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Alot of people say its impossible to get and other say you can indeed get granted the Baby bonus when having a baby in Thailand, well after a few weeks of prepping al the required paperwork and a few phonecalls back home to centrelink, my application has been lodged and should find out in about 30 days...the amount has also just gone up with the new budget to $5200 i think...well i will use this thread to keep people updated on the application because i know quite a few people have inquired about this in the past.


There is a clause that says if you are absent from Australia temporarily you can get the payment. Also if you are a 'resident' you can claim the payment. But I couldn't see in the documents whether they mean physically resident or simply a resident for tax purposes. Being a resident for tax purposes does not actually require your physical presence back home. I read somewhere the recent budget changed the payment so it is made on a fortnightly basis instead of as a bulk sum, but haven't looked into that. Good luck Mekka.


Yea with the new budget the total amount has gone up but they have now killed the lump sum and you get 10,000 every 2 weeks....as long as you still legally reside in Asutralia (have a TFN and on medicare etc) then there isnt a problem, they just put a whole load of redtape in the way...i spoke to centrelink over the phone and the guy said its alot of bulls*%t but at the end of it, its worthwhile.

So far i had to do this before sending all the forms home

translation of thai wedding cert

translation of thai birth cert

obtain australian citizenship for my baby

fill out a form to give my mother back in aus full authority to enquire and claim on my behalf as i am absent

fill out a form for my thai wife to obtain a Australian Tax File Number for overseas applicant for the purpose of Family Benefit Payments from ATO

Send home my passport, my wifes passport, her ID card and the completed forms..

not so much a pain in the butt if i lived in BKK but flying up there JUST to get a copy of my passport certified at the consulate is a joke and at 1000 baht per page makes it even worse, so i chose to send all documents home via DHL registered mail so they can copy them at centrelink, that way no need to be ceertified as they see the originals before they copy them..i shall keep you posted.


Will do ozsamurai

P.S - for those planning on doing the same everything needs to be compelted and processed before your baby is 26 weeks..sounds like a long time but it does fky past when ur trying to get it all done..will update shortly


will be interested to hear as well

There appear to be some residency rules regarding being eligible.

Have you told them that you normally live in Australia, and are in Thailand for a holiday? Or have you made very clear that you live in Thailand permanently.

will be interested to hear as well

There appear to be some residency rules regarding being eligible.

Have you told them that you normally live in Australia, and are in Thailand for a holiday? Or have you made very clear that you live in Thailand permanently.

Not to mention a means test, so if you earn over a certain amount - they will deny payment.

Personally, I think the BABY BONUS is total bs (The australian government is so f###$@d up as it is, but the fact that they WANT TO PAY women to have kids that they most likely could not afford let alone be ALLOWED to have in the first place shows exactly how great australia is :o and what its future holds.)

Regardless, Centrelink doesn't like being ripped off and have taken people to court for payments they weren't entitled to (plus court costs) - just something to think about :D


Baby bonus is NOT means tested at the moment....and i made it clear that i am an Aus resident, and i haveb een in Thailand to stay with my wife during her pregnancy...even thought i have been here for on and off for many years they say i am still entitled to the payment as i am an australian resident and still have ties with australia..

MSfigure - sounds like you have had bad experiences with centrelink...i know this bonus will help me and my family ALOT and most other people in a similar situation..so as i said i will continue to keep this updated for the people in the same boat as me who will find this very helpful.

Baby bonus is NOT means tested at the moment....and i made it clear that i am an Aus resident, and i haveb een in Thailand to stay with my wife during her pregnancy...even thought i have been here for on and off for many years they say i am still entitled to the payment as i am an australian resident and still have ties with australia..

MSfigure - sounds like you have had bad experiences with centrelink...i know this bonus will help me and my family ALOT and most other people in a similar situation..so as i said i will continue to keep this updated for the people in the same boat as me who will find this very helpful.

I've actually have had no experiences with centrelink (I have never had to rely on government handouts) - but it has been publicised that they don't take to kindly to those who make claims to payments they are not entitled to. Just wanted to give you a friendly word of caution to be careful as there are people out there that have been caught (usually regarding unemployment benefits which fund their holidays abroad :o )

If I implied that you don't deserve this bonus, it wasn't my intention and I apologise and I do realise there are many families like yours that would find the bonus very useful and use it for what it is intended....... BUT unfortunately there are many more people out there breeding and having children because of this baby bonus, and are blowing the money on things (drugs, clothes, etc) instead of using it for their babies.

Anyway, good luck and hope things work out for you and your family. :D

will be interested to hear as well

There appear to be some residency rules regarding being eligible.

Have you told them that you normally live in Australia, and are in Thailand for a holiday? Or have you made very clear that you live in Thailand permanently.

Apparently there are exceptions. After chatting with friends about this topic the other day I learned that a couple of people I know got the bonus. In both cases the spouse works for an Australian company, salary and superannuation is paid in Australia. They have rented out (not sold) their home in Oz and pay taxes there. Centrelink deemed that they maintained links to the country and were only 'temporarily overseas' and in both cases they got it.

The Guide to Payments Book at http://www.centrelink.gov.au/internet/inte...ions/fpr006.htm says

"In deciding whether you are residing in Australia, the Family Assistance Office may need to look at the nature of your accommodation, the nature and extent of family relationship in Australia, the nature and extent of employment, business or financial ties with Australia, the frequency and duration of travel outside Australia and any other relevant matters"

will be interested to hear as well

There appear to be some residency rules regarding being eligible.

Have you told them that you normally live in Australia, and are in Thailand for a holiday? Or have you made very clear that you live in Thailand permanently.

Apparently there are exceptions. After chatting with friends about this topic the other day I learned that a couple of people I know got the bonus. In both cases the spouse works for an Australian company, salary and superannuation is paid in Australia. They have rented out (not sold) their home in Oz and pay taxes there. Centrelink deemed that they maintained links to the country and were only 'temporarily overseas' and in both cases they got it.

The Guide to Payments Book at http://www.centrelink.gov.au/internet/inte...ions/fpr006.htm says

"In deciding whether you are residing in Australia, the Family Assistance Office may need to look at the nature of your accommodation, the nature and extent of family relationship in Australia, the nature and extent of employment, business or financial ties with Australia, the frequency and duration of travel outside Australia and any other relevant matters"

sounds great....will put in an application for the next one then!!!

Have property in OZ- check

Have family there - check

Pay into australian super - check


Mekka I wish you well with your application.

Centrelink works in mysterious ways. A few years ago I was claiming child allowance while working overseas.

I was in a situation where I maintained a house in Australia, worked for an Australian company on an overseas contract under the Oz foreign aid scheme, was paid in Australia, contributed to superannuation, lodged yearly tax returns and my income was deemed tax free. My wife and children accompanied me overseas.

Centrelink requested copies of my family and my passports 3 times over the years and investigated my claims All 3 times they ruled I was entitled to child welfare payments.

It appeared the payment system was geared around taxable income and as I had little in the way of income from other Australian sources they also kept offering me additional payments similar to unemployment benefits with free medical and dental cards. I declined those offers.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Samran,

Centrelink contacted me this morning and said my application was being processed today..."IF" all is good the first payment will be in my Australian bank account within the next 2-3 days.....If not i guess they will contact me...

so far a few hurldes, they wanted to know when my daughter arrived in Australia and when my wife arrived in australia...explained to them that my daughter has not been to australia yet, although she is now an australian citizen, and that my wife had been to australia on a tourist visa and gave dates and details of that visit..that seemed to be sufficient for them...my wifes Tax File number was issued by the ATO within 3 days of application which is quick as they quote it takes 28 days! so far so good. i shall keep you updated...


well its been a few days and they have not contacted me so im assuming that is a good sign...i will check my bank tomorrow and see if any funds have gone in.



Thanks for the progressive updates..

so which office have you applied through? We are expecting our second in Jan 08.


Thanks for the progressive updates..

so which office have you applied through? We are expecting our second in Jan 08.

Mine was applied for through one of the Canberra offices....still havent heard anything so its looking promising, if what they said is correct i should see a first payment before the weekend.."IF" it all works out!


many thanks boo - mid Jan is the due date. We are all very happy. Will be a tiny bit happier if Mekka is able to bust through the Centrelink bureaucracy on this one - $5400 will be handy right at that time - and a good downpayment on a secondary school education investment fund!!


well looks like bad news guys, heard back from centrelink today and they wanted a copy of our confirmed itinerary for our return to Australia( we arent even sure when we will return to Aus permanantly), a copy of my wifes Spouse Visa application which is impossible as i havent lodged it yet, also want to know about all my australian assets and thai assets aswell as my wifes assets, income, bank accounts both here and in aus, basically a whole load of crap making it impossible for me to get it approved..ah well was worth a shot i guess, sorry for the let down guys


Buried in red-tape! How disappointing for you...well all of us I suppose. Never know though, I wouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water yet... surprise them, give them a run for their money...


Thing is they give you JUST enough time to get your intial applcation handed in..with all the redtape and crap it takes months and many a trip to the embassy in BKK...anyway if i was to fight it id say the time frame of 26 weeks from birth would expire....they sure do know how to set things up to go against you!


Mekka, good job in any case. Thanks very much for reporting all of this. A valuable internet resource for aussie expats.

All this is so hit and miss isn't it? My wife is a Kiwi who, as you know, have pretty much all same rights and access to benefits as Australians couldn't get a medicare card until we basically proved that we had moved lock stock and barrel to Australia (had to show shipping receipts, cancelled leases etc). While my daughter (OZ citizen born in BKK) was able to get a medicare card by simply having me show up with her with her passport showing entry into Australia. Bizarre.


Yes they are a very dodgy setup indeed hahah...a real pitty though that money would have really come in handy..just got a live in nanny to help with the baby as i was thinking the baby bonus approval was a sure thing haha!

Anyway good luck t anyone else who gives it a go, im sure if your circumstances are different to mine then you may have better luck.

I havent worked/paid tax in Aus for quite a while so i think they want hard proof of my return to australia, which right now i cannot provide, and i guess by the looks of it i appear to be on more than just a holiday here. fair enough on theyre part i guess

Yes they are a very dodgy setup indeed hahah...a real pitty though that money would have really come in handy..just got a live in nanny to help with the baby as i was thinking the baby bonus approval was a sure thing haha!

Anyway good luck t anyone else who gives it a go, im sure if your circumstances are different to mine then you may have better luck.

I havent worked/paid tax in Aus for quite a while so i think they want hard proof of my return to australia, which right now i cannot provide, and i guess by the looks of it i appear to be on more than just a holiday here. fair enough on theyre part i guess

don't forget the Thai baby bonus. If either you and your wife have been paying into social security for 7 months before the babys birth then you get 6000......baht. Better than nothing.

And you will get about 200 baht per month in child payment till the bubs is 5 years old.

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