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Pm: Deaths Due To Religious Fasting


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PM: Deaths due to religious fasting

Published on Oct 27 , 2004

Thaksin adamant that no protesters died at the hands of security forces

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday blamed religious fasting for the high death toll of Muslim protesters in Monday’s anti-riot operation in Narathiwat’s Tak Bai district.

“Protesters died because they were in a weak physical condition resulting from fasting. They just collapsed in the crowded situation and anti-riot forces did not touch them,” he said.

Thaksin was commenting on reports that 78 arrested protesters died while in detention after another six people were killed earlier in clashes with government troops.

The protesters appear to have died of suffocation.

“I can vouch for the anti-riot forces that they did not kill any protesters. The deaths were triggered by the commotion,” he said.

Defending Monday’s anti-riot operation, he said protesters and their organisers had refused to disperse, despite repeated warnings from security forces.

“The unruly crowd included repeat offenders who had instigated many past protests in the three southernmost provinces, onlookers who refused to disperse and some suspicious figures from outside the region,” he said.

About 1,300 protesters were detained at a military barracks in Pattani.

The prime minister said the anti-riot forces had tried to reason with the protesters, who reacted with unruly behaviour.

In dispersing the demonstration, the anti-riot forces strictly observed crowd control measures and gave sufficient warnings, he added.

A large number of weapons – including M-16 and AK-47 rifles – were seized from the protesters, he said.

About seven anti-riot officers sustained injuries in the operation, he said.

The government cannot allow militants to continue instigating violent incidents as 600 government officials and innocent bystanders have already been killed since the beginning of the year, the premier said.

Monday’s unruly crowd appeared well orchestrated and protesters were bent on creating a disturbance, he said.

Thaksin also said he suspected that some of the protesters might have been under the influence of drugs.

“Many of the protesters appeared to be in a drug-induced state similar to those militants involved in the Krue Se Mosque incident in April,” he said.

The fasting might accelerate the effects of the drugs, he added.

Thaksin said he had personally supervised Monday’s anti-riot operation from 11am. “I commend the anti-riot forces for adhering to my instructions,” he said.

The government will never agree to release the six suspects as demanded by the protesters, he said.

The six were detained under police custody pending an investigation into allegations that they handed over their government-issued guns to militants.

Thaksin said anti-riot forces had lobbed tear gas to disperse the crowd and fired warning shots into the air.

The local forces handled the situation well, he said, adding that it would be unnecessary to dispatch another anti-riot unit from Bangkok.

He said the curfew would remain in force until peace is fully restored in Narathiwat.

He must be (Thaksin) completely off his effin' head! Hope I don't die from commotion on the way home - Glad I had something to eat this afternoon.

A seriously angered Insight.

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