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Hello just wondering about my sperm the amount that comes out is getting less and less as im getting older . what do you think ?? :o

Well if you hadnot asked, i wouldnot have thought about it, but now that you have asked, i have come to the conclusion that i donot want to think about it. Not really interested in your sperm. :D

But yes, it is a known fact that it becomes less when getting older.

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ha ha ha well Carib thanks for the reply i still dont know the real answer .. so could everyone check next time and let me know if they have the same problem . :o

Is it when you have sex, or when you're playing with yourself?

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I could forward on the masses of offers I get to increase girth and length of the 'old feller'. An added bonus is the increase in volume too.

How's that working out for you Doc? :D

To the OP, you might want to look up the difference between sperm and semen. :o

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to be honest i thought there might have been some sort of drink or something out there i could eat . ha ha ha yes i know what most of you are thinking


There are lots of things out here to eat and drink, not where you live? Or do you need something to boost the ( very correct of Tywais) semen level.

I think you will find the internet full of " solutions" . The only thing for sure about these " solutions" is that the level will rise, but now i am talking about the "money in the bank level "from the guy who sells the stuff, whatever it may be.

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its not the quantity of semen its the quantity and the quality of the little guys and how fast they can swim....

so use a microscope and check them out; u can even do it at a vet's; we always check before doing AI....


Edited by bina
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:D You just can't count as much as you use to. :o

I'm always low due to high milage and no refills. B)

There is help! See below. This s a wild read.

To increase quality and quantity of semen with ayurvedic herbal remedies Special consultations for low libido

(analysis of libido on ayurveda principles)


Semen is white or gray colored liquid. It comes out of urethra (a tube in your tool through which urine flows out of urinary bladder) on ejaculation during the peak of orgasm.

In ayurveda a healthy semen which is more fertile is described as “shukram shuklam guru snighdam madhuram bahalam bahu| ghritamaakshikatailabham sadgarbhaya”

This means the semen which is grayish white , heavy , sticky ,sweet and more in quantity is always fertile. This fertile semen may have the shades of ghee , honey or oil.

Quantity of semen: :D

The normal quantity of semen will be 2- 5 ml . Each ml of semen consists of millions of sperms. The fluid portion of semen is called seminal plasma. Semen acts as a vehicle to carry spermatozoa or sperms.

Increase Libido kit

Increases the male libido, erection time, hardness, quantity of semen and sperm count.Controls premature ejaculation. A best remedy for male infertility.

Numerous glands present in testicles, epididymes, Seminal vesicles, Prostate gland, Bulbourethral and urethral glands secrete the liquid portion of semen or seminal plasma.

The quantity of ejaculated semen will be more when there is a prolonged abstinence. The quantity of semen will be less when there are very frequent ejaculations.

If the quantity of semen is less than 1.5 ml constantly then the condition is called as hypospermia.

If the quantity of sperm is more than 6ml constantly then the condition is known as hyperspermia.

Color of semen:

The normal semen is grey or white in color. If the color of semen is yellowish or red or pink , it suggests the presence of some

Increase erection Herbal supplement kit

Increases the hardness,duration of hard erection and prevents premature ejaculation

pathology in urinogenital system. Hence men with red or yellowish semen should immediately seek the advice of family physician.

Semen clotting and liquefaction time:

Semen clots immediately after ejaculation. It will liquefy again in 5 - 40 minutes. When semen fails to clot and liquefy subsequently, then it indicates fertility problems.

In ayurveda while describing the unhealthy semen it has been said that -

“vata pitta shleshma shonitha kunapa granthi pooti pooya ksheena mutra purisharetasaha prajotpadane na samartha bhavanti||” :D

The semen which is affected by vata, pitta, kapha and rakta will

Increases the quality and quantity of semen. Increases the sperm count, sperm motility and healthy sperm count.

have many features like foul odor or clotted or mixed with pus or less in quantity. And such semen lacks the capacity to produce children.

Sperm Count:

At least there must be 20 million sperms per ml of semen. The total number of sperms should be at least 40 million. 75% of the sperms should be alive. 30% of sperms should be of normal shape and form. 25% of sperms should swim rapidly with forward movement.

Sperm count indicates the fertilizing capacity.

When the sperm count is below normal (low sperm count) the condition is called as “oligospermia”

When there are no sperms in semen then the condition is known as “azoospermia.”

Causes for low sperm count:

Infected semen

Heat – (Heat reduces sperm production. Hence the testicles are outside body in the scrotum to escape from body heat. Hence tight underpants, bathing in very hot water, sitting for long hours, over weight in which fat layers sag on testicles reduce sperm count)

Very frequent semen ejaculation also lead to lowered sperm count and man may become effectively infertile. Hence maintaining a gap of 3 days between two consecutive ejaculations keeps a man more fertile.


Excessive alcohol intake.

Over exertion physically and mentally



Infections present in prostate gland.

Malformed genital organs. :D

Toxic pollutants

Zinc deficiency

Anabolic steroid use .

Ayurvedic tips to increase sperm count:

Refrain from habits like smoking, alcohol consumption etc.

Keep your mind and body healthy by regular practice of YOGA and MEDITATION.

Exercise regularly.

Maintain a gap of 3 days between two consecutive ejaculations.

Favor sweets, milk and milk products.

Add recipes which contain urad dal . :D

Add little ghee to your food before consuming. :D

Avoid bitter, astringent and spicy foods.

Avoid heating of testicles.

Massage body with herbal oil, which improves blood circulation.

Increasing the quantity and quality of semen with ayurvedic herbal preparations:

There are many effective herbal preparations in to increase quality and quantity of semen in ayurveda. The semen which is more in quantity and has high count of healthy sperms is called shuddha shukra. The ayurvedic herbal preparations which help in production of shuddha shukra also help to

Increase quality of semen.

Increase quantity of semen.

Increase libido .

Produce many healthy offspring.

Rejuvenates the body

Gives young look.

Gives energy and strength to body.

Develops immunity to diseases .

Increase sperm count

Increase sperm motility

Buy a S Kit ( Helps to increase sperm count, sperm motility and and semen quantity):

(Medicines last for 30 days.Recommended duration of treatment 3 months)

(A perfect ayurvedic preparations to increase quality and Quantity of semen)

Product id - ISK (Alternative herbal remedy to increase sperm count and sperm motility)

(Medicines last for 30 days. Recommended duration of treatment 3 months)

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