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Girls, Pimples, And Skin Clinic Scam


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It seems that many girls like to spend thousands of baht monthly to treat their pimples (even with laser!!!), but none of the girls I asked have been told that what they eat (normal thai fat and oily food) could be a reason of this bad skin...

What I mean is that it seems that doctors in these skin clinics prefer that the customers come back weekly for a treatment, when they should explain to the girls what causes the pimples (but maybe thai girls should ask more and think more by themselves?), how to avoid that, and cure their skin definitively.

What about your experience? Do you also know girls (women!) going to skin clinic every week, as an habit, sometimes for years, and often just to push on the pimple ?! (when they could do it by themselves, and at least experience once to see if it ok or not) So the girls you know also never wondered about what is a doctor's job? ----> cure them!

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There is a very good medication that will permanently cure acne if you take it for a year or two. Brand name Accutane.

Unfortunately, it's effects on pregnant women make thalidomide look fetus-friendly. So it is simply not often prescribed; in fact in the US a negative pregnancy test is required monthly, to get a prescription for another month.

Diet isn't the entire picture. There is a lot going on causing pimples in women, particularly hormone levels and fluctuations thereof. I never had pimples as a teen or since; I also never had PMS and currently have only the mildest of menopause symptoms. My hormone levels are steadier than most.

Too-frequent face washing, stripping off the natural acid mantle and oil, is a major contributor to pimples. Too-strong detergents, too-greasy moisturizers, toners with alcohol and daily wear of foundation all contribute to irritable skin and breakouts. the more they try to take care of their skin the worse it may get.

I'd recommend a vacation from all clinic treatments and skin care products (except sunscreen!) for a month or two, washing the face with only water or baby soap. See what happens then.

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Interesting that you mention this. My wife would always visit her "pimple doctor"

on our visits to Samut Sakorn.

She recently started seeing a dermatologist here that is one of my patients here in San Diego.

I was surprized to here this doctor say that studies have proven that diet has little to do with complexion?

Anyway she gave her this med called BenzaClin.

clindamyacin 1% and benzoyl peroxide 5% gel.

Worked like a charm seemed real safe from my research and availible on the internet. Not sure what its called in Thailand.

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It depends, for severe cases going to a dermatologist would be advisable. But I also would have to agree with the diet, too many of these teenagers hoover up too many MickieD's sets and then expect their troubles to be solved by the skin clinic, wrong mentality and not enough education.

I've found that the most effective way for me is eating healthy and exercising, does wonders for your skin, proven and effective! But I if I do encounter any skin problems I head to Bumrungrad, I don't trust any of those skin clinics...unlabeled plastic bottles, bagfuls of unknown medicine, not risking it!

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There is a very good medication that will permanently cure acne if you take it for a year or two. Brand name Accutane.

Yes, this molecule is the only one that really works, and if one must be careful with the caps, the gel is ok. But nobody I know has been proposed accutane, maybe because it works so good that they won't come back to the clinic...

And yes, diet is not he only response, but at least a good doctor (or just normal!) should ask what you eat, and ask you to try to eat healthy food for a while, to see what happens to your skin...

But if they have a brain to think and have internet access, they could also experience things by their own...

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Diet is one of the reasons, but refuse to go under the sun is also one of them. Surprise surprise! Well, not asking for sun tan or sun burn, but being under the morning sun is kinda healthy and it does keep the pimples away. thats my mom's theory ..... :o supposingly sun kills germs?

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All women have pimples......sometime in their life. 

Eh, Sk, I think I have to disagree with this, not all women have pimples. have a friend who washes her face with normal shower soap. she is married with kids, and her face is like baby skin. :o

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Wei..........maybe so, maybe not. :o

I don't know how long you have known her but she could have had them when she was a teenager or when she was pregnant. I can hardly believe that she hasn't had A pimple in her life..........pimples do not only appear on faces!! :D

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Diet is one of the reasons, but refuse to go under the sun is also one of them. Surprise surprise! Well, not asking for sun tan or sun burn, but being under the morning sun is kinda healthy and it does keep the pimples away. thats my mom's theory ..... :o supposingly sun kills germs?

Yes, the sun dries the skin so keep pimples away, but when you stop being under the sun, pimples come back a lot, but I think having sun on face a little bit everyday would be alright.

( but try to educate girls about the sun here... ;-) )

hey, nobody replied yet... are all these skin clinics a big scam?

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> Diane is the most famous for that purpose!

Also turns otherwise relatively sane women into total psycho's . Not all of course, but it does have that effect on some.

If you're a guy who has to go out and buy new dishes on a monthly basis, check that the missus isn't on Diane-35. :o



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( but try to educate girls about the sun here... ;-) )

yeah... try doing that... anyone who succeed deserves a throphy... hahaha....

nah don't think so the clinics are scam, depends on which one you visit i suppose? besides, though these clinics use different facial thingy.... its hard to tell which clinic is good because different products work differently on different people

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Food/chemical allergies can also manifest as acne. That's how I learned about my allergy to chlorides... And there is no real cure for acne. That's a fallacy.

Docs recommend a peroxide-based creme to get rid of most of it, but it can take months to work fully...PanOxyl AcneGel 10 is what was prescribed for me..40 grams for 190 baht...Though the doctor had repacked it in 5 gram tins for 210 baht each and with only the main ingredient written on it. A bit of internet research gave me the exact same thing in the 40 gram tube- available at most pharmacies here, it seems.

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