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The Troubles Of Rapid Urbanisation!


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Gas guzzling -unsafe from rollover Unsafe fom crashes unsafe for others on the road ,

Why does anyone need such a big vehicle ?

I'll answer your question .... :o

Just look at the steep hill road and rutted unpaved roads = 4 wheel drive + high clearance required.

Yes gas guzzling, but not diesil guzzling. Unsafe .... ?? where you get that idea. Bigger vehicles survive better in crashes.

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Yes I'm afraid I agree SuV drivers tend toward pomposity and I'd add stupidity with a propensity for sheep like " must conform "behavior

Gas guzzling -unsafe from rollover Unsafe fom crashes unsafe for others on the road ,

Why does anyone need such a big vehicle ?

What are they trying to make up for??

Oh.... I see

it's really sad that you compare car size with phallus sizes because you cannot afford a big car.

As you know phuket as shittons of hills. Most thai cars CANNOT go up in there. My gf's honda jazz with vtec in manual mode on first or second speed cant even go over 35km/h in patong hills.

With a 130hp+ SUV/pickup, you can definately get more power(still bloody slow since small lady cars in most countries start at 130hp)

Also living in phuket, you have to deal with expensive taxis, what do u do if you want to buy house appliance? pay up? neh.. what about big dogs? kids? much safer for kids to be in a toyota fortuner that looks good than in a crappy honda city Z that looks horrible.

over the years i have also noticed that people making remarks like you usualy have a small one themselves...

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Regarding the other drivers here on the Island, and considering the amount who really actually have a drivers license, I would rather be in a Fortuner.

I bought a nice pretty blue one, and I absolutely love it.

Rawai muggings are typically confused with dumb drunk farangs that stay at the bars way too late, and are spotted by criminals and robbed for being so stupid.

If you read the incidents, they never happen during normal bar business hours. Always way after closing time.

As far as riding a bike here? You might as well go swimming with Amanda.

And I agree with Bob, Amanda and Huggy should make out already.


P.S. It is huge!

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Well, they drive really fast.... it's just a village with skinny roads - not the M5! What's wrong with 'pompous'? :o

Yes. Arrogant also pops to mind. The ones straddling the center line I call KOR. King of the Road. My 400 gets zero respect from the massive boat drivers (Fortuners).

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Please would the OP consider retitling this thread as it is misleading when first read.

OK - how about "Phuket infrastructure sucks for silly rich farang investors and other alien residents"?

Why am I sitting outside Don's Mall (thankyou Don!) sending an urgent email to a client on the otherside of the world - risking being mugged in the early hours? Because I can't get a phone line to my house and all other satellite technology is blocked for one reason or another~

How did you become a super moderator by making conflicting and confusing posts like that. Utter nonsense, first complaining about old days and then about modern technology. Might as well delete the whole post for what it is worth.

Perhaps, because I am a human wanting the best of both worlds - some may call it SUSTAINABILITY.

A definition of Nirvana: An ideal condition of rest, harmony, stability, or joy. Or another : a place or state of oblivion to care, pain, or external reality; also : bliss, heaven b: a goal hoped for but apparently unattainable : dream

Nirvana is in the eye of the beholder? :o

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On the one hand, you decry the loss of rice paddy field and buffaloes to make way for development while on the other, you are complaining about the crap technology.

What do you want? Make up your mind, you can't have it both ways........

Oh Sir Burr I am farang lady- I don't know want you want ............. you don't try to undertand me?

Seriously - it's a case of combining urban and rural/ black and white. Let us wait and see the combined ideas ?

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