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Viagra - where to buy in bangkok?

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Is it possible to buy Viagra over the counter in Bangkok without prescription?

What is the price for Viagra in Thailand?

Are you allowed to take Viagra with you when you leave Thailand?

As I understand it, you can buy V at just about any chemist without a prescription, particularly around areas frequented by lust-filled farangs. But do yourself a favour and read up THOROUGHLY on the subject first -- for example, you can't take V or its generic equivalents if you're on nitro tablets such as for angina. It can kill. Would EMPHATICALLY suggest you talk to your local GP first before you try. Not sure of the price these days -- probably still around 500 baht per tab. Indian generic equivalents are available -- check with those more knowledgeable when you get here. They're just as good and cost about a quarter of the original. Whilst checking on the Net about the properties and suitability of V for your own personal needs, do a search for performance enhancement additives like Tagamet and grapefruit juice, and take careful note of what is and isn't acceptable. But again, BE CAREFUL and make sure you can use it safely. V is not something to play around with if you don't know what you're doing.
Yes, I think one should take care with Viagra. A bloke on my block died earlier this year of a heart attack after taking Viagra, he was only 37 years old and died 'on the job'. It put me off the stuff, although it's easy to get hold of. You are probably better going easy on the booze and eating prawns!
Good advice to be careful. A lot of the "viagra" sold in thai pharmacies is copy (big surprise!). therefor, it is not mixed well. if you are splitting the pills, the 1/2 or 1/3 you take might well have all 100 mg in it.

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