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At Least 78 Die After Thailand Riot


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They're not going to have their own country- if they're that thick not to realize the obvious than they deserve what they get. Its about time they start being Thai and not smth they're not.

Plus they should know by now that fearless leader isn't going to have any of it and severe consequences will be handed to them.

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Well guess those down South will think twice about rioting now

perhaps they should have thought twice before trusting the Brits as well ?

:o Excellent point Guran. Granted, I'm not smug or under any illusions as an American about how many countries my government has failed.

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They're not going to have their own country- if they're that thick not to realize the obvious than they deserve what they get. Its about time they start being Thai and not smth they're not.

I don't think they have ever been Thai, and considering the latest events. I doubt if many of them would want to be.

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So far Thaksin does a pretty good job keeping things confined to the south but I wonder for how long he can keep this "under control"

After the latest events any terrorist in his right mind would want to take revenge and hit the government where it hurts which in this case would mean the tourism trade.

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which in this case would mean the tourism trade.

I am going to be very careful where we go for our annual vacation.

What happened is unforgivable. Someone should have trained those troops before they turned them loose in the south. No one should die while in custody. The message being created by this action is; do not to get captured at any costs.

What happened is worse than throwing gasoline on a fire.

I think that this will definetely change things in Thailand forever and ultimately bring sufferage to many. I hope that I am wrong.

But if you did that to my sons, nothing would stop me from hunting the guilty until I had everyones last drop of blood.

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I think the government should find a peaceful solution for all this situation in the South by talking with all the Leaders there.Government must listen to them and accept some of their demands.Using force like this won't help.Instead,it will increase the hatred against thai nation and authorities in the hundreds of thousands of hearts of Southern People.This is a very criticial matter.Using force and culling the people there like this may result in something very very serious.Something which is uncontrolable by the authorities.We already have many examples in the world such as Bangladesh.And There is Kashmir.Using force didn't help in those places.Bangladesh was formerly East Pakistan,and now a separate country.

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I think the government should find a peaceful solution for all this situation in the South by talking with all the Leaders there.Government must listen to them and accept some of their demands.Using force like this won't help.

I agree with you that they should talk with all the Leaders but I doubt if the Leaders are in control of all their "followers".

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RDN- uh dont think they are interested in becoming part of Malaysia. (independent state if I read correctly)
That's a pity. I just got this from the web:

"Religion is very important to the people of Malaysia. In fact it is a major part of their lifestyle. This is evidenced by the large number of mosques, temples, and churches throughout Malaysia. Indeed, Malaysia stands out as shining examples of tolerance and harmony in a world torn by ethnic and religious strife. As you may already know, Islam is the Official State Religion of Malaysia. To fully appreciate the culture of Malaysia, one must have a basic understanding of the primary religions practised by the people of Malaysia.

Islam is strictly a monotheistic faith. There is only one God (Allah), and at the core of Islam stands the Five Pillars:

1. The Attestation of Faith; There is no God, but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.

2. Pray five times a day, before sunrise, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and nightfall.

3. Fasting and abstinence from smoking and sex, from sunrise to sunset during the Muslim month of Ramadan.

4. Giving of alms to the poor. (Zakat)

5. Pilgrimage (Haj) to Mecca at least once in a lifetime for any Muslim who can afford it."

If only they would be a bit more tolerant of other faiths, maybe they would live in harmony with them. But if they are taught "there is only one god", what can we expect? Zero tolerance from them for us.

If Malaysia doesn't want them - or they don't want to be a part of Malaysia - how will they live from day to day? Can they raise enough in taxes to exist as a separate country? And what proportion of the general population want to be separate from Thailand? :o

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RDN- moderate muslims are ok by me, but these radicals a small minority give the whole religion a bad name. There lies the problem- the moderates out number the radicals, but don't criticize those that are causing all the grief.

Doubt they could be an independent state- prob claim Phuket to finance new independence. :o

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No guys have no <deleted> idea. Believe me i know what's wrong

Thai athourities should have sent ladyboys there to resist

the protester, considering most of them were youths.

It's very hard to get sex in the south, and it leads to all kind

of violence, as matter of fact have you seen most middle

eastern tourists with ladyboys in sukhumvit all the times.

It's the only way i see to weaken their faith for fighting,

and soon to become softy like us. Ladyboys are the only

one have solution to this.

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Govt wants to restore foreign tourist confidence

BANGKOK: -- The government plans to launch a campaign to help restore confidence in the country’s tourist industry. [TNA 2004-10-23]

Great start.. what sort of tourists does Taksin think this is going to attract? :o

Tourism figures come easter will be interesting viewing when comparing them to last year..

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RDN- moderate muslims are ok by me, but these radicals a small minority give the whole religion a bad name. There lies the problem- the moderates out number the radicals, but don't criticize those that are causing all the grief.

Doubt they could be an independent state- prob claim Phuket to finance new independence. :o

Just how do you think that radicals are created ? It's act's such as this which is the spawningground for radical movements.

Would not be at all surprised if this years actions by the army leads to economic funding of the Patani rebels by foreign muslim groups.

Bombings in Phuket , Pattaya or Bangkok may very well result from yesterdays action.

In order to prevent the spread of radicalism these people must be given hope for a better future.

Unless a dialogue between Thaksin and Pulo is established this years events will likely be surpassed by much more serious incidents.

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Uhhh tourists aren't interested in the deep south I'm afraid- dare say even if they were it wouldn't be a smart place to visit during present climate.

aye, dont think a lot of people will be planning hollidays here in the near future though.. The police really seem to look after their own and visitors :o

Countless murders of westerners reported in the western news, then the thai police apparently "accidently suffocating" 70 of their own people. Wether or not it will turn out that they all fell off a balcony with their arms tied behind their backs and a plastic bag over their heads is a different matter.

On top of this theres bird flu, early closing times, risking arrest for not taking your passport to the beach...

Im glad I never invested in any property here :D

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Maybe Guran??? However I dont think the few extremists in the south would dare bomb any tourists areas- simply Thaskin would crush them. Ask the 100 or so in the Mosque last April.. woops I forgot their not around to answer you anymore.  :o

This is what the real extremists would actually hope for.

An escalating conflict is what the radicals hope for , that is the only way that their movement can make rapid gains in strength and numbers.

You are all to eager to give the radicals exactly what they desire.

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Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra visited the southern region briefly late Monday, where he praised the security forces and vowed tough action against suspected Islamic separatists.

"The protesters had several motives, but the main reason was separatism," Thaksin said, speaking before the announcement of the 78 suffocation deaths. "I cannot allow the separatists to exist on our land."

He added: "We cannot allow these people to harass innocent people and authorities any longer. ... We have no choice but to use force to suppress them."

-AP Wire

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The Nation - Oct 27'th

In dismissing the rumour yesterday, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said "some deaths were possible" among those arrested due to weakness as a result of religious fasting.

However, he had no comment to make about the 78 deaths disclosed by Pornthip.

Thaksin said the victims shot on Monday were not killed by government security forces. He suggested that they had been hit by stray bullets.

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RDN- moderate muslims are ok by me, but these radicals a small minority give the whole religion a bad name. There lies the problem- the moderates out number the radicals, but don't criticize those that are causing all the grief.

Doubt they could be an independent state- prob claim Phuket to finance new independence. :o

That's why I'm curious as to where a line could be drawn across southern Thailand where those people below the line were 50% or more in favour of a separate state, and those people above the line were 50% or more in favour of staying as part of Thailand.

It reminds me of Northern Ireland, where all the "troubles" were caused by a small minority who wanted Northern Ireland to be part of Eire, but every time a vote was taken in Northern Ireland, something like 75% of people in Northern Ireland wanted to stay part of the UK.

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