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Expats, Why Are You Here?


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Expats of Thailand, why are you here? And what's your story? This question comes from a current poll about Brits in Thailand.

For me, I washed up as a 21 year old, as fresh as a daffodil in spring, began work as a Divemaster, a great time, and am now 25, maybe just as fresh I would hope working as a freelance property broker.

Tell us your story guys and gals...

p.s i am aware of the mistake in the title... opps...

Edited by SeanPhuket
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I came here six years ago from Saudi Arabia. I was only meant to come for a few weeks, but even before I landed I had no real intention of returning to SA. A friend got me a teaching job, and I liked it despite the low wage. I met my wife, got married, and we had a baby. Of course, there is a lot more to the story than that, but that will do for now.

Edited by garro
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I moved here when my ex finished her masters in the UK (then we split up and I stayed).

Work in the oil business on a fat UK salary so my standard of living is better than it would be back home. Having said that I am missing home and so is Mrs so we are going to UK for a few years but will be back here for sure (just starting plans to build a house).

If it wasn't the wife's home I would probably have moved on by now, don't ask me where.

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I'm there (when I'm not working here), because I didn't like it where I was before (then).

If I was still where I was then, I wouldn't be working here in order to live there.

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I'm there (when I'm not working here), because I didn't like it where I was before (then).

If I was still where I was then, I wouldn't be working here in order to live there.

Glad you cleared that up !

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I'm there (when I'm not working here), because I didn't like it where I was before (then).

If I was still where I was then, I wouldn't be working here in order to live there.

Glad you cleared that up !

Imagine what I could do if I was there, instead of here, when there has alcohol and here is drier than where I was before when I wasn't there (or here) ! :o

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I first came here on holiday.... for two weeks... at the end of two weeks I couldn't see myself going back to the stress and fear I was living in. When I say fear I am not talking about the police busting down my door, but the fear that it could all fall apart. Monthly payroll of over 100k, office space, clients going belly up, and the fear of facing another 7 years of my seemingly all too short life working 7 days a week .... only for the next bubble burst to wipe out everything I was working for. I went from making 150k a year to making something that is laughable in comparison.

Its the best decision I have made to date... so basiclly the answer to your question why I am here ... is I cant see myself living any other way.

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I had been here several times while in the military over the years and liked it. Then while earning my Ph.D., I met many THai students and befirended w few hose fortunes changed when new people came in power. That offered me an opportunity to come out and do some work, and that introduced me to some businessmen who wanted my expertise.

I started working with OTOP, then with a Thai business. At first, I did that from the US, coming out here regulalry. That paragdigm proved not to be ideal, so now I am here 9 months of the year,

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I came for a 9 day stop over on the way to somewhere else.

I noticed that there were many opportunities in Thailand and thought I would set up a business and see how it went.

The first business went very well and I sold for good money.

13 years later.. I am still here.

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I came from the Uk, rich and naive, married a bar-girl, got a serious std from her, (hence my 'infected member' status), then she went mad and lost all our money, then I got divorced, then she wanted to mary me again, then I found that I couldn't leave Thailand because I was too poor.... apart from that, just a normal boring life.....


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I came from the Uk, rich and naive, married a bar-girl, got a serious std from her, (hence my 'infected member' status), then she went mad and lost all our money, then I got divorced, then she wanted to mary me again, then I found that I couldn't leave Thailand because I was too poor.... apart from that, just a normal boring life.....


You don't have to sugarcoat it Simon... tell us what really happened. :o

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I did not realize I would start something by asking about Brits , I just want good food and my bacon. the middle east sucks as you can not get any pork and what they say is bacon SUCKS .

I note that the most Brits on the poll are in Pattaya , correct ?

well wear the people are the food is.

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I retired at 43, and had been sampling various places to live, and I've been here now close to 4 years. The glorious "Land 'O Thais" is no better or worse than most other pissant shit-hole 'developing' third world countries I've lived in. I thought I'd give S/E Asia a try after the Caribbean, Central and South America.

Initially it was a tough rocky road here, but once I began to see as a foreigner I couldn't lose face, that there is no such thing as 'thai culture'; only generations of mindless brainwashing, and that the average person has a 5th grade education, I had a much clearer understanding of the diminutive inhabitants. I have come to realize resistance is futile with their Borg-like 'collective mentality' in spiffy color coordinated shirts, but co-existence is possible with this species.

(edited for spelling..)

Edited by tod-daniels
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