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Bag Checking


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A bit of a rant. I'm a fairly patient and tolerant person (necessary if you live in Thailand) but have my off days (male PMS?) and this was one of them. Went to Tesco Lotus on Hang Dong road after work yesterday to stock up. When I started to exit with my full cart I saw the security guy making a bee line towards me. Wasn't surprised because many times if I have a large item that can't fit into a plastic bag they will check that item from the cashier receipt, in this case I had a 20kG bag of dog food.

He asked for the list, which I stuck somewhere in one of the bags. Went looking for it and kept telling me he wants the list. Found it and waited for him to check off the bag of dog food. Well, that wasn't enough it seems and he started going through every bag and item and checking it off on the receipt. My patience was wearing thin after several minutes of this and watching the other shoppers going merrily out the door.

He pulled out a bottle of cooking oil, pointed to it then to the list indicating I didn't pay. It took all I had to keep it under control, but told him I saw every item go through the scanner and it is on the list. He looked at the bottle, then the list, then the bottle ...... and decided it was on the list. And waved me on. Have to admit if it kept going like that much longer I would have told him to get his boss because I have a few words for him. :o

Anyone else have this happen to them?

<end rant>

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I don't blame you for being impatient, but there are a lot of thieves out there.

We caught a guy - a Brit - last week and let him go, but warned him not to come in any of our stores again. The next day he went to another branch and when we threw him out he kept denying that he was going to steal anything. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I don't blame you for being impatient, but there are a lot of thieves out there.

We caught a guy - a Brit - last week and let him go, but warned him not to come in any of our stores again. The next day he went to another branch and when we threw him out he kept denying that he was going to steal anything. :o

He might have just gotten a dressing down from his boss or was aware he was being watched and wanted to look vigilant and worthy of future employment. Its a drag when your a recipient but in the big picture if it keeps theft down then prices down also for the honest people. Seems kind of humorous though about being fixated on a bottle of oil.

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Well, maybe I should give Tywais some sympathy. Ty does not look like a thief, but a gentleman. Notice that he kept his composure, and at worst only thought of calling the supervisor if it went on any longer. I avoid conflict. I send my partner and his sisters to buy six bottles of Pepsi Max at each checkout counter, time and again, until they get 36 or 48 bottles. I seldom shop anymore.

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Well, maybe I should give Tywais some sympathy. Ty does not look like a thief, but a gentleman. Notice that he kept his composure, and at worst only thought of calling the supervisor if it went on any longer. . . . .

It is possible, of course, that the security guy picked him for that reason. Assume you have a quota to fill and need to pick ten or twenty people to search during your day on the job. Who you gonna choose, people who look like they will kick up a fuss and get violent? Or perhaps you'd rather select those who look like they will keep their composure, behave decently and, at the very least, not hit you? OK, you've got fifteen minutes to think about it and decide . . .

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I don't blame you for being impatient, but there are a lot of thieves out there.

We caught a guy - a Brit - last week and let him go, but warned him not to come in any of our stores again. The next day he went to another branch and when we threw him out he kept denying that he was going to steal anything. :o

Let me get this straight, you are a merchant and you catch a thief in your place of business and you just let him go to rob another business or person. Then you catch him again and let him go. You are a blessing to all the thugs in Chiang Mai. May I request that you let the police do their job. Since this thief is a visitor or expat, a "- Brit- " the Thai Tourist Police would like to speak to him. They may have a record on this guy a mile long and have been looking for him. In any case your kind act will probably cost someone, maybe even their life, think about it. :D

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Let me get this straight, you are a merchant and you catch a thief in your place of business and you just let him go to rob another business or person.

Actually, our lawyer - who is also a policeman - advised us to let him go the first time, and we couldn't arrest him the second time unless he refused to leave- which he did with a great deal of protest. I try to listen to Thai advice when dealing with the Thai legal system as one can end up in lots of trouble otherwise.

You have good intentions and I wish that you were right, but you are completely wrong about what is going on in Thai policeman's heads. In general, they could care less about this type of crime and if you try to fight them on it, you may be the one who ends up with problems. I have enough problems already. :o

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i think UG should have notified the police and then the British Consulate.

tywais, i would have ask the guard if he is authorised to check your bag. ask him to show you the paperwork otherwise get the f&^k out of the way. i would not have let him check the bags in the first place. but then again, i am a man without patience.

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Let me get this straight, you are a merchant and you catch a thief in your place of business and you just let him go to rob another business or person.

Actually, our lawyer - who is also a policeman - advised us to let him go the first time, and we couldn't arrest him the second time unless he refused to leave- which he did with a great deal of protest. I try to listen to Thai advice when dealing with the Thai legal system as one can end up in lots of trouble otherwise.

You have good intentions and I wish that you were right, but you are completely wrong about what is going on in Thai policeman's heads. In general, they could care less about this type of crime and if you try to fight them on it, you may be the one who ends up with problems. I have enough problems already. :o

Where were the Tourist police volunteers when you need 'em ??

They coulda "friendly 'em " to death.

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Not totally related, but some time ago I went through check-out at Big C and as I was walking out I realized that 1200 baht was a bit much for the relatively few items I bought.. So I check the bill again and found 752 baht worth of pork on the receipt. (I didn't by any pork at all)

So went back to the cashier, who went to get a more senior person (lucky that person was even there, it was close to midnight) and it turned out that a 36 baht bag of croissants had mysteriously transmogrified into 752 baht worth of pork.

Anyway, took a cool 10 minutes of wrestling with the cash register controls, but it was resolved in the end.

Conclusion: I only noticed it because it was such a big differce.. had it been a lower amount then there's no way I would have noticed it.

Edited by Jefferson
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Unfortunately, most employers here tell their employees what to do, and not what they want. Consequently, they are intense about doing that one thing and ignore all other aspects of what should be included in their work. Employers assume their employees have no judgement and they treat them in a fashion to ensure that is always the case.

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I don't blame you for being impatient, but there are a lot of thieves out there.

We caught a guy - a Brit - last week and let him go, but warned him not to come in any of our stores again. The next day he went to another branch and when we threw him out he kept denying that he was going to steal anything. :o

Let me get this straight, you are a merchant and you catch a thief in your place of business and you just let him go to rob another business or person. Then you catch him again and let him go. You are a blessing to all the thugs in Chiang Mai. May I request that you let the police do their job. Since this thief is a visitor or expat, a "- Brit- " the Thai Tourist Police would like to speak to him. They may have a record on this guy a mile long and have been looking for him. In any case your kind act will probably cost someone, maybe even their life, think about it. :D

Come on Papajohn we know UG would rather let a thieves vagabonds go free than have to deal with the TPD even worse the TPD volunters LMAO :D:D:D

Edited by FarangCravings
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I don't blame you for being impatient, but there are a lot of thieves out there.

We caught a guy - a Brit - last week and let him go, but warned him not to come in any of our stores again. The next day he went to another branch and when we threw him out he kept denying that he was going to steal anything. :o

Let me get this straight, you are a merchant and you catch a thief in your place of business and you just let him go to rob another business or person. Then you catch him again and let him go. You are a blessing to all the thugs in Chiang Mai. May I request that you let the police do their job. Since this thief is a visitor or expat, a "- Brit- " the Thai Tourist Police would like to speak to him. They may have a record on this guy a mile long and have been looking for him. In any case your kind act will probably cost someone, maybe even their life, think about it. :D

Come on Papajohn we know UG would rather let a thieves vagabonds go free than have to deal with the TPD even worse the TPD volunters LMAO :D:D:D

Thanks farang you always get my funny bone working again. I was thinking about a long reply but you saved me some beer time. :D

Cheers mate.

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Let me get this straight, you are a merchant and you catch a thief in your place of business and you just let him go to rob another business or person.

Actually, our lawyer - who is also a policeman - advised us to let him go the first time, and we couldn't arrest him the second time unless he refused to leave- which he did with a great deal of protest. I try to listen to Thai advice when dealing with the Thai legal system as one can end up in lots of trouble otherwise.

You have good intentions and I wish that you were right, but you are completely wrong about what is going on in Thai policeman's heads. In general, they could care less about this type of crime and if you try to fight them on it, you may be the one who ends up with problems. I have enough problems already. :o

Where were the Tourist police volunteers when you need 'em ??

They coulda "friendly 'em " to death.

Well gpdjohn, I looked at your comment from many views and I tried to see some humor in it but alas it is just another cheap shot.

I remember you saying you are an expolice from the USA and then I remember your story about trying to bribe a Thai cop after you were caught breaking the law and your bribe was refused by the Thai cop.

Kinda tells us something but can't put my finger on it. :D Sawadee Kup.

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Ok guys, we're starting to lean off topic some. I don't mind a little banter in my own topics but draw the line when TPV/TPD starts being discussed. :o

Sorry Tywais, I never ment to get off topic, just stating what I read here on TV. I am one of those people who still believe in the Golden Rule. I am not defending myself or the nice folks I work with. Just holding a mirror up to those who post remarks that are unjustified

and slander the people who work hard to make this city a great place to live. Thanks for your understanding.

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How is this. Went to a certain bank with my TG to deposit 30K into her account, as we were leaving I asked to look at her bank book an noticed that they did not credit the 30K, but withdrew it!! We were not out the door yet so we went straight to the counter and showed them the mistake, and you know what they did? Said "korthort" and chuckled as they went about fixing the error. I was in utter shock, as we just lost 60K in a blink of an eye and they think it was funny. My TG could see the look on my face and kept saying, "Jai yen yen, jai yen yen". TIT, watch out for yourself.

Many years ago I went to a bank up in Fang and the teller made an error in my favor. Being hopelessly honest, I pointed out the error only to find all the bank employees mad at me for causing the hapless teller to lose face. Even the branch manager was upset at me.

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i think UG should have notified the police and then the British Consulate.

tywais, i would have ask the guard if he is authorised to check your bag. ask him to show you the paperwork otherwise get the f&^k out of the way. i would not have let him check the bags in the first place. but then again, i am a man without patience.

Here's another expat with Very little patience, but a desire to Try to steer this thread back on track.

It is reasonable for retailers to occasionally spot-check out-going customers and while it must be frustrating to be singled out, with everyone else watching and/or sailing merrily by, I think we should accept it and s-mile.

BUT (you could hear it coming, huh?) why are ALL Makro customers treated like thieves and their cash point staff equally mistrusted by management? Why do we ALL have to go through the men between the cashiers and the doors, hand them our slips and wait while they feel through the dog food, fumble at our fishcakes and tease our Techila?

I seem to recall this aspect cropped up here on tv years ago but of course I've forgotten the Makro response. Since many of us are (otherwise) very impressed by their new place on Hang Dong Road could they be invited to try to justify this 'feel bad' heavy handedness again please?

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Let me get this straight, you are a merchant and you catch a thief in your place of business and you just let him go to rob another business or person.

Actually, our lawyer - who is also a policeman - advised us to let him go the first time, and we couldn't arrest him the second time unless he refused to leave- which he did with a great deal of protest. I try to listen to Thai advice when dealing with the Thai legal system as one can end up in lots of trouble otherwise.

You have good intentions and I wish that you were right, but you are completely wrong about what is going on in Thai policeman's heads. In general, they could care less about this type of crime and if you try to fight them on it, you may be the one who ends up with problems. I have enough problems already. :o

Where were the Tourist police volunteers when you need 'em ??

They coulda "friendly 'em " to death.

Well gpdjohn, I looked at your comment from many views and I tried to see some humor in it but alas it is just another cheap shot.

I remember you saying you are an expolice from the USA and then I remember your story about trying to bribe a Thai cop after you were caught breaking the law and your bribe was refused by the Thai cop.

Kinda tells us something but can't put my finger on it. :D Sawadee Kup.

Not me my good friend..it was my Bangkok wife who tried that..

I smiled and happily paid the 200 Bt fine...and have worn a helmet since.

I was wrong and I admit it. Not wearing the helmet that is....

I also stated that the BIB did not accept the fine and that I thought he was very professional...you missed that point.

My comment was in the context of humor..I have stated in all my posts on the volunteers, that I think it's a good thing. Maybe a uniform change, but still a good thing.

My slam was for the creatin's who posted the thread on the EX- UK cop, not the TPD.

I know off topic, but thought a response was in order...

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i think UG should have notified the police and then the British Consulate.

tywais, i would have ask the guard if he is authorised to check your bag. ask him to show you the paperwork otherwise get the f&^k out of the way. i would not have let him check the bags in the first place. but then again, i am a man without patience.

Here's another expat with Very little patience, but a desire to Try to steer this thread back on track.

It is reasonable for retailers to occasionally spot-check out-going customers and while it must be frustrating to be singled out, with everyone else watching and/or sailing merrily by, I think we should accept it and s-mile.

BUT (you could hear it coming, huh?) why are ALL Makro customers treated like thieves and their cash point staff equally mistrusted by management? Why do we ALL have to go through the men between the cashiers and the doors, hand them our slips and wait while they feel through the dog food, fumble at our fishcakes and tease our Techila?

I seem to recall this aspect cropped up here on tv years ago but of course I've forgotten the Makro response. Since many of us are (otherwise) very impressed by their new place on Hang Dong Road could they be invited to try to justify this 'feel bad' heavy handedness again please?

You will find that in almost every COSTCO or Sam's Club in the USA that they do the same thing. Everyone who exits the store with items is asked for thier reciept and all items are checked. The purpose for this was intended to maybe find that the clerk made an error.

Now it has turned into a double edged sword, since an amount of theft was also discovered.

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Let me get this straight, you are a merchant and you catch a thief in your place of business and you just let him go to rob another business or person.

Actually, our lawyer - who is also a policeman - advised us to let him go the first time, and we couldn't arrest him the second time unless he refused to leave- which he did with a great deal of protest. I try to listen to Thai advice when dealing with the Thai legal system as one can end up in lots of trouble otherwise.

You have good intentions and I wish that you were right, but you are completely wrong about what is going on in Thai policeman's heads. In general, they could care less about this type of crime and if you try to fight them on it, you may be the one who ends up with problems. I have enough problems already. :D

Where were the Tourist police volunteers when you need 'em ??

They coulda "friendly 'em " to death.

Well gpdjohn, I looked at your comment from many views and I tried to see some humor in it but alas it is just another cheap shot.

I remember you saying you are an expolice from the USA and then I remember your story about trying to bribe a Thai cop after you were caught breaking the law and your bribe was refused by the Thai cop.

Kinda tells us something but can't put my finger on it. :D Sawadee Kup.

Not me my good friend..it was my Bangkok wife who tried that..

I smiled and happily paid the 200 Bt fine...and have worn a helmet since.

I was wrong and I admit it. Not wearing the helmet that is....

I also stated that the BIB did not accept the fine and that I thought he was very professional...you missed that point.

My comment was in the context of humor..I have stated in all my posts on the volunteers, that I think it's a good thing. Maybe a uniform change, but still a good thing.

My slam was for the creatin's who posted the thread on the EX- UK cop, not the TPD.

I know off topic, but thought a response was in order...

Good on you mate, I stand corected, I really enjoyed your post about getting to the HHH run :o You are right that it was your wife that tried the payoff. My bad, sorry. Did you send her back to Bangkok or are your ears still ringing? :D I had a picture in my head for days of the two of you together on the bike. :D You must have the patience of Job. I pray your leg gets better so you can run away whenever you need :D

Best Regards. papajohn

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