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Does Thailand Have The Most Holidays ?


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there seems 2 b bank holidays or any other excuse for a holiday every week here, i know there famous for making copys but beside there own .they copy everyone elses bank holidays as well, are they the bank holiday world champs or what, i would like to know the stats

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japan has a lot of bank holidays as well - but their working week (same as in thailand) is 70h and not 35-40h as in europe.

japanese take holidays once every many years, in thailand it's almost an unknown concept. In the west you have the right to 4-6 weeks statutory payed holidays, sick leaves and if it's not enough you take unpaid holidays, in thailand nobody payes when you are not at work.

I don't have anything against leisure and quality time - the more the better to feel more happy. We are more than robots

Edited by londonthai
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Working at a university I get the conventional public holidays (certainly more then 6) plus 4 weeks vacation plus 45 days sick leave. So don't know where this statement comes from.

" in thailand nobody payes when you are not at work."

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The sub branches of all the major banks are open 365 days a year, it doesn't matter what or whose birthday, funeral, anniversaryor holiday it is. I can't say the same for most other places in the world.


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The sub branches of all the major banks are open 365 days a year, it doesn't matter what or whose birthday, funeral, anniversaryor holiday it is. I can't say the same for most other places in the world.


only at supermarkets and shopping malls , high street branches are shut on Sunday

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