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Visa application

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I'm a US citizen. Back in the 60's, I was busted for possession of illegal drugs with intent to sell. I ended up being incarcerated for about 10 months with 3 years successful parole.

I don't have any other blemishes on my criminal record, and this event was 35 years ago. A few years ago, I wrote the FBI to get my criminal record, and the damned thing showed up.

I am now 55 and am considering retiring in Thailand. I have the requisite funds and am eligible in other respects. However, will the fact that I did prison time prevent me from being able to get a retirement visa? Is there any way to maximize my chance of obtaining one?


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Have you talked to anyone about getting an expungement?

I have looked at publically available stuff about expungement on the internet, though I haven't spoken to a lawyer. Since the offense and incarceration happened when I was over 18 (I was 20 at the time), I get the impression it is not doable (in California, at least). But, I am not a lawyer either.

I have never had trouble getting jobs in high tech or voting, but I don't believe I can own a gun. But, I never tried. Now that I am reaching retirement age, with a reasonable nest egg, I find this potentially coming back to haunt me.

After I posted my question, I read in some other topics on the board that people reportedly obtained a retirement visa in Thailand that did not require a police report or medical report. I wonder if that is feasible.


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You will not need a police report if you are just applying for a retirement visa. The police report is required if you are applying for residency, so should be no problem for you if you apply for retirement visa.

As an American citizen living here in Thailand have a question for you, do you have a US passport? Not sure but I thought I read or heard if one is convicted of a felony, one can not get a passport. Just something you should check out if you haven't already received your passport. Good luck.

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You will not need a police report if you are just applying for a retirement visa. The police report is required if you are applying for residency, so should be no problem for you if you apply for retirement visa.

As an American citizen living here in Thailand have a question for you, do you have a US passport? Not sure but I thought I read or heard if one is convicted of a felony, one can not get a passport. Just something you should check out if you haven't already received your passport. Good luck.

Yes, I was probably confused between retirement visa (1 year?) and residency visa. I would be happy to extend from year to year. I've only been reading about the visa types for the last couple of days.  On further reading at http://www.thai-la.net/visa.htm#general, I don't see the police report requirement. I clicked over to the permantent retirement resident section and saw that requirement.

And, yes, I have a valid passport - have had one for many years. I don't know if there is a rule about felons and passports. I suspect it's not a problem, since I got one quite easily.

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