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Dodgy Thai Comedy


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Probably more disturbing is that the OP actually watches Thai Comedy.

Some fat katoey chased by several people and slipping on a banana skin... *doiiiinggggg* hilarity ensues. :o

Benny Hill was pretty sophisticated in comparison. And actually pretty funny, imo.

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Is there nobody in Thailand that gives a sh*t, or is Thailand just 50 years behind the times?
Thailand does not have a population of 'black' people that would see or even be aware of such a programme to offend.

The UK and US have become multicultural at the expense of their original cultures - the very thing to be prized as it attracted immigration from 'lesser' countries during the post war era.

I heard today that UK police dogs must now wear little booties when involved with Islamic houses so has not to offend, the UK police must love this - today of all days - third aniversary of the London bombings.

Let Thais enjoy their cultural humor and the likes of K.Suthep * and K.Sayan - be honest there is no other country where someone affected with Down's syndrome could get regular work as an actor.

* Not disabled but they play on his apparance - or rather his does as he is a director and screenwriter as well, and the differance between him and Benny Hill is what exactly?

Being politically correct does not seem to be having positive results, a white person can not say the N word but Chris Rock can- is that equality?

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Happened to come across a Thai "comedy" that had 2 Thai "comedians" blacked up. The Thai audience was lapping it up. Is this acceptable? Reminded me of a show called the Black and White minstrels that was popular in the 50s and 60s back in Britain until people realised it was racist and frankly embarrassing.

Is there nobody in Thailand that gives a sh*t, or is Thailand just 50 years behind the times?

Seems like they're right with the times. Pay attention to a new movie coming out soon called "Tropic Thunder" with Jack Black and Robert Downey, Jr. (at least there are ads out in the U.S. for it already).

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- be honest there is no other country where someone affected with Down's syndrome could get regular work as an actor.

Not true. Good old USA, Land of Equality, aired "Life Goes On" (sharing a title with a 2pac song btw -- just to raise the "Black" issue, albeit for no reason) which had a character with Down Syndrome named "Corky" as a main character IIRC **opens youtube in another tab** Yep. Confirmed.

That show spawned much humor in the halls of my middle school. Cruel? Yes. Funny? mmmYeah.

Now before somebody responds with,

"Teej, how could you have made fun at something so serious, I wonder if you'd still laugh at those jokes if someone you loved had Down Syndrome or any similar affliction blah blah blah yada yada yada...."

I answer with,

My girlfriend has Down Syndrome and I fully embrace it and love her.


Cruel? Maybe. Funny? Who cares?

Back on topic: Thai humor is a bit unsophisticated indeed (relative to what?hmm...), and Thais love their slapstick, it's just the way it is here. Accept and enjoy.

Humor me and try this: Put your thumb flat against your chest. Flap your hand like a chicken wing. Hilarity ensues.

Don't ask me why, I'm not a student of Sociology, at least of "Regular" Sociology -- psff --so passe! Economic Sociology, now that's edu-cool!

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Blackface has been a tradition in the theatre for many years, so was boys playing girls parts - so what? OP, you say it is racist but did you complain about the film 'White Chicks'? Two black guys dressed up as white women. I see you are not complaining about Warner Oland, Sidney Toler, Roland Winters and J Carroll Naish playing Charlie Chan. Are not the MOBO Awards and Miss Black America racist?

All TVs have a special feature, it's called an on-off switch for the programmes that you do not like.

Edited by mr_hippo
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Reminds me of the story of a coloured (sorry is that the current politically correct term?) American expatriate who lasted about 6 months in Thailand.

His reason for leaving?

"I didn't come 10,000 miles to be called Khun..."

Supposed to be a true story

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Is there nobody in Thailand that gives a sh*t, or is Thailand just 50 years behind the times?
Thailand does not have a population of 'black' people that would see or even be aware of such a programme to offend.

The UK and US have become multicultural at the expense of their original cultures - the very thing to be prized as it attracted immigration from 'lesser' countries during the post war era.

I heard today that UK police dogs must now wear little booties when involved with Islamic houses so has not to offend, the UK police must love this - today of all days - third aniversary of the London bombings.

Not quite correct. ACPO (The Association of Chief Police Officers) has decided this. From yesterday's Sunday Times:

"Ibrahim Mogra, one of Britain’s leading imams, said the measures were unnecessary: “In Islamic law the dog is not regarded as impure, only its saliva is. Most Islamic schools of law agree on that. If security measures require to send a dog into a house, then it has to be done. I think Acpo needs to consult better and more widely. “I know in the Muslim community there is a hang-up against dogs, but this is cultural. Also, we know the British like dogs; we Muslims should do our bit to change our attitudes.”"

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Reminds me of the story of a coloured (sorry is that the current politically correct term?) American expatriate who lasted about 6 months in Thailand.

His reason for leaving?

"I didn't come 10,000 miles to be called Khun..."

Supposed to be a true story

There was a black member of Thaivisa who used to complain bitterly about the use of the word 'boy' in Thailand. He simply wouldn't believe that it is a word in common use to describe young men and thought it was being used as a personal insult.

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Yeah, just what Thailand needs, a big fat dose of political correctness, and a public media committee in charge of deciding what's allowed to be funny.

And then Thailand will be just like home and we will all be satisfied.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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  • 2 weeks later...
Happened to come across a Thai "comedy" that had 2 Thai "comedians" blacked up. The Thai audience was lapping it up. Is this acceptable? Reminded me of a show called the Black and White minstrels that was popular in the 50s and 60s back in Britain until people realised it was racist and frankly embarrassing.

Is there nobody in Thailand that gives a sh*t, or is Thailand just 50 years behind the times?

You've obviously not spotted the 'Darlie' brand toothpaste on sale just about everywhere then :o ?

Darlie toothpaste was until fairly recently actually called "Darkie"

Somewhere I have a couple of mint condition packages of it that I bought when they changed the name.

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Happened to come across a Thai "comedy" that had 2 Thai "comedians" blacked up. The Thai audience was lapping it up. Is this acceptable? Reminded me of a show called the Black and White minstrels that was popular in the 50s and 60s back in Britain until people realised it was racist and frankly embarrassing.

Is there nobody in Thailand that gives a sh*t, or is Thailand just 50 years behind the times?

I suppose the difference is that Thailand wasn't involved in the African slave trade and didn't have an empire where say Britain did. It is a completely different culture in Thailand so probably best not to judge it by the standards of your own culture.

So it's acceptable, in your opinion? Surely Thai society should be mature enough to realise that belittling a group of people because of the colour of their skin is wrong?

It is ok. And I'll tell you why.

When comedians have a joke involving fat people they put a pillow under their clothes. For people with glasses they put glasses on. For Asians they make the yes a bit squinted (American comedians do this all the time) and for blacks the may put a little shoepaint on or something.

Why not? We are all groups of some sort and it is first when people stop making fun of you that you know you really are not part of them. People in general only do not make fun of people they feel sorry fo, such as aids victims etc. The day that blacks cannot feature in jokes - that will be the day when they are really discriminated.

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In Thai comedies they often emphasise physical differences, The poor Issan farmer is often portrayed as very black skinned. Is it acceptable comedy? You would need to ask the dark skinned people who they are poking fun at.

Sorry, neglected to mention they were dressed up in American Hip-Hop gear. Not Issan farmers.

What channel and what time please?

Cha- cha. wednesday night at 10.30 ??

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So it's acceptable, in your opinion? Surely Thai society should be mature enough to realise that belittling a group of people because of the colour of their skin is wrong?

Why is it wrong? Are you a black skinned person?

In case you have forgotten, individuals are in complete control of their own thoughts & therefore reactions to those thoughts. If someone DECIDES to be offended, it is their decision & has nothing to do with the external influence. I guess it all depends if you are a sheep or an individual.

Political correctness sux!

....reflections of a childish, immature, selfish, very low educated, feudalistic, stuck partly in middle ages, society, much of as "they" are...

make mock about this society and they feel deeply insulted, "but we are Thai people"!

now this is very funny! :o

I fully agree.

Back on topic: Thai humor is a bit unsophisticated indeed (relative to what?hmm...), and Thais love their slapstick, it's just the way it is here. Accept and enjoy.

Allow me to correct you..."and Thais love their slapstick, it's just the way it is here. They are fed this rubbish & lap it up."

To me, Thai TV is NOT what the Thai people want...it is what is fed to them. Another example of "dumbing down" the population with crap on TV. The only difference between Thai TV & TV in other countries is that the people in other countries usually have a choice of watching dumb crap (like Big Brother) or watching something else (docos, detective shows etc)

Yeah, just what Thailand needs, a big fat dose of political correctness, and a public media committee in charge of deciding what's allowed to be funny.

And then Thailand will be just like home and we will all be satisfied.

I don't think many foreigners realise that if Thailand became "just like home", they would hate it here.

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