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When the polls in Philly opened, it was discovered that at least one machine was "preloaded" with about 2000 votes.. It was never said who the votes were for.......  :o

It was in the democrats favor.... but one hitch... they were for Michael Dukakis and left over votes from years ago.

As I recall, there's been a bit of electioning since Dukakis. Top system from a country that put men on the moon. ( or is a shady outcome part of the process ? )

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Well it's not over yet,  but all you Bush haters,  it's not looking good for ya!!!  :D  :o

You know, just because someone opposes Bush's re-election, doesn't mean they hate the man. I've never met him in person, but my Mom's met him (and his father) and she says he's a really nice guy. So I'm sure Bush is a decent and moral person, and a great guy to hang around with.

However, I do love my country, and therefore I have an INTENSE dislike for what Mr. Bush and his policies have done to it. I think "compassionate conservatism" is akin to putting down a horse with a broken leg. Sure, it may be the "compassionate" thing to do, but it's also true that the horse is not particularly happy about it :D. I think the "pre-emptive strike" doctrine is an ABHORRENT PERVERSION of America's long-standing legacies of neutrality and respect for national soveriegnty. And I think Bush's ties to Saudi oil (while probably COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE) are a bit too chummy for my tastes.

In other words, I'm disappointed in the election returns so far (Bush leads with 269 at this point). I'd really thought Americans had better sense that to re-elect a man who bungled the 9/11 response and worse, has done lasting and severe damage to America's reputation and legitimacy as a "Leader of the Free World".

Case in point: When the newspapers were reporting about the suffocation deaths of prisoners from the Tak Bai riot, I remember reading a quote from some US Embassy guy in which he diplomatically scolded Thailand about "the humane treatment of prisoners", I almost choked on my corn flakes. Doesn't it sound a BIT hypocritical for the United States to scold anyone about "human rights violation" and "human treatment of prisoners"??

And I'm not just talking about the Taliban prisoners in Cuba who've been held without due process for years. Nor I'm I talking about the stupidly inhumane treatment of Iraqi prisoners at the hands of a few brain-dead American soldiers and "intelligence" officiers. Try to remember that White House memos were revealed that showed the Bush team had people actually thinking about the "LEGALITY OF TORTURE".

After the Bush administration finishes raping our nation's integrity and reputation, how can the US ever stand and scold some tin-despot for being "inhumane"?? The little dictator would probably just laugh it off and say, "I got the ideas from YOUR guy, Bush!"

So, no, I don't hate Bush, personally. But I do hate the things he done since he's been President.

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Well it's not over yet,   but all you Bush haters,   it's not looking good for ya!!!   :D  :D

You know, just because someone opposes Bush's re-election, doesn't mean they hate the man. I've never met him in person, but my Mom's met him (and his father) and she says he's a really nice guy. So I'm sure Bush is a decent and moral person, and a great guy to hang around with.

However, I do love my country, and therefore I have an INTENSE dislike for what Mr. Bush and his policies have done to it. I think "compassionate conservatism" is akin to putting down a horse with a broken leg. Sure, it may be the "compassionate" thing to do, but it's also true that the horse is not particularly happy about it :D. I think the "pre-emptive strike" doctrine is an ABHORRENT PERVERSION of America's long-standing legacies of neutrality and respect for national soveriegnty. And I think Bush's ties to Saudi oil (while probably COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE) are a bit too chummy for my tastes.

In other words, I'm disappointed in the election returns so far (Bush leads with 269 at this point). I'd really thought Americans had better sense that to re-elect a man who bungled the 9/11 response and worse, has done lasting and severe damage to America's reputation and legitimacy as a "Leader of the Free World".

Case in point: When the newspapers were reporting about the suffocation deaths of prisoners from the Tak Bai riot, I remember reading a quote from some US Embassy guy in which he diplomatically scolded Thailand about "the humane treatment of prisoners", I almost choked on my corn flakes. Doesn't it sound a BIT hypocritical for the United States to scold anyone about "human rights violation" and "human treatment of prisoners"??

And I'm not just talking about the Taliban prisoners in Cuba who've been held without due process for years. Nor I'm I talking about the stupidly inhumane treatment of Iraqi prisoners at the hands of a few brain-dead American soldiers and "intelligence" officiers. Try to remember that White House memos were revealed that showed the Bush team had people actually thinking about the "LEGALITY OF TORTURE".

After the Bush administration finishes raping our nation's integrity and reputation, how can the US ever stand and scold some tin-despot for being "inhumane"?? The little dictator would probably just laugh it off and say, "I got the ideas from YOUR guy, Bush!"

So, no, I don't hate Bush, personally. But I do hate the things he done since he's been President.

You have the right to say what you want, but i have been watching the debates with john kerry and george bush and kerry never said what he would do if the US is hit again all he talked about was health care and the economy, If we are attacked again and he was in office what was he going to do then?? Flip Flop on the issue?? I don't trust the man at all, and his wife a future first lady?? I saw a little video of her running back to scold a reporter because she hated what he said, unbecoming of a supposedly "rich" person. :o

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Um, is Kerry supposed to have given detailed plans for every contingency of any nation/group attacking any place in the states in any way during his presidency? I don't think Bush has given us any more detail. Both have simply declared they will hunt down terrorists and protect Americans. Bush arguably doesn't even know his own team's plans and policies. Do YOU claim to know them?


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Um, is Kerry supposed to have given detailed plans for every contingency of any nation/group attacking any place in the states in any way during his presidency?  I don't think Bush has given us any more detail.  Both have simply declared they will hunt down terrorists and protect Americans.  Bush arguably doesn't even know his own team's plans and policies.  Do YOU claim to know them?


Would you sit on Television and tell your plans to the enemy?? It is going to be over soon and all you people that don't like bush have to deal with it!! I support the man and you can say whatever you want about me. anyway it's the people's decision and the people are deciding and have decided.

Just recently Osama Bin Laden reared his ugly mug, and was asking the people of the US to think about our own security. One newscaster in the US said "that's OK Osama we can handle this and we don't need your advice" :o

This is what I say to all of you that hate President Bush

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Um, is Kerry supposed to have given detailed plans for every contingency of any nation/group attacking any place in the states in any way during his presidency?  I don't think Bush has given us any more detail.  Both have simply declared they will hunt down terrorists and protect Americans.  Bush arguably doesn't even know his own team's plans and policies.  Do YOU claim to know them?


Would you sit on Television and tell your plans to the enemy?? It is going to be over soon and all you people that don't like bush have to deal with it!! I support the man and you can say whatever you want about me. anyway it's the people's decision and the people are deciding and have decided.

Just recently Osama Bin Laden reared his ugly mug, and was asking the people of the US to think about our own security. One newscaster in the US said "that's OK Osama we can handle this and we don't need your advice" :o

This is what I say to all of you that hate President Bush

Let me see if I understand... if BUSH tells us his anti-terrorism plans, that's bad because we shouldn't give the bad guys our plans... but it's bad that KERRY won't tell us his anti-terrorism plan in his efforts to become leader?

Hey, I've got some more of that stock in the Brooklyn Bridge- I'll give you a preferred price!


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Well, at this moment it is just waiting and perhaps have fun.

No need to hate Bush, Kerry, wives or whoever.

The updated news I got from CNN here on my computer in Bangkok:

15:29 BKK-time:

Bush 249 Kerry 242

Ohio with 20, Iowa 7, Nevada 5, New Mexico 5, and Wisconsin 10, still open or too close to predict.

Fox and NBC apparently gave Ohio to Bush.

Wait and see. The official results in Ohio might come in 11 days' time.

Mind you, I am only looking in from outside but what I saw the last 4 years was not impressive.

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but it's bad that KERRY won't tell us his anti-terrorism plan in his efforts to become leader?

Maybe if he said something about what he was going to do if he became President then he would have won by now. I just recently saw his second man John Edwards come on TV to cheer his people up Is Mr. Kerry too good to do this??

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but it's bad that KERRY won't tell us his anti-terrorism plan in his efforts to become leader?

Maybe if he said something about what he was going to do if he became President then he would have won by now.  I just recently saw his second man John Edwards come on TV to cheer his people up  Is Mr. Kerry too good to do this??

Firstly, Bush hasnt come out any said anything either, nor Cheney!

Secondly, you have been tricked regarding "terrorism" - it is a story thought up to invade Iraq for oil and now Bush holds you in the palm of his hand. When will 50% of the US wake up? :o

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but it's bad that KERRY won't tell us his anti-terrorism plan in his efforts to become leader?

Maybe if he said something about what he was going to do if he became President then he would have won by now.   I just recently saw his second man John Edwards come on TV to cheer his people up   Is Mr. Kerry too good to do this??

Firstly, Bush hasnt come out any said anything either, nor Cheney!

Secondly, you have been tricked regarding "terrorism" - it is a story thought up to invade Iraq for oil and now Bush holds you in the palm of his hand. When will 50% of the US wake up? :o

Say what you want I believe what I believe and putting the man back in office!!! My right I fought for that right also in Iraq so i'm excercising it :D You don't like it well you know where you can go I know a short pier not far from where I live. You know how to swim??

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but it's bad that KERRY won't tell us his anti-terrorism plan in his efforts to become leader?

Maybe if he said something about what he was going to do if he became President then he would have won by now.   I just recently saw his second man John Edwards come on TV to cheer his people up   Is Mr. Kerry too good to do this??

Firstly, Bush hasnt come out any said anything either, nor Cheney!

Secondly, you have been tricked regarding "terrorism" - it is a story thought up to invade Iraq for oil and now Bush holds you in the palm of his hand. When will 50% of the US wake up? :o

Say what you want I believe what I believe and putting the man back in office!!! My right I fought for that right also in Iraq so i'm excercising it :wub: You don't like it well you know where you can go I know a short pier not far from where I live. You know how to swim??

you dont have to get bitchy :D-_-:D:D:D

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Let's stay to the topic, here the latest by the NATION, Bangkok:

Kerry trails Bush in close race

Published on Nov 03 , 2004

President George W. Bush leads his Democrat rival John Kerry 249 (51%) to 242 (48%) electoral votes after 89% nationwide precints reporting. Candidate needs 270 votes to win election.

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Let's stay to the topic, here the latest by the NATION, Bangkok:

Kerry trails Bush in close race

Published on Nov 03 , 2004

President George W. Bush leads his Democrat rival John Kerry 249 (51%) to 242 (48%) electoral votes after 89% nationwide precints reporting. Candidate needs 270 votes to win election.

Im watching it live on the crappy news network - Bush has been assasinated in Ohio (figuratively speaking)

I think Jeb might of moved up there Doc. I find it a little hard to believe that the only state that can tip the scales of this election, is fatigued and have all gone to bed? :o . George has been seen (drunk and high on cocaine) lurking around the door of the election room in Ohio, jiggling keys and muttering.

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Real fun I would like

Bush 249 Kerry 242

Ohio with 20 to Bush

Iowa 7, Nevada 5, New Mexico 5, and Wisconsin 10, to Kerry.

Fair or what? :D:o

Oops, sorry, does not work 15:57 BKK-time, Nevada for Bush.

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Like him or hate him, boys & girls, he's going to be the President of the United States for the next four years.

Yep, I think you are 100% correct Boon, I am thankful we got GWB back, like one talk show host said, "GWB gets up in the morning, scratches his balls and says, "Let go kill some terrorists today" what's not to like about that attitude? This alick Kerry and his pu$$y butt kunt running mate John #*&%@!! would sell us all out in a heartbeat. :o

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Like him or hate him, boys & girls, he's going to be the President of the United States for the next four years.

Yep, I think you are 100% correct Boon, I am thankful we got GWB back, like one talk show host said, "GWB gets up in the morning, scratches his balls and says, "Let go kill some terrorists today" what's not to like about that attitude? This alick Kerry and his pu$$y butt kunt running mate John #*&%@!! would sell us all out in a heartbeat. :o

Hear Hear

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