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American Election Results 2004


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People who vote for Bush are like "Yaay we get to hold up a big W during rallies! I’ll vote for BUSH! he made funny joke I'll vote for BUSH!" But seriously I used to be one of those guys that would defend Americans and say "Americans aren’t dumb it's their president, don't blame the Americans that he is In office because Al Gore won and Bush was obviously scammed into office" But if Bush gets elected for the first time I will have lost almost all of the respect I had for Americans. I'm sorry but a President who turns the IRS onto the NAACP to stop their funding because they don't like Bush is acting like he's Hitler or mr KKK. And if you support a president that does such things and you vote for him you are as racist as he is. And if another 911 happens in the U.S. you will find it hard for me to have sympathy for most Americans because it was you that put in the recruiter of Terrorist into office because his foreign policy was built on lies, murder and more lies and because of this terrorism was alowed to grow, in other words you dug your own graves. The facts are all there that Bush (Hitler) lied about Iraq and many other things and to ignore such facts is just being ignorant just like Bush. Now I do know that there are Americans who hate Bush as mush as 99% of the world does and I sympathize with you, but hey it's the other half that knows he's a retard but will still vote for him because the rest of the world hates him and you want to vote for him out of spite and not out of common sense.

Bush is quoted as saying "Bin Laden isn't a concern to me" After hearing that you would think the logical thing to do is vote a man out of office who doesn't care about a guy who murdered 3000 of your citizens, but does care about a place that had absolutely nothing to do with 911. Like I said above if there is another terrorist attack on the U.S. killing thousands of your people because your president didn't do his job by capturing Bin Laden and making the terrorist network grow by attacking the wrong country based on lies I will have no sympathy for you, you dug your own grave now RIP.

P.S. Are you ready for a draft?

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I'm amazed at how people think a change of president would somehow change the view radical muslim terrorists have for America. It is not only the president they hate, it is the American way of life they hate. And no matter which way the election would have gone, the American way of life would not have changed. They still would have hated Americans, and they still would have plotted terrorist attacks against the US.

Do you honestly think if Thaksin resigned today, there would not be any radicals in the south that want to avenge the deaths of those men killed while in custody? The same is true with the American president.

The hatred toward America started long before George W Bush got into office. And it will remain long after he is out of office. With respect to terrorist and America bashing, NOTHING would have changed had the elections gone the other way.

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I'm amazed at how people think a change of president would somehow change the view radical muslim terrorists have for America. It is not only the president they hate, it is the American way of life they hate. And no matter which way the election would have gone, the American way of life would not have changed. They still would have hated Americans, and they still would have plotted terrorist attacks against the US.

Do you honestly think if Thaksin resigned today, there would not be any radicals in the south that want to avenge the deaths of those men killed while in custody? The same is true with the American president.

The hatred toward America started long before George W Bush got into office. And it will remain long after he is out of office. With respect to terrorist and America bashing, NOTHING would have changed had the elections gone the other way.

I laugh every time I hear this repetitive excuse for why Muslims hate Americans. American way of life? I assume you are talking about the so called freedom you guys have am I right? If the Muslims hated freedom so much then why don't they attack Canada or Norway which are rated the top countries in the world and have more freedoms then America does? No Muslims don't hate American culture they like most American films and pop culture but hate your governments foreign policy that deprives people of freedom because you guys support oppressive regimes in Saudi, Isreal and once upon a time in Iraq and the Taliban. Voting W out of office would have at least given something different a chance in foreign policy that would probably save American lives or prevent another 911.

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Like some posters before, i am not American myself.

Had i been, i would have voted for Bush. He has the best interests of the American people. Kerry, on the other hand, would have been better for the world at large, thus i had hoped he had won.

Regardless, Bush won fair and Square. Of that there can be no dispute...

I just hope all those dastardly Michael Moore fans get lost and go live in a cave suckin Osama's cock. Yes, thats you Jockstar. And take your wife :o

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The problem with dubya getting back in is that now the man on the street will definitely get the blame for all that's happening. For his first four years a valid excuse was "We didn't think he was this bad". They've now had four years of GWB and, therefore, are not ignorant as to what he's like. Voting him again is an endorsement of all he's done.

That's how it will/does look. The next four years may be a little scarey. :o

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Oh Well.... :o

I am an American, and still proud of being one, but don't blame me, I voted for Kerry! :D

It was pretty close, but since I live in a Democracy :D , I have to accept that George Bush is still my President.

Like it or not, we will all have to deal with him and his adgenda for four more years, as well as you non - Americans.

Electorial College notwithstanding, He did get his mandate - Bush did get the largest popular vote for any American president in history, but most incumbent presidents won by a larger margin than he did.

The Congress ( House and Senate for you Europeans ) is now dominated also by the Republicans, so many laws will be passes or repealed more easily. :D

There is a real cultural divide here in America, Bush now has to bring the country together, both the "Red" states and the "Blue" states. And that is going to be very tough thing for him to do right now to unite the nation in these times.

So please think before you all automatically start your American Bashing. Please... :D

Remember, he and his policies affects us far more directly than you guys!

Thank you.

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So please think before you all automatically start your American Bashing. Please... :D

Remember, he and his policies affects us far more directly  than you  guys!

Thank you.

I am afraid the minority of Americans will be grouped together with the majority of wrongdoers, just like the majority of Muslims are grouped together with the minority of wrongdoers.

Put ten Americans in a sack and hit it hard with a stick, -chances are you're gonna hit the right ones. I wouldn't have said this yesterday. :o

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So please think before you all automatically start your American Bashing. Please... :D

Thank you.

Put ten Americans in a sack and hit it hard with a stick, -chances are you're gonna hit the right ones. I wouldn't have said this yesterday. :o

And you really shouldn't be saying it today.

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Put ten Americans in a sack and hit it hard with a stick, -chances are you're gonna hit the right ones. I wouldn't have said this yesterday. :o

In your opinion. The majority in your nation would disagree.

Like it or not, those sentiments are the minority view in the US.

Or are you refering to Americans weight problem? It would have to be an almighty big sack to get 10 Sceptics in :D

Can i reccomend a Hot Air Balloon?

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From what I understand, George Bush had the highest popular vote in American history. Resounding victory... I would think so.

By #, not by margin. :o

People were so consumed by hate for Bush that they put up the most liberal politician in the Senate, self admitted war criminal, and a man without honor, without any notice of who their candidate really was.

It is not astonishing that the American people went with Bush, and the world should thank them.

Don't be angry with Bush (he is who he is), or the Americans (chose the lesser of two evils), be angry with the Dems who put Kerry up in the first place. :D

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Tell me this. Why do many Americans not realise they are a laughing stock to the rest off the world? No one likes him. His foreign policy is all wrong. The world is gonna a wake up to the fact he is still in power. As i write this it is not 100% confirmed. But its not looking good. The rest of the world has now got to endure another  4 years. Can you say you will sleep better tonight? Do you feel safe? If you travel and you are American. Do you feel safe being American? as i said this is not 100% but i think it will be. I need another drink! :o  :D

I think it comes down to the un educated/red neck states. If you noticed where Kerry won his votes, they were all from the educated/business sector, like California - 55 college votes, New York - 85% and the list goes on.

The majority of Bush's support comes from the non passport holders, who havent travelled, watch Fox news, donate to TV evangalists and generally lie around taking up space.

The world is now at war for another 4 years and 50% of the US population is to blame for it.

I would also call myself a Canadian if I was a yank! Good Luck, you guys are gonna need it!

You're right there, Gent, it does come down to the educated folks who voted Dubya back in! :D

BTW it's "Electoral Votes, not college votes! :D

Also... GET OVER IT :D:wub:-_-


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It is the nature of the Top Dog in the animal kingdom to remain top dog for as long as he can and we humans are animals.

This insult to the American president was uncalled for. :o:D
My personal greatest fear at the moment for the world at large, is that Iran developes the Atomic Bomb. Or any other Moslem nation develops a nuclear bomb

for that matter. I would be voting for a man who I felt would prevent that from happening....

Don't worry, Iran will be the next country to be 'liberated', Bush is only waiting for a suitable moment. They have spread enough propaganda for people to think this is a reasonable thing to do already.

" at whatever cost" You seem to forget who already has nuclear bombs, have used them in the past and will use them again if it furthers their interests. Or are you one of the sickos suggesting to nuke the entire region out of existence? :D

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I am missing here one thing which must be said, even for politeness:

Congratulations Mr. President. :o

Having said that, I think we can expect four more years of the same,

War, homeland security, budget deficits, jobless rates up, Chapter 11s.

Good luck to all and,

I said it before, George W. Bush is the (this time) legally elected president of the U.S.A.

Respect it and keep him there, inside the borders of the nation that wants him.

Please, don't let him out again. No more killings, no more Iraq. Please keep him.

OK, if invited, he can come to LoS. Thailand needs some more loans and will say thank you.

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People were so consumed by hate for Bush that they put up the most liberal politician in the Senate, self admitted war criminal, and a man without honor, without any notice of who their candidate really was.

It is not astonishing that the American people went with Bush, and the world should thank them.

Don't be angry with Bush (he is who he is), or the Americans (chose the lesser of two evils), be angry with the Dems who put Kerry up in the first place.  :o

Thanks, SoCal. No doubt in my mind that if the Dems would have put up a better candidate than Kerry (ie, given the people a better choice), the outcome would have been very different. So, yes I am very unhappy with the Dems for giving us such a poor choice.

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i just want a US President that can spell, know the Capital of Canada and most of all know he needs my permission to bring his votes from Alaska across BC to the good old USA to be counted. now that ive got that out of my system  for all Canadians like it or not GO BUSH GO!!! a us PRESIDENT that wont cow tow to middle asean leaders or Aribic countrys that use what ever means to get world attention. As for weather he is the ri

looks like nokmdk needs the President to help him with his own spelling:-








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I guess you had to stand in a voting line Tuesday to understand all of this. I did, for nearly two hours. And I never saw anyone leave the line before he/she voted, when it could have been so easy to rationalize doing so. ("My single vote doesn't make a ###### bit of difference -- why am I standing here?"). Yes, if we had more computerized voting, things would go much faster. But, we've spent too much in Europe defending them from themselves as well as from the Soviets. So, our misspent tax dollars for the past 60 years have robbed Americans of better education, better health care, 6-week vacations like the Europeans (we only get 2-weeks, if lucky), and, yes, a better voting infrastructure. But, I felt lucky to be able to stand in line Tuesday, a small obligation to a Nation that's given me lots. Besides, if Bush does anything right, it will be bringing our forces home from Europe (and Korea).

It won't make much difference that Bush won. Kerry was stuck with Iraq, and had few options different from Bush. Yes, maybe additional European nations would have offered to help out under Kerry; but this would have been in platoon strength, with no expense sharing -- but lots of salivating over potential contracts. Worthless. My only reason for liking Kerry was that he was going to tax the rich, which would help our enormous deficit. Other than that, Kerry was an oportunist, with little substance.

And we all agree, Bush has nothing to rave about. Iraq was a huge mistake -- and he was misserved by his staff, particularly the "Pro Israel at America's Expense" crowd, who got us there. Hopefully, they'll be replaced. But there won't be any more "Iraqs" soon -- we don't have the troop strength for it.

Why, then, were we stuck with losers like Bush and Kerry? Simple. No one of substance wants to run for high office in America -- because there's absolutely no privacy from the press. Kennedy's many affairs were 'off limits' to the press. But Clinton's presidency showed how things had changed -- tawdry sold better than substantive. A free press is a 'must' in a democracy to keep things level (as Thailand is finding out). However, Paparazzi mentality needs to be controlled, or a nation's finest will not run for office.

Bush won the popular as well as electoral college votes, so there is no controversy this election. For those of you who don't understand why we have an 'electoral college,' let me just say 'senator.' Each state has two senators, regardless of population. This is how our Founders established things: each state was semi-sovereign in the Senate, but was representative in the House based on population. In effect, sparsely populated agrarian states (e.g., Wyoming) have a disproportionate say against states like California or New York. Thus, the electoral college. This can be changed by Constitutional amendment -- as long as two-thirds of the States ratify it -- and all States' votes are equal regardless of population. Peculiar? Just what is the European Union up to? Is everything based on population -- or does 'soveriegn entity' make any difference? (I certainly don't know-- my family hasn't followed Europe for 200 years.)

Anyway, the election in America won't change much. The system of 'checks and balances,' another of our Founders' notions, will prevent any real radical deviations. Yes, Iraq was a mistake, as was Vietnam (and maybe Korea, the Marshal Plan, etc). Our leaders do seem to get a 'holier-than-thou' notion at times, but I think Iraq will prevent any such notions for a few more generations.

Personally, I'm still mad at the Japanese. If they hadn't bombed us, we probably would have sat out World War II. Then Europe today would be speaking German --or maybe Russian. I wouldn't have cared which. So, if you're looking for a fall guy, try the Japanese for a change. Americans are tired of all your fingers in our faces.

Finally, I wish America could be like the Swiss. Just count our gold, and not do any heavy lifting in the world that might spill our gold, or our blood. Easy enough to do with the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Too bad Charles Lindbergh wasn't running this year (he was an isolationist).

(Soap box closed)

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