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Thaksin And The National Anthem


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Thaksin and the National Anthem

Source: 2bangkok.com

BANGKOK: -- Every morning at 8am the National Anthem is played across the country as flags are raised. On TV montages of patriotic images are shown while the anthem plays. A recent controversy erupted as Thai-language editorialists noticed that the Prime Minister was now part of these images on government TV channel 9.

The Prime Minister shot is part of a series of one-second images that includes photos of the Muslim South followed by shots of army maneuvers (photos on this page are in the order they appear, but do not include every single shot).

The image of the PM shows him with his eyes lowered in a humble manner the entire time--it is as it was known that the inclusion of the PM would be controversial. Immediately after the PM images are a series of longer three-second shots that include HM The King and the Royal Family.

However outrageous this might sound, it is probably not coincidental that this controversy is being brought up as the election nears--the images have been running since January without comment.

NATIONAL ANTHEM: NATIONAL ANTHEM: Ch 9 stands by its use of PM’s image - The Nation, October 19, 2004

State-run television station Channel 9 yesterday defended its decision to include a picture of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra during its daily broadcast of the national anthem, saying it depicted national solidarity....

The picture of Thaksin exemplifies a harmonious and unified nation, which is why the station’s senior executive used it, he said.

Thaksin is the first elected prime minister to be included in the montage of images that accompany the national anthem...

Source: http://www.2bangkok.com

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King Taksin and PM Taksin are spelled differently in Thai. If you tell the average Thai that they are the same name you'll get either a blank stare or a "No, it's Taksin, not Taksin!" :o

When I made the same mistake of thinking they were the same name, it was a very indignant and emphatic Thai response that it was King Taksin, who is much revered and not spelled/pronounced Thaksin, who is very much not.

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IamMaiC Posted on Wed 2004-10-20, 14:38:18

  What's the big deal He is Prime Minister Correct?? Do they show the King also?? 

Thaksin is the first elected prime minister to be included in the montage of images that accompany the national anthem...

There's good reason for that no predecessor has. His Majesty The King IS a well-earned and well-deserved symbol of Thailand, while no politician, no matter how pompous he may be, IS NOT.

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Thaksin is the first elected prime minister to be included in the montage of images that accompany the national anthem...

Brrrr, it scares me... :D

i have also read that Thaksin plans to complete 4 mandates (4 years each).... quite weird to say so when you haven't finished the first one yet...


moreover, I don't hear much about the january elections... in our countries, usually we start talking about it, at least a year before... does Thaksin have already won? :D


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IamMaiC Posted on Wed 2004-10-20, 14:38:18

  What's the big deal He is Prime Minister Correct?? Do they show the King also?? 

Thaksin is the first elected prime minister to be included in the montage of images that accompany the national anthem...
There's good reason for that no predecessor has. His Majesty The King IS a well-earned and well-deserved symbol of Thailand, while no politician, no matter how pompous he may be, IS NOT.

Kinda hard for me to see it on thai TV I'm in the States, I was just asking. :o

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In my country it's not wrong to show picture of Prime Minister during National Anthem,It should be follow by King and then prime minister(DrM) ,the people .

It's just like you grandpa, dad and brothers. I didn't about Thai culture but did England show Tony blair too in National Anthem and hopefully Bush is not standing beside him.

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speaking to some thai friends in england last night and they were saying that they are VERY worried,

that with toxic in charge and changing things to show himself in the same light as the king,

that they think it will be big,big trouble if toxic is still in power if anything happens to the king as he has had several health problems in recent times and that they pray daily that he(the king) will stay healthy..

thats the changes that are so undesirable ianmc

and it is slow and insidiuos

praying and hoping for moderation


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.... that with toxic in charge and changing things to show himself in the same light as the king, that they think it will be big,big trouble if toxic is still in power if anything happens to the king....

A bit like Tony Blair becoming King of England. Or Peter Mandelson becoming Queen...

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Rumor has it he is buying this station too. :o


Am I a bit slow ? Whatever station are you talking about ?

Channel 9

M ass

C orrupter

O f

T hailand

The clip shown was of Thaksin during APEC wearing those god-awful-looking chinese-style silk shirts that all the visiting leaders hated and couldn't wait to change out of.

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Rumor has it he is buying this station too. :D


Am I a bit slow ? Whatever station are you talking about ?

Channel 9

M ass

C orrupter

O f

T hailand

The clip shown was of Thaksin during APEC wearing those god-awful-looking chinese-style silk shirts that all the visiting leaders hated and couldn't wait to change out of.

Shitty shirts are an entrenched feature of APEC meetings. One wonders whether the world leaders ever wear 'em again. :o

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I like the shirts. Its the company they are in that makes them look bad :o

State-run television station Channel 9 yesterday defended its decision to include a picture of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra during its daily broadcast of the national anthem, saying it depicted national solidarity....

Pathetic. Democracy has taken a great leap backwards under this despotic little man's 'CEO style leadership'. I still can't believe he got away with appointing a relative as head of the army and barely a word said by the press. Disgusting.

I can't see him stepping down if he ever loses an election. He'll be wearing a kharkey shirt to APEC meetings a few years from now.

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It may be a wise for Mr Moonface to switch from silk to kevlar shirts (with metal plate) the way he runs this country nowadays. I always get a laugh when I get to see some signboards with his picture wearing a pink silk shirt. Notice his hands on the picture... a fist resting on an open palm :o , pretty significant if you ask me.

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