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What Is The General Overseas Reputation/stereotypes Of Thailand?


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When you mention Thailand overseas (outside of LOS) and the person is well educated enough to not confuse you saying Thailand with Taiwan, what would probably come to their mind (assume that they've never been to Thailand but know about Thailand)?

Spicy Food, Cheap Whores, Old guys shagging underage kids, Old Guys shagging young girls because they can't get it at home.

That's exactly the attitude that I was given when I said I was moving to Thailand unfortunately.

Don't shoot the messenger, you asked for answers and sorry but this was what I got thrown in my face in my home country some years ago.

It's NOT my opinion, I was just answering the question so please don't give me stupid flames.

Reason for edit - Cant type to save my life !

Edited by EmptyMind
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Usually here in America I get blank looks or people mention vacations, beaches, golf or they are thinking about prostitution, corruption and drugs but are too polite to mention it.

I was talking to the secretary in my office, an older lady about how I lived in NE Thailand for a few years and have a home there and how my wife goes back and forth between there and here. The first thing she asked about was the poverty of the people and how we could get along there without all the conveniences of America. Bingo! In my opinion, she nailed it. That is not usually the first thing people think of.

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Just for the sake of completeness... How about a list of what some fairly educated people living in Thailand usually think of when the United States is mentioned.

Who do you mean by fairly educated educated people living in Thailand? They probably have numerous misconceptions about the US just like the misconceptions people have about Thailand. Why you picking on the US? Start your own topic, and I'll see you there.

Edited by Shotime
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On the news here in Australia, Today tonight labels Thailand as where all old men go to take advantage and buy young girls. Also they said most old men who go to Thailand are looking for underage girls or boys.

Which IMO is just typical nonesense about Thailand.

But nearly everyone I know has been to thailand. Most love the place and always wants to go back, even females

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Quote "I did some research on this for my ethnography paper and here's my list of what some fairly educated people living in the USA/its territories usually think of when Thailand is mentioned and they already know about Thailand:"

I watched a news show in Australia two or three years ago, where a reporter, armed with a map of the world, with Australia labelled as Iraq and a few other erroneously labelled countries, talked to the "man on the street" in some part of the US and asked whether they thought Iraq was a big problem, he then asked them to point to Iraq on the map of the world. Of the fifteen or so people we were shown on the program only one pointed to the middle east, the rest of them pointed at Australia.

Looking at your list of responses, you must have interviewed the same people. If your definition of educated is the ability to differentiate between Taiwan and Thailand then I guess well educated is the ability to differentiate between Austria and Australia!


Edited by midasthailand
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I watched a news show in Australia two or three years ago, where a reporter, armed with a map of the world, with Australia labelled as Iraq and a few other erroneously labelled countries, talked to the "man on the street" in some part of the US and asked whether they thought Iraq was a big problem, he then asked them to point to Iraq on the map of the world. Of the fifteen or so people we were shown on the program only one pointed to the middle east, the rest of them pointed at Australia.

It was very funny, if not a little disturbing. youtube link

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On the news ....... Today tonight labels Thailand as..

I think here is a major source of the material on which "general opinion" is formed. The Media is a hugely competitve and ruthless industry which will sensationalise anyhing it can put it's hands on in an attemp to grab attention with a shocking headline. Opinion of the "outside world" is then slowly formed with this "education" by the media. It's just a sad reality that so many can't "read the media game" and peoples opinions are influenced by such a devisive industry. After all, what percentage of Americans own a passport and have seen the world for themselves? :o

If they all get passports and come over to Pattaya to see for themselves, better turn the lights out on Walking street eh! (insert tongue in cheek emoticon here).

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It was very funny, if not a little disturbing. youtube link

After watching the clip, I think that's the understatement of the century. Glad to see the new leader of the world's superpower is being chosen by such an educated well-informed electorate. :D

BTW, a lot of people on TV refer to a place in Thailand called "NakhonNowhere" but I can't find it on the map :o

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when you mention "Thailand"

when (being abroad) and i mention "Thailand" (most) males have only one thing in mind and that's... "p*ssy" :o

Edited by Naam
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I watched a news show in Australia two or three years ago, where a reporter, armed with a map of the world, with Australia labelled as Iraq and a few other erroneously labelled countries, talked to the "man on the street" in some part of the US and asked whether they thought Iraq was a big problem, he then asked them to point to Iraq on the map of the world. Of the fifteen or so people we were shown on the program only one pointed to the middle east, the rest of them pointed at Australia.

It was very funny, if not a little disturbing. youtube link

Thanks for posting that, I spent the next hour watching the rest of the videos, I particularly liked the Chasers war skit where the reporter convinced Americans that Mount Rushmore was in Brisbane and the great wall of China was just outside Darwin, the Eiffel Tower was in Melbourne, the leaning tower of Pisa was in Perth and the Taj Mahal was in Adelaide....... Unbelievable!!!

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I must agree that when I mention Thailand that the first thing almost everyone back home thinks of is the sex trade. This was made blantantly obvious to me after I had holidayed here the first couple of times. The problem is that this perception doe not go away even if those people come here to see Thailand for themselves, because where to they go?? Patong in Phuket, or Pattaya, or somewhere like that where the sex trade is at the forefront to 'Farangs'.

I'm sure many people I know back home actually think that I go out on the piss every single night in places like Nana or Cowboy. Truth is, I haven't stepped foot inside Nana for about 4 years and have probably been to Cowboy 3 or 4 times in the last 4 years!!

I couldn't really give a Monkey's ass what these people think. My parents have been here to see the kind of life I live and it's only their opinion and appoval that want (and have).

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At first I was very surprised when reading (most of) the previous answers, because where I come from I think the list would come out something like this:

1. Wonderful beaches and warm weather

2. A perfect destination for a family holiday

3. Friendly people

4. Good food

5. Prostitution

6. Shopping

7. Paedophilia

8. Culture & History

How come the (big) difference? I come from Sweden, a place where Thailand is actually known :o A little bit of research turned up the following numbers for what proportion of each of a number of countries' population that visited Thailand last year (actually the number of visits divided by the population):

Sweden 4.1%

Australia 3.1%

Korea 2.2%

New Zealand 2.2%

United Kingdom 1.2%

Netherlands 1.1%

Japan 1.0%

Germany 0.7%

France 0.5%

United States 0.2%

In other words one out of every 24 Swedes, but only out of every 500 Americans, visited Thailand last year.

I think there are very few Swedes that have not themselves been, or know somebody who's been, to Thailand! I.e. most Swedes have a first or second hand knowledge of Thailand, whereas most Americans will have formed their impressions from the(sensationalist) media.

Familiarity doesn't always breed contempt :D

/ Priceless

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You might find this article relevant

It is a UK perspective though


Perceptions and Experiences

The large gender imbalance in the figures gives shape to popular perception of the Thai population in Britain: Thai women migrating to the UK as individuals (and sometimes with their children) as the wives of White British men. (10) Unfortunately, with the image of the 'Thai bride' - which is shorthand for Thai mail-order-bride - come hyper sexualised stereotypes. As Enteen puts it, Thai women have the image of being, "exotic, young, alluring, yet potentially HIV-positive 'hookers', eager to please western clients; or dutiful, devoted wives of western men who dismiss the tenets of western feminism and appreciate the financial and emotional generosity of their husbands". (11) These sexualised stereotypes of Thai women who seek relationships with western (White) men were well known to all of the interview and focus group participants. Jane, a second generation Mixed Thai/White British woman described it bluntly, "the stereotypes are that women are sex objects - that the women are here because they're sex objects - they work in the service industry as massage girls, bar girls, prostitutes, or in Thai restaurants".

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When back in the UK, the general opinion of Thailand from my work mates was that it`s very poor, full of beggars, prostitutes, hot and everyone lives in wooden huts.

This view is also hyped up by the media, giving Thailand a bad image.

In the last few years, the Thai government has tried to clean up Thailand`s image abroad and I think it`s winning, but a slow process.

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A place for a cheap short time & a wonderful place to learn all the ins & outs of CORRUPTION sponsored by the BIB or Was it the Thai Mafai. Can never tell the difference. Mainly corruption I think as you can get a cheap short time in Mexico as well & it is a heck of a lot closer....................same corruption!

Hey for 500-2500 baht the heat will watch your goods get stolen closer! That way they can make sure to get their tithing's from both directions & get paid a skimpy salary to boot.

Isn't Thailand ranked # 3 in the world for corruption?

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When back in the UK, the general opinion of Thailand from my work mates was that it`s very poor, full of beggars, prostitutes, hot and everyone lives in wooden huts.

This view is also hyped up by the media, giving Thailand a bad image.

In the last few years, the Thai government has tried to clean up Thailand`s image abroad and I think it`s winning, but a slow process.

Or maybe it is the Thai governments stashing millions of baht in blue pipes & never recovering the amount claimed to have been really stashed away.What ever happened to the guy that was supposed to get a cut for turning the pipe story in anyway? :o

I think Thailand is biting it's nose to spite its face when it comes to the govn trying to clean up its trash in the self serve line.

The media wouldn't have much to report on Thailand if the Govn. didn't give so many opportunities to report about.

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Just for the sake of completeness... How about a list of what some fairly educated people living in Thailand usually think of when the United States is mentioned.

Who do you mean by fairly educated educated people living in Thailand? They probably have numerous misconceptions about the US just like the misconceptions people have about Thailand. Why you picking on the US? Start your own topic, and I'll see you there.

Most of the well educated Thai's I know and work with have either studies in the USA or have visited unlike a lot of American who have never left their own state.

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A place for a cheap short time & a wonderful place to learn all the ins & outs of CORRUPTION sponsored by the BIB or Was it the Thai Mafai. Can never tell the difference. Mainly corruption I think as you can get a cheap short time in Mexico as well & it is a heck of a lot closer....................same corruption!

Hey for 500-2500 baht the heat will watch your goods get stolen closer! That way they can make sure to get their tithing's from both directions & get paid a skimpy salary to boot.

Isn't Thailand ranked # 3 in the world for corruption?

This is one of the kinds of posts that really irritate me :o Somebody posts something (albeit under the guise of a question) that is utterly false, and could easily have been checked.

The generally accepted measurement of corruption levels is the yearly Corruption Perceptions Index published by Transparency International ( http://www.transparency.org/policy_researc...ndices/cpi/2007 ). This list is is organised with the least corrupt countries (Denmark, Finland and New Zealand) at the top and the most corrupt (Myanmar [burma] and Somalia) in 179th and last place. Thailand comes in on 84th place, i.e. on the better half of the 180 countries. Incidentally, USA is in 20th place with a score of 7.2 out of a possible 10, not exactly brilliant compared to 9.4 for the top three countries.

One wonders what lies behind a post like that: lack of education, stupidity or a combination of the two?

/ Priceless

PS I am not claiming that Thailand is not corrupt. Of course it is! It's just that more than half of the countries in the world are even more corrupt.

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A place for a cheap short time & a wonderful place to learn all the ins & outs of CORRUPTION sponsored by the BIB or Was it the Thai Mafai. Can never tell the difference. Mainly corruption I think as you can get a cheap short time in Mexico as well & it is a heck of a lot closer....................same corruption!

Hey for 500-2500 baht the heat will watch your goods get stolen closer! That way they can make sure to get their tithing's from both directions & get paid a skimpy salary to boot.

Isn't Thailand ranked # 3 in the world for corruption?

This is one of the kinds of posts that really irritate me :o Somebody posts something (albeit under the guise of a question) that is utterly false, and could easily have been checked.

The generally accepted measurement of corruption levels is the yearly Corruption Perceptions Index published by Transparency International ( http://www.transparency.org/policy_researc...ndices/cpi/2007 ). This list is is organised with the least corrupt countries (Denmark, Finland and New Zealand) at the top and the most corrupt (Myanmar [burma] and Somalia) in 179th and last place. Thailand comes in on 84th place, i.e. on the better half of the 180 countries. Incidentally, USA is in 20th place with a score of 7.2 out of a possible 10, not exactly brilliant compared to 9.4 for the top three countries.

One wonders what lies behind a post like that: lack of education, stupidity or a combination of the two?

/ Priceless

PS I am not claiming that Thailand is not corrupt. Of course it is! It's just that more than half of the countries in the world are even more corrupt.

I just read the report on excite & Yahoos homepages Thailand was Ranked 3rd. I guess you must be reading the thai Governments buffered version.....................I wonder how much baht they paid for the report your quoting.

And who the hel_l is transparency intl? From Thailand. At least the police aren't excepting & soliciting payouts (since prohibition days Here anything that is taken or a problem ca I buy a vowel for........ The heat is always offering a protection package for problems here. I have been offered twice for protection of a business & property -to keep a closer eye on it if you get my drift. The report is in 2007 was that during Thaksin regime the interim gov or the new Same same govn. that even the Thais so dearly love. Get real Time to get on a mainstream company that isn't spouting bullshit. Time to take off those rosy tinted sunglasses your wearing Priceless. Where you from the govn. in Thailand?

And America at the top 20 Don't eat that fudge grandma that ain't chocolate!

At least in America bad money can be found in a freezer & or a bank acct & the full story is revealed.Here people have a way of disappearing when they go against the grain.

Edited by Beardog
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A place for a cheap short time & a wonderful place to learn all the ins & outs of CORRUPTION sponsored by the BIB or Was it the Thai Mafai. Can never tell the difference. Mainly corruption I think as you can get a cheap short time in Mexico as well & it is a heck of a lot closer....................same corruption!

Hey for 500-2500 baht the heat will watch your goods get stolen closer! That way they can make sure to get their tithing's from both directions & get paid a skimpy salary to boot.

Isn't Thailand ranked # 3 in the world for corruption?

This is one of the kinds of posts that really irritate me :o Somebody posts something (albeit under the guise of a question) that is utterly false, and could easily have been checked.

The generally accepted measurement of corruption levels is the yearly Corruption Perceptions Index published by Transparency International ( http://www.transparency.org/policy_researc...ndices/cpi/2007 ). This list is is organised with the least corrupt countries (Denmark, Finland and New Zealand) at the top and the most corrupt (Myanmar [burma] and Somalia) in 179th and last place. Thailand comes in on 84th place, i.e. on the better half of the 180 countries. Incidentally, USA is in 20th place with a score of 7.2 out of a possible 10, not exactly brilliant compared to 9.4 for the top three countries.

One wonders what lies behind a post like that: lack of education, stupidity or a combination of the two?

/ Priceless

PS I am not claiming that Thailand is not corrupt. Of course it is! It's just that more than half of the countries in the world are even more corrupt.

I just read the report on excite & Yahoos homepages Thailand was Ranked 3rd. I guess you must be reading the thai Governments buffered version.....................I wonder how much baht they paid for the report your quoting.

And who the hel_l is transparency intl? From Thailand. At least the police aren't excepting & soliciting payouts (since prohibition days Here anything that is taken or a problem ca I buy a vowel for........ The heat is always offering a protection package for problems here. I have been offered twice for protection of a business & property -to keep a closer eye on it if you get my drift. The report is in 2007 was that during Thaksin regime the interim gov or the new Same same govn. that even the Thais so dearly love. Get real Time to get on a mainstream company that isn't spouting bullshit. Time to take off those rosy tinted sunglasses your wearing Priceless. Where you from the govn. in Thailand?

And America at the top 20 Don't eat that fudge grandma that ain't chocolate!

At least in America bad money can be found in a freezer & or a bank acct & the full story is revealed.Here people have a way of disappearing when they go against the grain.

I reckon the yanks are just better at hiding corruption.

Also all stats are false, it just depends on who does the research, you could get 10 different agencies and you will get 10 different answers.

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A place for a cheap short time & a wonderful place to learn all the ins & outs of CORRUPTION sponsored by the BIB or Was it the Thai Mafai. Can never tell the difference. Mainly corruption I think as you can get a cheap short time in Mexico as well & it is a heck of a lot closer....................same corruption!

Hey for 500-2500 baht the heat will watch your goods get stolen closer! That way they can make sure to get their tithing's from both directions & get paid a skimpy salary to boot.

Isn't Thailand ranked # 3 in the world for corruption?

This is one of the kinds of posts that really irritate me :o Somebody posts something (albeit under the guise of a question) that is utterly false, and could easily have been checked.

The generally accepted measurement of corruption levels is the yearly Corruption Perceptions Index published by Transparency International ( http://www.transparency.org/policy_researc...ndices/cpi/2007 ). This list is is organised with the least corrupt countries (Denmark, Finland and New Zealand) at the top and the most corrupt (Myanmar [burma] and Somalia) in 179th and last place. Thailand comes in on 84th place, i.e. on the better half of the 180 countries. Incidentally, USA is in 20th place with a score of 7.2 out of a possible 10, not exactly brilliant compared to 9.4 for the top three countries.

One wonders what lies behind a post like that: lack of education, stupidity or a combination of the two?

/ Priceless

PS I am not claiming that Thailand is not corrupt. Of course it is! It's just that more than half of the countries in the world are even more corrupt.

I just read the report on excite & Yahoos homepages Thailand was Ranked 3rd. I guess you must be reading the thai Governments buffered version.....................I wonder how much baht they paid for the report your quoting.

And who the hel_l is transparency intl? From Thailand. At least the police aren't excepting & soliciting payouts (since prohibition days Here anything that is taken or a problem ca I buy a vowel for........ The heat is always offering a protection package for problems here. I have been offered twice for protection of a business & property -to keep a closer eye on it if you get my drift. The report is in 2007 was that during Thaksin regime the interim gov or the new Same same govn. that even the Thais so dearly love. Get real Time to get on a mainstream company that isn't spouting bullshit. Time to take off those rosy tinted sunglasses your wearing Priceless. Where you from the govn. in Thailand?

And America at the top 20 Don't eat that fudge grandma that ain't chocolate!

At least in America bad money can be found in a freezer & or a bank acct & the full story is revealed.Here people have a way of disappearing when they go against the grain.

I reckon the yanks are just better at hiding corruption.

Also all stats are false, it just depends on who does the research, you could get 10 different agencies and you will get 10 different answers.

Don I would agree with you 100% on depending where the info is coming from!

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When you mention Thailand overseas (outside of LOS) and the person is well educated enough to not confuse you saying Thailand with Taiwan, what would probably come to their mind (assume that they've never been to Thailand but know about Thailand)?

I did some research on this for my ethnography paper and here's my list of what some fairly educated people living in the USA/its territories usually think of when Thailand is mentioned and they already know about Thailand:

1. Thai food/Thai restaurants owned in the USA by overseas Thais

2. Tropical weather and landscape/prostitution/katoeys

3. Cheap overseas beach resort vacation

4. Messy third-world government/politics

5. The Royal Family

6. Buddhism & Thai language

7. Large numbers of tourists/"expats" landing into Bangkok to enter the Kingdom of Thailand

8. Thai embassies, consulates, and communities in the USA

I will cover each listed topic in my essay. There isn't a large Thai community in America and your average American's greatest contact with Thai culture will be eating at a Thai restaurant, topic number 1. But there are many more stereotypes of Thailand for those who choose to learn. In my ethnography I'm going to research and critically analyze the validity of every single stereotype. Is there any other general stereotype about Thailand from the overseas world outside of LOS that I've missed?

Hey Dude!

I think your suprvisor ought to pick you up and say that for example stereotype number 2. 'Tropical weather and landscape/prostitution/katoeys' is really three stereotypes.

I fear that for most of the world Thailand/Bangkok means prostitution ie cheap sex for visitors.

My wife being Thai, I find that deeply sad when I visit UK with her. Nothing is ever said to one's face but the thought processes inevitably are there.

Has Thailand earned this reputation and what can be done about it?

You twice mention questioning people who 'know about Thailand'. In doing the survey, how (and why) do you identify these as contrasted with those who do not know about Thailand? Surely the most interesting question is what are the possibly false stereotypes held by the ignorant majority. Though it depends of course what exactly your 'research question' is.

An interesting empirical survey would be to walk the streets of your home town and ask passers-by the question, 'What word or thought comes into your head when the name, Bangkok is mentioned'.

Then ask again about 'Thailand' and compare the results.


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Don I would agree with you 100% on depending where the info is coming from!

That's beautiful. You're 100% behind The Don, and you don't know where the info is coming from. The U.S. is a melting pot of corruption from all over the world. The country was founded on corruption, and very successfully, at least for awhile. They don't hide bad money in the freezers anymore. It's invested in places that want it, and it's rarely revealed. They call it business. Why don't you talk about, I'm afraid to mention the country, when you talk about hiding corruption. It's not Thailand. They disappear in the U.S., too.

Edited by Shotime
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A place for a cheap short time & a wonderful place to learn all the ins & outs of CORRUPTION sponsored by the BIB or Was it the Thai Mafai. Can never tell the difference. Mainly corruption I think as you can get a cheap short time in Mexico as well & it is a heck of a lot closer....................same corruption!

Hey for 500-2500 baht the heat will watch your goods get stolen closer! That way they can make sure to get their tithing's from both directions & get paid a skimpy salary to boot.

Isn't Thailand ranked # 3 in the world for corruption?

This is one of the kinds of posts that really irritate me :o Somebody posts something (albeit under the guise of a question) that is utterly false, and could easily have been checked.

The generally accepted measurement of corruption levels is the yearly Corruption Perceptions Index published by Transparency International ( http://www.transparency.org/policy_researc...ndices/cpi/2007 ). This list is is organised with the least corrupt countries (Denmark, Finland and New Zealand) at the top and the most corrupt (Myanmar [burma] and Somalia) in 179th and last place. Thailand comes in on 84th place, i.e. on the better half of the 180 countries. Incidentally, USA is in 20th place with a score of 7.2 out of a possible 10, not exactly brilliant compared to 9.4 for the top three countries.

One wonders what lies behind a post like that: lack of education, stupidity or a combination of the two?

/ Priceless

PS I am not claiming that Thailand is not corrupt. Of course it is! It's just that more than half of the countries in the world are even more corrupt.

I just read the report on excite & Yahoos homepages Thailand was Ranked 3rd. I guess you must be reading the thai Governments buffered version.....................I wonder how much baht they paid for the report your quoting.

And who the hel_l is transparency intl? From Thailand. At least the police aren't excepting & soliciting payouts (since prohibition days Here anything that is taken or a problem ca I buy a vowel for........ The heat is always offering a protection package for problems here. I have been offered twice for protection of a business & property -to keep a closer eye on it if you get my drift. The report is in 2007 was that during Thaksin regime the interim gov or the new Same same govn. that even the Thais so dearly love. Get real Time to get on a mainstream company that isn't spouting bullshit. Time to take off those rosy tinted sunglasses your wearing Priceless. Where you from the govn. in Thailand?

And America at the top 20 Don't eat that fudge grandma that ain't chocolate!

At least in America bad money can be found in a freezer & or a bank acct & the full story is revealed.Here people have a way of disappearing when they go against the grain.

I note that you don't give any links to the Yahoo and Excite articles that you refer to, do they exist? Concerning your politely worded question "And who the hel_l is transparency intl?", you could easily have found the answer by following the link that I gave but here you have it: "Transparency International (TI) is a leading international non-governmental organization addressing corruption. This includes, but is not limited to, political corruption. It is widely known for producing its annual Corruptions Perceptions Index (see below), a comparative listing of corruption worldwide. The international headquarters is located in Berlin, Germany." (Wikipedia)

A quote about corruption in Thailand: "Corruption is perceived as significant. Thailand ranks 63rd out of 163 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index for 2006. Foreign and Thai companies continue to allege customs irregularities. The government is trying to make the evaluation of bids and awarding of contracts more transparent. Convictions of public officials on corruption-related charges are rare." (The Heritage Foundation, note that they quote the 2006 ranking, whereas I quoted the 2007 one.)

Just to spare you enquiring about the Heritage Foundation: "The Heritage Foundation is one of the world's most prominent conservative think tanks. Founded in 1973, it is based in Washington, D.C., in the United States.

Heritage's stated mission is to "formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense." (Wikipedia)

/ Priceless

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A place for a cheap short time & a wonderful place to learn all the ins & outs of CORRUPTION sponsored by the BIB or Was it the Thai Mafai. Can never tell the difference. Mainly corruption I think as you can get a cheap short time in Mexico as well & it is a heck of a lot closer....................same corruption!

Hey for 500-2500 baht the heat will watch your goods get stolen closer! That way they can make sure to get their tithing's from both directions & get paid a skimpy salary to boot.

Isn't Thailand ranked # 3 in the world for corruption?

This is one of the kinds of posts that really irritate me :o Somebody posts something (albeit under the guise of a question) that is utterly false, and could easily have been checked.

The generally accepted measurement of corruption levels is the yearly Corruption Perceptions Index published by Transparency International ( http://www.transparency.org/policy_researc...ndices/cpi/2007 ). This list is is organised with the least corrupt countries (Denmark, Finland and New Zealand) at the top and the most corrupt (Myanmar [burma] and Somalia) in 179th and last place. Thailand comes in on 84th place, i.e. on the better half of the 180 countries. Incidentally, USA is in 20th place with a score of 7.2 out of a possible 10, not exactly brilliant compared to 9.4 for the top three countries.

One wonders what lies behind a post like that: lack of education, stupidity or a combination of the two?

/ Priceless

PS I am not claiming that Thailand is not corrupt. Of course it is! It's just that more than half of the countries in the world are even more corrupt.

I just read the report on excite & Yahoos homepages Thailand was Ranked 3rd. I guess you must be reading the thai Governments buffered version.....................I wonder how much baht they paid for the report your quoting.

And who the hel_l is transparency intl? From Thailand. At least the police aren't excepting & soliciting payouts (since prohibition days Here anything that is taken or a problem ca I buy a vowel for........ The heat is always offering a protection package for problems here. I have been offered twice for protection of a business & property -to keep a closer eye on it if you get my drift. The report is in 2007 was that during Thaksin regime the interim gov or the new Same same govn. that even the Thais so dearly love. Get real Time to get on a mainstream company that isn't spouting bullshit. Time to take off those rosy tinted sunglasses your wearing Priceless. Where you from the govn. in Thailand?

And America at the top 20 Don't eat that fudge grandma that ain't chocolate!

At least in America bad money can be found in a freezer & or a bank acct & the full story is revealed.Here people have a way of disappearing when they go against the grain.

I note that you don't give any links to the Yahoo and Excite articles that you refer to, do they exist? Concerning your politely worded question "And who the hel_l is transparency intl?", you could easily have found the answer by following the link that I gave but here you have it: "Transparency International (TI) is a leading international non-governmental organization addressing corruption. This includes, but is not limited to, political corruption. It is widely known for producing its annual Corruptions Perceptions Index (see below), a comparative listing of corruption worldwide. The international headquarters is located in Berlin, Germany." (Wikipedia)

A quote about corruption in Thailand: "Corruption is perceived as significant. Thailand ranks 63rd out of 163 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index for 2006. Foreign and Thai companies continue to allege customs irregularities. The government is trying to make the evaluation of bids and awarding of contracts more transparent. Convictions of public officials on corruption-related charges are rare." (The Heritage Foundation, note that they quote the 2006 ranking, whereas I quoted the 2007 one.)

Just to spare you enquiring about the Heritage Foundation: "The Heritage Foundation is one of the world's most prominent conservative think tanks. Founded in 1973, it is based in Washington, D.C., in the United States.

Heritage's stated mission is to "formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense." (Wikipedia)

/ Priceless

And your point is?????? You are aware that Wikipedia got in trouble 2 years ago for posting facts that were not real. If you are from the U.S. I would imagine that you keep up on current affairs in your home country ...or you just trying to bag on the U.S.

You got your story I got mine .

Corruption & short time is my vote. Like the Don said earlier. It depends where you look to stack the odds in your favor.

Have a beer & relax it is a poll.

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The U.S. is a melting pot of corruption from all over the world. The country was founded on corruption, and very successfully, at least for awhile.

Maybe you should go back and study some basic history. The USA was an offshoot of earlier colonial expansionism into Canada. The French were already present and the English had to beat them. The Spanish were also having a lovely time destroying the indigineous peoples of the south. The came Jamestown and the Pilgrims and Plymouth MA, with the earliest Americans fleeing religious persecution in England. Then followed other waves of immigrants fleeing persecution in Europe. Aren't you embarrassed to push such a pathetic attempt at historical revisionism?

Anyway, back to the OP, I suppose it depends upon who it is you ask. Folks in the health sciences may think of the amazing array of diseases and the futile battle to stop the spread of HIV. People with an understanding of endangered species may get all worked up over the loss of habitat and the squandering of biodiversity in food crops. At the end of it all though, it doesn't matter since people with differing perceptions are still visiting and spending money.

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A place for a cheap short time & a wonderful place to learn all the ins & outs of CORRUPTION sponsored by the BIB or Was it the Thai Mafai. Can never tell the difference. Mainly corruption I think as you can get a cheap short time in Mexico as well & it is a heck of a lot closer....................same corruption!

Hey for 500-2500 baht the heat will watch your goods get stolen closer! That way they can make sure to get their tithing's from both directions & get paid a skimpy salary to boot.

Isn't Thailand ranked # 3 in the world for corruption?

This is one of the kinds of posts that really irritate me :o Somebody posts something (albeit under the guise of a question) that is utterly false, and could easily have been checked.

The generally accepted measurement of corruption levels is the yearly Corruption Perceptions Index published by Transparency International ( http://www.transparency.org/policy_researc...ndices/cpi/2007 ). This list is is organised with the least corrupt countries (Denmark, Finland and New Zealand) at the top and the most corrupt (Myanmar [burma] and Somalia) in 179th and last place. Thailand comes in on 84th place, i.e. on the better half of the 180 countries. Incidentally, USA is in 20th place with a score of 7.2 out of a possible 10, not exactly brilliant compared to 9.4 for the top three countries.

One wonders what lies behind a post like that: lack of education, stupidity or a combination of the two?

/ Priceless

PS I am not claiming that Thailand is not corrupt. Of course it is! It's just that more than half of the countries in the world are even more corrupt.

I just read the report on excite & Yahoos homepages Thailand was Ranked 3rd. I guess you must be reading the thai Governments buffered version.....................I wonder how much baht they paid for the report your quoting.

And who the hel_l is transparency intl? From Thailand. At least the police aren't excepting & soliciting payouts (since prohibition days Here anything that is taken or a problem ca I buy a vowel for........ The heat is always offering a protection package for problems here. I have been offered twice for protection of a business & property -to keep a closer eye on it if you get my drift. The report is in 2007 was that during Thaksin regime the interim gov or the new Same same govn. that even the Thais so dearly love. Get real Time to get on a mainstream company that isn't spouting bullshit. Time to take off those rosy tinted sunglasses your wearing Priceless. Where you from the govn. in Thailand?

And America at the top 20 Don't eat that fudge grandma that ain't chocolate!

At least in America bad money can be found in a freezer & or a bank acct & the full story is revealed.Here people have a way of disappearing when they go against the grain.

I note that you don't give any links to the Yahoo and Excite articles that you refer to, do they exist? Concerning your politely worded question "And who the hel_l is transparency intl?", you could easily have found the answer by following the link that I gave but here you have it: "Transparency International (TI) is a leading international non-governmental organization addressing corruption. This includes, but is not limited to, political corruption. It is widely known for producing its annual Corruptions Perceptions Index (see below), a comparative listing of corruption worldwide. The international headquarters is located in Berlin, Germany." (Wikipedia)

A quote about corruption in Thailand: "Corruption is perceived as significant. Thailand ranks 63rd out of 163 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index for 2006. Foreign and Thai companies continue to allege customs irregularities. The government is trying to make the evaluation of bids and awarding of contracts more transparent. Convictions of public officials on corruption-related charges are rare." (The Heritage Foundation, note that they quote the 2006 ranking, whereas I quoted the 2007 one.)

Just to spare you enquiring about the Heritage Foundation: "The Heritage Foundation is one of the world's most prominent conservative think tanks. Founded in 1973, it is based in Washington, D.C., in the United States.

Heritage's stated mission is to "formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense." (Wikipedia)

/ Priceless

And your point is?????? You are aware that Wikipedia got in trouble 2 years ago for posting facts that were not real. If you are from the U.S. I would imagine that you keep up on current affairs in your home country ...or you just trying to bag on the U.S.

You got your story I got mine .

Corruption & short time is my vote. Like the Don said earlier. It depends where you look to stack the odds in your favor.

Have a beer & relax it is a poll.

My point is that you obviously don't have a clue of what you are talking about.

/ Priceless

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