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Widescreen Lcd Monitors


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I'm looking into the best 22" monitor I can get in Thailand these days (June '08).

I can get a Samsung 2232GW in a local shop, with a glossy screen. I comes with HDCP, 2m, etc., for 10,200 Baht.

I've been looking into the difference between the 2232GW and the 2253LW. Shop4Thai seems to want more for the 2232GW.

The 2253LW seems to have more inputs, etc. I'm guessing it is newer. So I'm a bit confused about that.

If anyone has seen Phantip or Fortune prices for these monitors, It'd be great to hear about it. I want to find out for sure if the local price is really a good one. It seems so, from what I can tell.

I read a review about Dell's closest equivalent, but the downside seems to be vertical (at least) viewing angle. Still, it may be a better choice compared to the 2232GW, anyway.


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Thanks, Sniffdog,

Seems like the 2232GW has a few things that the 2253LW doesn't have some of these: MagicTune, MagicColor, MagicSpeed, MagicBright 3, etc. I don't know if that matters yet.

The 2253LW has a better vertical viewing angle (if not horizontal as well). It has RGB inputs, which indicates that it may have usefulness away from the computer at some point.

But the bottom line is that I don't know if the 2253LW is even available here.

Some reviewers claim that Dell's monitors compare well, so I need to check that out as well.


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These things like MagicTune and MagicBright are supported by the 2253LW .... furthermore what's better compared to the 2232GW is that the

2253LW has a 8000:1 contrast ratio, while the 2232GW has a 3000:1 ratio.

The RGB inputs are also available on the 2232GW.

Haven't seen the 2253LW here yet, but didn't look properly yet/

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Hm, RGB, maybe I misunderstood that. I imagined three RGB RCA inputs similar to a TV. But I looked at 2232GW today and only saw the DVI and VGA ports. I've noticed that the VGA is sometimes referred to as RGB. So now I understand that.

One website I looked at compared the features of the two Samsungs, and that's where I notice that not all the "magic" stuff was listed for the 2253LW. Could be an accident of spec-listing on the site. I figured that the newer model didn't need the magic stuff due to firmware updates.

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If I were you, I won't be worried about these Magic things .... they are software solutions ..... I use none of them ... I have MagicTune installed, but apparently my GPU (GeForce 8800GTS) doesn't support it ...

Here are the two product pages:



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Thanks for your thoughts and links.

Another interesting issue is HDMI. Some monitors have it now. In two years or so, it may be a more standard feature (especially HDMI 1.3 or 1.3a, etc.).

The DELL SP2208WFP has it. I have a Dell computer and I know they have good support here in Thailand (they rushed a hard drive to me and kept bugging me to return to bad one (which they hadn't warned me about before. LOL)). The Samsung center in my town takes weeks to get me a new printer tray, etc., so that may make a difference for me.

Other than that, there is the speed issue. The Dell has 2ms and the Samsung 2232GW is 2ms.

No easy answer! :o

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Thanks for the links!

I did some more research on the Dell by the way. The SP2208WFP does support HDMI (still not sure which version). It is in fact 2ms. The contrast may not not technically be as good. Review sites seem to prefer this model over the Samsung 2232GW, particularly for the HDMI and other features. But the 2253LW seems to address that question.

I called Dell. The price they gave me with VAT is 12,305 Baht. One big drawback, according to reviews is a limited viewing angle. The spec says 160 degrees horizontally and vertically. I guess I don't grok that. Sounds like a lot. Sadly the sales rep I spoke to was English challenged. She said it rotates 90 degrees, but that's not true according to the website.

Side issue - has anyone had video card problems with wide screen? How about switch box problems? I have an Aten Masterview.


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I did a search on Commart, here in the computer area of Thaivisa, and a thread on Commart mentions March of this year - I remember that. Is there really another one this weekend? Hadn't heard of it until it was mentioned in this thread.


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One thing to be careful of when buying Thai models of Samsung monitors is that they aren't always exactly the same as in US reviews you find on the internet. The US versions often come with tilt and height adjustment, the Thai models may not so do check before you buy.

Edit: Looking at both models on a US retail site it appears there isn't a height adjustable version, only tilt and swivel.

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If I were you, I won't be worried about these Magic things .... they are software solutions ..... I use none of them ... I have MagicTune installed, but apparently my GPU (GeForce 8800GTS) doesn't support it ...

I also have the 2232GW.. and my Video card doesn't support The Magic stuff either... Galaxy 7300 GT

But I love the Monitor.


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One thing to be careful of when buying Thai models of Samsung monitors is that they aren't always exactly the same as in US reviews you find on the internet. The US versions often come with tilt and height adjustment, the Thai models may not so do check before you buy.

Edit: Looking at both models on a US retail site it appears there isn't a height adjustable version, only tilt and swivel.

Thanks for the heads up. Now I have two reasons to regret committing myself to to ordering a 2253LW today. First, I just saw the Commart notice in the Events and Training section of the Post Database (wish I'd seen it earlier). So, I could have saved 1200 baht (minus travel expenses and beer) by going there. And now it sounds like one of the main reasons for buying the 2253LW (tilt and swivel) may not be there. :D:o:D

Well, I hope that the unit meets my needs in spite of that.

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It should at least have tilt. I might be in the vicinity of Commart tomorrow so I will see if I can take a look at one if I can make it to the counter with all the crowds they get. Height adjustment has been a feature they've left off Thai models before to keep the price low but even the US versions don't have it for some reason, swivel might be okay. Looks a nice monitor with plenty of good reviews on Newegg so I don't think you will have much to complain about apart from the price.

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Indeed, the 2232GW doesn't have swivel (probably not tilt either). The 2235LW has a bit less Max vertical angle (160 instead of 170) but it has an HDMI port, with help future-proof it a bit. According to specs on the web, it the 2236LW uses less energy (45 watts) than the 2232GW (50 watts), and a lot less than the Dell (75 watts!).

One thing I didn't research thoroughly is the contrast differences.

2232GW: 1000:1 / 3000:1 (dynamic)

2235LW : 1000:1 / 8000:1 (dynamic)

I think that means that the 2235LW has a greater contrast range. :o

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The 2253LW I ordered arrived today. No swivel, but it did have a tilting base.

However, it did not come with HDMI. Basically, it was pretty much the same as the 2232GW with a slightly smaller screen and less attractive case.

I suppose if I had studied the Thai sites more closely, had been able to read Thai or got help to talk to someone about it, I could have found out before seeing it. It is a little cheaper, but otherwise I don't see why it either is just not offered here, of they at least use a different model number (small 'th' after the LW? :o )

So, I got the 2232GW instead, since I'd obligated myself to buy something. Glad they let me change. It is a beautiful monitor, but if I had to do it again I'd probably go for the Dell, despite the additional money because of the extra features, the larger viewing area and good warranty support.


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Just stay away from LG :o

That's always good advice though I am not sure LG was mentioned above at all :D

You won't notice 5ms vs 2ms switching times, and these sort of specs are very flexible. No-one is actually going through the trouble of measuring whether the manufacturer is providing an accurate number there. Well, someone did, a certain German computer mag lab-tested a bunch of LCD monitors and found that these numbers are mostly made up. That said, if you buy a new LCD in this day and age, you can be very sure that it won't smear or stutter when gaming or watching video.

In any case, I realize it's now too late, but please if you go buy a computer monitor, buy it in a store where you can see for yourself what the picture looks like, which ports it has, and whether it swivels or switches. That's better than reading a thousand reviews.

That would be my only reservation on Dell - they have a great reputation but you have to mail-order.

Out of personal interest, does Samsung make these monitors in matte? Did you come across any reasonably priced 23 or 24" models with 1080p resolution?

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Just don't buy and Acer LCD. We blew up a couple, I took a look yesterday and they have nasty ghosting images after being 'fixed'. We bought a few Samsung LCDs instead (various models) and they are gorgeous. Staff love them (including me).

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So, I got the 2232GW instead, since I'd obligated myself to buy something. Glad they let me change. It is a beautiful monitor, but if I had to do it again I'd probably go for the Dell, despite the additional money because of the extra features, the larger viewing area and good warranty support.

I first bought a Samsung 940 BW and thought it was very nice , so the next time I went for the same one again - both are still in operation of diff comps and running well.

I decided to treat myself to a 22" so I went with Samsung again and bought the 2232GW a few months ago and have been very happy with it .

Samsung LCDs are hard to beat.

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In any case, I realize it's now too late, but please if you go buy a computer monitor, buy it in a store where you can see for yourself what the picture looks like, which ports it has, and whether it swivels or switches. That's better than reading a thousand reviews.

That would be my only reservation on Dell - they have a great reputation but you have to mail-order.

Out of personal interest, does Samsung make these monitors in matte? Did you come across any reasonably priced 23 or 24" models with 1080p resolution?

I wasn't looking for 1080p, so I might not have noticed if I saw one, but I don't believe I did.

I was able to inspect and test the monitor when it came in. Rather, I inspected the 2253 and noted the lack of HDMI. Then I tested the 2233GW to be sure there were no dead pixels.

I probably would have gone to Commart if I hadn't decided to order the monitor. Although I could have seen that the 2253LW did not have HDMI, I wouldn't have been able to test any monitor there before buying, right? Too busy, they aren't set up for that. So, I could have hauled a defective unit home.

Yes, Dell is mail order, but I may have mentioned above that they go out of their way, even here in Thailand, to be very responsive in cross-shipping defective devices - at least that was my experience with the hard drive for a business-level PC I had bought from them. Both Acer and Samsung have local service centers, but they want to take a least a week or two to test and repair things. I don't know what their policy is about returns and refunds but they are probably pretty good about that, as they try to compete with IBM etc. I returned an IBM laptop a few years ago after it arrived via mail order (in the US).


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Went to one of the IT places here in chiang mai today and saw these differences between the GW and LW

LW: matte finish instead of gloss, 8000:1 Contrast Ratio, 8,600 Baht

GW: Glossy finish, 3000: 1 Contrast Ratio, 9,600 Baht.

the GW really looks nice but not appeal to those who hate reflections of any kinds from the back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A timely thread. I'm just starting to look for a 19" widescreen monitor here in the UK.

Reading this thread i'm definately not as tech savvy as some of you guys.

Can anyone give me SIMPLE clues as to what i should be looking for?

i.e. 2 types of connections DVI & something?

plastic or glass screen?

matt or shiny?

refresh rate?

I don't play any games and don't want to watch live TV. Just general surfing, email, pics & videos.

Seem to be a bit cheaper without inbuilt speakers? My old speakers are perfectly good although it would tidy my desk space to lose them.

Looking to pay £100 to £150

any thoughts please?

thanks. Jonathan

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Excuse me but how can you discuss "Best Monitor" without discussing resolution.

I need 1600 x 1200 & they are HARD to find.

Bought 204B - went back to get another one & had to settle for 214T. Bloody expensive. Bought them at Jet Compters in Fortune Town.

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I need 1600 x 1200 & they are HARD to find.

Standard for 22" is 1680x1050 (wide screen) - that doesn't work for you? It's not too different from 1600x1200, at less than 10,000 pretty reasonable.

I am looking for a 23" or 24" 1920x1200 LCD and they are pretty hard to find in Thailand. In fact, I haven't seen one anywhere in Chiang Mai. Except the Apple store but the 23" and 30" Cinema displays are outrageously expensive.

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