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American Election Results 2004


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Interesting that more people with university educations and higher voted for Kerry, while more people that never made even received their high school diploma voted for Bush.

Wonder which category IamMaiC and Boon Mee fall into?

2 Year College Degree :D Also a Captain in the Army National Guard :o

Ah...it all comes into focus now!

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Screen Shots Show CNN

Changed Exit Poll Data!


SoCalDemocrat (xxx posts)

Wed Nov-03-04 02:44 AM

Response to Reply #1

78. Proof CNN is tampering with the election to cover the fraud

Edited on Wed Nov-03-04 02:46 AM by SoCalDemocrat

I ran CNN's own numbers. It's impossible. Between the two screen shots below, exactly 57 more persons were polled. If every single one of them were female, and every single one of them voted for Bush, that would account for a 2.3% increase in the exit polling results for female voters. However, CNN shows a 6% increase for Female voters supporting Bush.

CNN has altered other exit polling data since I began tracking it and compiling evidence against the EVoting machines.

Thanks to DU member EarlG for grabbing these screen shots!



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Interesting that more people with university educations and higher voted for Kerry, while more people that never made even received their high school diploma voted for Bush.

Wonder which category IamMaiC and Boon Mee fall into?

2 Year College Degree :D Also a Captain in the Army National Guard :o

Ah...it all comes into focus now!

Was it Blurry before?? :D

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Many uneducated people chose a candidate simply as they chose a sports team to cheer for even if they are last in the standings. Nice uniforms and loudmouths...

spot on Penz!

The majority of those who voted for Bush could not point out any actual policies. All they know is that Iraq bought down the world trade centre and we have to nuke em for it :o

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get your boots on mum, your off to war :o

Female soldiers eyed for combat

By Rowan Scarborough


Published October 22, 2004


The Army is negotiating with civilian leaders about eliminating a women-in-combat ban so it can place mixed-sex support companies within warfighting units, starting with a division going to Iraq in January.

Despite the legal prohibition, Army plans already have included such collocation of women-men units in blueprints for a lighter force of 10 active divisions, according to Defense Department sources.

An Army spokesman yesterday, in response to questions from The Washington Times, said the Army is now in discussions with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's staff to see whether the 10-year-old ban in this one area should be lifted. The ban prohibits the Army from putting women in units that "collocate" with ground combatants.

"When that policy was made up, there was a different threat," said Lt. Col. Chris Rodney, an Army spokesman at the Pentagon. "We imagined a more linear combat environment. Now, with the nature of asymmetrical threats, we have to relook at that policy."


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The Germans Have a Word For It



Yes it looks like "Donny Osmond" and "Herman Munster" are about to cry - poor buggers.

Yeah Both are Rich and Profited from Bush's Tax Cut They should be Smiling. :D

Why would you give tax cuts to the rich? :o

According to Kerry that's what the President Did :D

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Interesting that more people with university educations and higher voted for Kerry, while more people that never made even received their high school diploma voted for Bush.

Wonder which category IamMaiC and Boon Mee fall into?

It could mean many things... it could mean that the privileged wanted Kerry and the underprivileged wanted Bush.

Instead of slagging other people... better start thinking... or asking those ejukated people, how you are gonna survive WWIII :o:D:D

Educated people know that there will never BE a World War III unless a US headed by a war-mongering, moronic president starts it.

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get your boots on mum, your off to war  :o

Female soldiers eyed for combat

By Rowan Scarborough


Published October 22, 2004


The Army is negotiating with civilian leaders about eliminating a women-in-combat ban so it can place mixed-sex support companies within warfighting units, starting with a division going to Iraq in January.

    Despite the legal prohibition, Army plans already have included such collocation of women-men units in blueprints for a lighter force of 10 active divisions, according to Defense Department sources.

    An Army spokesman yesterday, in response to questions from The Washington Times, said the Army is now in discussions with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's staff to see whether the 10-year-old ban in this one area should be lifted. The ban prohibits the Army from putting women in units that "collocate" with ground combatants.

    "When that policy was made up, there was a different threat," said Lt. Col. Chris Rodney, an Army spokesman at the Pentagon. "We imagined a more linear combat environment. Now, with the nature of asymmetrical threats, we have to relook at that policy."


Well Women want Equal Rights :D

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get your boots on mum, your off to war  :o

Female soldiers eyed for combat

By Rowan Scarborough


Published October 22, 2004


The Army is negotiating with civilian leaders about eliminating a women-in-combat ban so it can place mixed-sex support companies within warfighting units, starting with a division going to Iraq in January.

    Despite the legal prohibition, Army plans already have included such collocation of women-men units in blueprints for a lighter force of 10 active divisions, according to Defense Department sources.

    An Army spokesman yesterday, in response to questions from The Washington Times, said the Army is now in discussions with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's staff to see whether the 10-year-old ban in this one area should be lifted. The ban prohibits the Army from putting women in units that "collocate" with ground combatants.

    "When that policy was made up, there was a different threat," said Lt. Col. Chris Rodney, an Army spokesman at the Pentagon. "We imagined a more linear combat environment. Now, with the nature of asymmetrical threats, we have to relook at that policy."


Well Women want Equal Rights :D

that was a lame reply.

this is the first step towards the draft.

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get your boots on mum, your off to war  :o

Female soldiers eyed for combat

By Rowan Scarborough


Published October 22, 2004


The Army is negotiating with civilian leaders about eliminating a women-in-combat ban so it can place mixed-sex support companies within warfighting units, starting with a division going to Iraq in January.

    Despite the legal prohibition, Army plans already have included such collocation of women-men units in blueprints for a lighter force of 10 active divisions, according to Defense Department sources.

    An Army spokesman yesterday, in response to questions from The Washington Times, said the Army is now in discussions with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's staff to see whether the 10-year-old ban in this one area should be lifted. The ban prohibits the Army from putting women in units that "collocate" with ground combatants.

    "When that policy was made up, there was a different threat," said Lt. Col. Chris Rodney, an Army spokesman at the Pentagon. "We imagined a more linear combat environment. Now, with the nature of asymmetrical threats, we have to relook at that policy."


Well Women want Equal Rights :D

that was a lame reply.

this is the first step towards the draft.

Yeah So, We are at War :D

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why are'nt you in Iraq IamMaiC? I know you said that you were there before (although you couldnt tell me what is next door to the Hilton).

Your country needs you now, more than ever. Please Please get over there and help Free the Iraqis.

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why are'nt you in Iraq IamMaiC? I know you said that you were there before (although you couldnt tell me what is next door to the Hilton).

Your country needs you now, more than ever. Please Please get over there and help Free the Iraqis.

I'll probably be back again and I'll let you know what's next to the hotel if there is a hilton :D Like I said I was in Nothern Iraq Tikrit Area Only thing i saw there were Saddam's Palaces. :D Would you believe he didn't have air conditioning in his Palace's :o

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why are'nt you in Iraq IamMaiC? I know you said that you were there before (although you couldnt tell me what is next door to the Hilton).

Your country needs you now, more than ever. Please Please get over there and help Free the Iraqis.

I'll probably be back again and I'll let you know what's next to the hotel if there is a hilton :D Like I said I was in Nothern Iraq Tikrit Area Only thing i saw there were Saddam's Palaces. :wub: Would you believe he didn't have air conditioning in his Palace's :D

It will not be too long before you see Iran too :D


Nah They wouldn't invade just hit the reactor with bunker busters Do the same with North Korea :D

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why are'nt you in Iraq IamMaiC? I know you said that you were there before (although you couldnt tell me what is next door to the Hilton).

Your country needs you now, more than ever. Please Please get over there and help Free the Iraqis.

I'll probably be back again and I'll let you know what's next to the hotel if there is a hilton :D Like I said I was in Nothern Iraq Tikrit Area Only thing i saw there were Saddam's Palaces. :D Would you believe he didn't have air conditioning in his Palace's :D

It will not be too long before you see Iran too :D


Iran already has a strong youth movement headed in the direction of democracy. Once Iraq has stablized it will only be a matter of time before Iran fixes itself. I can see this. Surely people who are actually looking for this stuff can see it. Hopefully, all of that region of the world will fix itself to a point where it wouldn't be a dangerous thing to allow nuclear energy development. I think we can all agree that it would be better for the masses that way. Right?

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Interesting that more people with university educations and higher voted for Kerry, while more people that never made even received their high school diploma voted for Bush.

Wonder which category IamMaiC and Boon Mee fall into?

It could mean many things... it could mean that the privileged wanted Kerry and the underprivileged wanted Bush.

Instead of slagging other people... better start thinking... or asking those ejukated people, how you are gonna survive WWIII :o:D:D

Educated people know that there will never BE a World War III unless a US headed by a war-mongering, moronic president starts it.

did you know that bin laden already declared war on the usa? ..and he along with all the other terrorists have been killing people for over 30 years now?

important information that came out of this election is:

1) bin laden confessed to being behind 911,

2) zaqawi (a bin laden associate) is in iraq leading terrorists activities there.

so, in summary....

...there is a connection between bin laden and saddam like everybody in the past was speculating.

bush was right in going in to stop saddam before he got the bomb.

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Interesting that more people with university educations and higher voted for Kerry, while more people that never made even received their high school diploma voted for Bush.

Wonder which category IamMaiC and Boon Mee fall into?

It could mean many things... it could mean that the privileged wanted Kerry and the underprivileged wanted Bush.

Instead of slagging other people... better start thinking... or asking those ejukated people, how you are gonna survive WWIII :D:D:D

Educated people know that there will never BE a World War III unless a US headed by a war-mongering, moronic president starts it.

did you know that bin laden already declared war on the usa? ..and he along with all the other terrorists have been killing people for over 30 years now?

important information that came out of this election is:

1) bin laden confessed to being behind 911,

2) zaqawi (a bin laden associate) is in iraq leading terrorists activities there.

so, in summary....

...there is a connection between bin laden and saddam like everybody in the past was speculating.

bush was right in going in to stop saddam before he got the bomb.

While I was there(iraq) a terrorist I'm not sure if he was involved with the achille Laro (hope i spelled that right) or the hijacking of an airline where he killed a leon klinghoffer (A jewish man in a wheelchair) But he gave himslef up to military forces and Saddam had no terrorist ties!!!!

Give me a break. :o

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Bush is a delusional madman.

The only reason he remains the leader of the US is because his people have done a remarkable job of packaging and marketing him as a man of God and the only one who can protect the good Americans from the evils of the world.

A sad day. And a good reminder as to why this American no longer resides in America.

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Bush is a delusional madman.

The only reason he remains the leader of the US is because his people have done a remarkable job of packaging and marketing him as a man of God and the only one who can protect the good Americans from the evils of the world.

A sad day. And a good reminder as to why this American no longer resides in America.

Well have fun in Thailand Sir Make sure you get a gun OK Looks like your gonna need it soon But if you ever decide to come back to the states I won't hold what you said against you :o But it dosen't matter because looks like you gone native anyway "ChiangMaiThai" :D

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Bush is a delusional madman.

The only reason he remains the leader of the US is because his people have done a remarkable job of packaging and marketing him as a man of God and the only one who can protect the good Americans from the evils of the world.

A sad day. And a good reminder as to why this American no longer resides in America.

Well have fun in Thailand Sir Make sure you get a gun OK Looks like your gonna need it soon But if you ever decide to come back to the states I won't hold what you said against you :o But it dosen't matter because looks like you gone native anyway "ChiangMaiThai" :D

Oh look, a crazy American telling me that I need to get a gun and insulting me for adjusting to a country where I was not born. Perhaps he is one of the hundred million or so Americans who have the extraordinary privelage of being able to travel nearly anywhere in the world, but never even bother to apply for a passport. Go Bush! Go Jesus! Go team!

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why are'nt you in Iraq IamMaiC? I know you said that you were there before (although you couldnt tell me what is next door to the Hilton).

Your country needs you now, more than ever. Please Please get over there and help Free the Iraqis.

I'll probably be back again and I'll let you know what's next to the hotel if there is a hilton :D Like I said I was in Nothern Iraq Tikrit Area Only thing i saw there were Saddam's Palaces. :wub: Would you believe he didn't have air conditioning in his Palace's :D

It will not be too long before you see Iran too :D


Iran already has a strong youth movement headed in the direction of democracy. Once Iraq has stablized it will only be a matter of time before Iran fixes itself. I can see this. Surely people who are actually looking for this stuff can see it. Hopefully, all of that region of the world will fix itself to a point where it wouldn't be a dangerous thing to allow nuclear energy development. I think we can all agree that it would be better for the masses that way. Right?

Yes, in a perfect world. Unfortunately the human race is a very long, long way from being civilized. And how will we all agree in the world on what is civilized society? And who would be in 'control' of this civilized world to keep it that way. And if it were 'controled' would it be civilized? If we humans all think the same with the same ideologies, same beliefs and concepts of civilization, we would end up robotic.

In our struggle for civilization and world peace, we are struggling against human nature itself. In fact against all nature. In the natural world it is and always has been, survival of the fittest, strongest, fastest, smartest. I do not see this ever changing.

Therefore we will continue with our differences of opinions, differences of beliefs, different truths, different ideologies ad inf. And we will continue to fight and war over our differences.... forever.

It wasn't civilised in iraq after the war Looting and such but of course Bush got blamed for the actions of a newly freed people. :o

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Bush is a delusional madman.

The only reason he remains the leader of the US is because his people have done a remarkable job of packaging and marketing him as a man of God and the only one who can protect the good Americans from the evils of the world.

A sad day. And a good reminder as to why this American no longer resides in America.

Bush is the President of The USA. Not the dictator. He has to have permission from Congress to go to war. He can neither raise nor lower taxes..that's congress too. He is the chief of the executive branch of a three tier government all operating on independent turf. He can veto bills (documents written by congress to become law once they have passed the scrutiny of the other 2 departments) but that too can be overriden with a 2/3 majority in ?where? Congress. What are Kerry and Edwards? Congressmen... both members of the Senate. Don't believe the sensational reporting you see on the news. And remember your junior high school civics classes...

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Bush is a delusional madman.

The only reason he remains the leader of the US is because his people have done a remarkable job of packaging and marketing him as a man of God and the only one who can protect the good Americans from the evils of the world.

A sad day. And a good reminder as to why this American no longer resides in America.

Bush is the President of The USA. Not the dictator. He has to have permission from Congress to go to war. He can neither raise nor lower taxes..that's congress too. He is the chief of the executive branch of a three tier government all operating on independent turf. He can veto bills (documents written by congress to become law once they have passed the scrutiny of the other 2 departments) but that too can be overriden with a 2/3 majority in ?where? Congress. What are Kerry and Edwards? Congressmen... both members of the Senate. Don't believe the sensational reporting you see on the news. And remember your junior high school civics classes...

The President has the authority to send troops to war for 90 days Other than that he needs "CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL" :o So he went to congress to get permission and guess what They gave it to him :D

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While I was there(iraq)  a terrorist  I'm not sure if he was involved with the achille Laro  (hope i spelled that right) or the hijacking of an airline where he killed a leon klinghoffer (A jewish man in a wheelchair)  But he gave himslef up to military forces and Saddam had no terrorist ties!!!!

Wonderful! Over 1,000 Americans dead and billions of dollars spent -- net result: one tinpot dictator deposed and one terrorist who killed a guy twenty-five years ago apprehended. Lives and money well-spent, I'd say!

Meanwhile, the guy who killed 3,000 Americans with an investment of less than half a million dollars is still at large (and not living in any cave, from the looks of his most recent video). Nice!

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Bush is a delusional madman.

The only reason he remains the leader of the US is because his people have done a remarkable job of packaging and marketing him as a man of God and the only one who can protect the good Americans from the evils of the world.

A sad day. And a good reminder as to why this American no longer resides in America.

I wonder who exactly is delusional here?

I can understand people not agreeing that Bush or anybody else for that matter, is not the right person for this job. That is reasonable. But to say that the leader of a country, let alone the most powerful country on earth is a moron, a delusional madman or an idiot is nothing short of delusional in itself. In my opinon.

If Kerry had won, would it not have been for 'his' people and the wonderful job they did in marketing him?

Well Kerry did not win. Bush won. A sad sad day for you and a very happy day for others.

And what will you do, if the evils of this world start to send suicide bombers into bars and tourist places in Thailand? Or fly a plane or two into buildings in BKK? You gonna blame Bush for killing Moslems in southern Thailand? Of if it gets too close to where you are now... or destroys your business, or comfort zone... what will you do then?

He'll be outside the US embassy banging on the door to let him in :o

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While I was there(iraq)  a terrorist  I'm not sure if he was involved with the achille Laro  (hope i spelled that right) or the hijacking of an airline where he killed a leon klinghoffer (A jewish man in a wheelchair)  But he gave himslef up to military forces and Saddam had no terrorist ties!!!!

Wonderful! Over 1,000 Americans dead and billions of dollars spent -- net result: one tinpot dictator deposed and one terrorist who killed a guy twenty-five years ago apprehended. Lives and money well-spent, I'd say!

Meanwhile, the guy who killed 3,000 Americans with an investment of less than half a million dollars is still at large (and not living in any cave, from the looks of his most recent video). Nice!

your a piece of work DICK :o

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While I was there(iraq)  a terrorist  I'm not sure if he was involved with the achille Laro  (hope i spelled that right) or the hijacking of an airline where he killed a leon klinghoffer (A jewish man in a wheelchair)  But he gave himslef up to military forces and Saddam had no terrorist ties!!!!

Wonderful! Over 1,000 Americans dead and billions of dollars spent -- net result: one tinpot dictator deposed and one terrorist who killed a guy twenty-five years ago apprehended. Lives and money well-spent, I'd say!

Meanwhile, the guy who killed 3,000 Americans with an investment of less than half a million dollars is still at large (and not living in any cave, from the looks of his most recent video). Nice!

your a piece of work DICK :o

"You're". Keep working at it: you'll be capable of reading "My Pet Goat" before you know it -- maybe even without having to move your lips!

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