vote of confidence in the affirmative. :o In fact a distinct lack of interest all round.

Ozzy, as far as I can tell there are only two out right supporters of the 'leave it as it is', point of view, their whole contribution to the discussion is quoted in full above, no editing involved whatsoever :D

To put it in Rugby union parlance and as an analogy I feel your answer is a deliberate knock on, to circumvent my response rather than answer it, but having said that I do appreciate your time in actually responding.

As for the overwhelming response for or against, Forum support is traditionally the home of the FNG's looking for answers and the Good Guy's responding, so the whole demographic is flawed in poster hits, but it doesn't really matter, the questions are still unanswered, so the matter of interest is actually a by-product to the question :D


The first page of Pubs,entertainment forum only has 4 threads pertaining to pubs or liquor,out of 29 threads this is not a great argument for a forum dedicated solely to pubs and entertainment.

I agree with this comment.

The way I see it is that there must be a number of active topics relating to the forum description that would keep people reading in there, moving out the games could maybe just open a new forum section and then the Pub would die off. When I first came onto the forum it was a very busy part of the forum, but has slowly declined into what we see now.

I'm not a big fan of the games threads, and have tried to cut down on them before, but others like them for the entertainment value or whatever.

If you guys wanting to move the games out can generate enough threads/discussion to keep that section lively, then it would make a better case for moving the games into their own area, giving the real threads space to be seen and develop. I personally would like to see that section develop back into what it used to be.

Over to you.

Totster :o

The first page of Pubs,entertainment forum only has 4 threads pertaining to pubs or liquor,out of 29 threads this is not a great argument for a forum dedicated solely to pubs and entertainment.

I agree with this comment.

The way I see it is that there must be a number of active topics relating to the forum description that would keep people reading in there, moving out the games could maybe just open a new forum section and then the Pub would die off. When I first came onto the forum it was a very busy part of the forum, but has slowly declined into what we see now.

I'm not a big fan of the games threads, and have tried to cut down on them before, but others like them for the entertainment value or whatever.

If you guys wanting to move the games out can generate enough threads/discussion to keep that section lively, then it would make a better case for moving the games into their own area, giving the real threads space to be seen and develop. I personally would like to see that section develop back into what it used to be.

Over to you.

Totster :o

Thank you for taking the time to post, Totster, and a good response.

I do think, though, that the reason why there are hardly any pub / entertainment related threads in there is because it is so swamped with these word game threads, and it's reached the point where people will think that that's what the forum is for, and then either go elsewhere or join in the game threads depending on their preference. But I can't imagine too many newbies joining in the game threads as, I'd expect, that's not really why people join forums??? So I think most would be scared off when they see these.

Anyway, it's the weekend coming up so pubs will be a topical subject I hope - maybe I'll try writing a thread or two on the subject, and hope it doesn't get lost in the mass of letter changing / number adding / picture guessing games.


I don't understand why many are so negative about the pub as how it is now .

I very much enjoy it as it is , though I do understand why some can get frustrated about it .

I think there are not too many threads about nightlife because most of them are running

in the area forums , pattaya and Chiang mai forums ( local forums ) , and they fit in there

very well . I started the change a letter thread , its just over a month old so why so harsh ?

Some other threads are running months and I guess there are enough people who do enjoy it ,

if it didn't why they stay as long ? Perhaps I do like to visit Pub cause there is not much going on

at different places , and Pub keeps the forum a bit busy , Thaivisa needs to stay active though . :o

The regular visitors like it how it is I guess , like others do at bedlam , which has

similar clap trap conversations , so I don't understand the point some are making , even more

when I rarely see them anywhere around these forums anyway and complain so much , sorry to

say but it is how it is ! :D

But whatever happens we did enjoy ourselves , can you say that ?

If you guys wanting to move the games out can generate enough threads/discussion to keep that section lively, then it would make a better case for moving the games into their own area, giving the real threads space to be seen and develop. I personally would like to see that section develop back into what it used to be.

The generation of threads will be difficult in the short term because I think people are aware of its present format and rarely pop in there now, obviously apart from the guys who prefer its present dimensions, and as Dan says those that are attempted may well be swamped by the established games pattern.

I too cannot grasp how it morphed and degenerated into game prevalence and as you say it is up to others to put other alternative views accross.

Thanks for the response


I don't understand why many are so negative about the pub as how it is now .
Because it is not what it used to be and is not what it was originally designed for.
I very much enjoy it as it is
I think many do, I personally don't.
I think there are not too many threads about nightlife because most of them are running

in the area forums , pattaya and Chiang mai forums ( local forums ) , and they fit in there

very well

I think this is a valid point, but perhaps posters have to put them there because they would get little response from the Pub, because people will follow it by just changing a letter :D

I started the change a letter thread
Whoops :o


its just over a month old so why so harsh ?
I don't think we are being harsh, just being constructively critical.
The regular visitors like it how it is I guess , like others do at bedlam , which has

similar clap trap conversations ,

Agreed and agreed.
so I don't understand the point some are making , even more

when I rarely see them anywhere around these forums anyway and complain so much

Well, I think we have put our reasons quite coherently, so I am not going to repeat them and the reason why you don't see us in there, is because of the very reason we have stated in this thread.

sorry to

say but it is how it is ! :D

No worries, I think it put your side of the story to counter ours.


don't understand why many are so negative about the pub as how it is now .

I very much enjoy it as it is , though I do understand why some can get frustrated about it .

I think there are not too many threads about nightlife because most of them are running

in the area forums , pattaya and Chiang mai forums ( local forums ) , and they fit in there

very well . I started the change a letter thread , its just over a month old so why so harsh ?

Some other threads are running months and I guess there are enough people who do enjoy it ,

if it didn't why they stay as long ? Perhaps I do like to visit Pub cause there is not much going on

at different places , and Pub keeps the forum a bit busy , Thaivisa needs to stay active though . rolleyes.gif

The regular visitors like it how it is I guess , like others do at bedlam , which has

similar clap trap conversations , so I don't understand the point some are making , even more

when I rarely see them anywhere around these forums anyway and complain so much , sorry to

say but it is how it is ! cool.gif

But whatever happens we did enjoy ourselves , can you say that ?

You're missing the point entirely. Non-one is saying we should remove or close the game threads, but just to move them into a more suitable place. "Change a letter", "the three word story" or "What's this place" will still be just as much fun if they're in a forum called "The Games Room" as they are in a forum called "Farrang pub".

What's so special about a pub-related forum that the word games have to be done in there? When was the last time you went into a real pub and found people sitting round playing word games like these?


I'm not missing any point dantilley .

I do understand your statements , the thing is that I only know the pub like this ,

and think to change it now ( like I understand now has developed different than the intention or how it was before )

is probably a little too late , cause there are many members enjoying it in a way .

The thing for an administrator to change or move anything depends on if its gonna

be of any benefit , and better the structure , and also not to upset things too much .

I do see the point but I'm not sure if its benefiting anything for the better , it would not

if the forum would get quite and deserted though , and my guess is that most think

this is very likely , maybe not worth the effort .

Perhaps when nothing gonna change , the threads running very long with no knew posters adding

anything should be closed , or temporarily , but if you ask me I wouldn't care much ,

for everybody something for their likings . I posted the 'change a letter' thread cause I thought some

on the forum would appreciate a different kind of game ( and they did ) opposed to the everlasting other ones .

When these threads fall into this category another should replace it (solong people enjoy it ) , like that it would get less crowded

on the forum and maybe not many complains from others thinking this forum should add something different . But I doubt many care anyway .

I'm not missing any point .

if the forum would get quite and deserted though , and my guess is that most think

this is very likely , maybe not worth the effort .

You are either missing the point, or it is going over your head.

Are you suggesting that games threads keeps the Forum busy and without it quite (sic) and deserted, if that is the case I suggest George shuts down T.V and opens up 'Games are us', but that aint gonna happen is it.

It would also appear you are suggesting that you only post in the games because you are in the Pub, because if it was in a sub-forum of its own, would you refrain, I am a little confused on this point, because neither of us are suggesting you shut the games down?

Anyway Totster has adjudicated and it is up to others to expand the Pub theme.


I'm not missing any point dantilley .

I do understand your statements , the thing is that I only know the pub like this ,

and think to change it now ( like I understand now has developed different than the intention or how it was before )

is probably a little too late , cause there are many members enjoying it in a way .

The thing for an administrator to change or move anything depends on if its gonna

be of any benefit , and better the structure , and also not to upset things too much .

I do see the point but I'm not sure if its benefiting anything for the better , it would not

if the forum would get quite and deserted though , and my guess is that most think

this is very likely , maybe not worth the effort .

Perhaps when nothing gonna change , the threads running very long with no knew posters adding

anything should be closed , or temporarily , but if you ask me I wouldn't care much ,

for everybody something for their likings . I posted the 'change a letter' thread cause I thought some

on the forum would appreciate a different kind of game ( and they did ) opposed to the everlasting other ones .

When these threads fall into this category another should replace it (solong people enjoy it ) , like that it would get less crowded

on the forum and maybe not many complains from others thinking this forum should add something different . But I doubt many care anyway .

Well, again you write as if you are missing the point. Let me re-iterate. No-one wants to close the games. NO-ONE WANTS TO CLOSE THE GAMES.

You can still carry on having your fun, but it might just involve clicking the mouse in a different place to get to the fun. How difficult would that be?

You can still carry on having your fun, but it might just involve clicking the mouse in a different place to get to the fun. How difficult would that be?

And that's what I don't get. One extra click. Not even one extra click, but simply a click on a different forum. Voila ! Too easy.

But I'm just noticing, there already is a forum where these games (could ? should ? can ?) be played. It's called:

Jokes - puzzles and riddles - make my day!

Let's smile - make my day:) Here is the Jokes Section! Post your funnies here. Also puzzles go here

Instead of creating a new sub-forum for the "word" games, why not move them into the Jokes forum that is already set up ?

For those that like playing the games, all that would be required is to click on a different forum. How hard can that be ?

Then we just need to encourage people to start posting more entertainment and pub news in the Pub forum and everyone would be happy (well, maybe not everyone. You may be able to please all the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you just can't please all the people, all the time.) :o


No I would not refrain if it was somewhere else , that doesn't really matter .

I was just surprised of these critical comments about the sub forum , so its up to admin how things

should go next . Don't forget I do appreciate what you guys try to say .

I'm not attacking or protecting anything , perhaps my English is a reason why I can get misinterpeted

a bit . But anyway whatever happens , personally I do not care .

Just surprised . And surprised I seemingly give some of you the impression that I thought you were

hinting for closure or anything , I never wrote that .

So I guess I give it a rest now and if something changes something changes , if not , not .

But I'm just noticing, there already is a forum where these games (could ? should ? can ?) be played. It's called:

Jokes - puzzles and riddles - make my day!

Let's smile - make my day:) Here is the Jokes Section! Post your funnies here. Also puzzles go here

Instead of creating a new sub-forum for the "word" games, why not move them into the Jokes forum that is already set up ?

Yes that could work, or perhaps a sub-forum within there - but, as with here, word games aren't strictly speaking jokes /riddles either, but they're closer to being relevant there than they are in the pubbing forum.

No I would not refrain if it was somewhere else , that doesn't really matter .

I was just surprised of these critical comments about the sub forum , so its up to admin how things

should go next . Don't forget I do appreciate what you guys try to say .

I'm not attacking or protecting anything , perhaps my English is a reason why I can get misinterpeted

a bit . But anyway whatever happens , personally I do not care .

Just surprised . And surprised I seemingly give some of you the impression that I thought you were

hinting for closure or anything , I never wrote that .

So I guess I give it a rest now and if something changes something changes , if not , not .

OK, good, so it sounds like you agree with us, or at least that you aren't against the ideas we're proposing.

By the way, I'm subscribed to this topic which means that each time someone replies, I get an email and the contents of the reply are included in the email. Therefore I read your original version of this post. Let's just say I'm really glad you decided to re-write it.


:o Ah yes guess I don't want to offend anyone or create any misunderstandings ,

I'm not opposed to anything in particular , not that my opinion is worth anything though .

There is already a Jokes, Puzzles and Riddles Room and an Arcade do we actually need another forum diluted by the same Tomfoolery which denigrates from the actual purpose of its original intent.
But I'm just noticing, there already is a forum where these games (could ? should ? can ?) be played. It's called:

Jokes - puzzles and riddles - make my day!

Let's smile - make my day:) Here is the Jokes Section! Post your funnies here. Also puzzles go here

Instead of creating a new sub-forum for the "word" games, why not move them into the Jokes forum that is already set up ?

For those that like playing the games, all that would be required is to click on a different forum. How hard can that be ?

Then we just need to encourage people to start posting more entertainment and pub news in the Pub forum and everyone would be happy (well, maybe not everyone. You may be able to please all the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you just can't please all the people, all the time.) :D

Hey, come on guys, get on programme :D I said this weeks ago :o But I agree with the rest of the statement, if we are not part of the solution, then we re part of the problem.


Hey, come on guys, get on programme :D I said this weeks ago :D But I agree with the rest of the statement, if we are not part of the solution, then we re part of the problem.


You're right ! :D

Apparently, though having read every post in this thread, I have forgotten some of what was mentioned earlier. I blame the heat, dust, wind and (almost nightly) rocket attacks ! :o

So far, it would seem that there isn't any objection to the suggestion relative to the position of the notion (mindless babble - shake your head until your eyes uncross, then nod sagely and knowingly at the logic of the topic relative to the position of the objective suggestion).

(gawd, why can't we have booze here !) :D

  • 9 months later...
You can still carry on having your fun, but it might just involve clicking the mouse in a different place to get to the fun. How difficult would that be?

And that's what I don't get. One extra click. Not even one extra click, but simply a click on a different forum. Voila ! Too easy.

But I'm just noticing, there already is a forum where these games (could ? should ? can ?) be played. It's called:

Jokes - puzzles and riddles - make my day!

Let's smile - make my day:) Here is the Jokes Section! Post your funnies here. Also puzzles go here

Instead of creating a new sub-forum for the "word" games, why not move them into the Jokes forum that is already set up ?

For those that like playing the games, all that would be required is to click on a different forum. How hard can that be ?

Then we just need to encourage people to start posting more entertainment and pub news in the Pub forum and everyone would be happy (well, maybe not everyone. You may be able to please all the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you just can't please all the people, all the time.) :D

A big 'Thank You'to the Admin/Mod that did move the games into their rightful place :o

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

A big 'Thank You'to the Admin/Mod that did move the games into their rightful place :o

sbk and I did the initial grunt work with George's and Huski's blessing. After going through the first hundred or so topics I see why I don't go to the Pub that often. :D If you see any other candidates, just let us know. We went back about one year's worth.


:o "sbk" and to you "Tywais" well done. Now I shall venture into the "Pub" each day :D

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D


Im suppose to be the designated MOD for the pub forum (might have something to do with the false reputation Ive acquired? :o )

but to be honest, I dont get much time to venture in there, and only pop in every now and then.

thanks to tywais and SBK for doing such a great job.

thanks to all members for your input and contribution :D

  • 2 weeks later...

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