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Best Place To Buy Vista Pc In Chiang Mai (currently - June '08)


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Been reading the thread on Vista OS users experinces in the computer section of the Forum - my PC is dying and looking to upgrade to new PC with Vista OS ... so anyone with experience of Chiang Mai PC merchants that can offer a decent spec/price, english speaking and decent after sales service (Holy Grail I know) currently please would you reply.


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Not sure if K2K wants a desk top or a lap top but I doubt that it would it make a difference to the reply. IF it does make a difference I too am in the market for something similar but a laptop is my preferred choice. Thanks in advance.

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If Vista is totally a must, then you would probably need to buy from Powerbuy, Acer (ChiChang), HP shop, Carrefour, Tesco's - well you get the idea. They come preloaded with OEM vista (licensed). Some of them at competitive prices too.

Other option would be to buy at any of the IT centers - of course after comparing prices and then going to somewhere like ITCity for the Vista.

or the other option is XP :o or Ubuntu 8.04 of which I adore!

ps. for cheap computers I normally go to D-Dynamite First, at the IT center on the superhighway near ChuangPuak Rd. and the other side going to Mae Rim. Go upstairs turn right and turn right again. Its the shop on the corner. Best prices I found so far but no Vista for sale there.

good luck!


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I've recently had excellent service at Denchai. I didn't even know it existed until about 6 months ago. However; since then, I have bought several large pieces of office equipment there - including a computer with Windows Vista.

What I find great about this place is that the salespeople actually know about the things that they were selling. For example, I was buying a computer that came with Windows Vista Starter edition. Once they realized that the computer was for an office, they informed me that this version of Vista would not support networks/sharing of files and I'd have to upgrade the version. (This was later confirmed by my search online). Based on my experience in other stores, I doubt most salespeople would even mention this small, yet important, piece of info.

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Been reading the thread on Vista OS users experinces in the computer section of the Forum - my PC is dying and looking to upgrade to new PC with Vista OS ... so anyone with experience of Chiang Mai PC merchants that can offer a decent spec/price, english speaking and decent after sales service (Holy Grail I know) currently please would you reply.


Omigod! Vista! Don't do it unless you are a happy masochist!!! If you are ready to buy a new computer, get an Apple Mac! Then, you can continue to use Windows XP (a relatively stable mature system, at least) as well as begin to enjoy the blessings of a stable and secure operating system software from Apple. (I suggest buying OS10.4, not 10.5. Nothing wrong with the latter, really, but it is relatively newer and will be improved.

A Mac is a bargain even though the initial price appears high. You don't have to buy a lot of other programs for normal use. The savings alone in peace of mind are enormous!

It is challenging for anyone to switch platforms. That is understood. We are creatures of habit. but the Mac is so intuitive that the learning curve is an easy one to climb.

As well, the security issues are entirely different. Macs are fundamentally secure. In over 20 years, I have never had a virus, Trojan horse, whatever on a Mac. With Mac OSX, it is increasingly safe even though people will hollar and scream about the issue of market percentage and hackers targeting systems. Totally different story.

Apple service is consistently rated the best in the business, both for hardware and software help.

There is an Apple store in Chiang Mai. One shop on Sirimangkalajan within 50 meters of Huey Kaew. The other is in Airport Plaza. Third Floor, maybe? Can't recall. Good people.

Oh yes....I do not sell Apple products! And I don't get a cut! Just over 25 years working with personal computers. What Bill Gates was successful with was marketing based on his deal with IBM to retain software rights. Microsoft has never been successful with developing a better operating system than Apple. Microsoft keeps making money feeding us creatures of habit. Sad!

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Have to agree with MAPGUY Go out and get a Mac. After 6 Years mine still going strong.

Would not think about any other.

Most of my mates have replaced there PCs more than once over the past 6 years. Enough said

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Thanks for the replies and inputs .... to clarify I want a desktop (as have a Sony VAIO laptop running XP for my travelling needs and external hard drive for back up).

Mulled over the Mac/M$ debate - from the experiences of 'switching' over it has been a mixed bag - the heavy graphics users have been happy, but support for peripherals has been on and off ... I'm not into gaming so grahics does not have to be super high end.

XP on my current desktop has been ok just the machine is 8 years old and its been worked to death - think the majority will have to eventually bite the bullet with Vista or wait for Vista II .... will follow up on recomendations and welcome any further input.


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The choice isn't only Mac vs PC. I too would recommend that you check out Ubuntu Linux 8.04 - google 'ubuntu'

The price is right - it is free and open source.

It is a lot more secure than windows and comes with huge amounts of free software that can easily be installed if you want it.

You can download a live cd and run that on your computer to check it out without installing. Alternatively the internet cafe Future Media on Nimmanhamin has installed it on all their pcs so you could try it there.

That said, ITCity have some good deals on PCs occasionally.

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If you do not want a Mac or Linux then stick with XP. Avoid Vista - it has been a disaster - even Microsoft admit it has had a poor corporate takeup.

We run various operating systems, and the one that has caused most headaches is Vista.

Some computer shops will still offer a new machine with XP.

Edited by Contractor
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Don't go for Vista, not even with SP1 and ultimate. Loads of problems, not only with the drivers. You also need a minimum of 3-4GB RAM to run it smoothly. Don't believe the adds.,they're wrong! Stay(for the moment) with XP Pro SP2, you can get SP3, but that isn't a big improvement. If you should go for MAC, remember you are limited to many 3th party's software, + high cost!

However running XP, you need a good antivirus like Norton 2008.

Hope this will help, Ray

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If you're not wedded to the idea of buying a branded system, I suggest you check out Good Speed at Computer Plaza (north side of the moat) - take the stairs to the left after you enter the building and Good Speed are the first store to your left on the upper floor.

They built my new rig - largely to my researched specs but also with some useful input from them to modify some choices. The owner speaks good English as does his main assistant. They have a good selection of cases and will build the system that's right for you - no extra charge for the assembly (they obviously buy components at better rates than you can) and a fair price overall.

I also suggest you leave Vista alone - XP SP3 is now a very mature and 99% dependable OS. There are numerous reports of people/companies buying Vista OS systems and promptly "downgrading" to XP............. draw your own conclusions from that.

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i have to agree with everything about vista. And it is so much slower than xp on the same pc. Yes it has slightly better security but a good antivirus (I use avg) and firewall (zone alarm?) and i dont think you have anything to worry about. and the sp1 for vista wipes out any pc with an amd processor - brilliant!!!

I strongly suggest you order a customised pc from components and ask them to install xp. If you really want you can even buy an original copy of xp.

if you are unsure what to order then just say what you want to use it for and i will try to give you an idea


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arghhh - my post just vanished!

Cant type it all again ... but suffice to say in Panthip Plaza its either HP or Acer ... both similar spec (Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4 GHz, 2 GB RAM).

HP is 23,540 (HP a6485L) no OS (Windows Vista Business 32 bit 6,090).

Acer (Aspire M5640) with Windows Vista Home Pro preloaded with license is 29,853.

Been thinking over Mapguys Windows vs. Mac comments and Googled this (hope OK with Mods)...


Enforces your argument nicely and will go and take a look at Apple.

Thanks again for your inputs.


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If you're not wedded to the idea of buying a branded system, I suggest you check out Good Speed at Computer Plaza (north side of the moat) - take the stairs to the left after you enter the building and Good Speed are the first store to your left on the upper floor.

They built my new rig - largely to my researched specs but also with some useful input from them to modify some choices. The owner speaks good English as does his main assistant. They have a good selection of cases and will build the system that's right for you - no extra charge for the assembly (they obviously buy components at better rates than you can) and a fair price overall.

I also suggest you leave Vista alone - XP SP3 is now a very mature and 99% dependable OS. There are numerous reports of people/companies buying Vista OS systems and promptly "downgrading" to XP............. draw your own conclusions from that.

I too, bought my desktop system at Good Speed, but at their office at Icon Plaza. They were very helpful and friendly, gave me a great price, built the system to my specifications, and sent three guys to deliver and install the system. They also gave me all kinds of things (cables, software, etc.) for free. I have not had a single problem. They do not speak English there so go to the office at Computer Plaza if that is a problem.

Avoid Vista, stick with XP Professional SP2/3

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I would also support GoodSpeed in Computer Plaza for anyone out there looking for a new system. There's always somebody there who speaks reasonable English and they offer excellent advice about putting together a machine to suit your needs (and budget!). I have helped 4 or 5 friends buy systems from there and all have been very happy. They provide excellent service should you require any follow-up, thats why I always recommend them to people who are not very experienced computer users! All of course bought machines that were well capable of running Vista, and then installed XP. Why slow down your nice new machine by putting Vista on - it's only an operating system after all, and XP is now a nice stable, mature, operating system...

If you just want a cheap machine, without the backup, there is an excellent "box shifter" called FastSpeed on the same floor as GoodSpeed. That's where I buy my own components - very cheap, and they will put a machine together if you buy all the bits. Just remember, there prices are rock bottom, so don't expect too much in the way of service - and practice your Thai!

One last point. At GoodSpeed you can get some discount off the total cost of a system, after adding all of the components prices together; at FastSpeed the total price is the price of all of the components - no more discount available. Taking this into account a decent spec computer usually works out about 2,000B dearer at GoodSpeed - up to you, do you want, or need, any after sales service? Personally I don't, but most of my friends do! You pays your money and you takes... :o

Edited by ChiangMaiAjarn
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For laptops I think HP sucks. Quality is just bad. (Same applies to their Compaq sub-brand, these are definitely not what they used to be either).

You can also consider Siam TV / Electronic Plaza for brand name laptops like Sony and Toshiba. Toshiba also have a line of laptops these days that are priced at more terrestrial levels, compared to previous offerings.

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Gone with D-Dynamite at IT Centre - saving ~ 30% on a Acer/HP for Q6600 processor 4 MEG RAM, 500GB HDD - they could build in 3 hours but legit Vista Ultimate takes a couple of days to get hold of. 22K for machine and 7.5K for legit Vista Ultimate (yes I know I could get it for 200 Bt but OS is something I'll bite the bullet and pay up for genuine version; just hope Bill cures malaria and I'll be less upset) - I'll give it a go - someone has to get used to it (and when will XP stop being supported?), and while I like the Apple (a lot - was nearly tempted - but I have one application that is not suported on it :o ).

I have laptop with XP SP3 as backup anyway - so I'll let you know what growing pains (if any) I experience.

Thanks everyone for you contributions; very helpful.

I'll add that D-Dynamite impressed me with their tech know-how/english/clear keen pricing. Chatted to owner who told me they'd been there 7 years and opposite have a repair shop too. Place was busy - a good sign hopefully.

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Just an update maybe of interest to others ...

Was a small (3 day) delay getting the genuine Vista Ultimate, fair enough - not a big issue.

Now the 'fun' part ...

They had loaded the TH/EN Vitsa Ultimate on the machine - I did have to reinstall it as I dont want TH character set at all (IE was keep coming up with Thai charaters when I typed in a web URL and thats even after I toggled the TH/EN - so recommend you load you own OS).

I had to reload some mother board drivers and the VGA drivers as well - easy enough as had the disks.

Then the fun part - transfering the files. Took 2 days to set up how I wanted it.

Two significant problems -

a) My webcam (despite control panel saying it works properly) does NOT work - any suggestions from Vitsa users on webcam appreciated before I head out and buy a new one.

b ) Skype ... read that Vista/Skype have problems so not tried to load Skype yet ... does is cause crashes??

[i'll add that Skype was acting up with XP as well - when I pulled the USB phone out - my old pc finally died - fortunately I'd backed everything up already!]

So thoughts on Vista - very nice (especially the Media Centre), I like it and if I can resolve the 2 issues then will be happy to have made the move.

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I never have them do the OS for me. Whenever i buy a new machine, its always HDD with nothing on. Then i do my partitions to accommodate any other OS that I might choose to install. Especially Linux distros.

Webcam issue : What kind of webcam is it? That would allow us to give more better feedback/help.

Skype : Go ahead and install it. If it crashes, let us know what the problem is. I have not heard any issues with Vista as lately.


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Just an update maybe of interest to others ...

They had loaded the TH/EN Vitsa Ultimate on the machine - I did have to reinstall it as I dont want TH character set at all (IE was keep coming up with Thai charaters when I typed in a web URL and thats even after I toggled the TH/EN - so recommend you load you own OS).

I had to reload some mother board drivers and the VGA drivers as well - easy enough as had the disks.

Then the fun part - transfering the files. Took 2 days to set up how I wanted it.

Two significant problems -

a) My webcam (despite control panel saying it works properly) does NOT work - any suggestions from Vitsa users on webcam appreciated before I head out and buy a new one.

b ) Skype ... read that Vista/Skype have problems so not tried to load Skype yet ... does is cause crashes??

For the problem with EN/Thai in Ie and then you install programs, you dont have to reinstall, it is the same version, they you have to change the Regional and language settings.

I don't know how old the webcam is, but if its not wery old, try to get the right driver.

I use skype and have no problems.


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I bought a webcam with no brand. well it does have a brand Y-tech for 299 baht. I ditched my Logitech Cam with the cheapo one simply because its easy to install, and gives a superior picture. The same IT center that you bought your computer from, downstairs right in front of the staircase is the shop that sells it. They sell mostly blank CD's and DVD's.

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For the problem with EN/Thai in Ie and then you install programs, you dont have to reinstall, it is the same version, they you have to change the Regional and language settings.

Yes I tried that Claus - didnt like it for some reason.

Skype - Ver 3.8 works ok - though I did have to tweek audio settings as per Skype's help.

Bought a new Creative Vista webcam which works no problems.

So this concludes my CM new PC experiences - :o

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