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What is your fixation with bar girls? You seem to assume that anyone living a reasonable lifestyle employs these ladies to keep themselves company. Get real.

Blinky Bill is something like 6 feet 6 with a body like Arnold in his prime and as handsome as Mel Gibson. He is one of those lucky fellows that get as much as they want for free and have since they were 11 years old. When he wakes up in the morning, there are Thai girls standing in a neat line in his driveway.

He is a little out of touch with what the rest of us have to do to get a little female company.

Not true! He can't be more than 6 feet 3 or 4 :o

/ Priceless

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Fair enough, I realize how little it is, but I've read from certain places where Thailand is the land of milk and honey dirt cheap!!!! or whatever. I came to a forum to try and find out before I get too far in planning this trip. Next time a simple "YOU: no, that's probably not going to work out well for you, try to have some more cash saved or income - ME: OK, done deal! THX" like chiangmaiexpat, would do great and be way more helpful.

One reason I and others post these threads is because when we do a search half the answers are of the unhelpful negative non-answers kind like your first response, so it doesn't answer our questions, confusion ensues, so we make a post then you or someone tries to beat us down and make us feel stupid for asking, then more confusion, and the cycle repeats over and over and over.

If you want these kinds of newbie threads, that the elder forumers dread for some reason, to stop than just give a straight-up quality response or don't say anything. In a way it's kind of your fault for us noobs to come in here again and again with the same dumb things, see.

A lot of truth in what you say - unfortunately. And a lot of useful info on the bare basics in wjmark's post (not ashamed to admit that I wouldn't try to do it - wrong time of my life etc) - but very bare basics is what it would be. For your wants/needs, I would add at least the following to his list and budget:

Serious travel insurance or a sizable cash reserve - or guarantee you won't need any medical treatment the whole time you're here

Phone line for at least dial-up internet in your room

Maybe also a computer for internet in your room? :o

English-language reading matter to feed your writer's mind - without fluent Thai speaking/reading skills, really "going native" is more likely a notion than a reality.

Say 200-400 baht each way to travel by regular bus to those other places and the same per night for a basic guest-house room when you get there.

Live here "forever"? That's a whole different ball-game - and rather different from "a couple months"......... not least because of the visa requirements. Come to that, in your position, more than 90 days in any 6-month period is going to be tough to achieve.

As others have said - come take a look. But have that getaway route in your pocket.

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Blinky Bill is something like 6 feet 6 with a body like Arnold in his prime and as handsome as Mel Gibson. He is one of those lucky fellows that get as much as they want for free and have since they were 11 years old. When he wakes up in the morning, there are Thai girls standing in a neat line in his driveway.

He is a little out of touch with what the rest of us have to do to get a little female company.

Ewe Gee, mate, you do exaggerate at times, I'm not an inch over 6' 4" (193 cms) or an ounce over 260 lbs (120 kgs).

Some of you may have noticed recently that I have the type of body that can simply slip into one of Thai Visa's "one size fits all" polo shirts.

Handsome as Mel Gibson.......nah mate, try Liam Neeson, my nose is too big for MG, but then again, that's not a bad thing as it indicates the size of various other appendages for some. :o The Rat certainly enjoys that phenomenom.

Anyway back to the subject of this thread, I can't understand why so many of these characters want to debase themselves so much by trying to live such a cheap and disgusting lifestyle. And back to wjmark's comment re my comment about US$1,500 being just pocket money, that's all it is, I always travel with that amount of money in cash somewhere very close, usually in my pocket. After all it is less than a weeks expenditure (for some).

Edited by Blinky Bill
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Remaining in compliance with visa regulations would cost someone in the OP's position, at minimum 2,000 baht per month. Presumably he needs things like shampoo, toothpaste and other sundries from time to time. He's going to pay on the exchange and to move his money each month (like 5% a month at least). It's just not doable. If he could get up to 20,000 baht/mo I'd say it's doable but at an "existance only" level. Get up to 30,000 and an unattached young man could have a great deal of fun living here if he learns how to live frugally.

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Gosh darn..

BB is a big dude..

Me, 5'8, aroun 178 lbs.. chubby now..live with nuthin but Thai, people and food..married to a Thai, who right now is "mao leo" and begging for it, (but I'm standing my ground and saying "no" ) and spend accordingly, but still around 30k a month and that's conservative..

and I eat only Thai,

Drink only Thai ( except Mekong...won't touch that shit ...anymore :o ..ha)

For a guy who wants to live on less than 500 a month USD..

He is NOT gunna have any fun here...

Sorry, gotta git...got tits in my face... :D still saying no...like a farang pooying right now..

Why would you wanna live HERE on 500 or less...

That would suck!

Gunna go lay some some pipe now...

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First of all and most importantly I'll just say thanks to the people who gave their opinions for or against with some actual facts, numbers, or at least reasons for giving them. I really appreciate it. Even the people saying that it won't work, I can live with and encourage as long as it contains some info to help make an informed decision. As for the few who fill the need to only provide commentary and personal attacks, since I guess I'm a "troll" then I'll do what us trolls do best.

If you read my first post I did not just come in here with "HEY GUYS, can I survive in that country for $6 a year, can I, huh, please say yes!!!!" I tried to give my current resources and what I would like to achieve as detailed as possible without writing a full novel on here. Like I said if I get the general feeling that it's not a good plan from real FACTS (look it up some of you) I'm perfectly fine with not doing it until I have more funds and whatever.

Fight fire with fire time I guess...

Whats the poor bugger going to do when all his mates go down the Irish pub for a Sunday arvo session. Stay in his nice little room? bullshit! he will blow his whole budget in a one week. And what about the cute little backpacker that he WIll meet? whats he gonna do when she says 'Hey lets go clubbing tonight" is he going to stay in his "nice little 2500bht room" no friigin way! I suppose he could always eat insects and catch frogs a few times to cut back on expenses. That's what some Thais do right? :o

Ok, this is just pathetic, I shouldn't even address this as I can smell the desperation stink coming off you from here. But, I can't resist. I learned how to say no to peer pressure a long time ago, something you seemed to have missed if all your mates are talking you into blowing your wad on booze and club girls. You don't know me or how I handle myself, I went through the whole party drugs drunk girls thing when I was back in high school and a couple years after turning 21. I then learned from all that and realized that it wasn't the life I want to live.

Try to evolve yourself a little at least mentally because these ape-like comments coming out of you are nothing but hot air. You obviously have trouble getting laid and having fun without paying for it heavily, I'm still pretty young --under 30-- fit and never have had any problems when it came to those things, so I'm not quite as worried as you seem to be. You're one of those annoying people that think they are far smarter than they really are. I'm sorry.

Given the OP's desire to walk around taking pictures and writing, I suspect Mummy and Daddy play a role somewhere . .
Out of interest, how can you survive in the US on an income of $300 to $500 a month?


I never said I was living here on that much, I only said it was what I would be making while I was there.

As for bendicks, my parents have been long dead and gone, so making the old typical mommy and daddy attacks is really useless and boring. I've been working full time and supporting myself for many years, yes on a budget, no I'm not rolling in the big bucks. But money never made me any happier the few times I've had some excess here and there.

From the fact you come out swinging on the attack in your very first post to me shows you are a bitter unhappy little person just sitting around waiting for someone to fight with online. I'm sure you're there right now on your fat-ass or limp dick just waiting for someone to post something so you can pontificate your sorry ideas because I bet no one in real life likes you around or really cares what you have to say, am I right? Of course I am, don't give yourself away so easily. Thanks for the laughs!

If you want to keep flaming me that's fine not going to hurt my feelings.


"People are people

So why should it be

You and I should get along so awfully"

Try to get over yourself and enjoy the rest of your life if possible.

P.S. cute picture Bill. self-portrait?

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Read only what you need to know from these posts..

Take the rest with a light heart.

Have thick skin.

To attack back just justifies return attacks.

Smile, turn off the computer or walk away...if ya get pissed.

It means nothing here..it's just a time killer for most, an adventure of the fingers and wondering minds.

( can be a great source of info and humor, if ya let it..)

Enjoy life...too short for pissin matches.

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Try to evolve yourself a little at least mentally because these ape-like comments coming out of you are nothing but hot air. You obviously have trouble getting laid and having fun without paying for it heavily, I'm still pretty young --under 30-- fit and never have had any problems when it came to those things, so I'm not quite as worried as you seem to be. You're one of those annoying people that think they are far smarter than they really are. I'm sorry.
Given the OP's desire to walk around taking pictures and writing, I suspect Mummy and Daddy play a role somewhere . .
Out of interest, how can you survive in the US on an income of $300 to $500 a month?


I never said I was living here on that much, I only said it was what I would be making while I was there.

As for bendicks, my parents have been long dead and gone, so making the old typical mommy and daddy attacks is really useless and boring. I've been working full time and supporting myself for many years, yes on a budget, no I'm not rolling in the big bucks. But money never made me any happier the few times I've had some excess here and there.

From the fact you come out swinging on the attack in your very first post to me shows you are a bitter unhappy little person just sitting around waiting for someone to fight with online. I'm sure you're there right now on your fat-ass or limp dick just waiting for someone to post something so you can pontificate your sorry ideas because I bet no one in real life likes you around or really cares what you have to say, am I right? Of course I am, don't give yourself away so easily. Thanks for the laughs!

If you want to keep flaming me that's fine not going to hurt my feelings.


"People are people

So why should it be

You and I should get along so awfully"

Try to get over yourself and enjoy the rest of your life if possible.

P.S. cute picture Bill. self-portrait?

:D Tha last bit was a Crack up! your hilarious when your really Angry! Are you male or female? that was a bitter post and quite a rant :o . So your just under 30? I thought i was talking to an 18 year old back packer so that kind of makes your 300-500 very sad and desperate. Since money brings you no joy then why not look up I recent post called "I want to live in the jungle" Perhaps you guys could maybe meet up and split some costs

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Whats the poor bugger going to do when all his mates go down the Irish pub for a Sunday arvo session. Stay in his nice little room? bullshit! he will blow his whole budget in a one week. And what about the cute little backpacker that he WIll meet? whats he gonna do when she says 'Hey lets go clubbing tonight" is he going to stay in his "nice little 2500bht room" no friigin way!

You're one of those annoying people that think they are far smarter than they really are. I'm sorry.

Why get so nasty over over an amusing comment that wasn't vicious at all? :o

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P.S. cute picture Bill. self-portrait?

Nah, that's the first wife. She still lives under the bridge.

Well, your first post on this Forum was asking a simple question. You got a number of simple and some not so simple answers, most of which made sense. But from what I read, your only response to the authors of these helpful posts was to attack them. Have you been a dork all your life or is it something you have developed in recent years?

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To the OP. You can get by on $400/month, following wjmark's advice. Try it and see how you go, but I would add the one proviso and have adequate health insurance. Whatever one's wealth is, the most valuable thing in life is your health.

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Read only what you need to know from these posts..

Take the rest with a light heart.

Have thick skin.

To attack back just justifies return attacks.

Smile, turn off the computer or walk away...if ya get pissed.

It means nothing here..it's just a time killer for most, an adventure of the fingers and wondering minds.

( can be a great source of info and humor, if ya let it..)

Enjoy life...too short for pissin matches.

wondering or wandering?

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To Op,

I guess it can be done(living on 400-500$), I know a guy who lives around my house.

He's U.K pensioner(220 pounds/month) and as far as I know there are lots of Thai girls after him,(TRUE!) :o

Seriously, it can be done, not easy tho. :D


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I truely believe that gpdjohn has a very good point .... for several posters in this thread :o

To attack back just justifies return attacks.

Smile, turn off the computer or walk away...if ya get pissed.

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Congratulations to the Chiang Mai claque (and, yes, I do mean claque) - another newbie come and gone with his tail "deservedly" between his legs. Feel good?

Yes, the OP seemed a bit naive (even cocky) in some of his assumptions. Yes, it can be irritating to see similar questions asked time and time again. If you're that bored/irritated by the questions, how about you count to ten and ask yourself why you're posting before you do? Certainly seems like some here are posting for the benefit of their mates' attention rather than contributing anything useful.

Take a look at the OP's 2nd and 3rd posts - it's far from being the first time that I've seen newbies say that about the forum and, IMHO, it's not great to see it again. Yes, you can also say he was a bit snappy - but maybe the aggressive put down of his ideas has a bit to do with that? How about a little tolerance, folks? Or is it always so "grown-up" to pour a ton of derision over someone who gets out of your line? As I already said, I wouldn't want to try what the OP has in mind - probably couldn't - but I'm not him. How about more of us try to think and feel a bit more out of our own boxes?

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Read only what you need to know from these posts..

Take the rest with a light heart.

Have thick skin.

To attack back just justifies return attacks.

Smile, turn off the computer or walk away...if ya get pissed.

It means nothing here..it's just a time killer for most, an adventure of the fingers and wondering minds.

( can be a great source of info and humor, if ya let it..)

Enjoy life...too short for pissin matches.

wondering or wandering?

Both! :o

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Congratulations to the Chiang Mai claque (and, yes, I do mean claque) - another newbie come and gone with his tail "deservedly" between his legs. Feel good?

Yes, the OP seemed a bit naive (even cocky) in some of his assumptions. Yes, it can be irritating to see similar questions asked time and time again. If you're that bored/irritated by the questions, how about you count to ten and ask yourself why you're posting before you do? Certainly seems like some here are posting for the benefit of their mates' attention rather than contributing anything useful.

Take a look at the OP's 2nd and 3rd posts - it's far from being the first time that I've seen newbies say that about the forum and, IMHO, it's not great to see it again. Yes, you can also say he was a bit snappy - but maybe the aggressive put down of his ideas has a bit to do with that? How about a little tolerance, folks? Or is it always so "grown-up" to pour a ton of derision over someone who gets out of your line? As I already said, I wouldn't want to try what the OP has in mind - probably couldn't - but I'm not him. How about more of us try to think and feel a bit more out of our own boxes?

Well said, Steve. :o


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The OP is not coming and rightly so and not because of the Chang Mai clan. Hes not coming because he cant afford it and knows it too well. Some people have forgotten that this man is a Tourist and not a retiree of which most are in there late 60s ,70s and 80s and at that age your mostly worried about a cup of tea and a nap and perhaps catching up with mates once a week so yes its Doable for them and sure beats the hel_l out of eating dog food back home on some measly pensions. As for people that live in Thailand permanently under 40yrs of age on $10 a day I have yet to see a happy one?? They all have that look of despair and that constant questioning of whether to go back home and work at McDonald's for not much more or stay here suffer and be free

Edited by zorro1
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The OP is not coming and rightly so and not because of the Chang Mai clan. Hes not coming because he cant afford it and knows it too well. Some people have forgotten that this man is a Tourist and not a retiree of which most are in there late 60s ,70s and 80s and at that age your mostly worried about a cup of tea and a nap and perhaps catching up with mates once a week so yes its Doable for them and sure beats the hel_l out of eating dog food back home on some measly pensions. As for people that live in Thailand permanently under 40yrs of age on $10 a day I have yet to see a happy one?? They all have that look of despair and that constant questioning of whether to go back home and work at McDonald's for not much more or stay here suffer and be free

You again? HA! Kicking back drinking some tea and getting in a few good naps doesn't sound that bad actually.

And if most the people over there have your attitude then I could do without the "mates" even less than once a week. It's plain to see that impressing others is your main objective in this forum and in your daily life from some of the things you've said. You have that need, fine, but making blanket statements about others just because of their age or income or whatever is pretty silly.

If you really need the attention that bad you have my permission to keep ripping on me, so then you can go down to the bar and brag about how you "toooootally maid this guy loook SO STUPID on the internets last niteeeee" to all your associates.

My plan was just to go somewhere interesting, take in what culture I can, and pursue some creative activities that I enjoy. I know it's hard to believe, but really my intentions are not to go there to get drunk everyday and bang 15 year old boys. Whether you believe this or not really has no meaning at this point to me as your opinion is invalid anymore. I'm just responding because I have a little bit of insomnia going on right now and the things you and a couple others come up with those low watt brains of yours makes me sleepy.

...Join the MONASTERY. that's solve the problem... :o:D

This is probably a joke, but that's not a bad idea.

Edited by oroboros
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I know it's hard to believe, but really my intentions are not to go there to get drunk everyday and bang 15 year old boys. Whether you believe this or not really has no meaning at this point to me as your opinion is invalid anymore. sleepy.

Why on earth are you talking about 15 year old boys? Your disgusting.

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The OP is not coming and rightly so and not because of the Chang Mai clan. Hes not coming because he cant afford it and knows it too well. Some people have forgotten that this man is a Tourist and not a retiree of which most are in there late 60s ,70s and 80s and at that age your mostly worried about a cup of tea and a nap and perhaps catching up with mates once a week so yes its Doable for them and sure beats the hel_l out of eating dog food back home on some measly pensions. As for people that live in Thailand permanently under 40yrs of age on $10 a day I have yet to see a happy one?? They all have that look of despair and that constant questioning of whether to go back home and work at McDonald's for not much more or stay here suffer and be free

You again? HA! Kicking back drinking some tea and getting in a few good naps doesn't sound that bad actually.

And if most the people over there have your attitude then I could do without the "mates" even less than once a week. It's plain to see that impressing others is your main objective in this forum and in your daily life from some of the things you've said. You have that need, fine, but making blanket statements about others just because of their age or income or whatever is pretty silly.

If you really need the attention that bad you have my permission to keep ripping on me, so then you can go down to the bar and brag about how you "toooootally maid this guy loook SO STUPID on the internets last niteeeee" to all your associates.

My plan was just to go somewhere interesting, take in what culture I can, and pursue some creative activities that I enjoy. I know it's hard to believe, but really my intentions are not to go there to get drunk everyday and bang 15 year old boys. Whether you believe this or not really has no meaning at this point to me as your opinion is invalid anymore. I'm just responding because I have a little bit of insomnia going on right now and the things you and a couple others come up with those low watt brains of yours makes me sleepy.

...Join the MONASTERY. that's solve the problem... :o:D

This is probably a joke, but that's not a bad idea.

Then again, even the newest newbie should be capable of not pursuing a flamefest so far past its sell-by date. If it didn't start as trolling, it certainly starts to smell like it now - insomnia or not. Sad..........

Any mods around to wrap this thread up? Surely it has served its purpose by now?

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