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Youtube On Tot


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Sorry if this subject has been posted before I've looked through previous posts but can't find it.

I am with TOT but cannot view videos on YouTube. All other video share sites are working okay. I live in Phuket.

When i try to view a video on YouTube i always get the message "We're sorry, this video is no longer available"

I've tried different browsers, Safari, Firefox, Opera, even IE. Flash player is fully updated.

I can only guess that TOT is doing something to try to preserve their bandwidth by doing this??

It'd be great to know if there's a way around it. I could probably use a proxy but they are always so slow it'd take forever to watch a short clip.

I need YouTube for work so it'd be great to get it back. At the moment i am using Metacafe to work around things.

TIA :o

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Same thing has happened to me for a while now.

Thumbnails show up OK but when you click the play button is show "We're sorry, this video is no longer available" message (on every video)

Yet when i look ta youtube in the Office using our Cat Telecom Connection, it's fine..

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Same thing has happened to me for a while now.

Thumbnails show up OK but when you click the play button is show "We're sorry, this video is no longer available" message (on every video)

Yet when i look ta youtube in the Office using our Cat Telecom Connection, it's fine..

I have TOT here at home and it's the same thing, but in the office we have TTNT and it's fine. Seems we all need to complain at the TOT office,maybe if enough of us do so, something will be done about it. :o

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