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Thailand: 30 Years Later


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Hi everyone,

What do you think about Thailand in the future? What will change and what will not? Here are some of my predictions:

1. Most of its tourist destinations will be come so polluted. This happens because the rapid growth of hotels, resorts, and bungalows. Only few places survive.

2. Corruption will be the only way to do things in Thailand. It gradually eats the nation for more than 100 years and will continue its existence to the next century. Corrupted politicians, businessmen, and government officers will still play an important role in guiding the nation.

3. The Southmost crisis will escalate to the level that all non-Muslims have to flee the region and live somewhere else. The abuse of power and brutality will continue. The radical groups will join their forces and will become even more powerful. Finally, Thai government will have to give them a total control of the region; becoming the first independent state after being ruled by Thailand for almost 200 years.

4. Heavy traffic jam in Bangkok will still continue and will reach the dead-end. Some powerful politicians and car makers will lobby the law that authorizes a person to buy a car based on his/her income. Cars in Bangkok will move at the speed of 2 km./hrs.

5. After using many resolutions, Thailand will eventually move its capital from Bangkok to somewhere up north where the air is cleaner, have better city plan, and have more roads. Bangkok will be come the hub for travelers.

6. Thailand will become more technological advanced nation, but people moral will decline rapidly. Crimes will skyrocket, and most people cannot tell what is right and what is wrong. This happens because of the corruption in all level of Thai society. Connection is everything. Right can be wrong at any time.

These are only things in my head and they're absolutely only my concerns. What about yours?

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These are only things in my head and they're absolutely only my concerns.  What about yours?

I have other things in my head and other concerns :o

I think in 30 years time thailand will be a utopian pardice. There will be no traffic problems, no povety, everyone will lead happy and fulfilling lifes.

There will be no bar girls, as virtual reality will be so advanced you will be able to have sex with you computer. The aliens that land will teach us the futility of material possesions and supply us with the technoligy for unlimited free energy. Transporter technolegy will replace cars, and those funky replicators on star trek will give us unlimited food.

Obviously everyones first born daughter will have to be sacrificed to the alien gods, but it will be a small price to pay.

Yes I've been drinking again

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Corruption is going on and still exist into the next century. You see. There is an absolute power in this soceity. Even school students need to have some kind of connection to get them into popular schools. It starts from the lowest level....

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We live in exciting times. Almost the entire population of the world is expecting dramatic changes in the next 30 years, and most of us will witness these changes.

It is blatantly obvious to even the most conventional people that the lifestyle currently experienced cannot continue unabated. The environmental destruction, now on an accelerating path, will cause changes if we do nothing to change ourselves.

Almost everyone surely agrees that the competetive lifestyle in which we live can be improved upon. We are slowly and gradually allowing ourselves to be exterminated.

It is only the established institutions which are dragging their feet - frightened of change in case they lose some money.

Slowly, but surely, the world is awakening to its own reality. The era of money has ended. The greed and corruption and secrecy must all end, or we will all die. It is time for us to make drastic changes in the way we think and operate.

The spiritual people are expecting a raise in consciousness to save us.

The environmental people are expecting the cessation of destruction to save us.

Everyone is expecting someone else or something else to save us. Few have realised that we have to save ourselves.

The ideals of a new life will not just happen. We will not just wake up one morning and find that all of the problems have disappeared as if by magic. We ALL have to actually do something, individually and personally. We may do it as part of a group, but passive membership is no longer sufficient.

The stranglehold if governmental and corporate oppression is not making things easy for Thailand. We do not want rebellion, or war, in the negative sense. We need a form of positive understanding.

No matter which culture we have been brought up in, we all have a reasonable understanding of "right living". What we all have to do, is to make positive decisions and positive steps towards right living.

We all know what is right, yet we all continue to do what is wrong. We have egos bigger than our sense, and we have to start to think in terms bigger than ourselves.

What prevents us at present is the constant competetive attitude whereby there is also someone or something getting in the way. The resultant apathy means that most people have decided that they as an individual can have no effect on the world, but soon we will realise that the only thing which affects the world is individuals. When Thailand gets out of the out-dated class thinking, and moves to a true understanding of equality, then they will realise that each one of us is capable of having an effect. And then we will start to act, and the effect will take place.

We all know that our life styles can be better, but few of us understand what better is!.

The Thai people need to climb out from under there shells, and realise that a life in harmony is the way to go. They need to move away from the lives in which they allow themselves to be controlled by others. They need to develop an independent spirit. They need to stop judging others by there own standards, and to start to understand that we all have differnet standards. We all have a desire for freedom, to be in a position to do the things which bring us true satisfaction, without being told by some official or other that what we are doing is wrong in their eyes.

In England, over 20 years ago, eighty percent of the work force were either self-employed or worked for an organisation with less than 20 employees. But they had absolutely no voice. The only voices were those of the government, the large corporations, or the labour unions whose members worked for the large organisations. So the only voice heard came from less than 20% of the workforce, resulting in a nation organised for less than 20% of the people. This pattern is repeated throughout the planet in increasing proportions, and the percentage of Thailand's 60 million people who have a say in how their lives are controlled is minimal. This is the effect of the Western type of democracy, which is primarily controlled by Big Business, which in turn is controlled by Big Oil.

The percentage of the Thai population who have any serious contact with Big Business is minimal., and because the socalled Democratic governments of today place total emphasis on money, and therefore on business, then we have a majority of the population who have no serious representation. This is not democracy, so why do we continue to try to pretend that it is!

If Thailand is to succeed as a nation, with the traditional care and compassion for the Thai people, then they need to make some speedy and drastic changes.

They need to stand back from the usual run of the mill conversations, and look at Thailand as a part of the planet as a whole. Then they will be able to see the unique and critical position in which Thailand currently rests.

Until this is done im affraid that in no way can you predict what the next 30 years has in store for Thailand, but one thing i can guarantee is that it certainly need not be bad.


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Bravo! I love this little article so much, Noodles! :o It's so beautiful and I hope Thai people read it.

Yes, things will not turn out all that bad. It's just my predictions based on what I have seen and experienced. I am an individual who wants to see drastic changes and want my voice to be heard. But Thai society was built based on class system and egos. I am just thinking that Thailand will not change much in the next 30 years if people in the top of the ladder are still doing what they've been doing in the last 100 years or so.

Although it seem too hard to change, I am absolutely agree with you. Things need to be changed dramatically, otherwise we'll not survive the future.

Other comments are welcome!

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We live in exciting times. Almost the entire population of the world is expecting dramatic changes in the next 30 years, and most of us will witness these changes.

It is blatantly obvious to even the most conventional people that the lifestyle currently experienced cannot continue unabated. The environmental destruction, now on an accelerating path, will cause changes if we do nothing to change ourselves.

Almost everyone surely agrees that the competetive lifestyle in which we live can be improved upon. We are slowly and gradually allowing ourselves to be exterminated.

It is only the established institutions which are dragging their feet - frightened of change in case they lose some money.

Slowly, but surely, the world is awakening to its own reality. The era of money has ended. The greed and corruption and secrecy must all end, or we will all die. It is time for us to make drastic changes in the way we think and operate.

The spiritual people are expecting a raise in consciousness to save us.

The environmental people are expecting the cessation of destruction to save us.

Everyone is expecting someone else or something else to save us. Few have realised that we have to save ourselves.

The ideals of a new life will not just happen. We will not just wake up one morning and find that all of the problems have disappeared as if by magic. We ALL have to actually do something, individually and personally. We may do it as part of a group, but passive membership is no longer sufficient.

The stranglehold if governmental and corporate oppression is not making things easy for Thailand. We do not want rebellion, or war, in the negative sense. We need a form of positive understanding.

No matter which culture we have been brought up in, we all have a reasonable understanding of "right living". What we all have to do, is to make positive decisions and positive steps towards right living.

We all know what is right, yet we all continue to do what is wrong. We have egos bigger than our sense, and we have to start to think in terms bigger than ourselves.

What prevents us at present is the constant competetive attitude whereby there is also someone or something getting in the way. The resultant apathy means that most people have decided that they as an individual can have no effect on the world, but soon we will realise that the only thing which affects the world is individuals. When Thailand gets out of the out-dated class thinking, and moves to a true understanding of equality, then they will realise that each one of us is capable of having an effect. And then we will start to act, and the effect will take place.

We all know that our life styles can be better, but few of us understand what better is!.

The Thai people need to climb out from under there shells, and realise that a life in harmony is the way to go. They need to move away from the lives in which they allow themselves to be controlled by others. They need to develop an independent spirit. They need to stop judging others by there own standards, and to start to understand that we all have differnet standards. We all have a desire for freedom, to be in a position to do the things which bring us true satisfaction, without being told by some official or other that what we are doing is wrong in their eyes.

In England, over 20 years ago, eighty percent of the work force were either self-employed or worked for an organisation with less than 20 employees. But they had absolutely no voice. The only voices were those of the government, the large corporations, or the labour unions whose members worked for the large organisations. So the only voice heard came from less than 20% of the workforce, resulting in a nation organised for less than 20% of the people. This pattern is repeated throughout the planet in increasing proportions, and the percentage of Thailand's 60 million people who have a say in how their lives are controlled is minimal. This is the effect of the Western type of democracy, which is primarily controlled by Big Business, which in turn is controlled by Big Oil.

The percentage of the Thai population who have any serious contact with Big Business is minimal., and because the socalled Democratic governments of today place total emphasis on money, and therefore on business, then we have a majority of the population who have no serious representation. This is not democracy, so why do we continue to try to pretend that it is!

If Thailand is to succeed as a nation, with the traditional care and compassion for the Thai people, then they need to make some speedy and drastic changes.

They need to stand back from the usual run of the mill conversations, and look at Thailand as a part of the planet as a whole. Then they will be able to see the unique and critical position in which Thailand currently rests.

Until this is done im affraid that in no way can you predict what the next 30 years has in store for Thailand, but one thing i can guarantee is that it certainly need not be bad.


Very nice post. :o

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Farangs will make up more than 50% of the population with most of them living in the North East areas.....The Farangs will then demand an independant state....to be called USENGAUSGERLAND...with the currency POUDOLEUR....They will be granted everything east of Korat....With the influx of foreign money, this will become the most powerful nation in the region and will overthrow the government of President Thaksin the 3rd. The ousted Thai people will move into Laos, Cambodia, Burma and Malaysia....and the whole ###### thing will happen again. In a further 30 years, we will live on the Planet USENGAUSGERLAND and there will be a global currency called the POUDOLEUR. Will it ever end ?????

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Bravo!  I love this little article so much, Noodles! :D  It's so beautiful and I hope Thai people read it.

Yes, things will not turn out all that bad.  It's just my predictions based on what I have seen and experienced.  I am an individual who wants to see drastic changes and want my voice to be heard.  But Thai society was built based on class system and egos.  I am just thinking that Thailand will not change much in the next 30 years if people in the top of the ladder are still doing what they've been doing in the last 100 years or so. 

Although it seem too hard to change, I am absolutely agree with you.  Things need to be changed dramatically, otherwise we'll not survive the future.

Other comments are welcome!

I agree, fantastic Noodles :D - are you are writer?

Don't you think that changes in the West will have to lead the way, though?


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Well done English Noodles, it's just a shame that more people on this forum are not as inteligent as you are, if this had been a thread about Bar Girls it would have had loads of replys on it but as you poted a very good reply to the original post people read and then dont know what to do because they are so used to replying to shit.

Anyway well done at least i can say i have read one thing that is constructive on this forum. Good post if ever there was one.

Cheers Mango.

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The radical groups will join their forces and will become even more powerful. Finally, Thai government will have to give them a total control of the region; becoming the first independent state after being ruled by Thailand for almost 200 years.

Actually, Thailand officially annexed the region, formerly the Pattani Sultanate ( with it's muslim population ), around the beginning of the 20th century. :o

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Hi everyone,

What do you think about Thailand in the future?

I think Thailand in the future will sooner or later become a satellite servitor nation , if not the newest Province, of a "Greater China". I don't think it will be because of invasion. There will probably be a flood of new Chinese immigrants, and along with the local Chinese - Thai , they will eventually outnumber, dominate, and absorb the local Thai populations, just as the Thais did to the Mons and the Khmers in the past. In a hundred years, it will be almost impossible to actually physically distinguish a Thai from a Chinese person. Thai will still be spoken, but most people in the cities will know mostly Chinese and English. The future population of the country will probably have more in common and more affinity with China than Thailand.

China may even permit Thailand to continue to be economically independent for Business reasons. As for corruption, I think that as (Chinese ) Thai government and business progresses , the degree of corruption will be hopefully much less, because the local economy will be better (?) in the future. Not to mention depending on how much influence the future Central Chinese government exerts, it being the future regional power of Asia.

But then again, the chance of this ever possibly happening is probably about the same as Thailand becoming the 67th state of America. :o

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  • 4 weeks later...
We live in exciting times. Almost the entire population of the world is expecting dramatic changes in the next 30 years, and most of us will witness these changes.

It is blatantly obvious to even the most conventional people that the lifestyle currently experienced cannot continue unabated. The environmental destruction, now on an accelerating path, will cause changes if we do nothing to change ourselves.

Almost everyone surely agrees that the competetive lifestyle in which we live can be improved upon. We are slowly and gradually allowing ourselves to be exterminated.

It is only the established institutions which are dragging their feet - frightened of change in case they lose some money.

Slowly, but surely, the world is awakening to its own reality. The era of money has ended. The greed and corruption and secrecy must all end, or we will all die. It is time for us to make drastic changes in the way we think and operate.

The spiritual people are expecting a raise in consciousness to save us.

The environmental people are expecting the cessation of destruction to save us.

Everyone is expecting someone else or something else to save us. Few have realised that we have to save ourselves.

The ideals of a new life will not just happen. We will not just wake up one morning and find that all of the problems have disappeared as if by magic. We ALL have to actually do something, individually and personally. We may do it as part of a group, but passive membership is no longer sufficient.

The stranglehold if governmental and corporate oppression is not making things easy for Thailand. We do not want rebellion, or war, in the negative sense. We need a form of positive understanding.

No matter which culture we have been brought up in, we all have a reasonable understanding of "right living". What we all have to do, is to make positive decisions and positive steps towards right living.

We all know what is right, yet we all continue to do what is wrong. We have egos bigger than our sense, and we have to start to think in terms bigger than ourselves.

What prevents us at present is the constant competetive attitude whereby there is also someone or something getting in the way. The resultant apathy means that most people have decided that they as an individual can have no effect on the world, but soon we will realise that the only thing which affects the world is individuals. When Thailand gets out of the out-dated class thinking, and moves to a true understanding of equality, then they will realise that each one of us is capable of having an effect. And then we will start to act, and the effect will take place.

We all know that our life styles can be better, but few of us understand what better is!.

The Thai people need to climb out from under there shells, and realise that a life in harmony is the way to go. They need to move away from the lives in which they allow themselves to be controlled by others. They need to develop an independent spirit. They need to stop judging others by there own standards, and to start to understand that we all have differnet standards. We all have a desire for freedom, to be in a position to do the things which bring us true satisfaction, without being told by some official or other that what we are doing is wrong in their eyes.

In England, over 20 years ago, eighty percent of the work force were either self-employed or worked for an organisation with less than 20 employees. But they had absolutely no voice. The only voices were those of the government, the large corporations, or the labour unions whose members worked for the large organisations. So the only voice heard came from less than 20% of the workforce, resulting in a nation organised for less than 20% of the people. This pattern is repeated throughout the planet in increasing proportions, and the percentage of Thailand's 60 million people who have a say in how their lives are controlled is minimal. This is the effect of the Western type of democracy, which is primarily controlled by Big Business, which in turn is controlled by Big Oil.

The percentage of the Thai population who have any serious contact with Big Business is minimal., and because the socalled Democratic governments of today place total emphasis on money, and therefore on business, then we have a majority of the population who have no serious representation. This is not democracy, so why do we continue to try to pretend that it is!

If Thailand is to succeed as a nation, with the traditional care and compassion for the Thai people, then they need to make some speedy and drastic changes.

They need to stand back from the usual run of the mill conversations, and look at Thailand as a part of the planet as a whole. Then they will be able to see the unique and critical position in which Thailand currently rests.

Until this is done im affraid that in no way can you predict what the next 30 years has in store for Thailand, but one thing i can guarantee is that it certainly need not be bad.


The Future of Thailand

(Written September 1998)

(This document is a follow-on from Two Alternatives )


We live in exciting times. Almost the entire population of the world is expecting dramatic changes in the next 20 years, and most of us will witness these changes.

It is blatantly obvious to even the most conventional people that the lifestyle currently experienced cannot continue unabated. The environmental destruction, now on an accelerating path, will cause changes if we do nothing to change ourselves.

Almost everyone surely agrees that the competetive lifestyle in which we live can be improved upon. We are slowly and gradually allowing ourselves to be exterminated.

There are now literally thousands of groups active around the world who are vividly aware of our self-destruction, and who are organising meetings, carnivals, newspapers, articles and books in a last minute effort to ensure survival.

It is only the established institutions which are dragging their feet - frightened of change in case they lose some money.

Slowly, but surely, the world is awakening to its own reality. The era of money has ended. The greed and corruption and secrecy must all end, or we will all die. It is time for us to make drastic changes in the way we think and operate.

The spiritual people are expecting a raise in consciousness to save us.

The environmental people are expecting the cessation of destruction to save us.

Everyone is expecting someone else or something else to save us. Few have realised that we have to save ourselves.

The ideals of a new life will not just happen. We will not just wake up one morning and find that all of the problems have disappeared as if by magic. We ALL have to actually do something, individually and personally. We may do it as part of a group, but passive membership is no longer sufficient. We have to make decisions regarding adjustments. We have to stop doing what our neighbour is doing, just because it is "expected". What is expected now is total disaster, so we had better so doing something unexpected. We have to realise that what we did yesterday is destructive, and that tomorrow we must act differently.

The stranglehold if governmental and corporate oppression is not making things easy for us. We do not want rebellion, or war, in the negative sense. We need a form of positive understanding.

No matter which culture we have been brought up in, we all have a reasonable understanding of "right living". What we all have to do, is to make positive decisions and positive steps towards right living.

We all know what is right, yet we all continue to do what is wrong. We have egos bigger than our sense, and we have to start to think in terms bigger than ourselves. This enables us to understand the reason for our existence, and to move towards the feeling of true brotherhood of all sentient beings on the planet.

We can all co-operate together for the good of all - a far superior lifestyle to constant competing against each other for the good of ourselves. If something needs to be done, and it is done in a co-operative way, then achievement is simple. What prevents us at present is the constant competetive attitude whereby there is also someone or something getting in the way. The resultant apathy means that most people have decided that they as an individual can have no effect on the world, but soon we will realise that the only thing which affects the world is individuals. When we get out of the out-dated class thinking, and move to a true understanding of equality, then we realise that each one of us is capable of having an effect. And then we will start to act, and the effect will take place.

We all know that our life styles can be better, but few of us understand what better is!.

In Thailand at present, we are in a position to be front runners in effecting the global changes necessary. We have the opportunity to examine our lives, think for ourselves, and stop following others down the same mistaken path. We can stand up and be counted, and decide to ###### with the Western greedy methods, and promote the Eastern loving methods.

It is now a serious case of LEARN TO LOVE - OR DIE.

We need to climb out from under our shells, and realise that a life in harmony is the way to go. We need to move away from the lives in which we allow ourselves to be controlled by others. We need to develop an independent spirit which is driven by the love of our fellow man. We need to stop judging others by our own standards, and to start to understand that we all have differnet standards. We all have a desire for freedom, to be in a position to do the things which bring us true satisfaction, without being told by some official or other that what we are doing is wrong in their eyes. When we love our fellow man, we have no desire to conduct ourselves in a manner which brings pain or hardship to anyone or anything, and we start to operate on a basis of "right living".


The action of Mr Mahathir and friends, in fixing the Malaysian ringit independent of other world currencies is yet to be proven. In only three days the Malaysian stock exchange saw an increase of 35%, during a period when all other stock exchanges were falling.

The reason for this is that people are realising that in one fell swoop, the major controlling tentacle of the Fourth Reich, and one of its operating divisions, The IMF, has been severed, and now there is a chance of escape from the fatal grasp. Now, for the first time ever in history, the role of the small business will be understood.

In England, 20 years ago, eighty percent of the work force were either self-employed or worked for an organisation with less than 20 employees. But they had absolutely no voice. The only voices were those of the government, the large corporations, or the labour unions whose members worked for the large organisations. So the only voice heard came from less than 20% of the workforce, resulting in a nation organised for less than 20% of the people. This pattern is repeated throughout the planet in increasing proportions, and the percentage of Thailand's 60 million people who have a say in how their lives are controlled is minimal. This is the effect of the Western type of democracy, which is primarily controlled by Big Business, which in turn is controlled by Big Oil.

Thailand does not need this type of democracy. The percentage of the Thai population who have any serious contact with Big Business is minimal., and because the socalled Democratic governments of today place total emphasis on money, and therefore on business, then we have a majority of the population who have no serious representation. This is not democracy, so why do we continue to try to pretend that it is!

If Thailand is to succeed as a nation, with the traditional care and compassion for the Thai people, then we need to make some speedy and drastic changes.

We need to stand back from the usual run of the mill conversations, and look at Thailand as a part of the planet as a whole. Then we will be able to see the unique and critical position in which Thailand currently rests.

The details of the two sides of the see-saw are outlined in an earlier document entiltled "Two alternatives for Thailand". This document was produced in April '98, and the effects of considering only one of the alternatives over the past 6 months is clearly demonstrating the increasing urgency for a consideration of the other alternative. ( (See - Two Alternatives for Thailand) .

As a result of the current emergency situation, we now feel it necessary to begin to outline the details of how to put the alternative in to operation. We refer to this as Plan B for Thailand, or simply Plan B. Plan B for Thailand .

The timing is now absolutely perfect for an IMMEDIATE decision which will start off the path to the New Thailand.

Now that Mr Mahathir has fixed the Malaysian ringit, and has effectively created an independent state within the global economy, Thailand must find it easy to follow suit.

With the ringit and baht fixed, the small businessman would no longer be paying fluctuating prices for his imports, and will be receiving reasonably fixed prices for his exports. If we assume that the average business makes no more than 20% net profit, and we then further know that a currency fluctuation on a purchase can increase the price overnight by as much as 5%, and similarly a further 5% loss can be made on export, then it becomes obvious that at least half of the money which a small businessman has at his discretion requires to be reserved for the gambles of currency fluctuation. This has the effect of millions of people concentrating on currency fluctuations, instead of concentrating on their business. The trading in currencies in 1975 consisted of 20% speculative transactions, and 80% "real" transactions. Today, the real transactions are only 2.5%. (80% to 2.5% in only 23 years - See From the Real Economy to the Speculative by Bernard Liataer)

Even the thousands of "one-man/woman" vending" business, (who are never considered) are seriously affected. As prices fluctuate rapidly due to "inflation" or "currency changes" or import taxes, or crop shortages or whatever, the control of even the smallest business becomes a gamble, and whenever a gamble takes place, it is always the small time gambler, or poor person, who loses.

Once this currency noose is removed, and total concentration on business is again available, then the business will flourish.

By removing ourselves from the control of The Fourth Reich's (see Earth Read-Out for an explanation of the Fourth Reich), currency controllers, operating through the IMF and World Bank, then we are more able to be in control of our own lives.

Many small businessmen (and women) in Thailand have no interest whatever in growing into one of the megacorporations which have a say in the controls provided by the Fourth Reich. The main idea of their business is to allow them to use their talents for the benefit of others, while securing a reasonable livelihood for their family. They have no desire to sell and move on, or to become in charge of thousands of employees. They are not on the same power trail as the people who run the megacorporations, and they prefers not to deal with them as suppliers. Their preferred suppliers are small businesses similar to their own, where needs can be discussed between the persons in charge of the businesses, thereby ensuring a more full understanding of the two needs. What chance of talking to Bill Gates about buying Office 97! for my small business?

So what is proposed now, is that this present time - today- is the absolutely perfect time for Thailand to put into action Plan B:


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Looks like someone 'noodled' that article... :o

Thailand in 30 years:

Thaksin will have consolidated his no-nonsense approach to care for Thailand and its people.

-Presisency of the nation will be inherited by birthright.

-Thaksin will have asked the US for assistance to free the South from the evil grip of Islam. All Muslims will have volunteered to convert or are held on offshore islands under the Thai patriot act. US military bases along the borders of Thailand will secure peace and stability in the region.

-The elite card will have become a huge success, because only the cream of world tourists will be allowed to enter Thailand, i.e. those who hold the card. Work permits and marriage visas will only be issued to responsible owners of the platinum elite card.

-Social benefits of 1000 bht/year will be paid to low income families, financed by the elite card scheme. In return families will offer their teenage virgins to Thai/Chinese businessmen and send the eldest daughter to work in the government owned entertainment zones.

-The government will further the advance of modern technology, owners of mobiles with AIS contracts are eligible for discounts to use the net of 3-story superhighways stretching over major cities. Income tax benefits for all families who own more than one car or two taxis.

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I doubt that is will be as much fund. I am already hearing from long termers, that the best days are behind us. I would suspect that the more the country develops, the less fun it will end up being.

Long termers always say things like this! Its a way of re-inforcing their credentials. I wouldn't worry about the best days being behind us. They are yet to come.

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Thank you, Golf, for your thought-provoking message.

I will add some comments and my own predictions.


"Corruption will be the only way to do things in Thailand."

There are only two ways to operate a society: rule of law or rule by power. Complete rule of law is un-common in the world today. Where law is not treasured, power fills the vacuum. "Corruption" is a symptom of rule by power. Power can be invested in one person, racial/ethnic groups, one "party", a military junta, etc. Where power rules, corruption is inevitable.


"The South crisis will escalate to the level that all non-Muslims have to flee"

Flee or submit or die. That is the effect of Muslim expansion everywhere in the world. That is the goal of Islam - to have the entire world submit to Allah. The Koran commands Muslims to "slay the infidel by fire and sword wherever you find him."

However, until the Muslims achieve their ultimate goal, Thailand will be a relatively safe location in which to "sit out" this World War III - the war of the Muslims against the West. No place will be perfectly safe, but since Thailand is neither Christian nor Western, it will be less threatened than many other areas.


"Heavy traffic jam in Bangkok will still continue and will reach the dead-end."

I have been amazed and impressed with the ingenuity of Thais in solving problems in individual ways. Motorcycles are not only cheaper than cars, but they go places cars can not go - such as between lanes of stalled cars and along footpaths. As traffic jams get worse, Thai ingenuity will find solutions which I can not imagine.


"people moral will decline rapidly. Crimes will skyrocket, and most people cannot tell what is right and what is wrong. "

This is happening everywhere. Thailand is not immune. The world is awash in moral sewage. I constantly look for a country or a social group which is successful at maintaining high moral values. I find none.


Now to add a few predictions:

The number of Caucasian/Western men coming to Thailand will increase greatly. They (we) are being driven out of our home countries by the combined spread of feminism and multi-culturalism. More and more men will come here for vacations or long-stay. In coming years, it will become an invasion of such men. The tipping point will be future attacks by the Muslims on Western countries. After each attack, more and more men will look for safe havens. Thailand is one of the few.

With that, prices for all housing, goods and services will increase. Right now Thailand is a low-cost place to vacation and to live. That will change as more and more Western men come here.

Finally, the social and legal attacks on Caucasian/Western men which are escalating in the Western countries, will gradually envelope Thailand. The UN and NGO organizations will come in with "programs" which are to benefit "women and girls", or to "fight AIDS" or to "prevent human trafficking" or to reduce "domestic violence". That is just the opening wedge. Obviously, all such programs appear to do some good deed. It is interesting how many such programs target the behavior of men. Attacking men is very fashionable in all Western countries, with the possible exception of Latin America. Such indirect attacks on men are not yet fashionable in Thailand. That will change - as Western TV and movies get absorbed into the Thai psyche.


Yet, Thailand is the best option I've found for long-term living. I wish it were possible to build a wall all around the Kingdom, and keep outside influences out. Certainly, I am not the only one with this wish.

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However, until the Muslims achieve their ultimate goal, Thailand will be a relatively safe location


The number of Caucasian/Western men coming to Thailand will increase greatly.  They (we) are being driven out of our home countries by the combined spread of  feminism and multi-culturalism.


Finally, the social and legal attacks on Caucasian/Western men which are escalating in the Western countries, will gradually envelope Thailand.  The UN and NGO organizations will come in with "programs" which are  to benefit "women and girls", or to "fight AIDS" or to "prevent human trafficking" or to reduce "domestic violence". 


Yet, Thailand is the best option I've found for long-term living.  I wish it were possible to build a wall all around the Kingdom, and keep outside influences out.  Certainly, I am not the only one with this wish.

Yes, you will have to learn to respect and tolerate others, including Muslims, women and children, although you can presently get away with insulting and abusing these groups in Thailand. I hope no walls will be built around Thailand, but foreign misogynists send home to deal with their problems there.
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Mr-dave. you sum up a lovely image of yourself, racist, sexist, mysoginistic do you feel like you have been hounded out of the west because you can't wear aviators and cowboy boots there? Do the western women you meet resent you patting them on their arse and telling them to run along? Anacronism is a word that springs to mind.

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The number of Caucasian/Western men coming to Thailand will increase greatly.  They (we) are being driven out of our home countries by the combined spread of   feminism and multi-culturalism.  More and more men will come here for vacations or long-stay.  In coming years, it will become an invasion of such men.  The tipping   point will be future attacks by the Muslims on Western countries.  After each  attack, more and more men will look for safe havens.  Thailand is one of the few.

Finally, the social and legal attacks on Caucasian/Western men which are escalating in the Western countries, will gradually envelope Thailand.  The UN and NGO organizations will come in with "programs" which are  to benefit "women and girls", or to "fight AIDS" or to "prevent human trafficking" or to reduce "domestic violence".   That is just the opening wedge.  Obviously, all such programs appear to do some    good deed.  It is interesting how many such programs target the behavior of men.  Attacking men is very fashionable in all Western countries, with the possible exception of Latin America.   Such indirect attacks on men are not yet fashionable in Thailand.  That will change - as Western TV and movies get absorbed into the Thai psyche.


Yet, Thailand is the best option I've found for long-term living.  I wish it were possible to build a wall all around the Kingdom, and keep outside influences out.  Certainly, I am not the only one with this wish.

Certainly, you are not the only one with this wish. But just as certainly, in due time, you will not be the only one, along with pedophiles, racists, and washed-up misogynists who have nowhere else to go. Because in due time, even women in countries like Thailand and Cambodia, will have enough combined legal and economic power to send men like you to the real place they deserve.

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Thailand will become more and more overrun with Westerners and Chinese... and it will improve dramatically economy-wise. But it's future will depend on the outcome of the war.

As G. W. Bush said, "This is a different kind of war."


Let's hope that Thailand is around in 30 years... I doubt it will be... not as we know it.

I think so too, the US and China will seek more influence in the political as well as economic arena, China is yet to assert its full fledged influence as a world power, but it has a clear advantage in this world region.

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A word or two of possible comfort, amongst so much doom and gloom.

I first came to Thailand forty years ago, when it took 15 minutes to drive from Don Muang Airport to the National Stadium, and another 15 minutes from there to Klong Toey. The Vietnam war was in full swing, (nothing to do with me, guv!), and both the US dollar and a litre of singha were both worth 20 baht.(In aircon bars). Wide open spaces every where.

The graft and corruption were there, just as now, and all the seemingly pointless rules regarding emmigration and residency, just as frustrating as now.

The only major change has really only been the volume of traffic, and the consequent difficulties, and the changes to infrastructure that this increase demanded by that change.

The Thai people are just the same now as then, warm, friendly and welcoming. Yes there are rogues and villains, but what society is devoid of these? Adopt the Thai attitude of forbearance and be aware, the rogues can generally be seen comming, and can be avoided with vigilance.

It is a good place to be, and, despite the changes, will remain so for the forseeable future. :o

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To see the future you must remind yourself that history repeats itself.

Read "A Brief History of Thailand" ... not very brief, and available at DK and other book stores.

As bad luck would have it ... Burma conquers Siam/Thailand every other century or so ... :o

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