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Do You Tell Your Friend ?


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Do you tell your long standing friend that his girlfriend is basically taking the p@ss.

He is somewhat wet behind the ears on Thai matters and understands no Thai.

Should he be enlightened before any expensive land purchases ?

Edited by maimeearai
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Two choices:-

#1 Tell him, chances are he won't want to listen and you lose a friend.

#2 Don't tell him and when it all goes pear shaped he'll blame you for not telling him and you'll lose a friend.

Rock and hard place comes to mind.

You might try dropping hints or asking him loaded questions but at the end of the day he'll believe what he wants to believe and, if confronted, she will lie very convincingly through her back teeth.

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Do you tell your long standing friend that his girlfriend is basically taking the p@ss.

He is somewhat wet behind the ears on Thai matters and understands no Thai.

Should he be enlightened before any expensive land purchases ?

Show him this thread and other farang ripped-off threads, he should get the message hopefully.

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Tell him especailly if he is "wet behind the ears" as you said.

Thats why you are his mate, a long standing friend, so a good mate.

<deleted>, I told 1 mate, he wouldnt listen and lost his errrr I mean her house.

Told another mate and he listened.

I am still mates with both of them

ps. Make sure you are 100% right about the girl though.

Edited by mmushr00m
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If they are a good friend you tell every time. It might create an argument but so what? - You would certainly hope that you had friends that would tell you about something like this.


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Of course you tell him, if you were in the same boat you would want to know. After all he is your friend. If he doesn't believe you that is his problem and over time he will find out and respect you for trying to help, but if you just ignored the situation and after things went wrong he found out you had known you would get the blame for it all for not warning him.

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if confronted, she will lie very convincingly through her back teeth.

As he would if the boot was on the other foot.

Of course but the question in the OP was about the girl taking the p1ss not the guy but otherwise the answer would be the same substituting he and his for she and her.

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Show him this thread and other farang ripped-off threads, he should get the message hopefully.

Show her all the Thailand and Thai girl bashing threads on this and every other internet forum and she may drop him like a bad habit herself. :o

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Nearly every Farang I know in Thailand is unfaithful to their Partner, so what's the difference ? :o

mmm, perhaps you should widen (or heighten) your friendship group?

I say tell him. I told a friend (and several other friends did too) - and he didn't listen - still doesn't - she lives in the UK and he is in Europe trying to over her expenses. She prostitutes herself in Kings Cross (part of London famous for its 'night sales') and has spent a fortune. She even had a boob job on money he gave her because she said she wanted a sterilization reversal op - knowing he had a kid. She has openly told us that she will leave him as soon as his money runs dry.

So, I guess you know your friend. Figure out how best to let him know - either straight, via stories, 'accidental' references (innocently: "You know Somchai over the road, I saw him the other day with some women yesterday. I thought it was your Mrs at first, then I knew it couldn't have been as they were holding hands/kissing/etc?") or anonymously.

"Be the friend you want your friends to be to you" is the best advise I guess.

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Do you tell your long standing friend that his girlfriend is basically taking the p@ss.

He is somewhat wet behind the ears on Thai matters and understands no Thai.

Should he be enlightened before any expensive land purchases ?

Sorry, but what exactly do you mean by "taking the pass"? I'm not up on all versions of the latest slang.

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Nearly every Farang I know in Thailand is unfaithful to their Partner, so what's the difference ? :o

mmm, perhaps you should widen (or heighten) your friendship group?

What difference would that make?

Iv'e lived in Thailand for 18 years and stick by my original statement, reason being cos in my experience its accurate, and covers all social and economic groups.

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Nearly every Farang I know in Thailand is unfaithful to their Partner, so what's the difference ? :D

mmm, perhaps you should widen (or heighten) your friendship group?

What difference would that make?

Iv'e lived in Thailand for 18 years and stick by my original statement, reason being cos in my experience its accurate, and covers all social and economic groups.

Then its a shameful indictment. Of course, most of the Thai males I know also do the same - and many of the Thai women too. Mmmm, maybe I need to heighten my friendship circle too :o

And your point is Maigo6...?

I guess he was answering me, my quip looked a little demeaning in retrospect - was meant to be funny - Sorry :D

Edited by wolf5370
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Thanks for all the many and varied answers.

One thing that complicates matters is that they have had a baby together.

Therefore it is not a case of him realising what has been going on and walking away from her.

What I mean by saying that she is taking the p@ss is that she is taking money off of him for all sorts of fictitious reasons.

She is pretty clever at inventing new versions of the 'sick buffalo' story.

Also she enjoys telling her Thai 'friends' all about her lies in Thai whilst he is around.

The pregnancy (which is a story in itself) happened so quickly into the relationship I never had a chance for a quiet chat.

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Thanks for all the many and varied answers.

One thing that complicates matters is that they have had a baby together.

Therefore it is not a case of him realising what has been going on and walking away from her.

What I mean by saying that she is taking the p@ss is that she is taking money off of him for all sorts of fictitious reasons.

She is pretty clever at inventing new versions of the 'sick buffalo' story.

Also she enjoys telling her Thai 'friends' all about her lies in Thai whilst he is around.

The pregnancy (which is a story in itself) happened so quickly into the relationship I never had a chance for a quiet chat.

I'd say you should try to warn him in as indirect way as possible without making offence to his probable belief in their relationship. If he's not open to evaluating his situation, there's not much you can do with it. There are many stories here like this.

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Nearly every Farang I know in Thailand is unfaithful to their Partner, so what's the difference ? :o

mmm, perhaps you should widen (or heighten) your friendship group?

What difference would that make?

Iv'e lived in Thailand for 18 years and stick by my original statement, reason being cos in my experience its accurate, and covers all social and economic groups.

can you please define , lived in thailand for 18 years.

the reason i ask is i know people who work overseas and spend one month a year in thailand, they tell me they also live in thailand. now this sort of banter may cut it in the snack bar for those striving for some sort of kudos in a remote overseas location, however for those of us who actually live here full time or those who lived here for any length of time, it smacks of just another wannabee.

do you actually live here full time, or are you just another blow in?

20th of March 2007, one day overstay, no fee, no stamp.

i am having difficulty understanding how someone who lives here can be on an overstay, seeing as i am a bit thick, perhaps you could enlighten me.

I'll be on my R&R also within 5 - 6 weeks, looking forward to getting back home too,

so do you actually live here or is it just a place you come to for a spot of r&r?

I'm offshore at the moment and due back in 10 days.

ah, maybe the above explains it, like a lot of guys who work outside of thailand and dont live here full time its just the dream of living here that keeps them going as they cross the days off on a calendar whilst wishing their live away to actually live here.

perhaps your 18 years of living here will help you formulate a reply, or it maybe you you have lived here for so long you have gone native and cant differentiate fact from fiction, please advise, we new kids on the block are always seeking guidance from the old china hands such as yourself.

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Thanks for all the many and varied answers.

One thing that complicates matters is that they have had a baby together.

Therefore it is not a case of him realising what has been going on and walking away from her.

What I mean by saying that she is taking the p@ss is that she is taking money off of him for all sorts of fictitious reasons.

She is pretty clever at inventing new versions of the 'sick buffalo' story.

Also she enjoys telling her Thai 'friends' all about her lies in Thai whilst he is around.

The pregnancy (which is a story in itself) happened so quickly into the relationship I never had a chance for a quiet chat.

Tell him, you know the old saying, "Mamma's Baby Daddy's Mabye" toughen up, tell him, if he can't take it then its his problem, if he dose get a clue you will have saved him years of further BS at the hands of that hoe. And if he keeps his eyes closed and takes it then its on him. What are friends for if not to let us know when we are messing up?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for all the many and varied answers.

One thing that complicates matters is that they have had a baby together.

Therefore it is not a case of him realising what has been going on and walking away from her.

What I mean by saying that she is taking the p@ss is that she is taking money off of him for all sorts of fictitious reasons.

She is pretty clever at inventing new versions of the 'sick buffalo' story.

Also she enjoys telling her Thai 'friends' all about her lies in Thai whilst he is around.

The pregnancy (which is a story in itself) happened so quickly into the relationship I never had a chance for a quiet chat.

I want to hear the pregnancy story, and is this a close, long-time friend of yours (the male, I mean). Is your friend really that unaware of what's going on? Without knowing anything, I'd say mind your own business. I still want to hear the pregnancy story. You might be surprised at how much he does know. I can believe anything here (Thailand) as far as Farang (M and F)/Thai (M and F) relationships, and if this is true, it wouldn't surprise me if he purposely keeps a blind eye to what's going on. The pregnancy, the pissing, and the ridiculing. Is there any more? Tell him, and see if he tells you to fuc_k off. Did he buy a house yet (here in Thailand)?

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It's a pretty much no win situation but if your Friendship is worth anything to both of you, you should tell him, be prepared for him to be angry but in the long term, he will be thankful for you as a Friend, telling him.. :o

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