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Do You Think That You Will Ever Outgrow Thai Visa Forum


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I love it here on the Thai Visa Forum. What a interesting mix of people - ranging from people I would be proud to call friend to those I believe should be locked away for their own good. :o On the other hand, it can get a bit repetitive and how much is there to say about life in Thailand. Do you think that you will ever out-grow the site? I sometimes think that maybe as I get older I will mature and perhaps no longer feel the need to respond to silly comments or annoying ones. What about you? Do you expect to be still posting on TV in 10 years time? What does it say about us if we are?

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For me, it's not so much how much time I spend on TV as how much time I spend on the internet. I am happier when I am in close contact with nature. I feel best when I am outside walking and noticing and enjoying the beauty around me. The internet brings out an obsessive quality and is very compulsive. My attention is drawn from my family and friends into my little Sony toy. Is there relief? Is their hope? Maybe one day there will be no internet connection in Thailand!

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What about you? Do you expect to be still posting on TV in 10 years time?

based on the lack of "quality" topics i don't expect me posting in 10 months time :o

Why don't you post some "quality" topics then? :D

Edited by Westerner
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What about you? Do you expect to be still posting on TV in 10 years time?

based on the lack of "quality" topics i don't expect me posting in 10 months time :o

Loosen your girdle then and try zap things up.

I find getting naked save for my trusty black patent leather codpiece helps to get the juices flowing........

So, what about it Fritzie, you a leather man or do you prefer just plain fishnet? :D

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What about you? Do you expect to be still posting on TV in 10 years time?

based on the lack of "quality" topics i don't expect me posting in 10 months time :o

Why don't you post some "quality" topics then? :D

because hardly anybody seems to be interested.

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Been-There-Done-That started a nice thread about population recently but it was hard to get a real discussion going.

garro, are you asking Peter Pan to grow up? No way, José.

We are here, in Thailand, and there is always something else to talk about. Such as...for example...well, you know...lots of things.

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If the posts were more related to visa's immigration etc. it would be better, there are too many bullsh*t sub forums with people talking nonsense (me included).

Yeah, it gets boring with all the usual suspects slaggin everyone off. Mildly entertaining at times though.

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What about you? Do you expect to be still posting on TV in 10 years time?

based on the lack of "quality" topics i don't expect me posting in 10 months time :o

Based upon the lifestyles of some TV members, I would anticipate that the grim reaper will have addressed the dilemma.

MrIrrisistable @ 2008-06-03 08:37:45) I agree with Naam....there was a serious thread about a peace symbol on a pool bottom....nobody was interested in its artistic beauty

Perhaps had it been on a different type of bottom, there would have been many comments.

How can one ever become disenchanted when every week there is a new mental illness on display? My favourite are the threads that feature enemas as a cure all for all ailments ranging from the heartbreak of acne to gangrene to leprosy. It's also where I learn that I wasn't the only ass when it comes to girls. I need the constant sob stories to remind me that I need to accentuate my bulging belly and receding hairline if I am to compete with the hunks from Pattaya for domestic bliss.

Don't despair, high season will soon be upon us and a fresh round of tragedy to moralize about will present itself. There will be more gullible folks to ridicule. Rejoice and hug your rent-a-date today I say.

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My favourite are the threads that feature enemas as a cure all for all ailments ranging from the heartbreak of acne to gangrene to leprosy

but even these kinds of topics are quite boring. when will somebody come up with the suggestion "ingest your daily fish oil anally by enema?" and initiate an interesting discussion? naturally the topic has to be Thailand related. in order to conform with board rules only thai fish oil and colons residing in Thailand should be mentioned. deviations from rules are only allowed if they refer to players of Manchester United et al :o

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I started the year posting on five forums - two Thai related and three cycling related. I have not posted on one of the Thai forums for months and have no intention of doing so again. I still occasionally look at that forum to see if things have improved but sadly they have not. Judging by the standard of the posts, it appears that children under 13 are posting on it. The same with two of the cycling forums, illiterate kids have taken over.

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The forum is kinda like cocaine. Sometimes it's good stuff, sometimes it's cut with crap but either way you keep doing it. Weird, this forum addiction. It's a nice cool day in Rayong and I should be out jogging at the park - instead I'm holed up in my house banging away on this stupid keyboard. :o

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When I still had a bit of a drinking habit, I wasted quite a bit of time late at night reading senseless threads to the bottom. I knew that what I was reading made no sense, but somehow my eyes stayed glued to the screen.

Nowadays I skim through the threads quickly, and often discard a thread after reading the first few posts.

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Maybe I should have named the thread 'are you ashamed of being a member of the ThaiVisa forum?' do you tell people?

No. Most of my friends who have visited the site speak of how it is populated by miserable malcontented b@stards. :o

I can see their point. I personally enjoy being a tv member, as thinking about posting on here usually delays orgasm / ejaculation.

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I'm with Naam. I'm fast getting over it and posting less and less these days. Most of the members who I used to like to have a joust with have been banned and have gone to the 'other place' where they have got progressively more idiotic and childlike.

Oh, for a happy medium . .

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I'm with Naam. I'm fast getting over it and posting less and less these days. Most of the members who I used to like to have a joust with have been banned and have gone to the 'other place' where they have got progressively more idiotic and childlike.

Oh, for a happy medium . .

I have to agree, TV used to be full of interesting posts and genuine questions. These days it seems to be full of "who is GOM" and other posts that should have been removed ages ago. Its a shame that this site has become like this.

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