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Deep Dark Secrets?


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Since this is an anonymous forum, do you have any deep dark secrets that you've never told anyone? I do. In my early teens I used to steal "March of Dimes" containers at the check-out stands of grocery stores. They were full of coins donated by customers and meant to help fund cures for childhood diseases. Have always felt pretty crummy about that.... :o
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About 10 years ago, my girlfriend in the UK caught me shagging her mother, but to this day still doesn't know that I was shagging her younger sister as well. They were a strange family.

My kind of family! :o

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About 10 years ago, my girlfriend in the UK caught me shagging her mother, but to this day still doesn't know that I was shagging her younger sister as well. They were a strange family.

no older sister available to shag? :o

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About 10 years ago, my girlfriend in the UK caught me shagging her mother, but to this day still doesn't know that I was shagging her younger sister as well. They were a strange family.

no older sister available to shag? :D

Sounds like some "Shameless" plot episode. :o

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Since this is an anonymous forum, do you have any deep dark secrets that you've never told anyone? I do. In my early teens I used to steal "March of Dimes" containers at the check-out stands of grocery stores. They were full of coins donated by customers and meant to help fund cures for childhood diseases. Have always felt pretty crummy about that.... :o

Sorry cluezo, been having an affair with your wife for the last 7 months and see that you still have the March of dimes containers. I found them in a big box under your bed.

Have you no remorse?

Edited by distortedlink
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Top this one. God what a horrible thing it was. OK, I was raised a Catholic and attended a very strict Catholic school in Sacramento, California. I will name the school: Saint Ignatius - it still exists. In the old days, the nuns and priests were, to put it midly, "firm." I, on the other hand hand was, well ... "unruly", for lack of a better word. Thus, I bacame a punching bag (with my parents' blessings!!!) The nuns & priests slapped me around with glee. Oh, I exacted revenge by coming at night and setting off the fire alarms, breaking a few windows, stuff like that. But it wasn't until a certain Thanksgiving Day that true revenge reared it beautiful, evil head. The nuns had a brand new convent (paid for by the parishernors, of course). In the convent was a beautiful dining room - long table to accomodate 30 plus nuns. This particular Thanksgiving eve was a typical Sacramento November day with fog so thick you couldn't see a foot in front of you. I enlisted the help of my friend, Bill, also a punching bag, and we set out on a mission.

We arrived at the convent at dusk, peeked over the convent fence into the dining room. There it was behind the long glass window: a long gleaming table with some 30 nuns in their penguin suits sitting at the table - no doubt talking nun-talk. At the center of the table was a huge freshly cooked turkey. Lit candles were everywhere. Bill and I had already picked out our rather large stones and waited for the nuns to start their pre-dinner prayer. As they begun, we, wounded and bitter nun haters by this time, let hurl our payback. Two huge stones crashed through the plate glass window, shattering glass everywhere and got 30 nuns screaming in terror. Oh did we run...laughing so hard we nearly pissed out pants.

Poetry, it was. Pure

Love it - seems like justice was done

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When I was about 12-13 I used to throw stones at the british army saracens (sp?) at they drove around our estate. Sometimes they'd get out and chase us. BIG kick in the arse if they caught you. I remember lying under a hedge while a soldier prodded around with his rifle - scared me shitless.

Hey! That's my deep, dark secret. But it wasn't a rifle!!! :o

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About 10 years ago, my girlfriend in the UK caught me shagging her mother, but to this day still doesn't know that I was shagging her younger sister as well. They were a strange family.

What made you stop at the mother and sister? Hardly fair for granny to be missing out on all the action now was it?

Strange family? Seems like you were quite at home...

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About 10 years ago, my girlfriend in the UK caught me shagging her mother, but to this day still doesn't know that I was shagging her younger sister as well. They were a strange family.

What made you stop at the mother and sister? Hardly fair for granny to be missing out on all the action now was it?

Strange family? Seems like you were quite at home...

Has he been reading the Allan Clarke Diaries?

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It was me who shot JFK.

I knew it! I was in Dallas that day and saw you behind the grassy knoll with a scoped 9.1 Mauser rifle.

Could you pick me out of a line-up?

Depends. Have you washed the grass stains out of your trousers and put the Mauser down yet? :o

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Used to be a football hooligan a few years ago,and have a few scars to prove it.Gave many scars out too,but the knife fights were realy scary and i pooed myself once,because i couldnt leave my friends behind.

I decided to stop fighting and make love for the rest of my life.Still might get a few scars from this though.

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About 10 years ago, my girlfriend in the UK caught me shagging her mother, but to this day still doesn't know that I was shagging her younger sister as well. They were a strange family.

What made you stop at the mother and sister? Hardly fair for granny to be missing out on all the action now was it?

perhaps granny was gay.

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"I always liked torturing small animals when I was young. I was also abused as a child, have a complex about masturbation & have serious physical deformaties."

Dial 1166 - Serial Killers R Us! Buy your very own serial killer now. Only 39B and we'll include a set of steak knives.

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in primary school I useta steal kids' lunch money and do other aggravating things not out of malice but 'cause I couldn't help but dedicate myself to inappropriate behaviour...nowadays this is a recognised pathology called asperger's syndrome and my son is now similarly afflicted. My ex has managed to get him into a special school...when I was a kid my folks and the teachers used to smack me around a bit instead as was to be expected...

now I commission power stations for unsuspecting clients in the Middle East... :o

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Since this is an anonymous forum, do you have any deep dark secrets that you've never told anyone? I do. In my early teens I used to steal "March of Dimes" containers at the check-out stands of grocery stores. They were full of coins donated by customers and meant to help fund cures for childhood diseases. Have always felt pretty crummy about that.... :D

your definatly not the full shilling :o

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I went right of the rails. POT smoking and dealing. Nicking Computers out of Offices, Car radios, Cars, Bicycles, M/cycles, vandelism, driinking, breaking into shops, even houses, jail for a week, twice. I feel deeply ashamed of my young adulthood antics. <deleted> was I thinking?

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I went right of the rails. POT smoking and dealing. Nicking Computers out of Offices, Car radios, Cars, Bicycles, M/cycles, vandelism, driinking, breaking into shops, even houses, jail for a week, twice. I feel deeply ashamed of my young adulthood antics. <deleted> was I thinking?

If you spent time in HMP it isnt a secret, and im impressed you only got a fortnights bird for that.

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I used my dads soldering iron and files to make fake half crowns out of solder. I put them in cigarette machines and got free ciggies as well as some small change that was inside the packets. I was so bad. Terrible. :o

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