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  • 2 weeks later...
I enjoy seeing cloud/s photos :-

Can anyone explain why the low line of cloud just hangs so low above the horizon all the time, whilst the other 2 sets of clouds rise up.


The reason is that the line at the bottom of the clouds is called the condensation level. Temperature decreases with altitude - so at some height the humidity becomes 100%, above this is cooler so condensation forms clouds, below that humidity is less than 100% so clouds evaporate. Air moves up and down but the line stays fairly constant - in the short term. This is why clouds appear to 'hang so low'

If you look at your picture, the larger of the two thunderheads, as that thunderhead has risen, it has sucked the surrounding humid air down - so the clouds are thinner either side of that thunderhead. But the bottom of the cloud layer is much the same height all over.

Shame about the pollution. (the browny / grey under the clouds) But good for the economy! ;-(

Many thanks "Screws" for your post and sorry for my late reply. :o

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

You may remember some months ago the atomic bomb that was accidentally detonated near Surattani. It didn't receive much press as the blast was low yield and the government was keen on keeping it quiet (not another reason for tourists to stay away!).

I was lucky enough to catch the mushroom cloud and yet be far enough away not to feel the effects of the fallout.

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