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DJ Pat

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For a start, I wouldn't advise smoking crack in the first place, but if you must do, don't smoke it in a spliff. :o You'll be wasting your money, although you're unlikely to suffer any ill effects. :D

Saying that, I sense a lot of hate in you, maybe some drugs would do you a bit of good. :D

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So...Dave has no problem "grassing" on his customers if they threaten his livelihood.  Interesting, then, that he is so against trademark and copyright owners doing the same thing.  A grass of convenience.  Nice.


At least i don't make a living out of grassing people up, :D

I suppose what my comments meant were i would'nt put myself in the firing line trying to protect someone who was caught with drugs in my place, i would do what the authorities wanted if it would keep the place open.

As i mentioned before people have asked me about drugs and i've made it clear don't do it especially as in the blues factory there is nearly always a policeman in there (did'nt know that did you) I would warn them first, If they basically told me to f off then i would have them shown to the door, any more probs then the old bill can deal with them.

If someone was selling in my club then the police would be told.

(in all honesty the manager, who is very passionate about the club and his job would do what he felt necessary, he would'nt necessarily follow what i told him, he hates people putting the bar at risk and would probably deal with them more strongly than me)


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I hate the stuff. I tried it once in 1997 and I couldn't sleep for three days. This is a fun drug? No sleep?

last night when I finished DJ-ing, a well known farang DJ (name witheld) turned up to say Hi to my mate and immedietly disappeared into the toilet for some nose candy. When he returned he was over friendly and loud without realising it. I wanted to tell him to <deleted> off out of my face.

He then proceeded to have a go at the manager and tell him how to do his job while laughing at him with all his mates.

I have played at top model ***** *******'s party this year and was in the company of most of the top Thai / Luk-kreung models. Sadly, most of them were in the toilets every ten minutes powdering their noses.

" Use of cocaine in a binge, during which the drug is taken repeatedly and at increasingly high doses, may lead to a state of increasing irritability, restlessness, and paranoia. This can result in a period of full-blown paranoid psychosis, in which the user loses touch with reality and experiences auditory hallucinations "

I hate everything associated with this drug and its overrated effects.

Anyone disagree with me? Or have any experiences to share? I'm intrigued as to why a drug that makes people spout <deleted> from their mouths is sooooo trendy and popular.

By the way, if you ever come to one of my nights and offer me any, I'll grass you up.

I have to give you a ditto on that. Been there done that and just don't get it either. But...To each his own I guess.

:o Coffee!!! :D

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Good old Morningside speed as we used to call it in Edinburgh, due to the price.

If I had had the money I would have ended up like Maradona.

Reminds me of the great song by David Allan Coe/JohnnyCash -

"Morning found me lyin' on a floor in New Orleans

Looking like the Apache was about to eat my jeans

Feeling like my belly was a warehouse for the blues

And I sure miss my sweet Cocaine Carolina

Met her on an oceanliner called her Cocaine Carolina

She was quite a lady then and I was twenty two

God knows how much I adored her I just never could afford her

Cocaine Carolina how did I get hooked on you

So goodbye Cocaine Carolina you and I are through

I'm going back to Sandy Scag she knows just what to do

She don't love me for my money she just wants my body honey

Cocaine Carolina how did I get hooked on you"

Ooooh such wonderful and hellish times were had. Drugs kill !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next time I see a rich kid wearing a Sid Vicious in Siam Square Iam going to punch them on the nose.

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"My homey got a year for an ounce of weed

while Bush sells weapons to the enemy

You gotta be stone blind not to see

"Our government is honest!" Nigga, please

Cocaine can't be made in the United States

Kickin facts like this our government hates

The young kids on the streets ain't the enemy

They're just ghetto youth after money

They sell drugs, but who sells drugs to them?

Try the C.I.A. my friend

or the F.B.I. or even Bush

Somebody's gettin rich, ###### sure ain't us

We're just killin ourselves while others laugh

Look at the street, it's a cocaine bloodbath

We gotta realize dope is pure death

Mess with drugs, you're breathin your last breath

Sellin drugs is straight up genocide"

Ice T - "this ones for me"

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Your saying not to do it   but you use to??   Cmon Dave   :D

Iammaic, I try not to reply to too many of your posts, but had to this time.

What are you on man? :D

whatever :D how do we know he still doesn't do it and he's giving advice not to do it?? Best thing to do is never do it in the first place

Because i already said that i don't do it :o

(After admitting doing it years ago)

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Your saying not to do it   but you use to??   Cmon Dave   :D

Iammaic, I try not to reply to too many of your posts, but had to this time.

What are you on man? :D

whatever :D how do we know he still doesn't do it and he's giving advice not to do it?? Best thing to do is never do it in the first place

Because i already said that i don't do it :o

(After admitting doing it years ago)

Yeah OK Dave I believe you :D

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Your saying not to do it   but you use to??   Cmon Dave   :D

Iammaic, I try not to reply to too many of your posts, but had to this time.

What are you on man? :D

whatever :D how do we know he still doesn't do it and he's giving advice not to do it?? Best thing to do is never do it in the first place

Because i already said that i don't do it :o

(After admitting doing it years ago)

Yeah OK Dave I believe you :wub:

Up to you, :D as they say

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while everyone is posting their favourite drug songs.

sisters crazy by the candy harlots.

drugs are part of the experience of life, and I think too many people comment on them without having experience with them.

up to them.

on my to do list at some stage in my life is to try a ball or two of opium.

and dave I don't think anyone could complain about you protecting your livelihood.

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Mutu is upset at being sacked......hmmmm.

I just hate the sight of all these people having to visit the toilet every 5 mins then returning thinking that nobody knows why they have been there.

A Thai female pop singer comes to mind.....(a has been one at that)

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Your saying not to do it   but you use to??   Cmon Dave   :D

Iammaic, I try not to reply to too many of your posts, but had to this time.

What are you on man? :D

whatever :o how do we know he still doesn't do it and he's giving advice not to do it?? Best thing to do is never do it in the first place

In the real world I would always listen to the person who has had experience of whatever I was told was bad for me.

Hence why I ignored most of my parents advice :D

I have experienced the bad side of life , more fool me , but I reckon I'm in a better position to tell my kids what is what , also a ###### sight better chance of spotting anything amiss in their lives.

I like your posts IamMaic ( and the avatar ) but you are coming across as somewhat naiive in this particular section. No offense meant.


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