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Can Anybody Teach Me How To Start A Small Internet Concern

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But then again, anybody who uses "OLD SPiCE" isn't likely to have an opinion that matters much. :o

Oh, dear! But, you see, the use of Old Spice products has been traditionally common among hod carriers. The Old Spice scent, you'll later agree, does represent a marked and welcome improvement over their natural body odor. So please don't let this particular uninformed prejudice deter you at this point. On the other hand, should you wish to wear your Penhaligons or your Creed or your Floris to the building sites, you will be of course perfectly free do so--but it may give your mates a certain impression that may lead to your being taken out behind the site during lunch hour. Besides, you'd probably best be saving your Penhaligons pence for spending in Thailand. :D

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The above post seems to have a sarcasitc tone. It baffles me that somebody takes/has the time to log onto an internet forum and contribute NOTHING of any worth towards a thread.

I realise you're depressed, but seriously - lighten up. A sense of humour might just save you.

Lucky I didn't use the gag I was planning to about your starting a small concern on the internet, and how you seemed to have that mastered already. Ba doom tish!

What you do not want is another dodgy job in sales, telemarketing, or whatever that required you to be an extrovert, be in a positive frame of mind, handle a rejection rate of 99-100% etc. Get real.

Nor do you want to relocate to Thailand with debts and/or mental health issues, and without skills, job prospects, substantial savings etc. For every person who does this and ends up sorting their sh1t out and living happily forever after, 10 don't - they go home sadder and broker, or they check out permanently.

This might not be the magic advice you hoped you'd get, but you need honesty not pandering bs.

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I am living in the UK. I am working 40 hours a week in a callcentre. I have severe emotional/mental problems and the stress of the job is really becoming unbearable, I am truely stuck, opressed and really not well. The place is like a prison, the management treat the workers like shit and I feel like I am on the verge of a breakdown. I am 33 years old and I can't see a way out. With a severe anxiety condition I am trying to meet the living costs in the South of England and just about manage the minimum repayments toward credit card debt- which again was used just for living purposes - no holidays/extravagance.

I shouldn't be where I am today but numerous life events have ended up with me cornered in this hellish position. for 40 hours of work per week in this modern day victorian mill I net about 200 gbp or 800 gbp per month. This amount is just enough to keep me spinning on the spot. But I really can't take the job anymore.

Could anybody here, please, please, please teach me how to start a small internet concern which will net me about £1k gbp per month. I spend every minute of my spare time scouring the net for online businesses and I don't know where to start. I really need some help before I completely lose it - I really can't handle another day £1000gbp per month will cover my bills and give me some breathing space and the ability to seek proper/help treatment for my illness. Please guys I'm not joking I'm in a pretty bad way at the moment

Hey unhappyfarang ...

Sorry to here about your predicament mate ... but come on ... u must focus, keep your head up and move forward, you can do it!! You must get control of your own mind.

Heres a tip for you, its not so glamorous but hey, a building site (in the UK), you can get a job as a HOD CARRIER, starting pay for this is an easy £80 per day, as there is a shortage right now the more experienced hod carriers can be on £110 per day, as I say this is not very glamorous but there are benefits, you can work six days per week, maybe seven if a bricklayer at your work needs a hand sometime, that means you can get some good money, weekend work can be cash in hand, tax is 20% and National Insurance is £2 per week, over benefits include working outside, which sounds like it could be a good move for you right now, especially if there is a good summer over there this year. The job is physical and can be quite hard, but you can have a MASSIVE laugh at times.

I am not a physcologist, but I think this could help your state of mind right now, hard, physical work, bit of fun, good money and time to train your mind into calmness.

Do this for the whole UK summer then start making decisions about what you want to, at this point you would hopefully have a bit of extra dough, a smile on your face and a good positive outlook on life.

Right now would properly be the wrong time to come here... FOR SURE ... unhappyfarang do you know the suicide rate for foreigners in Thailand, it is quite high mate, this may sound silly but, if you have no money, insecure mind, little good friends around and a bloody moaning wife around anything can happen.

If you want some more info about a Labourer job get back to me ...

Warm Regards mate and the best of luck

I was going to post similar... I used to run an employment agency for construction and industrial.. In London even a cash labourer would make maybe 3x what your making if you went hard at it.. sure 10 hour days 6 days a week sucks, but its summer time, its outdoors, your physically working (it will hurt like hel_l for a month, but after you do feel better working a physical job), you might even learn to pick up a real trade or find some skill with your hands your good at.. Maybe you need a bit of outdoor life, some endorphins from working hard, some site lads camaraderie and wind ups (tho you will receive most to begin). Apprenticing with someone on double your current money to be a semi skilled tradesman next year, roofing, tiling, scaffolding, nip hand, etc etc..

I know a few guys who graft the UK summers and winter out here.. If you had a small nestegg you could look at breaking into the oil trades.. I have buddies out here who trained to be LST (life support techs) 2 years ago who now make 700 USD a day.. a 6 week rotation makes about a million baht tax free.. They are living high on the hog with a full career in front of them (they trained in Plymouth, 2k GBP for the training course BTW)..

The key is getting out of what your doing and getting a better paying gig now.. Even if that is labouring, being a site dogsbody.. It pays and may get you out of this rut..

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I have buddies out here who trained to be LST (life support techs) 2 years ago who now make 700 USD a day.. a 6 week rotation makes about a million baht tax free.. They are living high on the hog with a full career in front of them (they trained in Plymouth, 2k GBP for the training course BTW)..

Sounds interesting...Anymore information or a link?


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I have buddies out here who trained to be LST (life support techs) 2 years ago who now make 700 USD a day.. a 6 week rotation makes about a million baht tax free.. They are living high on the hog with a full career in front of them (they trained in Plymouth, 2k GBP for the training course BTW)..

Sounds interesting...Anymore information or a link?


Google Life Support Technician..

Loads of my mates are now in the oil contracting biz.. Lots of guys who came out here without an idea of what next seem to get sucked into it as pay seems good and demand currently VERY high.

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I have buddies out here who trained to be LST (life support techs) 2 years ago who now make 700 USD a day.. a 6 week rotation makes about a million baht tax free.. They are living high on the hog with a full career in front of them (they trained in Plymouth, 2k GBP for the training course BTW)..

Sounds interesting...Anymore information or a link?


Razz...seems to me the only reason you are interested is because of the money mentioned....LST's look after the systems which support divers ie you are taking responsibility for someones life....and if money is your only reason for getting into this...then please stay out...

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I have buddies out here who trained to be LST (life support techs) 2 years ago who now make 700 USD a day.. a 6 week rotation makes about a million baht tax free.. They are living high on the hog with a full career in front of them (they trained in Plymouth, 2k GBP for the training course BTW)..

Sounds interesting...Anymore information or a link?


Razz...seems to me the only reason you are interested is because of the money mentioned....LST's look after the systems which support divers ie you are taking responsibility for someones life....and if money is your only reason for getting into this...then please stay out...

why else would anyone do it ??

Its not like you go and work offshore on some smelly rig with a bunch of roughnecks because you want to help your fellow man.. Of course you expect professionalism in a critical job.. but money is the only reason anyone would do it.

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I have buddies out here who trained to be LST (life support techs) 2 years ago who now make 700 USD a day.. a 6 week rotation makes about a million baht tax free.. They are living high on the hog with a full career in front of them (they trained in Plymouth, 2k GBP for the training course BTW)..

Sounds interesting...Anymore information or a link?


Razz...seems to me the only reason you are interested is because of the money mentioned....LST's look after the systems which support divers ie you are taking responsibility for someones life....and if money is your only reason for getting into this...then please stay out...

why else would anyone do it ??

Its not like you go and work offshore on some smelly rig with a bunch of roughnecks because you want to help your fellow man.. Of course you expect professionalism in a critical job.. but money is the only reason anyone would do it.

Why would an LST be involved with a bunch of roughnecks ?...different parts of the industry...Roughnecks are on drilling rigs and LST would be on a DSV or construction barge...nice to see you obviously know what you are talking about...

Of course the money offshore is a driving force, but these days every clown/loser is trying to jump on the O&G bandwagon, thinking its easy money..c*cking things up offshore and it ends up that the guys who really know what they are doing to sort out the messes created by the fly-by nights...I personally would be very worried if I was a Sat diver sitting in the chamber knowing that the guy who was looking after my well being had only been through a course very recently and his only motivation for being there was his day rate...

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I have buddies out here who trained to be LST (life support techs) 2 years ago who now make 700 USD a day.. a 6 week rotation makes about a million baht tax free.. They are living high on the hog with a full career in front of them (they trained in Plymouth, 2k GBP for the training course BTW)..

Sounds interesting...Anymore information or a link?


Razz...seems to me the only reason you are interested is because of the money mentioned....LST's look after the systems which support divers ie you are taking responsibility for someones life....and if money is your only reason for getting into this...then please stay out...

why else would anyone do it ??

Its not like you go and work offshore on some smelly rig with a bunch of roughnecks because you want to help your fellow man.. Of course you expect professionalism in a critical job.. but money is the only reason anyone would do it.

Why would an LST be involved with a bunch of roughnecks ?...different parts of the industry...Roughnecks are on drilling rigs and LST would be on a DSV or construction barge...nice to see you obviously know what you are talking about...

Of course the money offshore is a driving force, but these days every clown/loser is trying to jump on the O&G bandwagon, thinking its easy money..c*cking things up offshore and it ends up that the guys who really know what they are doing to sort out the messes created by the fly-by nights...I personally would be very worried if I was a Sat diver sitting in the chamber knowing that the guy who was looking after my well being had only been through a course very recently and his only motivation for being there was his day rate...

I was using roughnecks as in 'rough arse'.. As in rough work and usually living in rough conditions.. Not the job description.. Roughneck is defined as being a low skilled job in lots of trades as well as being a specific job within oil (just so you know what your talking about !!).. Same as roustabout etc its inst just restricted to the (mostly) seppo oil term.

Yes theres now lots of new arrivals to the industry.. But thats because the industry needs more staff than they have.. How do you propose the industry takes new people and turns them into the 'guys who really know what thier doing' without them being green at some point ?? And of course the LST's start as being junior and LST assists etc...

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I have buddies out here who trained to be LST (life support techs) 2 years ago who now make 700 USD a day.. a 6 week rotation makes about a million baht tax free.. They are living high on the hog with a full career in front of them (they trained in Plymouth, 2k GBP for the training course BTW)..

Sounds interesting...Anymore information or a link?


Razz...seems to me the only reason you are interested is because of the money mentioned....LST's look after the systems which support divers ie you are taking responsibility for someones life....and if money is your only reason for getting into this...then please stay out...

why else would anyone do it ??

Its not like you go and work offshore on some smelly rig with a bunch of roughnecks because you want to help your fellow man.. Of course you expect professionalism in a critical job.. but money is the only reason anyone would do it.

Why would an LST be involved with a bunch of roughnecks ?...different parts of the industry...Roughnecks are on drilling rigs and LST would be on a DSV or construction barge...nice to see you obviously know what you are talking about...

Of course the money offshore is a driving force, but these days every clown/loser is trying to jump on the O&G bandwagon, thinking its easy money..c*cking things up offshore and it ends up that the guys who really know what they are doing to sort out the messes created by the fly-by nights...I personally would be very worried if I was a Sat diver sitting in the chamber knowing that the guy who was looking after my well being had only been through a course very recently and his only motivation for being there was his day rate...

I was using roughnecks as in 'rough arse'.. As in rough work and usually living in rough conditions.. Not the job description.. Roughneck is defined as being a low skilled job in lots of trades as well as being a specific job within oil (just so you know what your talking about !!).. Same as roustabout etc its inst just restricted to the (mostly) seppo oil term.

Yes theres now lots of new arrivals to the industry.. But thats because the industry needs more staff than they have.. How do you propose the industry takes new people and turns them into the 'guys who really know what thier doing' without them being green at some point ?? And of course the LST's start as being junior and LST assists etc...

Oh I do what I am talking about have spent 25 years in the industry, but glad to say I am not a Seppo as you so eloquently put it...am a Whinging Pom...There is no objection about taking on new arrivals in the industry and yes they are needed, but at the same time people taking jobs based on the sole motivation of money is potentionally dangereous in any industrial situation even more so under offshore conditions, the saving grace with people jumping the bandwagon so to speak is that they usually dont last very long....either get themselves run off or jack it as they cant handle the enviroment. I put forward this point as an observation/comment based on my time in the industry and have seen the flyby nights come and go too many times....

The point I was trying to make was that the poster only seen $ signs and the interest in the job was based on that motivation alone nothing else.....if you took an interview with a company and told them the only motiviation you had for doing the job was the money...do you think you would get hired on by the company....dont think so...unless of course the job was selling timeshare/condos in Thailand of course...

Anyway think we going way off topic here...

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Making money on the internet is much more stressful than a normal job because it constantly changes. There is no steady income, you have to evolve as the internet evolves.

Here are the best ways to make money online:

Sell domains or park domains, you can sell domain names on sites like sedo.com, namepros.com, ebay(ebay is going downhill and its getting harder to sell so I wouldnt count on them), or you could park domains at sedo or namedrive.com.

You can learn how to build websites and sell turnkey websites with hosting. Buy reseller hosting that way, everytime you sell a website to someone, you can get them to sign up for monthly hosting. so if you get 50 customers in a month to sign up for $10 hosting, you will probably pocket $5 of that and that would be an extra $250 each month so in 3 months you would up to making $750 a month and in 6 months you would be making twice that a month...not mention how much you are profiting on selling the actual website, depending on how well its made..many people sell websites for .99 cents just because they are trying to gain hosting customers.

You can do affiliate marketing through clickbank or commissionjunction.com. Find products to sell and go to craigslist or other classified sites and post ads which lead customers back to the affiliate sites. You get paid a commission if they buy something and this costs nothing to start up.

You can create a website and build traffic to it by advertising it on yahoo answers or youtube, myspace etc. Then put google adwords ads on there and get paid when people click on them.

You could write articles for sites like associatedcontent and get paid for writing articles and how many views you get.

You could sell products on ebay, but they are going downhill and more and more sellers are leaving. I was making about $8,000 a month on there last year and I make about $300 now selling the same things so I definately would steer clear of ebay. Im a powerseller and have great feedback but Ive been affected by the changes just like others, we are leaving for sites like onlineauction.com, ioffer.com, blujay.com, ecrater.com and craigslist.

All of these ways will make you money if you dedicate yourself but I do all of them for my income. I dont make that much from each one, its a combination of doing all of them that supplies my income. Its very stressful though. Ive been to the emergency room about 3 times this year because of anxiety, that never happened with a normal job so I am thinking about going back to normal work and only doing internet part time. The money is not worth your health but its good to know how to do this kind of stuff for extra money. Someone who can handle stress would be better suited for this type of life. I, just like you have anxiety so I wouldnt recommend quiting a job to do this, I made that mistake about 3 years ago and I put majority of my time into ebay which was stupid because of all the changes they sprung on sellers this year. Horrible company.

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I have buddies out here who trained to be LST (life support techs) 2 years ago who now make 700 USD a day.. a 6 week rotation makes about a million baht tax free.. They are living high on the hog with a full career in front of them (they trained in Plymouth, 2k GBP for the training course BTW)..

Sounds interesting...Anymore information or a link?


Razz...seems to me the only reason you are interested is because of the money mentioned....LST's look after the systems which support divers ie you are taking responsibility for someones life....and if money is your only reason for getting into this...then please stay out...

why else would anyone do it ??

Its not like you go and work offshore on some smelly rig with a bunch of roughnecks because you want to help your fellow man.. Of course you expect professionalism in a critical job.. but money is the only reason anyone would do it.

Why would an LST be involved with a bunch of roughnecks ?...different parts of the industry...Roughnecks are on drilling rigs and LST would be on a DSV or construction barge...nice to see you obviously know what you are talking about...

Of course the money offshore is a driving force, but these days every clown/loser is trying to jump on the O&G bandwagon, thinking its easy money..c*cking things up offshore and it ends up that the guys who really know what they are doing to sort out the messes created by the fly-by nights...I personally would be very worried if I was a Sat diver sitting in the chamber knowing that the guy who was looking after my well being had only been through a course very recently and his only motivation for being there was his day rate...

I was using roughnecks as in 'rough arse'.. As in rough work and usually living in rough conditions.. Not the job description.. Roughneck is defined as being a low skilled job in lots of trades as well as being a specific job within oil (just so you know what your talking about !!).. Same as roustabout etc its inst just restricted to the (mostly) seppo oil term.

Yes theres now lots of new arrivals to the industry.. But thats because the industry needs more staff than they have.. How do you propose the industry takes new people and turns them into the 'guys who really know what thier doing' without them being green at some point ?? And of course the LST's start as being junior and LST assists etc...

Oh I do what I am talking about have spent 25 years in the industry, but glad to say I am not a Seppo as you so eloquently put it...am a Whinging Pom...There is no objection about taking on new arrivals in the industry and yes they are needed, but at the same time people taking jobs based on the sole motivation of money is potentionally dangereous in any industrial situation even more so under offshore conditions, the saving grace with people jumping the bandwagon so to speak is that they usually dont last very long....either get themselves run off or jack it as they cant handle the enviroment. I put forward this point as an observation/comment based on my time in the industry and have seen the flyby nights come and go too many times....

The point I was trying to make was that the poster only seen $ signs and the interest in the job was based on that motivation alone nothing else.....if you took an interview with a company and told them the only motiviation you had for doing the job was the money...do you think you would get hired on by the company....dont think so...unless of course the job was selling timeshare/condos in Thailand of course...

Anyway think we going way off topic here...

Let me ask this, don't we all go to work to make money? That is, unless you are strictly wealthy and can afford to do only volunteer work. I have told my coworkers as well as bosses in the past, I am there for the money. I am not there to make friends or to get caught up in the politics of the job. Yes, you do have to have a job you enjoy, or at least tolerate to be able to keep your sanity and the stress level minimized. But if you are not doing a job for the money you are a down-right bu77chitter.

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The stress became too much to bear. So I QUIT. I am now f****d basically. I am 33 years old, no worthwile experience and no degree. I have just made a "claim" for benefit. the meager amount, assuming I qualify, won't even keep me afloat. My creditors are already sending me letters as I have gone over my overdraft limit on my current account and my bank have cancelled my Direct Debits so they're unable to collect the minimum payments from my account. I Know this might sound f***D up, living in the UK but I don't even have enough money to EAT!

I've been trying to apply for other Call centre jobs but I keep getting knocked back. It's like employers want bright, young, graduates. I've emissed the boat and I'm scared. I never thought my life would end up this way. It's like a bad dream, I'm DESPERATE. My stress levels have gone through the roof and I am burnout, It's been such as struggle - The stress of the job, the treatment by managers, meager wage and the fight to keep the wolves from the door. I feel helpless, completely powerless.

My parents never had any money, I was raised in a crap area. Since a kid I've always felt oppressed and immobile. As I said in my original post I also have phsycological and emotional problems too - I have OCD, which is out of control right now. I just can't handle it anymore.

I'm not lazy, I'm not a bum, I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, eat junkfood or womanize, but I just can't escape this poverty. I feel weird, like in those dreams when you trying to run but you just can't move, your limbs feel so heavy. I really don't know what to do.

My Dad screwed my head up when I was a kid, then killed himself when I was 23, My mum is neurotic. I don't even have a support system to fall back on. I've always been a loner and I don't have a social network, any mates in manual trades who could get me a job or anything.

Went for a job interview with the Royal bank of Scotland yesterday ( callcentre again ), but did'nt get the job. I was bombarded with trick questions which I just couldn't get me head around. I'm so exhausted and depressed. I'm inarticulate.

My GP has refered me to a mental health specialist (again), who will just prescribe med's and therapy (again).

I'm in a hole gentleman. Please, please, please anyone..

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  • Apply for bankruptcy if you have nothing to loose.
  • All the cool kids today are going bankrupt. Heck they even let this tard go bankrupt twice:
  • http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/manchester/7350750.stm
  • Hang out with some squatters, they squat in some pretty decent houses these days!
  • Supermarkets throw out tons of food every day because they don't want to deal with the litigation if you get sick.
  • fruit and veg and vitamins?
  • http://www.couchsurfing.com

seriously cut and run.

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The stress became too much to bear. So I QUIT. I am now f****d basically. I am 33 years old, no worthwile experience and no degree. I have just made a "claim" for benefit. the meager amount, assuming I qualify, won't even keep me afloat. My creditors are already sending me letters as I have gone over my overdraft limit on my current account and my bank have cancelled my Direct Debits so they're unable to collect the minimum payments from my account. I Know this might sound f***D up, living in the UK but I don't even have enough money to EAT!

I've been trying to apply for other Call centre jobs but I keep getting knocked back. It's like employers want bright, young, graduates. I've emissed the boat and I'm scared. I never thought my life would end up this way. It's like a bad dream, I'm DESPERATE. My stress levels have gone through the roof and I am burnout, It's been such as struggle - The stress of the job, the treatment by managers, meager wage and the fight to keep the wolves from the door. I feel helpless, completely powerless.

My parents never had any money, I was raised in a crap area. Since a kid I've always felt oppressed and immobile. As I said in my original post I also have phsycological and emotional problems too - I have OCD, which is out of control right now. I just can't handle it anymore.

I'm not lazy, I'm not a bum, I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, eat junkfood or womanize, but I just can't escape this poverty. I feel weird, like in those dreams when you trying to run but you just can't move, your limbs feel so heavy. I really don't know what to do.

My Dad screwed my head up when I was a kid, then killed himself when I was 23, My mum is neurotic. I don't even have a support system to fall back on. I've always been a loner and I don't have a social network, any mates in manual trades who could get me a job or anything.

Went for a job interview with the Royal bank of Scotland yesterday ( callcentre again ), but did'nt get the job. I was bombarded with trick questions which I just couldn't get me head around. I'm so exhausted and depressed. I'm inarticulate.

My GP has refered me to a mental health specialist (again), who will just prescribe med's and therapy (again).

I'm in a hole gentleman. Please, please, please anyone..

I will usually not quote an entire large post like this so I apologize for those whom it bothers, but the gravity of the OPs situation warranted it, in my mind.

Unhappyfarang, I'm sorry to hear you're problems have gotten to the point where you felt like you had to quit your job.

First, consider this: given your current situation and what danger potentially lies ahead, could you consider going back to your old employer IMMEDIATELY and ask for your job back, telling them something along the lines that you apologize for your outburst but I'm ready to work hard again, etc. I only recommend this because by quitting your job you really are left with nothing. You know this now, and maybe you thought quitting would be liberating, but now that you realize it's not, maybe you should keep working until you can find something that better suits you and your needs.

Some members may not agree with my suggestion, but I consider it Damage Control - and what you've gotten yourself into is a serious situation.

I'm not familiar with the public welfare structure in the UK (I think that's where your from, correct?), so I cannot advise on that.

If you are financially solvent enough to keep looking for other work while not having a job, then consider yourself lucky and make haste in landing a new job before your funds run out.

You mention that your family problems. Aside from the problems of the past (yes, of the Past), are your parents or other family members in a position to give you financial support until you get yourself back on your feet? Do they know how much you need them right now?

I've just re-read your post and realize that the situation is way beyond one which I can comfortably advise. It's for a professional. You've turned to this forum for help, and it's a pretty serious plea for help. You mention you are exhausted and inarticulate at this point. I can only assume that your mind is just exhausted as your body.

You need to rest and try to calm down, first and foremost. If your mind isn't in order, you're not going to be able to move forward rationally. Don't worry about 1,2,10 years from now and don't spend your time on your troubled past, it will mentally and physically drain you. Try as much to get it together now, and consider what you need to do now before you fall of the steep precipice you are quickly approaching. Which brings me back to getting your job back. You need something firm to hold on to, to base yourself before you take any more steps. This is just my opinion.

Things may seem serious to you, and you have to remember that while they are serious, it's not the end of the world. You have your health and you are ambulatory. Don't lose track of your mental or physical health. If you feel yourself starting to, seek real help.

33 is not old and you can get on track again. In another thread, some members recommended some outdoor labor jobs to another member. These jobs may not be ideal, but if you need work, you need work. And some physical work in the sun may help both your mental and physical state.

I hope this helps.


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Appreciate your input. There is no way my old employer would offer me my job back. Even if they did, I don't think I could handle another day there. in the end it really became that bad - It was an awful place to work, probably the worst there is.

I am trying to cope, stay positive etc but the strain and constant distress I've been experiencing has all but crushed my spirit. I literally feel helpless. Confused, so confused. I have never felt so opressed my whole life. I am DESPERATE for work, I can't afford to dither, waste time with interviews for office jobs loaded with questions to try and trip me up to then be told I wasn't successful. I'm emailing my CV (for what it's worth) to recruiters who say that they'll be in touch should anything come up. Yesterday I walked about 10 miles to a building site ( I actually look like an office boy ) and asked for work but I came up amongst barriers - experience? Do you have a "card"?

I don't have time to train etc I need work right now, this minute. I'd shovel S***T for 16 hours a day 7 days a week, I don't care what I do, I'm not workshy, But I need a position right away, any position. F***K, I can't even make basic living costs. I am panic striken - frozen.

Right now I only need helpful input, so please no unhelpful, sarcastic replies - there are plenty of other threads where you could do that. I'm going down, fast.

I rang social security to ask them how long my claim is going to take - they said at least a few weeks??!! yesterday my UK landline company sent me a red letter, same for water company. Credit card company is relentless and want to know what's going on.

No support, friends etc hence my presence here. Anybody in the South of England here that can get me any work - QUICKLY? If so, please post, please post.

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I recommend you go see your local CAB http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/ ASAP and discuss your problems and options. Creditors on your back etc is just as big an issue as your current unemployment status, your health, and other issues. Declaring bankruptcy is an option though NOT a good one, and certainly should be your last option not the first. They should also be able to point you to some career counselling and other assistance as required.

Do also see a doctor ASAP regarding depression, OCD, and whatever other problems you have - get your physical and mental health back on track. Find the time/money to do this! Sounds to me like you definitely need some medicinal assistance.

I re-iterate earlier advice - a trip or relocation to Thailand in your current emotional and financial state is just about the worst thing you could do. Not sure that is still on your agenda (given that you're still posting here) or not.

Apologies if this has all been covered already.

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Thanks for the advice. I'm am in the process of a breakdown, I'm trying to resist, but the resistence is making things worse so I guess I just have to go with it. When I was 27 I had a nervous breakdown in a hotel room which I just about survived. I am completely and utterly wasted guys, I just can't take it anymore. I am so damaged I can't even walk outside of my flat onto the street. Passing cars are enough to make me jump out of my skin. Yesterday I went for a job interview in this emotional state and was fighting back tears the whole time, I just wanted to run away. I couldn't even answer the interviewers questions properly. I am so exhausted (mentally/emotinally), I can just about write.

I don't know what happened to me, maybe something in a past life? But I have struggled with complex phsycological and emotional problems since childhood and throughout my teens and twenties have been constantly on the verge of suicide. I always felt not good enough in my fathers eyes and throughout my life have always hated myself for never being able to live up to the standards he expected. When he killed himself it was like now I can NEVER live up to his standards. His death wounded me deeply and I have never really gotten over it, in fact, I have never even FACED the trauma, Iv'e always tried to look away from it, put it aside, but it is there, inside and has just added to the afflictions I already battle with.

I try, oh how I try, but every day is a fight just to stay sane. The stress of the call centre ruined me, I HAD to leave, it was like I was being strangled. Now I am unemployed and as a previous poster already said - probably in a worse postition. I have no money and I have bills to pay. I have a Thai partner who has financial obligations of her own (family in Thailand) and is working a menial cleaning job to meet the demands of her family and trying to help me out with the bills here. But it isn't enough. She came home in tears the other day with her hands all broken up from the detergant she uses in her job.

I have been through the mental health system numerous times - pills, therapy, cbt but I just can't shake it. I know that there will never be any restbite from my Illness and I am becoming dog tired of the daily fight. I don't know what to do right now, I just can't see a way out.

I NEED outdoor work, something in nature but I just can't seem to break into anything. Thecallcentre job has robbed me of confidence and self - esteem. It's not fair on my partner either, she is a lovely woman and deserves better. When she comes home tonight I am going to tell her that she should return home to Thailand. I can't give her a life here, I can barley take care of myself.

My Mother is selfish and my 3 sisters stupid. I have cast off "friends" as they weren't giving me any support, in fact the opposite. So I am alone, with this crisis and this forum.

I am seriously unwell. I have an appointment with a Mental Health worker in September, for what it is worth. People tell me to pull myself together, if only it were that simple.

All roads are blocked right now and its almost like I feel my life force ebbing away. I'm in a very dark, scary place, enough to bring any man to his knees. anyone that has suffered with mental illness will know exaclty what I mean.

This post probably reads like a 6 year old's writing, but I don't care - I'm just hitting keys, reaching out.

I need whatever support I can get. God help me

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You're next of kin has the right to request a Mental Health Assesment under the (MHA), although this is a pretty drastic way of accessing the Mental Health services available, it may get you fast tracked in for an appointment and the appropriate support and therapy that you may require. She will need to be persistent though, as the GP will probably try and fob her off, but from my recollection she has a legal right to request this.

In the meantime, I would certainly agree with the posters who have suggested getting in contact with CAB, you need to try and formulate a plan to solve your financial and social problems, and with out doing that, you will continue to see no way out of the current situation. They will give you the correct advice, and help you deal with your creditors and bank.

I wish you the best of luck, but one thiong you should not do at the moment is look to make any life changing decisions that you may come to regret in the future. Get yourself a step by step plan, and things will become a little cleare.

I wish you all the best.

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Didn't realise you had a Thai partner living with you. Highly recommend you don't shut her out also, unless you know for sure (not just feel when down in the dumps) that she is not good for you. Don't be a martyr - sounds like you need all the help you can get.

If you have religious beliefs (or even if you don't), a priest/minister/counselor from the church may be able to assist.

If you really are suicidal - call a hotline, or even contact them by email even. Better speaking to some one local, with training etc, rather than this board I think. You need to talk to someone before September.



You do need to find work, but before you can do that it seems like you have some bigger issues to resolve before you can even think about that.

Unless you owe money to the mob, your debts aren't life threatening.

If you don't have drug and alcohol problems, and you're not someone's punching bag, you're doing better than many, so stay positive. I'm not making light of mental health issues, but I'd be all but positive you're seeing things as far worse than they are - but you need some professional help to show you that.

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You like outdoor work ? This might be worth a try. Go door knocking and ask if anyone wants their lawn cut, or gardening or some painting. You just supply the labor.

I was really sad to read your posting. All the best.

Edited by sgtpeppers
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I am living in the UK. I am working 40 hours a week in a callcentre. I have severe emotional/mental problems and the stress of the job is really becoming unbearable, I am truely stuck, opressed and really not well. The place is like a prison, the management treat the workers like shit and I feel like I am on the verge of a breakdown. I am 33 years old and I can't see a way out. With a severe anxiety condition I am trying to meet the living costs in the South of England and just about manage the minimum repayments toward credit card debt- which again was used just for living purposes - no holidays/extravagance.

I shouldn't be where I am today but numerous life events have ended up with me cornered in this hellish position. for 40 hours of work per weekA in this modern day victorian mill I net about 200 gbp or 800 gbp per month. This amount is just enough to keep me spinning on the spot. But I really can't take the job anymore.

Could anybody here, please, please, please teach me how to start a small internet concern which will net me about £1k gbp per month. I spend every minute of my spare time scouring the net for online businesses and I don't know where to start. I really need some help before I completely lose it - I really can't handle another day £1000gbp per month will cover my bills and give me some breathing space and the ability to seek proper/help treatment for my illness. Please guys I'm not joking I'm in a pretty bad way at the moment

After some Meditation related Ideas,Slow deep Breathing exercises and the Physicians Advisement .

You Might try a more meaningful Occupation(Retraining scheme or even as an apprentice at lower pay with Of Coarse a guarantee(Written!) of Documentation at the end of agreed period, in Restorations.

I know that Britain is Greatly lacking them!Especially in Architectural restorations!(Oil Guilding as well!)

Good luck !And Keep up the Spirits.Whenever Your really down try to "Move Your Mindset". I have a long read of the less fortunate.The Sad predicament of the Fine Burmese sufferance at the moment.Or just being Mindful of how fortunate I am to be a Western citizen born in somewhat good nick Bodily and Mentally!

Remember "When Your Down,The only Way is UP!!!"

DOOO Take care!!!

Edited by HelterSkelter
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