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What Do Other Expats Do That You Hate?

Ulysses G.

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BTW - How would you explain "I'd like to take a hatchet to them" to the average Thai person?

Where did I mention in my post that I would try to explain "I'd like to take a hatchet to them" to the average Thai person? And what the hel_l is "het?"

You were asserting that an "average thai person" (your words) would understand English phrases, without the need for simplifying (or pidgin, as some have described it).

By quoting your (over)reaction, "I'd like to take a hatchet to them", I was merely pointing out an irony. It would be very difficult to explain this phrase to your "average Thai" - they would probably think you were mad.

Het up –noun Informal. 1.indignant; irate; upset: She was really het up about the new city tax.

Thank you.

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mess up the ambiance of Thailand's only real high end Mall.

Dear Huey

I think the ambience of that place was messed up when they bulldozed the beautiful park to build the mall, in the name of attracting expat (and tourist) consumers.

Himachal Are you Kidding me? Firstly it was a hotel not a park if I am not mistaking, please someone correct me on that if I am wrong. Secondly, most of the shoppers there are overwhelmingly Thai. Why is it that the posters here think that farangs are the only ones with money? Who do you think make up the membership of the Paragorn Platinum club? You know that lil office across from Tony Roma's on the first floor? They are all Thais and they are spending hundreds of thousands of Baht a month.

Granted this mall would not work out in Udon somewhere, but then this is BKK not Issan, there are more Thais than you think that have cash.

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I hate expats who talk down to Thai people at shops/restuarants and think they are so much better then they are. They deserve an uppercut to the jaw.

Yes agreed. How hard is it to smile and speak respectfully. My only problem is when I speak respectfully and friendly to people, and they say something stupid. Like for example, I was at the Emporium food court when this Thai lady complemented me on my Monk Medallion that my Father in Law gave me. Her English was week, but she was very friendly and smiled allot. She asked me a few questions and I responded politely in my limited Thai. She then asked me were I was from and asked me if I was Buddhist to which I responded USA, and no respectively. Then she asked me "Mia Khun Pattaya Mai?" or in other words is your wife from Pattaya? Now my wife was not with me at the time, she had already gotten her food and sat down somewhere so its not like this lady saw her. She saw ME and asked me some retarded sh!t like that. Like I'm some decrepit pot bellied, broke azz looser that would marry a whore from Pattaya. I said "What?" and looked at her like she lost her mind, she got shook and said mai pen rai as I thanked her for my drink and waled off.

She looked like some simple Issan farmer or something they know damm well what kind of trash go to Pattaya to work she wouldn't want her son to marry a whore from pattaya why would she ask me if I did... with such a honest smile no less?

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mess up the ambiance of Thailand's only real high end Mall.

Dear Huey

I think the ambience of that place was messed up when they bulldozed the beautiful park to build the mall, in the name of attracting expat (and tourist) consumers.

Himachal Are you Kidding me? Firstly it was a hotel not a park if I am not mistaking, please someone correct me on that if I am wrong. Secondly, most of the shoppers there are overwhelmingly Thai. Why is it that the posters here think that farangs are the only ones with money? Who do you think make up the membership of the Paragorn Platinum club? You know that lil office across from Tony Roma's on the first floor? They are all Thais and they are spending hundreds of thousands of Baht a month.

Granted this mall would not work out in Udon somewhere, but then this is BKK not Issan, there are more Thais than you think that have cash.

Dear Huey

I know plenty of Thais have oodles of cash and some of them actually spend it at Paragon instead of just walking around, but I seem to remember the developers' original intention was to go for the Farang market. Yes, there was a hotel on the sight as you say, right next to the park.

Cheers, H :o

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mess up the ambiance of Thailand's only real high end Mall.

Dear Huey

I think the ambience of that place was messed up when they bulldozed the beautiful park to build the mall, in the name of attracting expat (and tourist) consumers.

Himachal Are you Kidding me? Firstly it was a hotel not a park if I am not mistaking, please someone correct me on that if I am wrong. Secondly, most of the shoppers there are overwhelmingly Thai. Why is it that the posters here think that farangs are the only ones with money? Who do you think make up the membership of the Paragorn Platinum club? You know that lil office across from Tony Roma's on the first floor? They are all Thais and they are spending hundreds of thousands of Baht a month.

Granted this mall would not work out in Udon somewhere, but then this is BKK not Issan, there are more Thais than you think that have cash.

Dear Huey

I know plenty of Thais have oodles of cash and some of them actually spend it at Paragon instead of just walking around, but I seem to remember the developers' original intention was to go for the Farang market. Yes, there was a hotel on the sight as you say, right next to the park.

Cheers, H :o

Dear Himachal,

Thanks for that. I have no idea what was going on in the developer's minds when they designed the Paragorn. However its awesome. The food, great, the movies, awesome, the high end shopping, the best. AND it employees thousands of Thais who would have been otherwise out of a job. I LOVE parks, but BKK already has plenty and over all the Mall Helps more Thais Then the small park did. Wouldn't you agree?

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Dear Himachal,

Thanks for that. I have no idea what was going on in the developer's minds when they designed the Paragorn. However its awesome. The food, great, the movies, awesome, the high end shopping, the best. AND it employees thousands of Thais who would have been otherwise out of a job. I LOVE parks, but BKK already has plenty and over all the Mall Helps more Thais Then the small park did. Wouldn't you agree?

Dear huey

Yes and no.

It does provide a lot of employment and it does make some people very rich. It also damages the hearing of BTS passengers at Siam station and values consumerism over quiet, green, relaxing spaces. I'm afraid the attractions you list have no appeal to me whatsoever, but I know I'm in a minority - again!!! :o I'm sure we could debate this at length, but fear we're already off-topic.

Regards, Himachal

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Then she asked me "Mia Khun Pattaya Mai?" or in other words is your wife from Pattaya? Now my wife was not with me at the time, she had already gotten her food and sat down somewhere so its not like this lady saw her. She saw ME and asked me some retarded sh!t like that. Like I'm some decrepit pot bellied, broke azz looser that would marry a whore from Pattaya. I said "What?" and looked at her like she lost her mind, she got shook and said mai pen rai as I thanked her for my drink and waled off.

Most Thais have no real idea what Pattaya is like. All they know is a lot of Farangs go there to pick a blushing bride. Perhaps you should have cut her a little slack? :o

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Maybe you speak Thai but you do not understand Thai people.It seems to bother you about this pigeon english but it does not bother Thais.Just a way to communicate.What matters to Thai people is if you are friendly and treat people well. If you speak pigeon English,or bad Thai,noone cares, if you have good heart.

My father is English and my mother is Thai,and he never speak Thai so well,but Thai people love him because he is happy and does not judge other people. Worse thing to do for Thai is look down other people,but seems like you look down other expats and people who cannot speak Thai.For other expat people who read this,number 1 thing to live happy in Thailand is have good heart.Smile and joke with people and they will love you here.Does not matter how you talk.If you judge other people too much,you will not be happy in Thailand or anywhere.

Excellent reply, anyone who uses the word " HATE"

is revealing what is in "their" heart. I doubt if there is a Thai word in a translation dictionary that compares !! Perhaps dislike, unagreeable or not good heart.

Good to see you are back with us, Monkol, you can

E- mail ( PM ) on TV if you wish, Sawadee Kup, Papa

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Replying to What Do Other Expats Do That You Hate?

People like you who start threads like this.

Well said !! :o It gives one insight !! Some have their mind in a gutter and want to bring everybody down.

Sawadee Kup

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What do other expats do that you hate?, What makes you sick? Nothing! I don't associate with any.

Odd thing to say on an expat forum.

why odd pray tell? i mentioned something similar in this forum a long time ago, something like "i don't associate with Thais nor do i associate with expats".

So you don't have any friends/work colleagues Thai or Expat?

i don't. of course i have some friends who live abroad but they can't be called expats as they live in their native country.

No man is an island entire of itself.. why not join up to an internet based community where you can share and discuss likewise interests, may I suggest an expat forum even, a place where you will be regarded as an esteemed member given your years and experience of surviving in a foreign country, who knows maybe you will strike up a friendship or two with associated members?

A loner is a loner, respect that !! :o

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What do other expats do that you hate?, What makes you sick? Nothing! I don't associate with any.

Odd thing to say on an expat forum.

why odd pray tell? i mentioned something similar in this forum a long time ago, something like "i don't associate with Thais nor do i associate with expats".

So you don't have any friends/work colleagues Thai or Expat?

i don't. of course i have some friends who live abroad but they can't be called expats as they live in their native country.

No man is an island entire of itself.. why not join up to an internet based community where you can share and discuss likewise interests, may I suggest an expat forum even, a place where you will be regarded as an esteemed member given your years and experience of surviving in a foreign country, who knows maybe you will strike up a friendship or two with associated members?

A loner is a loner, respect that !! :D

He's not a loner, it is just a pretense to conceal his true identity as.. na na na naam man.

When darkness falls he can sometimes be seen prowling the soi's in his leather cape righting wrongs where there is injustice he'll be there. :o

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The ones who pretend they are so whiter than white and expats who haven't got married/bought into the whole house and kids nightmare are considered 2nd class expats.

I don't think it is so much considering the non-married ex-pat as 2nd class, but more to do with different priorities - at least in my case. Those of us with families might not have the time to socialise with our single colleagues and this might make us appear a bit aloof.

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What do other expats do that you hate?, What makes you sick? Nothing! I don't associate with any.

Odd thing to say on an expat forum.

why odd pray tell? i mentioned something similar in this forum a long time ago, something like "i don't associate with Thais nor do i associate with expats".

So you don't have any friends/work colleagues Thai or Expat?

i don't. of course i have some friends who live abroad but they can't be called expats as they live in their native country.

No man is an island entire of itself.. why not join up to an internet based community where you can share and discuss likewise interests, may I suggest an expat forum even, a place where you will be regarded as an esteemed member given your years and experience of surviving in a foreign country, who knows maybe you will strike up a friendship or two with associated members?

A loner is a loner, respect that !! :D

He's not a loner, it is just a pretense to conceal his true identity as.. na na na naam man.

When darkness falls he can sometimes be seen prowling the soi's in his leather cape righting wrongs where there is injustice he'll be there. :D

:D :D :D

the lifestyle i am conducting is indeed way off "normal". only a few of my close friends accept my preferences and have stopped calling me "mad dog". well, that's what they claim. they might still think i am a mad dog, but there's no harm in what they think B) there's nothing really across my property line which tempts me to cross that line. restaurant food? no thank you, we have a cook and a clean kitchen. bars and bargirls? my wife does not approve :D beach? i hate the sun and the heat :o and prefer my garden or most of the time my airconditioned home. shopping? my wife does all the shopping. parties? more than four persons together is an ugly crowd.

end of next year i will clock twenty years of living as i live today and will live most probably till carry me out feet first :D

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I really don't like people pretending to be rich, with their 1 million a month incomes...

Similar to the farangs who talk loudly (esp when dining out with family & friends, colleagues) - discussing their properties, stock investments, etc.

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Excellent reply, anyone who uses the word " HATE" is revealing what is in "their" heart. I doubt if there is a Thai word in a translation dictionary that compares !! Perhaps dislike, unagreeable or not good heart.

For the less educated readers amongst us, the word "hate" has more than one meaning and different levels of intensity As I have said several times in this thread, I meant "strongly annoyed by", which most of us seemed to grasp without an English lesson. By the way, Pops, there is no such word as "unagreeable".

Also, the Thais do have a very strong word for hate which almost anyone who knows the language at the most simple level would realize: เกลียด

Some folks should do a little basic learning before they start flapping their gums about what big experts on Thailand they are. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Not to get technical on ya, but isn’t it “I go house you” ....kind of like..... “phom bai baan khun” or sumpin like dat…..maybe that’s why you didn't understand ;-)

Can somebody please explain to me how 'I go you house' is easier for a Thai to understand. Most of these baby-English phrases don't even follow Thai Grammar. It is just that somebody used this structure by mistake and now wally English speakers mimic it and by doing so give Thais the impression that it is the right way to speak.
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I guess you cause lots of people to have a “loss of face”

I ABSOLUTELY HATE when you see a stunning girl and I mean something that causes accidents and one bloke will say, nah her nose isnt real or her boobs are fake. I feel like punching them in tha face.

It really pisses me off.

Especially when you see a girl with a great set of tits and some bloke goes nah there fake etc. I mean who gives a phark.

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It has to be the brain-dead creeps who think that when they speak Pidgin English, they are speaking Thai, so they go around leaving all the pronouns out and throwing in the two Thai words they know in every sentence and act all cool like they really know how to communicate here.

Even worse are the morons that speak Pidgin English to other foreigners. I have a really hard time not telling them what I think of them.

The other day, I heard a new one, this fellow was speaking with his girlfriend who spoke English very well, but when he answered her in English, he would imitate her Thai accent and all the mistakes that she made.

He wasn't doing it to make fun of her as he did it for 45 minutes straight. Somehow he thought that they were speaking Thai and he was a really cool guy! :o

putting silly topics on thaivisa.com :D

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putting silly topics on thaivisa.com :D
ive lost my company stamp, how do i get 1 back as i have to stamp so documents quickly

Ask your husband?



why would i want an husband when ive got a wife which half wit school did you go to, and you obviously cant read properly as well, that was not the question, read again

You mean like this one Mr. Troll? :o

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Maybe they're just trying to communicate. Maybe they're not as clever as you obviously think you are and they have to resort to whatever communicative tactics they have at there dispossal. This, as we all know, can become a habit. But should it be denograted in such a way?

Your complaint is, essentially, that you occassionally come across people that don't speak Thai as well as you do. I'm sorry but you present yourself as an insufferable boor. Tolerance makes the world go round.

No offence meant and I hope none taken.

I thank the lord that I am not you. What a self-absorbed twit. You call somone an "insufferable boor," (no doubt proud of your prose) and then have the nerve to follow with "no offence meant and I hope none taken." My god! Then you top it off with "Tolerance makes the world go round." Please tell me you were drunk when you wrote this. Betcha you have a lot of mirrors in your house.

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Not to get technical on ya, but isn't it "I go house you" ....kind of like..... "phom bai baan khun" or sumpin like dat…..maybe that's why you didn't understand ;-)
Can somebody please explain to me how 'I go you house' is easier for a Thai to understand. Most of these baby-English phrases don't even follow Thai Grammar. It is just that somebody used this structure by mistake and now wally English speakers mimic it and by doing so give Thais the impression that it is the right way to speak.

If you read my post I used the example of 'I go you house' where the 'you' is before 'house'. Are you following this because it might be tricky for you here. In the wonderful Thai example you gave (you are obviously fluent) it came out as 'I go house you'. The 'you' is at the end of the sentence. See the difference? The pidgin English version that I hear, is what? Yes, Different from how it would be structured in Thai grammar. Is this too technical for you?

Edited by garro
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Maybe they're just trying to communicate. Maybe they're not as clever as you obviously think you are and they have to resort to whatever communicative tactics they have at there dispossal. This, as we all know, can become a habit. But should it be denograted in such a way?

Your complaint is, essentially, that you occassionally come across people that don't speak Thai as well as you do. I'm sorry but you present yourself as an insufferable boor. Tolerance makes the world go round.

No offence meant and I hope none taken.

I thank the lord that I am not you. What a self-absorbed twit. You call somone an "insufferable boor," (no doubt proud of your prose) and then have the nerve to follow with "no offence meant and I hope none taken." My god! Then you top it off with "Tolerance makes the world go round." Please tell me you were drunk when you wrote this. Betcha you have a lot of mirrors in your house.

Check out a few of his "tolerent" posts attacking all and sundry. What a hypocrite.

Thanks cluezo, you said it better than I could have. :o

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Hello PapaJohn and other people in Chiang Mai as well.I will not be back to Chiang Mai until december but still like to read Chiang Mai forum.I just do not understand why people wish to spend so much time talking about what they hate about other people.There are things people do that I hate,But they were not put on earth to please me.There are things I do,and no doubt most other people do,that someone hates.But there is enough hate in the world already without dwelling on this too much.If one gets so upset about this pidgin english they are going to be angry all the time because it is common here and everywhere else where English and non-English speaking people get together. And if some Thai person says "I go you house",then I know if I say "I go you house " to them they will understand it.

And also for man who got upset because Thai lady asked if his wife was from Pattaya.I believe he had a right to be upset and lady was wrong and ignorant to say this.But man was wrong to say all ladies who work in Pattaya are whores or low-lifes. Perhaps they are just people who need a job.This man obviously had enough money to get to Thailand and live comfortably,so he should not judge people unless he has lived their life. What would this man do for his family,if they did not have money for food or medical care,much less airplane tickets.If there is so much to hate in Thailand,why not go back to your own country where perhaps you will be happier.And Thailand will be happier with less hate.

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I thank the lord that I am not you. What a self-absorbed twit. You call somone an "insufferable boor," (no doubt proud of your prose) and then have the nerve to follow with "no offence meant and I hope none taken." My god! Then you top it off with "Tolerance makes the world go round." Please tell me you were drunk when you wrote this. Betcha you have a lot of mirrors in your house.

Check out a few of his "tolerent" posts attacking all and sundry. What a hypocrite.

Thanks cluezo, you said it better than I could have. :o

Anytime, my friend. The only thing worse than a two-faced fraud is a two-faced fraud who thinks he has a way with words. This guy is off the charts! "Tolerance makes the world go round." Sounds like a Mickey Mouse song...

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Hello PapaJohn and other people in Chiang Mai as well.I will not be back to Chiang Mai until december but still like to read Chiang Mai forum.I just do not understand why people wish to spend so much time talking about what they hate about other people.There are things people do that I hate,But they were not put on earth to please me.There are things I do,and no doubt most other people do,that someone hates.But there is enough hate in the world already without dwelling on this too much.If one gets so upset about this pidgin english they are going to be angry all the time because it is common here and everywhere else where English and non-English speaking people get together. And if some Thai person says "I go you house",then I know if I say "I go you house " to them they will understand it.

And also for man who got upset because Thai lady asked if his wife was from Pattaya.I believe he had a right to be upset and lady was wrong and ignorant to say this.But man was wrong to say all ladies who work in Pattaya are whores or low-lifes. Perhaps they are just people who need a job.This man obviously had enough money to get to Thailand and live comfortably,so he should not judge people unless he has lived their life. What would this man do for his family,if they did not have money for food or medical care,much less airplane tickets.If there is so much to hate in Thailand,why not go back to your own country where perhaps you will be happier.And Thailand will be happier with less hate.


Very well put.

We could do with less bitterness and hatred on this forum (and in life generally).

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Hello PapaJohn and other people in Chiang Mai as well.I will not be back to Chiang Mai until december but still like to read Chiang Mai forum.I just do not understand why people wish to spend so much time talking about what they hate about other people.There are things people do that I hate,But they were not put on earth to please me.There are things I do,and no doubt most other people do,that someone hates.But there is enough hate in the world already without dwelling on this too much.If one gets so upset about this pidgin english they are going to be angry all the time because it is common here and everywhere else where English and non-English speaking people get together. And if some Thai person says "I go you house",then I know if I say "I go you house " to them they will understand it.

And also for man who got upset because Thai lady asked if his wife was from Pattaya.I believe he had a right to be upset and lady was wrong and ignorant to say this.But man was wrong to say all ladies who work in Pattaya are whores or low-lifes. Perhaps they are just people who need a job.This man obviously had enough money to get to Thailand and live comfortably,so he should not judge people unless he has lived their life. What would this man do for his family,if they did not have money for food or medical care,much less airplane tickets.If there is so much to hate in Thailand,why not go back to your own country where perhaps you will be happier.And Thailand will be happier with less hate.


Very well put.

We could do with less bitterness and hatred on this forum (and in life generally).

True to a certain extent. But Pattaya (and Phuket) have a very well known reputation and any woman who goes there to work as a bar girl is a whore! I can understand however that women may go there to seek other work just to earn money for their family and to survive.

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If I could be you and you could be me for just one hour

If we could find a way to get inside each other's mind

If you could see me through your eyes instead of your ego

I believe you'd be surprised to see that you'd been blind.

Walk a mile in my shoes, walk a mile in my shoes

And before you abuse, criticize and accuse

Walk a mile in my shoes.

Now your whole world you see around you is just a reflection

And the law of common says you reap just what you sow

So unless you've lived a life of total perfection

You'd better be careful of every stone that you throw.

Walk a mile in my shoes, walk a mile in my shoes

And before you abuse, criticize and accuse

Walk a mile in my shoes.

And yet we spend the day throwing stones at one another

'Cause I don't think or wear my hair the same way you do

Well I may be common people but I'm your brother

And when you strike out and try to hurt me its a-hurtin' you.

Walk a mile in my shoes, walk a mile in my shoes

And before you abuse, criticize and accuse

Walk a mile in my shoes.

There are people on reservations and out in the ghettos

And brother there but for the grace of God go you and I

If I only had the wings of a little angel

Don't you know I'd fly to the top of the mountain, and then I'd cry.

Walk a mile in my shoes, walk a mile in my shoes

And before you abuse, criticize and accuse

Walk a mile in my shoes, shoes.

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"What It's Like"

We've all seen the man at the liquor store beggin' for your change

The hair on his face is dirty, dreadlocked and full of mange

He ask the man for what he could spare with shame in his eyes

Get a job you ******' slob's all he replied


God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in his shoes

'Cause then you really might know what it's like to sing the blues

Then you really might know what it's like [x4]

Mary got pregnant from a kid named Tom who said he was in love

He said don't worry about a thing baby doll I'm the man you've been dreamin' of

But three months later he said he won't date her or return her call

And she sweared god dam_n if I find that man I'm cuttin' off his balls

And then she heads for the clinic and she gets some static walkin' through the doors

They call her a killer, and they call her a sinner, and they call her a whore


God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in her shoes

'Cause then you really might know what it's like to have to choose

Then you really might know what it's like [x4]

I've seen a rich man beg

I've seen a good man sin

I've seen a tough man cry

I've seen a loser win

And a sad man grin

I heard an honest man lie

I've seen the good side of bad

And the down side of up

And everything between

I licked the silver spoon

Drank from the golden cup

Smoked the finest green

I stroked the baddest dimes at least a couple of times

Before I broke their heart

You know where it ends

Yo, it usually depends on where you start

I knew this kid named Max

He used to get fat stacks out on the corner with drugs

He liked to hang out late at night

Liked to get **** faced

And keep pace with thugs

Until late one night there was a big gun fight

Max lost his head

He pulled out his chrome .45

Talked some ****

And wound up dead

Now his wife and his kids are caught in the midst of all of his pain

You know it crumbles that way

At least that's what they say when you play the game


God forbid you ever had to wake up to hear the news

'Cause then you really might know what it's like to have to lose

Then you really might know what it's like [x3]

To have to lose...

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