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Just got out of the hospital a couple of days ago with "the bad kind" of dengue. My platelet count dropped to a shocking 11,000. A "normal" person should have between 150,000 and 400,000. It was 7 days in the Ram. Luckily insured, as the bill was costly. In addition to the dengue, I now have an infection in my hand where the IV was taken out. A bummer all around. We hypothesize that this was likely my second go of dengue, explaining the severity.

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Just got out of hospital after 7 days with Dengue Fever Type 1 but still very tired.

Got it ChiangMai 2 weeks ago.

Be careful!


If you guys do a little simple Internet research you will find an effective treatment for dengue. I have been taking MMS for 4 weeks now, with only beneficial effects. Although I have not been exposed to dengue, I will continue to take the drops as prophylaxis in infected areas. Kills malaria and all harmful pathogens within hours. This one works.

{URL snipped}


Looks like utter hogwash to me....I'm sorry for anyone who falls for that.....it's your money...just hope you don't end up in hospital from it.

Looks like utter hogwash to me....I'm sorry for anyone who falls for that.....it's your money...just hope you don't end up in hospital from it.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident

-- Arthur Schopenhauer

You're still a first-stager. Cost is a few Baht and a bit of lime juice. I've been taking MMS for 4 weeks and never felt better! If you take the trouble to read the material you will understand how it works. It could change the world's health for the better, but the New World Order wouldn't be too happy ... too many survivors; too many healthy, smart people to challenge them.

Dengue has 4 strains and if you get one you are likely to be immune from that one but not the other 3. Subsequent infections (unlikely the first) mean you are more likely to catch Dengue Haemorrhagic fever, which is when you can severely bleed and die.


Aedes mosquitoes spread Dengue. They are the cute stripey ones that like to hide under your computer desk :o


Catch or develop Dengue Haemorrhagic fever - again i need to check but I do not beleive any one strain is the haemorraghic one and that it can "Develop" from any of the strains due to the bodies own immune system and how it reacts - I really need to check with a Dr but none of them are at their desks right now

Bit of luck - just got hold of a Dr who has both been hospitalised himself for Dengue and has treated patients

Any of the four strains can cause the Haemorrhagic fever - it all depends on the platelt count - it dips then starts to rise but if it goes too low that is when the bleeding starts as th blood flow does not stop. He says death in modern states is usually only among the most vunerable such as elderly, young and those with compromised immune systems - its unusual in the main for halthy people to die unless their bone marrow is not up to the fight. (this is my laymans interpretation of our chat)

Just a note, there are four distinct dengue viruses: dengue 1, dengue 2, dengue 3 and dengue 4 (sometimes called "serotypes"). There are hundreds of "strains" (each of which belongs to one of the four serotypes).

There are three classifications of the disease: dengue fever (nasty), dengue hemorrhagic (very nasty - the bleeding form) and dengue shock syndrome (very, very nasty basically where you are bled out). Think of it as a progession - you get bitten and you get sick - very sick or deathly sick.

If you get infected with one serotype (say dengue 1) you become immune to that for life. If you get a different serotype (say dengue 2) - antibodies from the first infection can interact with the second virus resulting in an enhancement of the disease. Its not a perfect relationship, but in general second infections are more likely to progress to the severe forms than first infections.

No vaccine, no specific treatment and no cure. Basically you wait it out. Vaccines are a long way off - they have to be able to protect against all four dengue viruses at the same time - and that is proving tricky.


Trevor - Lies go through stages to...

someone says it

someone believes it

and someone recognises bullshit when they see it.

PS - I would suggest that one person 4 week trial is not sufficient evidence as a "cure" or Profilactic for Dengue......do be careful....believing such tripe is dangerous to you health....

see someone about that paranoia too!


We have had two people in our village (T. San Sai Noi) down with it so the Council sent the insecticide sprayers around again this morning (they were here a couple of weeks ago). In fact they came around twice this morning so are pretty serious about it. Dense smoke and quite a strong smell. We had 30 mins warning so got the house closed up as best as we could. Going outside later we had a mum bird and three young chicks all dead on the driveway - presumably gassed and fell from the nest.

And the guys spraying in just have a cotton cloth over their face. I wonder how long they last in the job? But sure enough very few mossies around this evening.


Woohoo! I got luck, errr wait I'm in Ram for a week. Atleast the room is nicer than some places I've stayed before. Teachers and students are getting hit hard now. It's not so bad though I have a headache and my back aches from lying down, but I'm ok, except I don't speak (or write) very coherant since my fever makes me a bit loopy.

Looks like utter hogwash to me....I'm sorry for anyone who falls for that.....it's your money...just hope you don't end up in hospital from it.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident

-- Arthur Schopenhauer

You're still a first-stager. Cost is a few Baht and a bit of lime juice. I've been taking MMS for 4 weeks and never felt better! If you take the trouble to read the material you will understand how it works. It could change the world's health for the better, but the New World Order wouldn't be too happy ... too many survivors; too many healthy, smart people to challenge them.

What is MMS? I saw some having a go at it as being quackery so would be interested as to what was actually being discussed. :o


I snipped a link to the website for this product- URL's are generally forbidden in posts, with the exception of wikipedia, news sources, etc.

And commercial websites are of course never allowed, per forum rules.

You can either PM the member, or Google it.

Thanks for your understanding.

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