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Dreams Really Do Come True....dedicated To "scouse"

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..Where do i start?

I met my wife 18 months ago. We met whilst I was on holiday and the romance started, came home and we started to text and speak on the phone (you all know how it goes!) I then went out to see my girl 6 months later and had an amazing 2 weeks. Leaving her was so hard as we had been in contact for the last 6 months and you all know that, that feeling is the worst. Anyway, decided to go out again couple of months later, again, an amzing time and this time was even harder to leave her. We were so much in love that we knew that we wanted to be together every single day.

I then decided that I was going to try and move to Thailand and become a teacher, this didnt work out as the money is S**T and I just couldn't leave my good job. All that I did know was that I wanted to be with my girl every single day. Anyway....3 months past and I proposed to my beautiful girl, tears and everything and we were then engaged!

Went out to Thailand for the 4th time and we had a beautiful wedding and we knew then that we wanted a life together in England. Leaving her at the airport was THE worst feeling I've ever had.

I then started to look on the "Bangkok Post Forum" which by the wey is the most dis-heartening thing you can do! I am in my early 20's and I was basicly told I didnt have a hope in hel_l getting my wife a Visa?! So now what, I'm here in England, she is there in Thailand, and we can't get a visa? Now what?!

Well this is when I found this forum and got in contact with a young man called "Scouse" and "Scotty"

They were both very helpful. Scotty had previosly used scouses services and advised me on how good they were. I then proceeded to contact scouse and ask about using "Davies Khan"

From the moment I contacted him, he was very supportive, and more importantly, "By the book"

Beleive me, by this point I was thinking of the "What if's?" and this and that (anyone who has been through this process will know what I mean!)

What scouse did best was put everything into context. Without going into too much detail, I thought I was basicly screwed as I was a young lad, not got my own place etc.

Anyway, I decided to use scouses services and he completed the form and did, and I have to say this scouse, an absolutley amazing covering letter. If I was looking at the application (and I know this is easy for me to say now!) there wasn't really anything they could have failed us on.

weeks leading up to the application I was bricking it, flew ouot to Bangkok about a week ago and here I am now in my hotel room with my wife and her passport complete with visa!

We submitted on Monday, didn't get a call and looked online Friday and it was ready to collect!

So here I am now, still sinking everything in and now I know that I won't have that awful feeling of leaving the love of my life at that airport.

If anyone was thinking of using a Visa Agent, please, please, please, please use Scouse. He really has made my dreams come true. I have sent him so many e-mails in this whole process when I was at my lowest points and he remained calm and collective through it all and has been so supportive. Thank-you so mcuh Scouse

Anyway, out to have a well earned drink tonight down Koh San Road!



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Congratulations and good luck with your new life!

Let's not forget, not only is Scouse a legend at sorting our Visa applications, but he is also a very witty man too.

He gave us such classic lines as 'A Thai wife is for Life, not just for Christmas!' :o Always make me chuckle that one. I wonder what ever happened with that guy, that was the longest thread I've ever seen.

Scouse = Legend!

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