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What Do Other Expats Do That You Hate?

Ulysses G.

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Sarge said;

See them shopping with their (slapper looking, in her late 30s and 40s plus) Thai partner and her (ethnic Thai) kids tagging along. A woman that no decent, self respecting Thai man (or any sensible farang man abroad) would ever want to be seen with.

You don't have to be no knight in shinning armour to see that these comments are appalling.

Yes, this is TV. Where's the love?

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someone mentioned expats in pick up cars;

what about that geezer running around Udon Thani city in a Nissan Navarra all tarted up with S.George flags and other tasteless stickers and with a BG looking type in the passenger seat? how naff can that be? Having said that, Khon Kaen province seems to have the highest concentration of unsightly chavvy old farang. Funny how some jump the gun at these posts; touching a raw nerve there, aren't we.

English teachers complaining again and again and again.......we get it, you guys cannot afford a good time here, so just accept the fact and wander the bars searching for the endless happy hours which supply free food to boot.

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someone mentioned expats in pick up cars;

what about that geezer running around Udon Thani city in a Nissan Navarra all tarted up with S.George flags and other tasteless stickers and with a BG looking type in the passenger seat? how naff can that be? Having said that, Khon Kaen province seems to have the highest concentration of unsightly chavvy old farang. Funny how some jump the gun at these posts; touching a raw nerve there, aren't we.

English teachers complaining again and again and again.......we get it, you guys cannot afford a good time here, so just accept the fact and wander the bars searching for the endless happy hours which supply free food to boot.

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What do other expats do that you hate?, What makes you sick? Nothing! I don't associate with any.

Odd thing to say on an expat forum.

why odd pray tell? i mentioned something similar in this forum a long time ago, something like "i don't associate with Thais nor do i associate with expats".

So you don't have any friends/work colleagues Thai or Expat?

i don't. of course i have some friends who live abroad but they can't be called expats as they live in their native country.

No man is an island entire of itself.. why not join up to an internet based community where you can share and discuss likewise interests, may I suggest an expat forum even, a place where you will be regarded as an esteemed member given your years and experience of surviving in a foreign country, who knows maybe you will strike up a friendship or two with associated members?

i wouldn't like to associate with people who regard me as an esteemed member :o (copyright Groucho Marx). joke aside, i am an "island" and live like a hermit since i abandoned my professional career 18 years, 6 months and 2 days ago. my lifestyle is however interrupted several times a year when friends and acquaintances from more two dozen countries meet either in Thailand or another part of this planet for a week long get together to discuss common interests. these are the only occasions when i cross my property line willingly :D

p.s. i confess being an esteemed member of two international forums and a [not so] esteemed member of TV-Forum :D

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I hate the people that come here and try and pass themselves off as English teachers because they want to live in a cheap country and aren't qualified to get a real job. Went to some alleged English schools with some Thai friends who wanted to learn and some of the bottom feeders in Bangkok pretending to be English teachers is a disgrace.

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when expats go native and do business with no regard for western business ethics.

Maccaroni Man hit it for me. We recently brought in a contract from overseas and handed it over to an expat to help us, as we were simply swamped. We thought we were dealing with a straight shooter, when in fact he has made an art, and I guess a decent living given what he took us for, of creating opaque accounting and bundles of lies so thick he can use them for a bridge to hel_l.

I will never easily trust another expat again, which means them getting a contract from us will be a painful process for all concerned, but lesson learned.

I can only guess he and people like him fled to distant locations where they could hide from their resumes of failure and deceit. Hopefully, this fellow is at the end of his run here, as the more we dig, the more we find he has utterly ruined his reputation here now as well. Perhaps expat communities in Russia or China will be his next victims.

Dr. B

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HATE is a strong word, probably better to say what ïs it that annoys you, or put more bluntly pisses you off.

Yes, you are right, that is what I really meant, but too late now. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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See them shopping with their (slapper looking, in her late 30s and 40s plus) Thai partner and her (ethnic Thai) kids tagging along. A woman that no decent, self respecting Thai man (or any sensible farang man abroad) would ever want to be seen with.

Terrible thing to say.... but some truth in it.

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someone mentioned expats in pick up cars;

what about that geezer running around Udon Thani city in a Nissan Navarra all tarted up with S.George flags and other tasteless stickers and with a BG looking type in the passenger seat? how naff can that be? Having said that, Khon Kaen province seems to have the highest concentration of unsightly chavvy old farang. Funny how some jump the gun at these posts; touching a raw nerve there, aren't we.

English teachers complaining again and again and again.......we get it, you guys cannot afford a good time here, so just accept the fact and wander the bars searching for the endless happy hours which supply free food to boot.

alas I'm not a teacher, and not even English. But thanks for the compliment. I agree with your sentiment about them, especially the CM fauna but that's another story. In terms of good times, travelling up and down the country with your own brand new car, family on tow, affording 4 & 5 stars hotels nationwide, lunching & dining at good restaurants every single day, shopping until you drop, all of this for months and months on end and of course property investments, and best of all supporting neighbour kids education and seeing them running to you with huge smile on their faces, and much more besides.

Maybe you can show us how is done but prolly not. That's one way of having good times. what's yours?

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Sarge said;

See them shopping with their (slapper looking, in her late 30s and 40s plus) Thai partner and her (ethnic Thai) kids tagging along. A woman that no decent, self respecting Thai man (or any sensible farang man abroad) would ever want to be seen with.

You don't have to be no knight in shinning armour to see that these comments are appalling.

mate, you running around in circles. You taking exception to those remarks while disregarding the context in which they were said and the underlined meaning of the post. There is life outside TV, ya know?

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Old falang men holding hands with young girls or even worse, young boys.

I try not to let people annoy me. I think that's one of the valuable lessons that the 'Thai way' can teach us. Tolerance, acceptance, laissez-faire, and all that mai-pen-rai stuff.

However, Farang who think that gay relationships are somehow worse than straight ones really do annoy me and I hoped that I had left that kind of prehistoric idiocy behind when I moved to this country.

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i hate expats who drive yellow Ferraris :o

I don't really know why I should have to justify this, but it was the only colour available on the showroom floor the day I wanted it and it matched my shirt. I suppose I could have it resprayed another colour but this would require the tedious business of reporting to the motor vehicle registration department with chassis numbers etc. I would need someone reliable to perform this task efficiently and, I am sure you will agree, it would be a thundering bore to be deprived of the services of one's butler for a large portion of the day.

And you'd have to buy another shirt to match the respray, too. Or could you just go topless for a day and have your shirt sprayed as well?????

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I hate it when they think they can take my stool or sit near me when they're clearly aware that it is my stool, and my space,

I try to stare them down to indicate my displeasure but some just don't get it,

Lately it's gotten really bad, this one guy is actually waiting evryday now to take my stool and my personal buffer space, :D:o

Where is this magic stool? :D

Let's hope it has nothing to do with Naam's 'rejected motion' !!!!!

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However, Farang who think that gay relationships are somehow worse than straight ones really do annoy me and I hoped that I had left that kind of prehistoric idiocy behind when I moved to this country.

Well said Himachal, there are some farang who think that only people of the same age, race and sex can have a genuine relationship, I experienced this in the UK but did not expect to find it in Thailand.

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I ABSOLUTELY HATE when you see a stunning girl and I mean something that causes accidents and one bloke will say, nah her nose isnt real or her boobs are fake. I feel like punching them in tha face.

It really pisses me off.

Especially when you see a girl with a great set of tits and some bloke goes nah there fake etc. I mean who gives a phark.

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I ABSOLUTELY HATE when you see a stunning girl and I mean something that causes accidents and one bloke will say, nah her nose isnt real or her boobs are fake. I feel like punching them in tha face.

It really pisses me off.

Especially when you see a girl with a great set of tits and some bloke goes nah there fake etc. I mean who gives a phark.

Welcome to Jurassic Phark :o

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I hate the people that come here and try and pass themselves off as English teachers because they want to live in a cheap country and aren't qualified to get a real job. Went to some alleged English schools with some Thai friends who wanted to learn and some of the bottom feeders in Bangkok pretending to be English teachers is a disgrace.

i [not so] humbly beg to differ. a plumber from Manchester who was my private tutor taught me all the english i know. well not really... but my [native english speaking] wife thinks along this line :o

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I hate the people that come here and try and pass themselves off as English teachers because they want to live in a cheap country and aren't qualified to get a real job. Went to some alleged English schools with some Thai friends who wanted to learn and some of the bottom feeders in Bangkok pretending to be English teachers is a disgrace.

i [not so] humbly beg to differ. a plumber from Manchester who was my private tutor taught me all the english i know. well not really... but my [native english speaking] wife thinks along this line :o

Differ away to your heart's content. Opinions are what make this forum such fun.

As you were.

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wow if don wants to punch somebody in the face because someone disagrees with the beaty of a woman,we all had better agre with everything he says else we are in trouble lol lol.

is that your arm don if so keep off the steroids mate they make people aggresive lol.

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isabelle17 said,

but I think it's ridiculous that pidgeon English a huge complaint....

My boyfriend doesn't speak excellent English...and sometimes its easier if I say things to him in a less complicated way.

In my view speaking to your boyfriend in broken/baby English only reinforces poor language performance. Once this poor means of communication is established it is hard to break.

Interestingly the development of pidgin English, and other pidgins, came about mostly through colonialism. The new masters refused to speak the local dialect and the natives were forced to do the best they could. With poor education it was usually far from perfect.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, insisting on correct language is arrogant and demeaning.

The goal should be communication and understanding each other.


Well said !!!

It is a lot easier to understand someone who speaks a language well, and learners will never learn to speak well, unless they have heard the language spoken correctly on a regular basis. :o

Well UG,can you please explain in perfect English,how you can expect someone to learn and understand a new language unless it is spoken perfectly to him on a regular basis when he does not understand ONE WORD in the first place !!!!!!!!

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gosh, how did you lot manage to turn this topic to woofter & paedo discussion?

back on track, anyone with 1st hand experience of the garrulous expat community in Saraburi province?

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What do other expats do that you hate?, What makes you sick? Nothing! I don't associate with any.

Odd thing to say on an expat forum.

why odd pray tell? i mentioned something similar in this forum a long time ago, something like "i don't associate with Thais nor do i associate with expats".

So you don't have any friends/work colleagues Thai or Expat?

i don't. of course i have some friends who live abroad but they can't be called expats as they live in their native country.

No man is an island entire of itself.. why not join up to an internet based community where you can share and discuss likewise interests, may I suggest an expat forum even, a place where you will be regarded as an esteemed member given your years and experience of surviving in a foreign country, who knows maybe you will strike up a friendship or two with associated members?

i wouldn't like to associate with people who regard me as an esteemed member :o (copyright Groucho Marx). joke aside, i am an "island" and live like a hermit since i abandoned my professional career 18 years, 6 months and 2 days ago. my lifestyle is however interrupted several times a year when friends and acquaintances from more two dozen countries meet either in Thailand or another part of this planet for a week long get together to discuss common interests. these are the only occasions when i cross my property line willingly :D

p.s. i confess being an esteemed member of two international forums and a [not so] esteemed member of TV-Forum :D

So you dont have the will to cross your "property line" where is the area you live if you don't mind me asking?

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