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Raising Balcony Orchard

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Like alot of you on the forum here, I am starting out here in a studio aprtment in BKK dreaming of the day when I can get some land and spread out a little. So in preparation for this I have decided to get a head start on my orchard.

I went down to Tesco, and bought every type of fruit that I thought had a remote possibility of growing here, removed the seeds last night and here is the list

Valencia Oranges

Honey Pears

Thai Limes

Granny Smith Apples

Red Delicious Apples


I would also like to go down and get



So the question to the members here is is there any others that I should pot out in preparation? Can you see any problems with any of the selections? As you mayy have gathered I am a complete novice at anything green-thumbed. I have read the thread on grafting lemon trees, which is all and good, but still a few years away for me.

My balcony is 4X1.3m so I have to be a little selective.. any advise is always appreciated. My plan is simple, stick everything in pots and see what comes up, is that the way to go?



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My plan is simple, stick everything in pots and see what comes up, is that the way to go?

I think that you may find that some of the fruit trees you list will not bear fruit if grown from seeds. Although I am by no means an expert, I do know that Lemon trees in particular here are grafted, as are other trees such as cashew. I suggest you go to specialist growers to buy the trees.

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Unless you have lots of time to waste dont bother, fruit trees will germinate from pips and stones but if they ever fruit,that fruit will have no resemblance to the fruit that the seed came from.

Apples in particular take 6+ years to fruit from seed ,besides which they are a temperate climate fruit. Have you ever seen an apple orchid in Thailand?

Take pnustedt advise and visit a nursery.

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Thanks for both pieces of advise, any suggestions on nurseries in BKK??? As to the time factor, thats really all I have at the moment, but if the trees will not bear fruit, then it is a pointless excersize, are we sure on this?? And no I haven't seen an apple orchard in Thailand, but since I have never been north of On Nut, I am not surprised, thats why I posted this in the first place, to gain some valuable experience from TV members who may have made the same potential mistake I was going to make...


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Just a suggestion oz,fruit trees that have been potted for any length of time do not do very well if planted out. A general rule of thumb is to plant seedlings out sooner rather than later.

Maybe a little hydroponics system on your balcony might cater for your green thumb urge,you see results much quicker and can be eating the fruits of your labour in a couple of months.

It could be invaluable experience for when you pick up a bit of dirt later.

There is a hydroponics thread in the Farming Forum and a lot of good information from members into hydroponics if you are interested.



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A simple plan indeed, Oz. (no offence).

I commend your efforts to green BKK up a little but I don't think fruit is the way to go. Firstly; temperate fruits (apples, cherries, etc) need cold winters to make them 'do their thing' (excuse the technical term!)

Secondly; by the time any fruit appears your trees will be too big to get out of your studio, to move to pastures new.

If you want to grow something you can eat, I'd suggest something easier, like cucumbers or tomatoes, or chillies. You can buy seed packets for these.

Alternatively, go for some nice orchids and ferns, which you can take with you if and when you relocate.

Happy gardening!

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The idea behind the tree planting was a preparation for moving in the next 2yrs, so I was hoping the trees would be established by then, if they became too big then moving them to Mum's place in Nakhon Pathom in the interim was also in the plan.

Of course I am growing, cherry toms, and regular toms, some herbs I use and a barrel of potatoes for my regular amusement.

This post was more to find out what I could and should establish prior to moving while I have the time. I have now understood that probably the fruit trees are not the best option for a novice, but what about advocado, they take ages to bear fruit as well don't they?? Any other reccommends???


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The idea behind the tree planting was a preparation for moving in the next 2yrs, so I was hoping the trees would be established by then, if they became too big then moving them to Mum's place in Nakhon Pathom in the interim was also in the plan.

Of course I am growing, cherry toms, and regular toms, some herbs I use and a barrel of potatoes for my regular amusement.

This post was more to find out what I could and should establish prior to moving while I have the time. I have now understood that probably the fruit trees are not the best option for a novice, but what about advocado, they take ages to bear fruit as well don't they?? Any other reccommends???


Wow! Sounds like you're well on the way Oz. Go for it.

Just how big is this balcony you've got?

- H

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The idea behind the tree planting was a preparation for moving in the next 2yrs, so I was hoping the trees would be established by then, if they became too big then moving them to Mum's place in Nakhon Pathom in the interim was also in the plan.

Of course I am growing, cherry toms, and regular toms, some herbs I use and a barrel of potatoes for my regular amusement.

This post was more to find out what I could and should establish prior to moving while I have the time. I have now understood that probably the fruit trees are not the best option for a novice, but what about advocado, they take ages to bear fruit as well don't they?? Any other reccommends???


Wow! Sounds like you're well on the way Oz. Go for it.

Just how big is this balcony you've got?

- H

His OP said he had 5 sq. metres :o

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The idea behind the tree planting was a preparation for moving in the next 2yrs, so I was hoping the trees would be established by then, if they became too big then moving them to Mum's place in Nakhon Pathom in the interim was also in the plan.

Of course I am growing, cherry toms, and regular toms, some herbs I use and a barrel of potatoes for my regular amusement.

This post was more to find out what I could and should establish prior to moving while I have the time. I have now understood that probably the fruit trees are not the best option for a novice, but what about advocado, they take ages to bear fruit as well don't they?? Any other reccommends???


Wow! Sounds like you're well on the way Oz. Go for it.

Just how big is this balcony you've got?

- H

His OP said he had 5 sq. metres :o

Oops, so it did. Sorry. :D

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  • 2 months later...

There are a couple of additional ways to have a nice little balcony garden. You can turn your tomatoes into a hanging basket. You simply cut the bottom out of a plastic pot, insert the seedling through the bottom, add mulch and soil to keep it from falling out. Once it grows a bit, it becomes a more snug fit. you water from the top of the pot, but your plant is hanging down, it takes up a lot less space than the bush it will grow into.

Also, if you stand a section of ornamental fence behind your cucumber plant, you can train the vines to grow up the fence. your cucumbers will hang down, and you won't get any of the odd shapes or yellow tint from lying on the ground. I use the fence plan on cucumbers in my full size garden as well, it keeps the vines from spreading, and makes for wonderful cucumbers.

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  • 7 months later...
Unless you have lots of time to waste dont bother, fruit trees will germinate from pips and stones but if they ever fruit,that fruit will have no resemblance to the fruit that the seed came from.

Apples in particular take 6+ years to fruit from seed ,besides which they are a temperate climate fruit. Have you ever seen an apple orchid in Thailand?

Take pnustedt advise and visit a nursery.

If I get it, you are into the pure DIY thing. In this case, i have had good luck with avacado, started on my balcony in BKK, thriving and bearing fruit in our surat rambutan and durian plantation. It'l grow slow and be happy in a pot upto a meter which should give you a couple of years to find that nesting space!

Best to visit Jatujak on Tue Wed to buy saplings of fruit trees that will grow locally and produce. Mangoes are easy as are jac fruit, durian and rambutan. Otherwise, stop at one of those highway local product shop areas that you will pass on either side of provincial/town

when driving through....and yes....there just may be a few apple trees in Loei :o

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