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Can't Connect With Tot Adsl


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Friday morning connected for a nano second and got on to the yahoo home page, sa-lowly, so tried to re boot and came up with the usual box saying 'cannot connect, could be busy, are you connected to internet etc'.

I went into my accessories and found I was indeed connected, had Windows do a quick 'repair' and then - contact your internet provider.

I managed to get hold of the service staff, but the technician kept pushing the 'busy' button as soon as I connected to him :o

I called TOT in Bangkok who were very nice but of course couldn't help, but when I mentioned all the lights were on on the router (XAVi ADSL) BUT the ppp button light was flashing only very weakly like Tinkerbell dying, he said it was a problem with TOT.

Can someone please tell me what this problem might be? Is it the router? Is it the wire from the router to the computer, what? If it's something I can do myself, I'll have a go. 'Cause Lord knows when they'll get a technician round ...

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I sympathize with your technician non-service problems. Here, they always show up a minimum of three days after the complaint call. The last three times, it's been connection problems at the local office or community junction box. (No discount on the bill, of course).

This has saved my hide a dozen times or more...

Simply physically disconnect your modem for about 30 seconds, and then reconnect. It resets the modem, and often corrects connection problems like you're having.

Good luck.

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Just returned from visit to email shop to find little ppp light looking a lot healthier, so tried to connect and Yes!

I had disconnected it last night and left it all off to cool down as it was feeling a bit hot, but thanks both for your replies, and will make a bookmark of contact for the tot technical site.

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