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Have you ever taken an IQ test? What was the result? (For online tests, see below.)  

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This is a serious poll and I an hoping to test a couple of hypotheses, so please try to take it seriously!

Please do not make a choice unless you have been tested within the last five years.

You can find IQ tests online at the following places, (and others, just do a google.)

IQ tests: HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.

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it might be above 30 but I run out of appendages to help me with the count.


so if you take multiple IQ tests do you average the results out......or just take the highest?

I have never done one in my life, I am not convinced they will tell me anything, except I am dumber than I think.



Just my standard IQ disclaimer...

IQ does not measure anything called "intelligence," because there is no scientific standard for what intelligence might be or how to measure it. IQ tests measure general knowledge, reasoning skills, and to a lesser degree motor reflexes and spatial perception. These things are CONSIDERED to be factors in whatever it is that "intelligence" is, and the tests were originally developed as a way of determining BROAD differences in skill level among GROUPS of individuals. Please note that this means that individual differences in score and small differences in scores between individuals have little to no meaning.

Furthermore, test-takers who come from the cultural/class background of the test writers (typically middle to upper class white English-speakers) tend to have an unfair advantage on the test due to similarities in viewpoint.

For an alternative viewpoint, take a look at Howard Gardner's book on Multiple Intelligences, in which he points out areas of mental skill which are not tested/considered by most IQ tests (including musical skill, physical coordination, and visual imagination, among others).



Mine can't be high. Just done the test (waiting for the results) and it looks like I struggled with one I thought was dead easy:

"Please enter your email address"

Just hope the servers are running slow :o


I don't think that these online IQ tests are really comparable to the ones administered in schools. I took the iqtest.com one got a score quite different from what I had expected.

I also notice that for an additional $9.95 you can get a personalized report. Is it good marketing to inflate scores to sell the personalized reports?


Another, more cynical observation, is that it seems rather strange that ALL the reported scores are over 100. Remember, 100 is supposed to be average- by definition, 50% of people are BELOW average. This could be explained, however, by:

1. Persons living abroad are typically more intelligent.

2. Computer users are more intelligent.

3. Under-reporting by persons who receive below-average scores, and my favorite:

4. The website involved is not actually testing at a very difficult level (the one I used seemed pretty darn easy compared to IQ tests I've seen elsewhere) because: a. They don't want to offend folks taking the tests, because: b. The purpose of the website is not an iqtest or research at all, but rather a way to collect more email addresses for spamming. Incidentally, when I took the test (and gave my email for the response) I used an "spam" attracting account that I created just for the purpose of giving email addresses to such unscrupulous sites. We'll see if I get any spam on that account for doing it, despite their website promising not to.


Another, more cynical observation, is that it seems rather strange that ALL the reported scores are over 100.  Remember, 100 is supposed to be average- by definition, 50% of people are BELOW average.  This could be explained, however, by:

1.  Persons living abroad are typically more intelligent.

2.  Computer users are more intelligent.

3.  Under-reporting by persons who receive below-average scores, and my favorite:

4.  The website involved is not actually testing at a very difficult level (the one I used seemed pretty darn easy compared to IQ tests I've seen elsewhere) because:  a.  They don't want to offend folks taking the tests, because: b.  The purpose of the website is not an iqtest or research at all, but rather a way to collect more email addresses for spamming.  Incidentally, when I took the test (and gave my email for the response) I used an "spam" attracting account that I created just for the purpose of giving email addresses to such unscrupulous sites.  We'll see if I get any spam on that account for doing it, despite their website promising not to.


I think all of your explanations above are valid.

I do note that the results being posted form a typical bell curve, albeit about 20+ points north of the normal mean.

The best results would come from a 'controlled' test by such organizations at MENSA. In thier controlled test in a classroom and timed to the second, I made 142. According to MENSA that is in the top 4%. I seem to remember that one has to be in the top 2% with IQ of 147-8 before one is invited to join.

Yep, if I remember correctly, that sounds right. I scored 151 on the Mensa tests, but didn't want to join (seemed kinda silly). On a few other IQ tests, I've gotten scores of 138, 147 and 151 again.

The type of IQ test you take and the way it is presented and scored really make a big difference. Another big factor is which types of intelligence are favored by the creators of the test. Typical IQ tests favor logical and mathematical intelligence, but those certainly aren't the only types of intelligence people can have.

Another thing to consider is that Test-Taking is a skill, and just like music, art, carpentry, or video-games, some people are good at a skill, and some people suck at it. But that doesn't mean they are stupid as a whole (lots of geniuses can't pound a nail straight into a board or play a guitar concerto). For example, I happen to do phenomenally well on tests in general. Give me any multiple choice test, and I'll do a pretty good job on it. I don't know why, but I just seem to "intuit" the right answers. Perhaps I have a similar way of thinking as the test creators and can kinda make good guesses based on that frame of mind. But whatever the reason, I'm just really good at tests, especially multiple choice tests, and therefore my actual IQ may be a few points lower than what I test at.

If I remember correctly, I got a 32 out of 34 on the ACT, a 770 out of 800 on the Analytic portion of the GRE and I scored in the top .05% on the PSAT (can't for the life of me recall my SAT scores, but they were quite high too). All without studying for any of these tests (don't tell my Mom, but I took the ACT drunk). My point is, that if I walk into a test and take it cold, I'd do better on it than most people. Not because I'm smarter, but because I'm a very good Test-Taker. So you really have to factor that into the IQ scores you get back from these tests. If you are a skillful test-taker, then perhaps your IQ isn't as high as it seems, whereas if you're a horrible test-taker, your IQ might actually be higher than what you test at.

Personally, I take my IQ of 151 with a grain of salt. Sure, I'm smart and it's always nice to be able to "legitimately" call myself a genius ( I just barely eek across that line :o ), but a lot of people would say I don't have an ounce of common sense, and they're probably right :D.


We are confirming that your IQ Test score was: 156

Hm.. quite a bit lower than the last such test I took in the military 20 years ago. Maybe we get stupider as the years go by ?


Didnt we have this topic on here once before?

Anyway, took an IQ test a couple years ago and scored 146. According to their scale, my score was in the genius range. Would never consider myself a genius by any stretch of the imagination but do feel I am an intelligent person.

Of course, I would have to be intelligent. Look at my avatar, they dont invite just anybody to be a part of their diabolical plan. "Illuminated" is what we say we are. :o

The best results would come from a 'controlled' test by such organizations at MENSA. In thier controlled test in a classroom and timed to the second, I made 142. According to MENSA that is in the top 4%. I seem to remember that one has to be in the top 2% with IQ of 147-8 before one is invited to join.

Yep, if I remember correctly, that sounds right. I scored 151 on the Mensa tests, but didn't want to join (seemed kinda silly). On a few other IQ tests, I've gotten scores of 138, 147 and 151 again.

The type of IQ test you take and the way it is presented and scored really make a big difference. Another big factor is which types of intelligence are favored by the creators of the test. Typical IQ tests favor logical and mathematical intelligence, but those certainly aren't the only types of intelligence people can have.

Another thing to consider is that Test-Taking is a skill, and just like music, art, carpentry, or video-games, some people are good at a skill, and some people suck at it. But that doesn't mean they are stupid as a whole (lots of geniuses can't pound a nail straight into a board or play a guitar concerto). For example, I happen to do phenomenally well on tests in general. Give me any multiple choice test, and I'll do a pretty good job on it. I don't know why, but I just seem to "intuit" the right answers. Perhaps I have a similar way of thinking as the test creators and can kinda make good guesses based on that frame of mind. But whatever the reason, I'm just really good at tests, especially multiple choice tests, and therefore my actual IQ may be a few points lower than what I test at.

If I remember correctly, I got a 32 out of 34 on the ACT, a 770 out of 800 on the Analytic portion of the GRE and I scored in the top .05% on the PSAT (can't for the life of me recall my SAT scores, but they were quite high too). All without studying for any of these tests (don't tell my Mom, but I took the ACT drunk). My point is, that if I walk into a test and take it cold, I'd do better on it than most people. Not because I'm smarter, but because I'm a very good Test-Taker. So you really have to factor that into the IQ scores you get back from these tests. If you are a skillful test-taker, then perhaps your IQ isn't as high as it seems, whereas if you're a horrible test-taker, your IQ might actually be higher than what you test at.

Personally, I take my IQ of 151 with a grain of salt. Sure, I'm smart and it's always nice to be able to "legitimately" call myself a genius ( I just barely eek across that line :o ), but a lot of people would say I don't have an ounce of common sense, and they're probably right :D.

Parts of this brings back child-hood memories...I was always considered "the bright kid".. repping the school and what not in "IQ"-type competitions. Fairly bright back then....somehow I figure extensive drinking for 25 years damaged the "smart"-muscle. Still a balanced dude, who likes to listen to arguments before siding with whomever makes most sense. Scored 140 this time (but, hey, I'm way over the legal limit...).

Anyway, my only point is, going to college, I was saying to my self: I'm at least average when it comes to intelligence - so don't worry to much about about making the grades and so forth. Somehow this rings true for a lot of people in various situations: My message would be, just believe in yourselves...

/// dfw :D


Who voted that they scored over 200? I see two people voted for that. The original poster requested us to take this seriously. Come on now, I cant imagine any of us having IQs over 200. Albert Einstein only scored in the 170-180 range. Give me a break!


one hundred and eighty seven.

neung loy baird sip jet.

Are you a rocket scientist?

I got an average 139

Explorer :D

I have a few hours spare today, I am out building a space station in the back yard :o

And I am making the Tea and carrying his tools. :wub:



What the bloody <deleted>' 'ell is an IQ test? :o

I thought an IQ was a long line of tall people waiting to be served. :D

I don't think that these online IQ tests are really comparable to the ones administered in schools.  I took the iqtest.com one got a score quite different from what I had expected. 

I also notice that for an additional $9.95 you can get a personalized report.  Is it good marketing to inflate scores to sell the personalized reports?

Well, just look at the gentleman who initiated the thread?

Don't suppose 'ol p1p, being the capitalistic sod that he is (remember the $$$ he made off me) would turn down a buck! :o

Thank you for taking the IQ Test at www.IQTest.com.

We are confirming that your IQ Test score was: 145

Roi si sip ha. Bullshit! Mostly mental arithmetic. :o

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