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Have you ever taken an IQ test? What was the result? (For online tests, see below.)  

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This is a serious poll and I an hoping to test a couple of hypotheses, so please try to take it seriously!

Please do not make a choice unless you have been tested within the last five years.

You can find IQ tests online at the following places, (and others, just do a google.)

IQ tests:  HERE,  HERE,  HERE, and  HERE.

Sorry to be a wet blanket, but real IQ tests are kept under lock and key, and administered by psych professionals. These internet tests are steadily growing in popularity (for those doing their thesis in test construction) but are not taken very seriously in the professional domain of IQ testing - however they are still fun.

p1p – am curious about your hypotheses and upon which data (quantitative or qualitative :o) you’ll base your conclusions? :D

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These IQ tests only make you realise you are clever but it doesn't mean you are alway a sucessful or rich person.I have been invited to do a MENSA test once in their proper supervision test at one of their center because my initial test score was high enough to qualify. Don't remember what score I got :o:D . But I didn't see the logic of paying the test fee so that I may be illigible to become a member. I also thought that it was unfair that I had to do my test in English which is not my first language unless they have a branch in LOS?

Anyway,there is successful and rich people who hasn't got much IQ. Shall I name Bush as an example? :D

I have been invited to do a MENSA test once

Speaking about Mensa, did anyone attend the IQ test for Mensa Association membership in Thailand at Queen Sirikit Convention last Saturday (30th October)?

...But I didn't see the logic of paying the test fee so that I may be illigible to become a member.....

Oh golly, gosh. They didn't want money from you, did they? :D Anybody would think they were in it for the money :D:o:D:D Sad, isn't it, that even Mensa has to resort to such methods :wub:


I have an IQ of 156 and have two university degrees - in Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering - and a Masters, but i think it's all a load of <deleted> because i can't even remember what day it is sometimes !!

Also, i believe there are various tests with different scales, so you could be comparing apples with oranges.


137, I think........ Let me check!


IQ - High

Short term memory - Goldfish!

I remember being tested in junior school, it was 146 then, and that was a proper test. Didn't do me much good though. I've still got no common sense whatsoever, and the attention span of a Tasmanian devil on PCP!


Sorry to be a wet blanket, but real IQ tests are kept under lock and key, and administered by psych professionals. These internet tests are steadily growing in popularity (for those doing their thesis in test construction) but are not taken very seriously in the professional domain of IQ testing - however they are still fun.

p1p – am curious about your hypotheses and upon which data (quantitative or qualitative :o) you’ll base your conclusions? :D


I fully understand your reservations and all will be revealed at a later date. Just have a couple more polls to run first!


Thank you for taking the IQ Test at www.IQTest.com.

We are confirming that your IQ Test score was: 107

Please log in at

to purchase your Complete Personal Intelligence Profile.

Your login password is:

For an explanation of our Complete Personal Intelligence Profile, go to:

For an explanation of how a response to a test question can be analyzed in terms of the various types of intelligence being used, go to:

For a sample/example profile--not your profile, but a sample which shows what your Complete Personal Intelligence Profile would look like--go to:

Compare your score:

Intelligence Interval Cognitive Designation

40 - 55 Mentally disabled (Less than 1% of test takers)

55 - 70 Learning difficulty (2.3% of test takers)

70 - 85 Below average

85 - 115 Average (68% of test takers)

115 - 130 Gifted

130 - 145 Genius (2.3% of test takers)

145 - 160 Extraordinary genius (Less than 1% of test takers)

160+ "Unmeasurable" genius

This was off the first link that p1p gave, just to check I did it twice the first time reading and answering the questions, the second not reading the questions and answering at ramdom.

First score 144- Genius

Second score (random answers)-107 Average

Of course this has nothing to do with the fact that they try and sell you your profile!!!

Who voted that they scored over 200?  I see two people voted for that.  The original poster requested us to take this seriously.  Come on now, I cant imagine any of us having IQs over 200.  Albert Einstein only scored in the 170-180 range.  Give me a break!

There are certainly people around who score in the 200's, that is why the choice is available. Whether they are genuine ot not in the context of the poll is a different matter.

I don't think that these online IQ tests are really comparable to the ones administered in schools.  I took the iqtest.com one got a score quite different from what I had expected. 

I also notice that for an additional $9.95 you can get a personalized report.  Is it good marketing to inflate scores to sell the personalized reports?

Well, just look at the gentleman who initiated the thread?

Don't suppose 'ol p1p, being the capitalistic sod that he is (remember the $$$ he made off me) would turn down a buck! :o


I make not a brass cent out of this. I simply Googled IQ tests and posted some of the most likely "free test" sites.

Indeed, I made nothing out of you in the end. A, unreported, fast, "Double or quits" set the end to that!

It was all in fun anyway!

Incidentally, what was the score you got? We would all be most interested to know!


I come out with a flattering 143, similar to my teenage score, confirms chronic self-abusive lifestyles have no effect on the brain.

There are two below 60 scores, Ididn't know Bush is a member of this forum.

The other one must be Nam Kao (for not taking the poll seriously and giving a false score, of course).


Odd that so many are prepared to give their oh-so-very-high IQ score, and yet so few care to mention the university they went to.

On the basis of all the crap I've just read, everyone on this forum is either an Oxford, Cambridge or Harvad grad.


one hundred and eighty seven.

neung loy baird sip jet.

:o 4 times higher than Bush.

If it was really one hundred and eighty seven, why do you translate it to "neung loy baird sip jet"?

Thais would say "loy baird sip jet". :D:D

p1p – am curious about your hypotheses and upon which data (quantitative or qualitative ) you’ll base your conclusions?
He's trying to find out how many expats living in LOS are bloody liars.
Odd that so many are prepared to give their oh-so-very-high IQ score, and yet so few care to mention the university they went to.

Reading Uni, but no University I have ever seen gives an IQ test, just an interview and a quick shify at your exam grades (SATs etc). At school I divided my fellow studebts into 3 camps:

Thickies - dumb <deleted>.

Sloggers - dumb <deleted> that worked hard, revised a lot and remembered much (usually took humanities, arts or languages)

Smart Kids - those that never listened in class, never did homework and still passed every exam - the Teachers hated these kids.

Sloggers are just as likely to get the grades as the Smart Kids, and herefore, the University place.

Also, many Smart Kids didn't go to Uni - I didn't at first - I got a job in IT at a large high steet bank at 18 y/o based on a thing called the PAT (Progammers Aptitude Test), DA5 (IBM Technical IQ Test) and an assesment day. Went to Uni in my spare time after 3 years of working. Seen many grads come and go over the years - can still work out whether Slogger or Smart Kid.

PS: I believe IQ tests are based on age. It is far easier to get a high score when you are younger than older. The same score will give a different Intelligence Quotient depending on your age.

At school I tested 147 (at 16). At 18, while studying Physics, Pure Maths and IT - I got 156 (got me the job) - should have been less than at 16 if IQ score had remained the same. I have taken several tests since and ranged between these two figures. I really think it depends on whether you are stretching you brain or not in daily life at the time - and of course aptitude. I now design computer systems for international companies - whatever that says about me (?).

The IQ tests were Mensa. Client companies have had me do other tests such as Belkin etc - psychometric and aptitude tests usually via 3rd party testing companies. Don't think anyone looks at IQ anymore.

Odd that so many are prepared to give their oh-so-very-high IQ score, and yet so few care to mention the university they went to.

On the basis of all the crap I've just read, everyone on this forum is either an Oxford, Cambridge or Harvad grad.


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