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Court Bans Ex-speaker From Politics For 5 Years


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It has to be said that actually having a vote buying case go to completion without witnesses changing their testimony and a guilty verdict being found on what looked like strong evidence against an extremely powerful politician is a good development for Thailand. I am sure this development will be greeted as a step forward in the development of Thai democracy by all who support democracy in Thailand.

Yes, maybe, well no, probably not. Over the years I have seen some things that had me thinking maybe things really are changing, but then it just goes back to business as usual. I am becoming jaded, perhaps, but I expect after a few years or sooner, it will be business as usual. The players change, but the game stays the same.

OMR. I'll be honest it was intended as a bit of a tongue in cheek comment as virtually everyone on this board sees every decision only in how it goes for or against their side. The pro-T side always talk in terms of defending democracy so a decision like this is hard for them to criticse but of course they will but only in a hypocritcal way. The anti-T side so often criticses democracy so a decison like this.........

Of course it is same old faces. Ever since I have been here governments have only changed when MPs move to a different party. That has never changed and even now the only way PPP losesd is if the sitting MPs who control their area defect ti another party although a snap election held with a swathe of ultra-nationalism over perceived land given away by the PPP as it will be spun could be interesting.

There is an interesting analysis in a banned booked of how Thai democratic development was seen as being taken over by the corrupt and how this initiated a certain reaction that gives interesting background for the current situation although few will want to or indeed be able to discuss this.

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Well, it's a little bit like giving Ron Goldman's estate responsibility for his parking ticket and letting O.J. Simpson go free. Not everyone thinks this a monumental moment in the progress of Thai democracy. Many of us see it as a small move in a larger game of the militarists taking control of Thailand once more.

So what would you do?

Let him go, even it is complete sure that he bought his way in parliament (which destroys democracy) and put some people in jail even there is no evidence of wrongdoings at the moment.

Actually on all military purchases worldwide is corruption, so I am sure also here, but no evidence so far.

While we have a video of wrongdoings from Yongyuth.

5 year ban is actually a joke there should be a lifetime ban.

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Well, it's a little bit like giving Ron Goldman's estate responsibility for his parking ticket and letting O.J. Simpson go free. Not everyone thinks this a monumental moment in the progress of Thai democracy. Many of us see it as a small move in a larger game of the militarists taking control of Thailand once more.

Many see Samak as being kept in power right now by his alliance with the military :o

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Vote buying maybe a more direct approach then paying for TV ads.

Watching the poitics if a very young democracy is interesting to watch. Kind of make you wonder how the early days of our own countries were. Probably ot a lot different really and many way still the same. Money makes politics work weather it be from vote by buying or contributions of special interest groups.

Interesting that if the PM doens't like how things are going he can just dismiss the Parliment and starrt all over.

Well one thing for sure it helps my rate of exchange and as to us probably not much is going to change.

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Well, it's a little bit like giving Ron Goldman's estate responsibility for his parking ticket and letting O.J. Simpson go free. Not everyone thinks this a monumental moment in the progress of Thai democracy. Many of us see it as a small move in a larger game of the militarists taking control of Thailand once more.

Many see Samak as being kept in power right now by his alliance with the military :o

Which is why we're all in agreement that Samak must go! By elections, that is!

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Well, it's a little bit like giving Ron Goldman's estate responsibility for his parking ticket and letting O.J. Simpson go free. Not everyone thinks this a monumental moment in the progress of Thai democracy. Many of us see it as a small move in a larger game of the militarists taking control of Thailand once more.

Many see Samak as being kept in power right now by his alliance with the military :o

Which is why we're all in agreement that Samak must go! By elections, that is!

Vote buying aside, IMO the Dems blew it, sitting there thinking ok we get rid of ManCIty and put in a temp goverment and no problem the people of THailand will love us and vote us in. Duh, the problem with the Dems is that they can only see as far as the outskirts of Bangkok.

But what do I know, I am not Thai.

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sunrise07>> off-topic and all, but your lack of understanding regarding the Gripen Fighter deal is astounding. And your blind hatred against anything regarding the military.

But then again, I'm pretty sure you are just a troll. A previously banned user that shall remain un-named, that lived by riling up other posters. But I digress...

ANY corruption case going to completion in Thailand has to be seen as a partial victory. Now if we only could get the ALL banned...and their proxys..and friends and families...we would be one step closer to any form of true democracy. But then again, democracy hardly seems to be the best system of ruling in this part of the world... (not in many other places either, but even less so here).

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sunrise07>> off-topic and all, but your lack of understanding regarding the Gripen Fighter deal is astounding. And your blind hatred against anything regarding the military.

But then again, I'm pretty sure you are just a troll. A previously banned user that shall remain un-named, that lived by riling up other posters. But I digress...

ANY corruption case going to completion in Thailand has to be seen as a partial victory. Now if we only could get the ALL banned...and their proxys..and friends and families...we would be one step closer to any form of true democracy. But then again, democracy hardly seems to be the best system of ruling in this part of the world... (not in many other places either, but even less so here).

Wrong again, Toodles! You are striking out with remarkable regularity. Your hatred of democracy will win you your share of friends on this forum and I'm sure you enjoy the PAD rallies! Carry on...

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It has to be said that actually having a vote buying case go to completion without witnesses changing their testimony and a guilty verdict being found on what looked like strong evidence against an extremely powerful politician is a good development for Thailand. I am sure this development will be greeted as a step forward in the development of Thai democracy by all who support democracy in Thailand.

Yes, maybe, well no, probably not. Over the years I have seen some things that had me thinking maybe things really are changing, but then it just goes back to business as usual. I am becoming jaded, perhaps, but I expect after a few years or sooner, it will be business as usual. The players change, but the game stays the same.

Of course it is same old faces.

You are right. I should restate my comment. Both the players and the game remains the same.

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Well, it's a little bit like giving Ron Goldman's estate responsibility for his parking ticket and letting O.J. Simpson go free. Not everyone thinks this a monumental moment in the progress of Thai democracy. Many of us see it as a small move in a larger game of the militarists taking control of Thailand once more.

Many see Samak as being kept in power right now by his alliance with the military :o

Which is why we're all in agreement that Samak must go! By elections, that is!

And by elections without vote buying and as soon as possible.

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The dark forces behind the coup, those who abhor democracy, will always find someone who gave 6 people 20,000 baht or 2 people 500 baht in an election in a country the size of Thailand. As long as they are allowed to nullify elections and tear up constitutions with impunity all will be sad for my home country which I love.

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The dark forces behind the coup, those who abhor democracy, will always find someone who gave 6 people 20,000 baht or 2 people 500 baht in an election in a country the size of Thailand. As long as they are allowed to nullify elections and tear up constitutions with impunity all will be sad for my home country which I love.

Even 100 Baht for one person is too much. You may believe it or not, but in other countries it does not exist at all. And don't tell me it were just single cases, it was everywhere, might be 50 % of the complete area!

It is for a democracy not acceptable that even one person bought his way into parliament.

By the way your dark forces, gave back democracy on their own. So what is soooo dark there?

Edited by h90
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sunrise07>> off-topic and all, but your lack of understanding regarding the Gripen Fighter deal is astounding. And your blind hatred against anything regarding the military.

But then again, I'm pretty sure you are just a troll. A previously banned user that shall remain un-named, that lived by riling up other posters. But I digress...

ANY corruption case going to completion in Thailand has to be seen as a partial victory. Now if we only could get the ALL banned...and their proxys..and friends and families...we would be one step closer to any form of true democracy. But then again, democracy hardly seems to be the best system of ruling in this part of the world... (not in many other places either, but even less so here).

Wrong again, Toodles! You are striking out with remarkable regularity. Your hatred of democracy will win you your share of friends on this forum and I'm sure you enjoy the PAD rallies! Carry on...

Impressive how you managed to write so many words without responding to any of the points.

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sunrise07>> off-topic and all, but your lack of understanding regarding the Gripen Fighter deal is astounding. And your blind hatred against anything regarding the military.

But then again, I'm pretty sure you are just a troll. A previously banned user that shall remain un-named, that lived by riling up other posters. But I digress...

ANY corruption case going to completion in Thailand has to be seen as a partial victory. Now if we only could get the ALL banned...and their proxys..and friends and families...we would be one step closer to any form of true democracy. But then again, democracy hardly seems to be the best system of ruling in this part of the world... (not in many other places either, but even less so here).

Wrong again, Toodles! You are striking out with remarkable regularity. Your hatred of democracy will win you your share of friends on this forum and I'm sure you enjoy the PAD rallies! Carry on...

Impressive how you managed to write so many words without responding to any of the points.

There really doesn't seem to be a point to any of your posts other than that you are obviously suffering mentally. Get well soon!

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The dark forces behind the coup, those who abhor democracy, will always find someone who gave 6 people 20,000 baht or 2 people 500 baht in an election in a country the size of Thailand. As long as they are allowed to nullify elections and tear up constitutions with impunity all will be sad for my home country which I love.

Now.. where is that ignore button....

Yep found it. Thank the makers.

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sunrise07>> off-topic and all, but your lack of understanding regarding the Gripen Fighter deal is astounding. And your blind hatred against anything regarding the military.

But then again, I'm pretty sure you are just a troll. A previously banned user that shall remain un-named, that lived by riling up other posters. But I digress...

ANY corruption case going to completion in Thailand has to be seen as a partial victory. Now if we only could get the ALL banned...and their proxys..and friends and families...we would be one step closer to any form of true democracy. But then again, democracy hardly seems to be the best system of ruling in this part of the world... (not in many other places either, but even less so here).

Wrong again, Toodles! You are striking out with remarkable regularity. Your hatred of democracy will win you your share of friends on this forum and I'm sure you enjoy the PAD rallies! Carry on...

Impressive how you managed to write so many words without responding to any of the points.

There really doesn't seem to be a point to any of your posts other than that you are obviously suffering mentally. Get well soon!

Attacking other posters [mental health] is against the board rules.

Quoted here as evidence in case you later edit it out.

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Getting back to the OP (your welcome!), it seems a bit odd that someone would be banned for 5 years from politics. In my eyes, you've either done something illegal or you haven't. If you have, you are prosecuted; if you haven't the intimidation must end.

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Getting back to the OP (your welcome!), it seems a bit odd that someone would be banned for 5 years from politics. In my eyes, you've either done something illegal or you haven't. If you have, you are prosecuted; if you haven't the intimidation must end.

agree it should be lifetime ban and 5 years in jail.

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Getting back to the OP (your welcome!), it seems a bit odd that someone would be banned for 5 years from politics. In my eyes, you've either done something illegal or you haven't. If you have, you are prosecuted; if you haven't the intimidation must end.

I think you'll find the 5-year penalty is the punishment proscribed by the written law for someone found guilty of the offence by the relevent court. If I remember correctly that has been the punishment for sometime now. Sanan went down for asset concealment many years ago and has now returned and is part of the current government.

Yongyuth has been investigated, prosecuted and found guilty by the court mandated to deal with the case.

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