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Schengen Visa

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Here´s the deal:

My wife got a schengen visa and she arrived in copenhagen airport the 6th of june. The schengen visa is for 90 days off course. We have a return ticket for the 5th of september. When we arrived in copenhagen she never got a arrival stamp in her passport. Therefore i am scared that they might look at the dep. stamp from Bkk (5th june) when they count the 90 days. If that happens, (and i would like your oppinions if you think there is a chans for that), her 90 days is due already on september 4th, the day before departure. In that case she wil end up with one day overstay. I would like to know how that is solved over here. Is it as easy as in asia (pay overstay fee and move on) or is it more serious?

Thankful for advise.

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Better go to immigration and get that stamp and tell them your concerns. That will show your good intentions.

They are normal people too and will understand your concern and correct it.

It was their mistake afterall, but leave that unmentioned, nobody likes to be accused.

And you don't want to overstay. It will have consequences. The least will be a difficult visa the next time.

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Better go to immigration and get that stamp and tell them your concerns. That will show your good intentions.

They are normal people too and will understand your concern and correct it.

It was their mistake afterall, but leave that unmentioned, nobody likes to be accused.

And you don't want to overstay. It will have consequences. The least will be a difficult visa the next time.

Kind of thought so too. The athority here in Sweden (migrationsverket) who handle these things have closed down for the weekend so im gonna call them on monday. Just thought there might be someone on this forum who know. But your probably right that i have nothing to worry about since it is their "fault" in the begining. Allthough i think it is actually my wifes responsibility to check the passport when she get it back from arrival. Im sure they will help me on monday.

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My wife got a schengen visa and she arrived in copenhagen airport the 6th of june. The schengen visa is for 90 days off course. We have a return ticket for the 5th of september.

Wouldn't 6th of June to 5th of September actually be 92 days so she would be on overstay whether they think she arrived on the 5th or 6th?


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My wife got a schengen visa and she arrived in copenhagen airport the 6th of june. The schengen visa is for 90 days off course. We have a return ticket for the 5th of september.

Wouldn't 6th of June to 5th of September actually be 92 days so she would be on overstay whether they think she arrived on the 5th or 6th?


From the 6th of june to 5th of september it should be 91 days. A friend of mine did it this way and in copenhagen they said it was ok to leave before 12 the day after visa expires. That did not count as overstay until after 12. This is something that might be wrong to. Have to call them on monday.....

Confusion is total at this point!

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My wife got a schengen visa and she arrived in copenhagen airport the 6th of june. The schengen visa is for 90 days off course. We have a return ticket for the 5th of september.

Wouldn't 6th of June to 5th of September actually be 92 days so she would be on overstay whether they think she arrived on the 5th or 6th?


From the 6th of june to 5th of september it should be 91 days. A friend of mine did it this way and in copenhagen they said it was ok to leave before 12 the day after visa expires. That did not count as overstay until after 12. This is something that might be wrong to. Have to call them on monday.....

Confusion is total at this point!

Normally both the day you arrive and the day you leave are counted making June 6th to September 5th 92 days, at least that would be the case if you were entering Thailand (I don't know if they count it differently for a Schengen visa). So if she were indeed allowed to leave before 12 on the day after the visa expires (sounds very strange to me) she would still have to leave on September 4th.


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From nyidanmark.dk (published by the Danish Immigration services):

How long can you stay?

A visa allows you to stay a maximum of 90 days per 6 months in Denmark.

A visa normally grants you the right to stay in the entire Schengen region. The Schengen countries are Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

If you are a citizen of a country with no visa requirement to enter Denmark, you can also stay in the Schengen region for a maximum of 90 days per 6 months.

The six-month period is calculated from the date of first entry into the Schengen region.
Both the entire day of the date of entry and the entire day of the date of exit are included in the number of days you have stayed in the Schengen region - regardless of the time of day the entry or exit took place.

It sound pretty clear to me that arriving on June 6th you would be on overstay if leaving September 5th.


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From nyidanmark.dk (published by the Danish Immigration services):

How long can you stay?

A visa allows you to stay a maximum of 90 days per 6 months in Denmark.

A visa normally grants you the right to stay in the entire Schengen region. The Schengen countries are Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

If you are a citizen of a country with no visa requirement to enter Denmark, you can also stay in the Schengen region for a maximum of 90 days per 6 months.

The six-month period is calculated from the date of first entry into the Schengen region.
Both the entire day of the date of entry and the entire day of the date of exit are included in the number of days you have stayed in the Schengen region - regardless of the time of day the entry or exit took place.

It sound pretty clear to me that arriving on June 6th you would be on overstay if leaving September 5th.


Yes, i am also afraid that it will be an overstay. Have to call them tomorrow and ask what that means over here. I´ll come back with the answer in case anyone is in a similar situation. Thanks.

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  • 2 months later...

Just for the sake of it i´ll give you the end of this story:

E-mailed Immigration in Sweden (migrationsverket) in good time and got the answer that if my wife stays longer than her visa she will need to apply for an extention about 3 weeks before departure and pay 1000 kronor (100 euros) for this.

I spoke to a friend who has his Philipino gf here all the time and he said this is always approved, they want the money.

However, due to different things i never managed to go there in time and the last few days i was swetting over how this would end. My wife coming to copenhagen airport with 2-3 (depending on how you count) days overstay i her passport, leaving for Thailand.

She went yesterday evening and i could follow her only to securitycheck. I told her too call me after she passed passcontrol so i could go home from Denmark. She never called. I tried to call her but our phones did not connect in Denmark. This morning i called her and she is now in Bangkok. What happened in passcontrol? Nothing! At all! No comments. And probably they did not even notice.

Conclusion: Since they did not give her an arrivalstamp, and did not look at her visa when she arrived, nor when she left, with 2-3 days overstay, i am not even sure why to go true the hassle of getting a visa in the first place!

Now i just hope this not get us into future problems when we apply for visas or residentship. Maybe she should apply for a new "clean" passport for next time.....

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