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Those of us married to Thais and residing in the UK may have noticed that this years Channel 4 series of Big Brother has for the first time included a Thai amongst its contestants.Katere is a rather tubby girl who it seems is in my opinion "typically Thai".She is fun,uncomplicated,natural,and above everything else just loves her food ! So it was with a mixture of amusement and sympathy I was feeling last night when Big Brother introduced a "task" similar to a fairground game of moving a copper electrical conducter along a curved wire which normally would just make a bell or buzzer sound, but on this occasion it is wired to give their fellow housemates an electrical shock and poor Katere has been really struggling with the limit of food available without the extra inconvieneance of an electrical charge placed on her backside, which gave a shock everytime her housemates touched the wire. Despite that and with as much dignity as she could muster when pleading with Big Brother , tears in her eyes, about the unfairness of this situation she ended the conversation with "anyway have a nice day"............for that reason alone Katere you are my champion.

Edited by dee123
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Nice one Katere !

Brillinat , in fact! Better than all the spoilt brats who get on the show. I never watch, it but I may have done this time, with Katere in it

If they decide to 'Kick Her Out', I bet she says, 'Up Toooooo Youuuuu!.


Edited by TEFLMike
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i have to say that I find her annoying but then again at least she's being herself and also she seems like a nice genuine person. :D

As far as other housemates i've been brought up not to hit woman but I would take pleasure in slapping that Alexandra. :o

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I got the UP TO THE MINUTE BLOG from the House on the final run down in the house. Kathreya, certianly has the mood of the film crew and all the rest ...

Finally, I wasn't aware that the porky 1980s tap-dance troupe, The Roly-Polys, were big enough in Thailand to have inspired a one-woman tribute act. I'm writing of Kathreya, of course, who is 30 years of age yet claps her hands like a toddler during a carol concert and screeches about her jar of cookies as though they've been laced with PCP. Maybe they have been – it would explain plenty. But is there room in our hearts for the Club 18-30 Nancy Lam? Well, I certainly hope so. After all, 60 Minute Makeover would never be the same again.


She is really good, this girl, she is keeping her nose clean, my opinion anyway. :o

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She is looking like a WINNER!

The potato snack menu did not go down well with all the residents as they worked their way through 6,250 grams of crisps.

They were challenged to sort them out into four different flavours by tasting them with their tongues.

Wearing hair nets and blue lab coats, the housemates tucked into a giant heaped bowl of salt and vinegar, cheese and onion, Worcester sauce and ready salted in the garden.

Big Brother allowed a 5% margin of error for each flavour to be in with a chance of winning an extra token.

But the housemates were informed that cheese and onion exceeded this safety buffer by 8%, while 11% of Worcester sauce flavoured crisps were inaccurately licked and picked.

Sylvia Barrie was among the first to express her displeasure at failing. She said: "How dare they? Straining my tastebuds, confusing my tongue. How dare they?"

After two hours of licking, some of the housemates complained they were suffering. "I can't taste them any more," Jennifer Clark said.

But Thai massage therapist Kathreya Kasisopa had a different reaction, saying: "I don't have a problem with this task at all."

So far, only one housemate - Stephanie McMichael - has been evicted as the 15 remaining participants compete to win the Channel Four show.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Latest on Katere please? I was on 4OD, but it will not work over here

Are they all as cloddish, oafish, ignorant, insensitive and tactless as this Jen is? (I've not watched a single episode)

Jen upsets Kathreya over Thai royalty

Day 24

Jennifer upset Kathreya last night by suggesting that Thai royals have too much power

In a conversation about Thailand's monarchy, Kathreya explained that they were extremely respected, but Jennifer responded that she thought they are too powerful.

She did not realise Kathreya was upset until the Thai housemate chatted to her in the early hours of this morning.

"You need to watch the way you say things," Kathreya advised her. "If you ever talk about things like this be careful what you say, because it could hurt them so much. You don't know how upset I am."

Jennifer apologised and told Kathreya that she hadn't meant to offend her. "The culture I live in is so different to yours," she said. "The royal family in our country isn't respected in the same way as religion is. I am ignorant, I didn't know about that and I should have."

After Kathreya explained that the Thai king is of the same importance as breathing, the pair made up.

- Digital Spy Big Brother News


At least she apologized, but it's a lot easier to mop a floor if you haven't vomited on it first.

This Kathreya sounds like a right, intelligent, and caring woman.

the Thai king is of the same importance as breathing

nicely put... :o


Edited by sriracha john
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