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Plans To Come And Live In Tl Still A Good Idea Or

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I'm a Belgium guy of 38 and planned to come and live and TL for a long time (20 y). I have already visited the whole country, and start to learn Thai language for a year now.

All the bad news and visa troubles noted by members on this forum has scared me and I have doubts of forfilling my plans. I have to cut some important things here like, work, house, (2 dogs I take with me to TL) so I must be sure that I can stay and not been send back after one year.

Therefore some questions :

1) If I let rent my house + keep a part of little business I be able to have the 800.000 bath / year. (have also some savings) Is this enough to stay in TL with mult non imm O ? although I'm not 50 and not maried to thai ?

2) Maybe I make more chances with working, I'm a teacher, I can pronouns english well but I'm not native english (dutch) would it be more difficult to find a job ? (I prefer to live in/around province Krabi)

3) Would it be easier to do some volunteer work instead or work by NGO to keep the proper documents (visa) to stay ?

last maybe stupid question , I read a lot "LOS" on this forum but can't figure it out want it means :-|

Hopefully thank you to help me in my dreams


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Let me try this one

Q1) The senior members would be more than happy tell you the answer.

Q2) Rules for teaching English in LOS - NATIVE ENGLISH ONLY

Q3) I'll have the senior members explain this to you

Q4) LOS = Land Of Scamp... I mean Smiles

For more info about living in LOS read Scamps diary thread.

Explorer :o

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Q2) Rules for teaching English in LOS - NATIVE ENGLISH ONLY

^ Complete and utter nonsense mate! Any nationality can and does teach English here (even some that can't speak English!).

1 out of 4 wasnt bad though! :o 1. You dont qualify for any type of visa based on age or savings (as you probably know).....best you can hope for is a Non Immigrant 0 multi-entry based on visiting family and friends, this said i dont know how "friendly" the Thai Embassy in Belguim is (Dr P.P may know) even with this you will need to do a border run every 90 days....failing this your next option is a 2 or 3 entry tourist visa this would require once again a border run every 90 days (90 day figure here includes a 30 day extension in Thailand) 2.Ken has already answered because your are not a native english speaker does not preclude you from the teaching profession in Thailand. 3.It sounds like you are considering this option to get around the visa rules......i can not see you getting away with it, but maybe someone else could give you a more precise answer 4. Explorer has already answered.

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your next option is a 2 or 3 entry tourist visa this would require once again a border run every 90 days

No, I was thinking of teaching / work wit a NGO / volunteer work on a "mult. entry non imm. B (or ED ?) (op missionary ?) with work permit. I want it to be legal so that I 'll be sure that I can stay ! (borderruns okay)

thanks for help


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This type of visa is designed for applicants who wish to enter the Kingdom for the following purposes.

- to perform official duties (Category "F")

- to conduct business / to work (Category "B")

- to invest with the concurrence of the Thai Ministries and Government Departments concerned (Category "IM")

- to invest or perform other activities relating to investment, subject to the provision of the established laws on investment promotion (Category "IB")

- to study, to come on a work study tour or observation tour , to participate in projects or seminars , to attend a conference or training course , to study as a foreign Buddhist monk (Category "ED")

- to work as a film-producer, journalist or reporter (Category "M")

- to perform missionary work or other religious activities with the concurrence of the Thai Ministries or Government Departments concerned (Category "R")

- to conduct scientific research or training or teaching in a research institute (Category "RS")

- to undertake skilled work or to work as an expert or specialist (Category "EX")

- other activities (Category "O")


2.1 The applicants must submit the following relevant documents depending on the purpose of their visit.

- Visa application form completely filled out

- Passport or travel document with validity not less than 6 months and its copy

- Two 4 x 6 cm full-faced , bareheaded photos taken within the past six months

- Birth Certificate ("O")

- Certifcate of Marriage or its equivalents ("O")

- Transcript / Letter of acceptance from the concerned schools/universities or institutes ("ED")

- Letter from Thailand's Board of Investment. ("IB")

- Official Note certifying the purpose of travel from the Government Agencies /Embassies and Consulates / International Organizations / State Enterprises inThailand. ("F" / "B" / "ED" / "M" / "R")

- Letter of acceptance from the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (Alien Occupational Control Division, Department of Employment , Tel 662-2452745, 245-3209, 617-6578, 617-6584 Fax. 662-6176576, 245-2593) ***

- Letter from a company stating the objective of the visit to Thailand ("B")

- Document showing correspondence with trading partners in Thailand. ("B")

- Letter of invitation from companies qualified to employ foreigners. ("B")

- Employment contract indicating rationale for hiring the applicant as well as his/her salary, position and qualifications (document must be signed by authorized managing director and affixed the seal of the company) ("B")

- Copy of Work Permit issued by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (only in case the applicant has previously worked in the Kingdom ) ("B")

- Copy of corporate documents; namely 1) list of shareholders 2) business registration and business license 3) company profile 4) details of business operation 5) list of foreign workers stating names, nationalities and positions 6) map indicating the location of the company 7) Balance sheet, statement of Income Tax and BusinessTax (Por Ngor Dor 50 and Por Ngor Dor 30) of the latest year 8) Alien income tax return (Por Ngor Dor 91) and 9) Value-added tax registration (Por Ngor Dor 20) , etc.("B")

- Copy of educational records of the applicant and letters of recommendation from the prior employers, identifying job description and length of service time. ("B")

- Document indicating the number of foreign tourists (for tourism business only),or document indicating export transactions issued by banks (for export business only)("B")

- Evidence of adequate finance ( 20,000 Baht per person and 40,000 Baht per family )

2.2 The document to be submitted for non-immigrant visa application is contingent upon necessities and appropriateness of purposes stated in the application form.

2.3 Consular officers reserve the rights to request for additional documents as deemed necessary.

2.4 Copies of company documents must be signed by Board of Directors and affixed the seal of the company.

2.5 In the absence of a required document, a letter indicating the unavailability of such document must be provided.

2.6 The applicant must sign on each page of the copy

2.7 Documents in foreign languages must be translated inThai. If translated into English, it should be notorized by notary organs or the applicant’s diplomatic/ consular mission.

Just incase you do not have the requirements for Non Imm visas they are pasted above...........but i cant help you as to ease of obtaining an "ED" visa..........anyone else?

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- Visa application form completely filled out

- Passport or travel document with validity not less than 6 months and its copy

- Two 4 x 6 cm full-faced , bareheaded photos taken within the past six months

- Letter of invitation from companies qualified to employ foreigners. ("B")

- Copy of educational records of the applicant and letters of recommendation from the prior employers, identifying job description and length of service time. ("B")

- Evidence of adequate finance ( 20,000 Baht per person and 40,000 Baht per family )

this later ?

- Official Note certifying the purpose of travel from the Government Agencies /Embassies and Consulates / International Organizations / State Enterprises inThailand. ("F" / "B" / "ED" / "M" / "R")

- Letter of acceptance from the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare

- Letter from a company stating the objective of the visit to Thailand ("B")

- Employment contract indicating rationale for hiring the applicant as well as his/her salary, position and qualifications (document must be signed by authorized managing director and affixed the seal of the company) ("B")

- Copy of Work Permit issued by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (only in case the applicant has previously worked in the Kingdom ) ("B")

This is the info I can find on the thaivisa site.

So, If I want "- (to conduct business) / to work (Category "B")" as one of my 3 options are, then I need all the things I quoted above ?

I'm visiting LOS ;-) in febr/mar (on tourist visa) planning to try to get some letters from schools/NGO or other, that they want to employ me so that I can ask for the B Visa back in Belgium. Ones I have ( 3 mounts later ?) I come over to TL and start signing work contract and work permit.

is that okay ? or do I need more from TL then a willing paper a school or ... wants me for a job ?

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I'm visiting LOS ;-) in febr/mar (on tourist visa) planning to try to get some letters from schools/NGO or other, that they want to employ me so that I can ask for the B Visa back in Belgium. Ones I have ( 3 mounts later ?) I come over to TL and start signing work contract and work permit.

is that okay ? or do I need more from TL then a willing paper a school or ... wants me for a job ?

That is the way to go.

At present you cannot get a long term visa here,

No job

No Thai wife

Under 50 years old.

Once you have established a job with an NGO or school then you can proceed from there.

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Q2) Rules for teaching English in LOS - NATIVE ENGLISH ONLY

^ Complete and utter nonsense mate! Any nationality can and does teach English here (even some that can't speak English!).

I know some people, who are from Eastern Europe. They always say - I'm native speaker, from Ireland. Some of them got contracts for about 40k. :o

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This type of visa is designed for applicants who wish to enter the Kingdom for the following purposes.

- to perform official duties (Category "F")

- to conduct business / to work (Category "B")

- to invest with the concurrence of the Thai Ministries and Government Departments concerned (Category "IM")

- to invest or perform other activities relating to investment, subject to the provision of the established laws on investment promotion (Category "IB")

- to study, to come on a work study tour or observation tour , to participate in projects or seminars , to attend a conference or training course , to study as a foreign Buddhist monk (Category "ED")

- to work as a film-producer, journalist or reporter (Category "M")

- to perform missionary work or other religious activities with the concurrence of the Thai Ministries or Government Departments concerned (Category "R")

- to conduct scientific research or training or teaching in a research institute (Category "RS")

- to undertake skilled work or to work as an expert or specialist (Category "EX")

- other activities (Category "O")


2.1 The applicants must submit the following relevant documents depending on the purpose of their visit.

- Visa application form completely filled out

- Passport or travel document with validity not less than 6 months and its copy

- Two 4 x 6 cm full-faced , bareheaded photos taken within the past six months

- Birth Certificate ("O")

- Certifcate of Marriage or its equivalents ("O")

- Transcript / Letter of acceptance from the concerned schools/universities or institutes ("ED")

- Letter from Thailand's Board of Investment. ("IB")

- Official Note certifying the purpose of travel from the Government Agencies /Embassies and Consulates / International Organizations / State Enterprises inThailand. ("F" / "B" / "ED" / "M" / "R")

- Letter of acceptance from the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (Alien Occupational Control Division, Department of Employment , Tel 662-2452745, 245-3209, 617-6578, 617-6584 Fax. 662-6176576, 245-2593) ***

- Letter from a company stating the objective of the visit to Thailand ("B")

- Document showing correspondence with trading partners in Thailand. ("B")

- Letter of invitation from companies qualified to employ foreigners. ("B")

- Employment contract indicating rationale for hiring the applicant as well as his/her salary, position and qualifications (document must be signed by authorized managing director and affixed the seal of the company) ("B")

- Copy of Work Permit issued by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (only in case the applicant has previously worked in the Kingdom ) ("B")

- Copy of corporate documents; namely 1) list of shareholders 2) business registration and business license 3) company profile 4) details of business operation 5) list of foreign workers stating names, nationalities and positions 6) map indicating the location of the company 7) Balance sheet, statement of Income Tax and BusinessTax (Por Ngor Dor 50 and Por Ngor Dor 30) of the latest year 8) Alien income tax return (Por Ngor Dor 91) and 9) Value-added tax registration (Por Ngor Dor 20) , etc.("B")

- Copy of educational records of the applicant and letters of recommendation from the prior employers, identifying job description and length of service time. ("B")

- Document indicating the number of foreign tourists (for tourism business only),or document indicating export transactions issued by banks (for export business only)("B")

- Evidence of adequate finance ( 20,000 Baht per person and 40,000 Baht per family )

2.2 The document to be submitted for non-immigrant visa application is contingent upon necessities and appropriateness of purposes stated in the application form.

2.3 Consular officers reserve the rights to request for additional documents as deemed necessary.

2.4 Copies of company documents must be signed by Board of Directors and affixed the seal of the company.

2.5 In the absence of a required document, a letter indicating the unavailability of such document must be provided.

2.6 The applicant must sign on each page of the copy

2.7 Documents in foreign languages must be translated inThai. If translated into English, it should be notorized by notary organs or the applicant’s diplomatic/ consular mission.

Just incase you do not have the requirements for Non Imm visas they are pasted above...........but i cant help you as to ease of obtaining an "ED" visa..........anyone else?

hey thaiflyer do your hands hurt now?? :D:o

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I know some people, who are from Eastern Europe

hey, thank you for the tip although I'm not a great lyer, and I think, get an agrement with a school based on cheating is not a good situation, or am I too naïve ?

To sum up :

1) No, you can not stay in LOS if you are not 50 or married with thai even if you have enough money (salary) from home country. You need a job !

2) They prefer native english teachers, but you can get the job also if you are not, say a little more difficult or you have to use bad tricks.

3) getting non imm B as volunteer or working for NGO ? .... not quite clear till now .. :-|

If I go for teacher, first I contacting schools on my next holidayvisit asking for a recommandation letter ? (do I need to show some papers already?)

Back in Belgium I go to Thai Consult in Antwerp and ask to have a multi entry non imm B visa based on the recommandation letter.

3 mounts later I will get it and then go to LOS for longtime staying and sign contract with school :-)

Can someone confirm these steps as being the right ones to be sure I can stay for several years without the risk of being not allowed to re-entry.

Thank you so much for jour help !! :o



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? why do you make me doubt again ??

To put this as diplomatically as possible, based on your posts here, I would judge that you do NOT write English at the level or in the style of a native. Thus, presenting yourself as a teacher may be possible, but would be a disservice to your students.

I would give your idea to move to Thailand to teach English some serious thought.

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okay, I can accept that, i'm sure its not perfect, and a native will see a lot of uncorrect things.

But there are diffrent levels, I know i'm not good enough for university students, but there are also beginners !, In thailand I saw that a lot of thai people can't speak english at all, and some who could pronounced it very badly, sometimes hard to understand.

So if all those people could have a conversation in english at my level it would already be a graet improvement.

As I said i'm also learning thai what will make it a lot easier to explane to beginners ! I heard from some native english teachers, they start there lesson with 'I am Peter' and the students tought he's name was "Iampeter", a problem because he could not translate I am peter in Thai.

I don't know your native roots, but if you could write and speak french, dutch, german or spanish at the same level I can help myself in english ... it would be okay. so if i can bring thai people to my level , than I'm already satisfied. And you know its easier to find mistakes in writing then talking.

don't see this as a attack on you !!, just try to explain, okay i'm not perfect, but can help beginners a lot on a good way ? mai ?


if you have suggestions on another job , your welcome !! I wonne do volunteer or missionary work too !!!


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I know some people, who are from Eastern Europe

hey, thank you for the tip although I'm not a great lyer, and I think, get an agrement with a school based on cheating is not a good situation, or am I too naïve ?

To sum up :

1) No, you can not stay in LOS if you are not 50 or married with thai even if you have enough money (salary) from home country. You need a job !

2) They prefer native english teachers, but you can get the job also if you are not, say a little more difficult or you have to use bad tricks.

3) getting non imm B as volunteer or working for NGO ? .... not quite clear till now .. :-|

If I go for teacher, first I contacting schools on my next holidayvisit asking for a recommandation letter ? (do I need to show some papers already?)

Back in Belgium I go to Thai Consult in Antwerp and ask to have a multi entry non imm B visa based on the recommandation letter.

3 mounts later I will get it and then go to LOS for longtime staying and sign contract with school :-)

Can someone confirm these steps as being the right ones to be sure I can stay for several years without the risk of being not allowed to re-entry.

Thank you so much for jour help !! :o



I don't want to rain on your parade, but I have to say that your own English needs a lot of work before you leap into an English teaching career, even at beginner level.

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I see your points, but I think they are rationalizations.

In many ways, BEGINNING students are at the most critical point as far as their vulnerability to picking up your non-standard habits.

I have taken foreign language classes myself, including a class in Thai, and personally I would always choose the native speaking teacher over a non-native one. Wouldn't you? I think you would. Thus, I think it is in some ways unethical to pursue this work choice. The rub is that of course, there is no other easy way to obtain work in Thailand.

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If you speak English anything like the way that you have written English here, maybe you could do a comedy routine imitating Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Seriously, while it seems logical that your grasp of Thai might become sufficient after several years, to explain English in Thai, that's precisely what some schools DETEST. They want native speakers who don't even try to teach Thai. Does that make sense to you, chaimai? :o

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after al these several testimony's I reckon that my english must be very poor :o and be willing to accept that...

long time holiday's are no option for me (work / pets / house..)

so you advice me to search a job at another branche ...

I suggest already working for a help-organisation, I don't need the (big) money I only want the papers to be able to stay. Would it be possible that I help them (maybe for free) if they take care of my visa and work-permit ?

Has anyone expirience in this matter ?

and a little note about english teacher (more easier to find)

how about :

kenkannif : NATIVE ENGLISH ONLY ^ Complete and utter nonsense mate! Any nationality can and does teach English here (even some that can't speak English!). OR Vit77 : I know some people, who are from Eastern Europe. They always say - I'm native speaker, from Ireland. Some of them got contracts for about 40k.  AND I also heard of french people teaching english (do you know many who can speak english in a good way ?)
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Q2) Rules for teaching English in LOS - NATIVE ENGLISH ONLY

^ Complete and utter nonsense mate! Any nationality can and does teach English here (even some that can't speak English!).

It's can and do my friend,can and do!!!

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^ Come again? Any nationality can and do teach English? Don't make sense! I'm <deleted> at English either way!

Basically while you may not, strictly speaking, be suitable to teach English, that don't mean you can't or won't get a job teaching English (unfortunately, or not, as the case may be!).

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