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hes about 8 years old, used to give him dry food, with wet food. then switched to a bit more wet food and less dry. then he stopped eating both. so then switched to fresh meat (roo meat)

he loved it and refused to eat any of the other food for a couple of weeks.

but now for more than a week hes refusing to eat the fresh meat as well. nor is he eating any other food, except for maybe a tiny bit of dry food (VERY reluctantly), or some of my own cooked food. but even with the cooked food hes being really really fussy.

he cries for food constantly, and looks at me like he wants something.

I dont know what to do :o

please help?? :D

by the way, I know nothing about cats, so doesnt help (cat belongs to my flatmate actually)

He doesnt look sick, doesnt seem to have lost weight. so my flatmate thinks hes still ok, just being difficult and fussy. Im a bit concerned though, especially when he gives me that pleading look and makes the constant meowing. plus the flatmate is going to be away for 4 days, and Im worried something might go wrong in that time


bottom line, please help with advice?

thankyou thankyou

I understand your feeling dear, I also have a very lovely cat and she had that fussy feeling few months back..why don't you bring him to the vet dear..


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FELINE LEUKEMIA is very very prevalent here in Thailand. I had three cats diagnosed, one of which died after a few months. When I asked the vet why he had not told me about this when I had the kittens vaccinated, he told me that it was because the vaccinations were 200 baht each!!! I reminded him that I had paid at least 5000 baht to have the sick cat taken care of in his hospital, notwithstanding the fact that I had to watch the lovely little thing starve to death, and then asked him to put a notice up in his surgery to prominently display the fact of feline leukemia and it;s prevalence here. He hasn't. He told me 'Non one listens'!!!

To EVERYONE who has a kitten here, take it to be vaccinated for feline leukemia. The vets are idiots.


I'm very sorry for your loss, MiG16. It is always very hard to loose a loved one, even when it was a fairly short that you grew close.

A small comfort, Marmalade has known a lot of love and good care in his life. :o


P.S. Congratulations with your upgrading to mod-status. :D

I'm very sorry for your loss, MiG16. It is always very hard to loose a loved one, even when it was a fairly short that you grew close.

A small comfort, Marmalade has known a lot of love and good care in his life. :D


This is really the key. When you see how bad abandoned pets have it in Thailand, at least you know that you gave yours love, affection and care for all the time that you spent together. That is not a little thing! :o


Oh migs, im so sorry. But you must realise you did everything you could. Marmalade lived a good 8 years, im sure he was a very happy and loved cat. Remember that. x


thanks for that everyone.

you know how it is when something bad happens, someone dies, somehow we always find ways to feel guilty. my flatmate now feels he should have taken Marmalade to vet sooner (I think the vet might have contributed a lot to putting that thought in his head - Im not impressed with how the vet deal with things, they are extremely expensive - cost more to take our cat to the vet than for us to visit a doctor, substantially more actually), and then they try to give people a guilt trip.

I know both my flatmate and I did everything we could, and in the end I think Marmalade didnt suffer except for his last 2 days, and even in the final moment he died in my flatmate's arms. :o


So sorry.

I know both my flatmate and I did everything we could, and in the end I think Marmalade didnt suffer except for his last 2 days, and even in the final moment he died in my flatmate's arms. :o

Hold on to that thought. He was evidently very well loved and cared for and being comforted by your flatmate when he died.

R.I.P. Marmalade.

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