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What Percentage Of Expats In Thailand


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If one uses a strict definition of expat ..

It would not necessarily include " .. employed with work permit/right visa typically on internationally comparable salary and benefit package .."

Simply put, an expat is someone who has opted to live in a country other than that of their origin.

**Sorry for the "me too" definition .. but arrogant ******** like yh really p*** me off! :o

Edited by klikster
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Quite often in discussions with other "foreigners living in thailand"* I'll mention I'd read on T/V this or that information. I am surprised by the number of people who do not know the forum exists, or know of it only obliquely.

*For the sake of argument I left out the word expat and substituted the term "foreigner living in thailand". Split all the hairs you want with the definition, at the end of the day; "strangers in a strange land" is all we really.

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