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England winning WW2 - everybody else came in for the glory while we stood alone for the Battle of Britain :o

Two world war's and one world cup doo da

Wrong, my British friend. Yes you won the Battle of Britain but you would have gone down in flames if it had not been for RADAR which was provided, of course, by America.

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England winning WW2 - everybody else came in for the glory while we stood alone for the Battle of Britain :o

Two world war's and one world cup doo da

what WW2 are you talkin about, battle of britain, Polish, Aussies, kiwis, Canadians and yanks were in that stoush

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^ Typical Brit arrogance and ignorance of history.

That'll be around sixty million arrogant people then? :o

Back on topic. The invention of the atomic bomb must rank fairly highly IMO as world's greatest ( or worst ) invention. We now have the ability to totally destroy all life on the planet...

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^ Typical Brit arrogance and ignorance of history.

That'll be around sixty million arrogant people then? :o

Back on topic. The invention of the atomic bomb must rank fairly highly IMO as world's greatest ( or worst ) invention. We now have the ability to totally destroy all life on the planet...

we are already doing it now, nuclear bombs might be a quick solution to an enevitablity :D

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^ Typical Brit arrogance and ignorance of history.

Not really. The British Commonwealth stood alone for 2 long years against the NAzi war machine until the Russians were invaded in Operation Barberossa which brought the USSR into it. Not to help Britian though. The USA did not enter the war until after Pearl Harbour. The only USA volunteers were those who went against their countries will and came over (through Canada) risking prosecution from the Yanks to fight Fascism. There were some Poles, French and others who managed to get to the UK as well.

It wasn't really until the invasion of Italy that the Americans were fighting in Europe. What they were doing was getting fat off the backs of those fighting Fascism. Lend lease bankrupted Britian and helped America become the wealthiest country in the world. Cheers Guys!

If the only history you know is Hollywood then it is understandable that you post this. Films like U-571 which totally re-wrote a british success and made it American has fostered the idea that the USA is some total fighting machine winning wars everywhere.

Whilst I have only respect for the USA soldier as I do for most of the grunts who get put in harms way by fat politicians the US view of history is dodgy to say the least. In fact name one war that America has won UNASSISTED in the last 100 years. Sorry I forgot Grenada which was an outstanding victory against three blokes with a sharpened mango!

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^ Typical Brit arrogance and ignorance of history.

Not really. The British Commonwealth stood alone for 2 long years against the NAzi war machine until the Russians were invaded in Operation Barberossa which brought the USSR into it. Not to help Britian though. The USA did not enter the war until after Pearl Harbour. The only USA volunteers were those who went against their countries will and came over (through Canada) risking prosecution from the Yanks to fight Fascism. There were some Poles, French and others who managed to get to the UK as well.

It wasn't really until the invasion of Italy that the Americans were fighting in Europe. What they were doing was getting fat off the backs of those fighting Fascism. Lend lease bankrupted Britian and helped America become the wealthiest country in the world. Cheers Guys!

If the only history you know is Hollywood then it is understandable that you post this. Films like U-571 which totally re-wrote a british success and made it American has fostered the idea that the USA is some total fighting machine winning wars everywhere.

Whilst I have only respect for the USA soldier as I do for most of the grunts who get put in harms way by fat politicians the US view of history is dodgy to say the least. In fact name one war that America has won UNASSISTED in the last 100 years. Sorry I forgot Grenada which was an outstanding victory against three blokes with a sharpened mango!

And shall we mention the Falklands? The mighty British Empire sure took care of that threat! My history comes not from Hollywood but from recorded events that shape history. Like the fact that Churchill know of the attack on Pearl Harbor before it happened but warned nobody - so hungry was he for American involvment in Europe. Name any country that has won any war UNASSISSTED ever. Back channels, lend-lease, movement of equipment, etc. Like it or not America saved your ass - you wouldn't be able to read this message if it were not for America -because we don't write in German.

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I got one - how did I know some uneducated septic or ex-colonial would bite - like taking sweeties fromn bairns

Richest country - millions without healthcare and an education system fit for peasant except at the very top end.

Fighting war's - Vietnam and Iraq ROFLMAO Bwhaaaaaaaaaaa

Andhere come the Asians to wipe your arse and send you back to peasanthood

Edited by Prakanong
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And shall we mention the Falklands? The mighty British Empire sure took care of that threat! My history comes not from Hollywood but from recorded events that shape history. Like the fact that Churchill know of the attack on Pearl Harbor before it happened but warned nobody - so hungry was he for American involvment in Europe. Name any country that has won any war UNASSISSTED ever. Back channels, lend-lease, movement of equipment, etc. Like it or not America saved your ass - you wouldn't be able to read this message if it were not for America -because we don't write in German.

Yes the Falklands! 100,000 Argentinian Troops on an Island 8000 miles away. Not just conscripts but elite special forces, the French suppying the most advanced rocket technology, a very well trained and provisioned Air force operating from a series of land bases against carrier based British fighters who were not allowed to operate from land (Gee thank you for your diplomatic efforts Uncle Sam). 8,000 troops whose battle ready training took place on crowded troop ships in the 3 long weeks it took to sail there, because a certain superpower not a million miles away was too much of a pussy to let us fly in troops.

It took 36 days the loss of 250 British men and 10,000 argentinians to re-take a british sovereign territory that most Brits had not heard of let alone cared about. But just like Poland when we sign a deal we tend to stick to it. Not quite the storming of the Marriott pool bar in Grenada or the massive victory of the Panama Canal but hey we are only English because of you Non Cluedo! Danke Shun mein hero!

Hey and thank you for winning the war in Afghanistan and Iraq too. I am sure all those boys (including my son who has done two tours) are very grateful to be dragged into another unwinnable mess that will acheive little and kill many. No- cluedo may think the British are arrogant but show me where we re-write history and gloat about it. If anything we play down our stuff. We used to be a super power but we are not anymore but we do not roll over to be shafted. We also don't bang on endlessly about it either.

Back on subject. The most brilliant invention. American Ego.

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[Hey and thank you for winning the war in Afghanistan and Iraq too.

You forgot Vietnam & Korea............................but there was one war they won...just. The American Civil War. Although most of them claim a victory when they wiped out most of the REAL American people.

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England winning WW2 - everybody else came in for the glory while we stood alone for the Battle of Britain :o

Two world war's and one world cup doo da

Wrong, my British friend. Yes you won the Battle of Britain but you would have gone down in flames if it had not been for RADAR which was provided, of course, by America.

Radar was invented by who? What do they teach you in the states?

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England winning WW2 - everybody else came in for the glory while we stood alone for the Battle of Britain :o

Two world war's and one world cup doo da

Wrong, my British friend. Yes you won the Battle of Britain but you would have gone down in flames if it had not been for RADAR which was provided, of course, by America.

Radar was invented by who? What do they teach you in the states?

Chris Baby, you intentionally switched "provided" to "invented" to make what point?

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German Christian Huelsmeyer was the first to discover the effect of radar in 1904, but radar as we know it was invented and the acronym established in 1935 by three British scientists, Sir Robert Watson-Watt, A F Wilkins and H E Wimperis along with Sir Henry Tizard discovered its use putting it to exellent effect in World War 2.

It was NOT provided by the Americans but no doubt there will soon be a film where Brad and Angie discover it and swim the Atlantic arriving moments before the nasty germans reduce England to a crumbling wreck and thus saving the day

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