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It's not the first time it's happened, though. I recall a British teenager handing herself in, pretending to be Turkish. She'd fallen in love with a waiter in Turkey where her family had recently been on holiday. The Immigration Service removed her. Also, the case of Bangladeshi illegal entrant who was removed to Dacca in Senegal, rather than Dhaka, Bangladesh.

I'm sure there are plenty of such caes.



Umm, As I live in Ashford Kent I am disturbed that this guy was on the loose without his medication.

As the Immigration Service dosnt seem to get rid of failed asylum seekers that have been here for years this story seems to suggest that things are changing at last.

Obviously no one should be too unsympathetic to the guy but lets be fair, he failure to to take his medication led to this mess and it appears his family in Saudi appear to have been more interested in getting rid of the of the guy than helping him.

No phone call to the uk to arrange for friends or family to meet him off the plane? Nice folks.

This is ofcourse is not excuse for the failure of the Dr to question his mental health or the systmatic failures that resulted from there on.

Ofcourse it is unlikely that anyone will lose their job over this and I predict this guy will be on the streets with money in his pocket and on the basis of a promise that he will take his medication he is likely to be left with little or no supervision

in line with the governments "care in the community" programme.

This simply the latest of very many serious incidents incolving people with this condition, cost cutting verses throat cutting

not a difficult choice but one they get wrong far too often.

Roy gsd


The problem quite often faced with, for example, either Force Medical Examiners or Port Medical Inspectors, is that more often than not they are not psychiatrists and are loth to sign someone off as a window-licker when they run the risk of being sued.

Indeed, I once dealt with a chap who whilst at 35000 feet had stripped naked on the plane, declaring himself to be Jesus Christ. He even went as far as drawing stigmata on his hands to prove the point. Once on the ground, and having been nicked by Sussex's finest, the PMI verbally confirmed that the bloke was a fruitcake but refused to commit the opinon to paper.


The problem quite often faced with, for example, either Force Medical Examiners or Port Medical Inspectors, is that more often than not they are not psychiatrists and are loth to sign someone off as a window-licker when they run the risk of being sued.

Indeed, I once dealt with a chap who whilst at 35000 feet had stripped naked on the plane, declaring himself to be Jesus Christ. He even went as far as drawing stigmata on his hands to prove the point. Once on the ground, and having been nicked by Sussex's finest, the PMI verbally confirmed that the bloke was a fruitcake but refused to commit the opinon to paper.


Sounds like a customer of the abbotsford pub in Rock Ferry Birkenhead to me or perhaps that was that his twin?

roy gsd

The problem quite often faced with, for example, either Force Medical Examiners or Port Medical Inspectors, is that more often than not they are not psychiatrists and are loth to sign someone off as a window-licker when they run the risk of being sued.

Indeed, I once dealt with a chap who whilst at 35000 feet had stripped naked on the plane, declaring himself to be Jesus Christ. He even went as far as drawing stigmata on his hands to prove the point. Once on the ground, and having been nicked by Sussex's finest, the PMI verbally confirmed that the bloke was a fruitcake but refused to commit the opinon to paper.


I think I worked that flight! Oh no...sorry that was a flight from Tonga to Hawaii and this 400lb Tongan got drunk and proceeded to run through the aircraft after stripping off all his clothes. It took 4 of us 20 minutes to catch him and tie him to the seat!


Don't worry, they are just taking the lead from Australia on this. We are pretty bad too.

Cornelia Rau an Australian resident with a bi-polar disorder who was unlawfully detained for 10 months by immigration.

Vivian Solon an Australian citizen who after being hit by a car was suspected of being an illegal immigrant. Crudely patched up, she was deported to the Phillipines and ended up in a hospice there.

Robert Jovicic who was deported back to Serbia after being released from prison for crimes he committed while addicted to Heroin. He came to Australia when he was 2 but never became an Australian citizen. He ended up destitute and camped out on the steps of the Australian embassy in Belgrade, as he did not speak the language etc.

Stefan Nystrom came to Australia when he was 27 days old from Sweden and live in Australia all his life, never leaving, but never taking up citizenship. He committed a number of offences when he was a youth, and then got done for a more serious offence in adulthood. Once he was released his permanent residence was revoked, a move which was critised by the High Court, even though the minister was within her rights to do so.

In the first two cases, points to the heartlessness of immigration officials when there are no checks and balances in their proceedures, and when anti-immigrant hysterial leads to a culture of government thuggishness.

The second two were technicalities, where the minister is allowed to deport any non-citizens on 'character grounds' on his/her discretion. This is in spite of the fact that for all intents and purposes that they were Australian bar the paperwork.


Happens everywhere,Australia not to long back deported a mentally disabled woman to the Phillipines and then found out she was an Australian citizen,took them two years to track her down and rehabilitate her to Oz.

That boo boo cost them plenty.

Don't worry, they are just taking the lead from Australia on this. We are pretty bad too.

Cornelia Rau an Australian resident with a bi-polar disorder who was unlawfully detained for 10 months by immigration.

Vivian Solon an Australian citizen who after being hit by a car was suspected of being an illegal immigrant. Crudely patched up, she was deported to the Phillipines and ended up in a hospice there.

Robert Jovicic who was deported back to Serbia after being released from prison for crimes he committed while addicted to Heroin. He came to Australia when he was 2 but never became an Australian citizen. He ended up destitute and camped out on the steps of the Australian embassy in Belgrade, as he did not speak the language etc.

Stefan Nystrom came to Australia when he was 27 days old from Sweden and live in Australia all his life, never leaving, but never taking up citizenship. He committed a number of offences when he was a youth, and then got done for a more serious offence in adulthood. Once he was released his permanent residence was revoked, a move which was critised by the High Court, even though the minister was within her rights to do so.

In the first two cases, points to the heartlessness of immigration officials when there are no checks and balances in their proceedures, and when anti-immigrant hysterial leads to a culture of government thuggishness.

The second two were technicalities, where the minister is allowed to deport any non-citizens on 'character grounds' on his/her discretion. This is in spite of the fact that for all intents and purposes that they were Australian bar the paperwork.

In the first two cases it was a systematic failure within the Immigration Department or more likely a culture of physical and mental laziness (could not be bothered). Remember that they were not carrying any ID when detained,information given to officials may have been conflicting wihich would indicate an illegal immigrant but immigration should have done better, checks with photo and fingerprints with other departments, state and federal.

They are believed to have improved their procedures and changed the "culture" within the department.

With the last two cases they were permanent residents of Australia and did not hold Australian citizenship so they could be deported as their status was revoked. Technicalities often are used by Goverment departments to justify their behaviour and can affect anyone at any time.

Don't worry, they are just taking the lead from Australia on this. We are pretty bad too.

Cornelia Rau an Australian resident with a bi-polar disorder who was unlawfully detained for 10 months by immigration.

Vivian Solon an Australian citizen who after being hit by a car was suspected of being an illegal immigrant. Crudely patched up, she was deported to the Phillipines and ended up in a hospice there.

Robert Jovicic who was deported back to Serbia after being released from prison for crimes he committed while addicted to Heroin. He came to Australia when he was 2 but never became an Australian citizen. He ended up destitute and camped out on the steps of the Australian embassy in Belgrade, as he did not speak the language etc.

Stefan Nystrom came to Australia when he was 27 days old from Sweden and live in Australia all his life, never leaving, but never taking up citizenship. He committed a number of offences when he was a youth, and then got done for a more serious offence in adulthood. Once he was released his permanent residence was revoked, a move which was critised by the High Court, even though the minister was within her rights to do so.

In the first two cases, points to the heartlessness of immigration officials when there are no checks and balances in their proceedures, and when anti-immigrant hysterial leads to a culture of government thuggishness.

The second two were technicalities, where the minister is allowed to deport any non-citizens on 'character grounds' on his/her discretion. This is in spite of the fact that for all intents and purposes that they were Australian bar the paperwork.

In the first two cases it was a systematic failure within the Immigration Department or more likely a culture of physical and mental laziness (could not be bothered). Remember that they were not carrying any ID when detained,information given to officials may have been conflicting wihich would indicate an illegal immigrant but immigration should have done better, checks with photo and fingerprints with other departments, state and federal.

They are believed to have improved their procedures and changed the "culture" within the department.

With the last two cases they were permanent residents of Australia and did not hold Australian citizenship so they could be deported as their status was revoked. Technicalities often are used by Goverment departments to justify their behaviour and can affect anyone at any time.

Anyone who is not a citizen of Oz if convicted and sentenced to a jail term of 12 or more months MAY be deported...There are many that havent been deported...

In the last two cases quoted I would suggest that severity of offences and criminal history would have been looked at.

In the Swedes case it should be noted that he had committed a LARGE number of offences upto the age of thirty....many were juvenile and he had spent time in both Juvenile and adult institutions.

In the Serbians case he had committed a LARGE number of offences upto the age of 36...He is now back in Oz on a 2 year protection visa.

In both these cases the offenders had ongoing criminal histories and had not at the time of being deported addressed their offending behaviour.

As I said there are many who have not been deported that perhaps should have been.

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