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Non-imm 'o' Visa Application

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With filling out the application for a non-imm 'O' based on marriage to a Thai, what's the best way to fill out the section that asks for previous visits to Thailand?

ie - I've been bouncing the borders for the last 15 months and have made loads of visits over the past 6 years, so do I put down the last few dates and add 'many visits' after or keep going with the dates until I run out of space?


While we're here, are these hotel internet booking firms trustworthy? Walking into a hotel and booking over here generally works out more expensive than booking through an internet agent. Anyone ever been ripped-off?

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Dont book hotels over the internet! Ripoff the falang bigtime!

When you get over find a hotel and have your thai wife go in alone and open the

room. Dont let them see you with her. Have her go in alone and haggle the

price down. She will automatically get the Thai price and she can knock that down

a bit more. If they smell a falang you will be charged the "Rip off the Falang" price.

Do this for all purchases over there if you can. You'll save alot.

My wife and I do this all the time, I'll go in and ask how much for a room and

try to talk them down. One instance was 3,000 baht a night, I leave. my wife goes

in alone and gets it for 1,900. Then I walk in and put my arm around my wife

with a big grin!! Its EXCELLENT! Alot of fun. Ribs hurt from laughing so hard.

Another example was my motorcy, me 60,000, my wife 40,000 plus extras,

Boy the salesman was steamed as i drove it of the showroom floor.

Need more help PM me

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  Dont book hotels over the internet! Ripoff the falang bigtime!

  When you get over find a hotel and have your thai wife go in alone and open the

room.  Dont let them see you with her. Have her go in alone and haggle the

price down. She will automatically get the Thai price and she can knock that down

a bit more.  If they smell a falang you will be charged the "Rip off the Falang" price.

Do this for all purchases over there if you can. You'll save alot.

My wife and I do this all the time,  I'll go in and ask how much for a room and

try to talk them down.  One instance was 3,000 baht a night, I leave. my wife goes

in alone and gets it for 1,900.  Then I walk in and put my arm around my wife

with a big grin!!  Its EXCELLENT!  Alot of fun.  Ribs hurt from laughing so hard.

Another example was my motorcy, me 60,000, my wife 40,000 plus extras,

Boy the salesman was steamed as i drove it of the showroom floor.

Need more help PM me

Cheers guys.

Hi Nam Kao. That's good advice and what you say is exactly what I've been doing with virtually everything I buy here. Our house is currently 7,000 baht a month (unfurnished), which would've been at least 10,000 if I'd enquired. The thing with this particular hotel is, it's for our wedding night, so I don't want to spoil the surprise.

The prices through the hotel (4-star) are 3,500 regardless of Thai or farang, but internet prices seem to be knocking off at least 40%, which doesn't sound bad to me at all. A Thai wouldn't get it any cheaper than that on the internet as those are the prices you see on the screen for all, everywhere.

Anyway, thanks for the post.

Chock dee naa!

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Other than Hat Yai or budget class places do not believe you or wife will find hotel rates lower than those offered on the Internet from agents. But I would still shop around and find the hotel then search that hotel to find the best price. Also some bookings will require full advance payment which I object to doing (unless savings are real) so prefer those that you pay direct to hotel or only one night in advance (until you see the room and are sure you want to remain there).

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