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The Grumpiest Ex-pat In Bangkok


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Can I play too?

The guy sounds like an inconsiderate, arrogant @ss. removing stools and spreading out his stuff. Probably thinks he's superior to everyone.

Gonna show up ungroomed, unshaven and wearing a wife beater and invade his personal space.

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How to beat GOM? Have to be there before open at 10am, take the elevator, escalators take too long. Someone may have to run blocker for GOM, ask him for directions or something....I can hear the Mission Impossible theme in my head now..... petty isn't it??? Who cares!!

TV the T-shirt.... here's my attempt


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Actually sounds like classic OCD,

amusing as all this is , it seems that the object of all our ridicule may not be the only one with OCD.

most of the posters here seem to be planning a campaign of almost military like precision , a think tank of strategists seem to be working on a plan involving complicated moves , dawn raids , stealthy invasions , synchronisation of watches , bluffs , decoys and head - offs at the pass purely to thwart one man from enjoying his breakfast.

in some ways it appears to be school bullying for adults.

yes, i am amused by this story and as a compulsive people watcher i would very much like to and probably will observe this man , but i would not want to confront him (unless he interfered with my peace , in which case i would respond as opposed to confront) or sink to his level.

please gentlemen , retain your dignity in this . one mad farang running amok in the coffee houses of the emporium is more than enough.

Edited by taxexile
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Actually sounds like classic OCD,

amusing as all this is , it seems that the object of all our ridicule may not be the only one with OCD.

most of the posters here seem to be planning a campaign of almost military like precision , a think tank of strategists seem to be working on a plan involving complicated moves , dawn raids , stealthy invasions , synchronisation of watches , bluffs , decoys and head - offs at the pass purely to thwart one man from enjoying his breakfast.

in some ways it appears to be school bullying for adults.

yes, i am amused by this story and as a compulsive people watcher i would very much like to and probably will observe this man , but i would not want to confront him (unless he interfered with my peace , in which case i would respond as opposed to confront) or sink to his level.

please gentlemen , retain your dignity in this . one mad farang running amok in the coffee houses of the emporium is more than enough.

No way, this Guy deserves all that he has coming to him, both barrels.

P.S. There's no need to leave a space each time between word and comma. :o

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that the 'stool sabotage' favoured by most posters in this thread is completely out of order.

Instead - why not propel GOM into some sort of anti-hero? Somebody should grab an old bit of red carpet, and a set of rope bollards (eg the things used to queue people waiting in a bank, cinema whatever).

Set them up at his favourite seat, and form a guard of honour when he arrives :o

I figure this fellow is close to reaching cult status anyway....

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Habitation: In front of computer, Tesco Lotus, armchair.

Diet: omnivorous, eating meat and plants, feeding on sandwiches, fruits, eggs, steaks. They also enjoy mineral licks where they ingest nutrient-salt and pepper.


Mainly live with Thai female and enjoy a solitary enviroment.

Although domesticated are territorial and can be aggressive to other Farangs if using the same areas, utilities and may feel threatened if they consider their status as the one and only is being challanged.


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The "grumpy" guy may have some sort of compulsive / obsessive disorder about where he sits at what time, etc. He probably counts the exact number of steps to that table and has to start over again if he misses a step. The OP nicking his place like that probably condemns him to washing his hands another 124 times... :D

All joking aside, he may have type of compulsive disorder... :o

Edited by kmart
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Melvin Udall in " As good as it gets " as portrayed by Jack Nicholson seems to be the character.

Instead of generating further conflict why not attempt to engage in conversation and create a relationship? The guy obviously has a personality disorder and tormenting him is tantamount to pulling wings off a butterfly.

Apologies if this has already been raised but I haven't read all the posts.

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The guy's acting like an arse ordering staff around with a raised voice and moving the OP's possessions about. Now the doctors here on TV have diagnosed OCD. They could be right if OCD stands for Obnoxious C*nt Dining, apart from that just treat him like the arse he is.

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I am afflicted with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder NOT the aforementioned Obnoxious C*nt Dining) myself. I can attest to the fact it can be extremely destabilizing to have your "routine" impinged in any way. I too am guilty of sitting at the same table every morning to read my paper and drink my coffee. I am NOT however rude to the staff, nor ill-mannered to others around me (well after I’ve had my first coffee I'm not). I will leave my morning location a mystery so I am not impinged upon by the hordes of T/V members bent on disrupting my routine, lol....

That being said; I live within walking distance of the Emporium so I’m in for showing up tomorrow morning just to see how this all plays out. From all the talk on here it looks like the revenue of the Oriental Gourmet Shop will be showing a surprising increase this week.

Maybe we should make up a secret sign or a complex yet also ultra-secretive handshake to more easily identify T/V people from the targeted individual, then again maybe not.

See whoever shows up tomorrow morning…

P/S: 10 years of steroid abuse might make ladies scream when they see your 'guns' but they probably snicker and point when they see something else... Steroid abuse will do that to you..

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Not pretending cupcake....I am you and much much more.

Nah mate, you wouldnt want to take me on, 10 years of steriod abuse mate.

Ladies scream when they see my guns

Remind me what steroids do to the male gen...ls



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Guest Reimar

What's about if enough members show up and occupy each table so that someone like to sit on the table of GOM?!

Would be maybe funny to see his reaction if someone sits just down on an not occupied chair on "his" table!!


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MrIrrisistible , what does irrisistable mean ?

i know what irresistable means , but i've never come across irrisistable before.

I was born in the Irriwaddy delta in an irrigation ditch with no irrigularities by irritated parents, always spell me irri's that way, cannot get it outa me head.

I was adopted by a very handsome couple at 6 months of age, hence my good looks and exquisite charm.

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Not pretending cupcake....I am you and much much more.

Nah mate, you wouldnt want to take me on, 10 years of steriod abuse mate.

Ladies scream when they see my guns

Remind me what steroids do to the male gen...ls



I think a typical Greek male statue makes the point quite well.

Great pecs but small pizzle :o

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