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yup, takes a while to set up, but once in the hub we can help talk you through it. And once set up it is easy to use.

The IP address that you find through whatismyip.com and portforeward etc. is the external IP which is a transparent proxy in the case of TRUE. I would recommend that people use their own IP as assigned by TRUE each time you log on to the internet. This you will find by clicking on the internet cennection icon in the task bar, and then 'details' - copy the clinet IP address.

Couldn't say for sure but I think that it can stop you being monitored by (un)TRUE, and also means you do not get bottlenecked at the proxy

Though the instructions are long, it is pretty intuitive. If you can't get in, leave it for 10 mins, as sometimes the hub goes offline for a short while (UL and DL will continue), or check that there is no new IP for the hub.

If you have no router, and just use a modem there is no need to set ports etc. Each time you connect, Zone Alarm for example will ask if you grant access rights to DC++.

NOTE on sharing. It is of little use to share music files as there are not enough people on the hub to make music sharing viable. If that is all you have to hit the 2GB limit then ok but in the long term people will become unhappy with you if you have nothing they want. 'Ares' is a much better p2p for music.

It is also of little use to be in the hub at the same time as BTing as it slows the hub transfer speeds, defeating the object of the experiment. Shut down DC++ while using BT.

Anyone just investigating, sometimes in the hub although users are connected there is noone looking at the screen and so it will seem as though the hub is empty. Just stay connected and someone turns up after a while



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Still alive and kicking, currently on

See instructions above. It may sound difficult but it really isn't.



must think if someone can take over the hub for a few month, I am getting crazy with my work at the moment and 200 Mill people are asking me things every day.

And I am already half dead, but still not rich :o




I can't connect to hub - could be just me????


New hub on

Open hub - no name or pass required.

Please note this hub is for users in Thailand only.

Active mode only allowed. 2 slots open required. 2 GB share (movies)



'parently does not work. ???

Set up a new hub in the favourite hubs (yellow star) No name or pass, just the IP!

I'm out at work for the day. Back at 8 PM. hub is up and running.

ahhh, what a muppet I am. Correct IP :-


2 minute power cut - whole block. Guess I need a new UPS. Any advice on which brand to get???

New IP

We REALLY gotto sort this permanent DNS thing instead of these IP games.


Ok I tried the redirection - experimenting with it.

Lance - never saw you in the hub, or are you under a different name. No name or password is required for the time being.


cheers Kabal. I found a place too for free and it seems to work.

SO TO ALL hub users: try the following in the IP box in favourite hubs:


It seems to work ok. but I will still post the IP too in case of problems. When the hub goes down I will go and update the redirection at cjb to the new address so it will take a few minutes

You should be able to click the green reconnect arrows at the top to continue. UL and DL continue even without the hub connected.


you shouldn't need a user name or password. Most likely you are not in ACTIVE mode (file/settings - put in your current IP each time it changes)

Or you do not have 2 upload slots free. file/settings/sharing

Or you have less than 2 Gig in your share folder.

Under favourite hubs, click new and then just put in :

expathub.cjb.net (permanent)

or the curreint IP which is (this changes each 24 hours)

under the address box (2nd box)

then click connect. I suspect that you might not have put the hub into favourite hubs and it is trying to connect to a different server. Anyway I shall put in your name with Pass=name . You can change your pass later.

New IP:

today true has problems over here, so not sure if everything is working

Hi there... I believe all my settings are currently correct....but im getting a

" refused by target machine " upon connecting. Any thoughts? Or is there a new ip. available ?


Guess you figured it out :o Hows KSC working for you?  You are the first non-True user on the hub... the URL for hub that auto updates is


Everybody with broadband in Thailand welcome. Please share stuff you would find interesting yourself - movies, music, programs etc. Movies are the most popular. The more the better.

Download the client program at this address: Sourceforge

Cheers :D


listen - this thread was discontinued and the Thailands own file share is more up to date especially with the latest dydns :-

expathub.dyndns.tv is supposed to be the new one though

expathub.cjb.net has been discontinued.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...


+ DC++ v0.673 (Installer)

+ DC++ v0.673 (Binary)

+ DC++ v0.673 (Source)

In DC++, I have to choose which one of these to download.

Yikes, which one ?!

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